Was looking for another Annual as the kids enjoyed their 2017 ones for Xmas.
Found this in WH Smiths with all the others down to 1.99, but this came up as a penny!
Must be because it's the 2016 not 2017 so a year old - but what do the kids know?!?
Lucky if you can find one to!
EDIT - forgot to say, free Ocado voucher too.... amazing....
5 Feb 17#7
Which I've just noticed I didn't!
5 Feb 17#4
Ohhh. Which store was this please?
Turnip to Dojoh
5 Feb 17#5
W H Smiths :wink:
mikeandclare to Dojoh
5 Feb 17#8
Crawley store, but this is the only one I saw.
5 Feb 171#3
Bet they hated you when you pulled a tenner out to pay a penny :laughing:
5 Feb 171#2
They were reduced to 10p in Tesco Salisbury. Along with Doctor Who and The Beano. Not as good as WHSMITH but still...
mikeandclare to ToneC
5 Feb 17#6
I have them the voice - a tenner or card and they said tenner. Fair enough! I needed the change so all good. Annoying to have to pay 5x the price for a bag though.....
Opening post
Found this in WH Smiths with all the others down to 1.99, but this came up as a penny!
Must be because it's the 2016 not 2017 so a year old - but what do the kids know?!?
Lucky if you can find one to!
EDIT - forgot to say, free Ocado voucher too.... amazing....