Seems to be over £40 everywhere else. Decent price for what looks like an awesome game.
Top comments
6 Feb 173#3
Ordered mine from Boomerang a few days ago, this is a great deal considering it's £40.00+ at most retailers. I played all of the testing phases and I have to say this is the best game I have played in a very long time, it's 87 on Metacritic right now and I suspect it will only go up as the rest of the reviews come in tomorrow. It's extremely long too, reviewers had to extend their review date due to it being a very lengthy game, it's a real return to form by Team Ninja. Nioh is a blend of Onimusha, Ninja Gaiden, Dark Souls/Bloodborne with Diablo III style loot system, it is a unique game and offers a real challenge.
Latest comments (44)
8 Feb 17#44
I'll have another look, I played for about 2 hours yesterday but couldn't get past the 4th person you encounter. Think I'm not cut out for it! Enjoy if you are a Souls fan apparently great.
8 Feb 17#43
Got my copy today, looking forward to playing it
7 Feb 17#40
I just got this today and wow I find it infuriatingly difficult and without save points, the whole level over if you die!? :confused:
Illusionary to CBK
7 Feb 17#41
Sounds like Dark Souls to me. :stuck_out_tongue:
Just.Wondering to CBK
8 Feb 171#42
I played the beta , I thought there was a Dark Souls bonfire type thing , so once you found a new area and a bonfire you touched and you could respawn from that location........I have just ordered too , but from sainsburys using the 18.00 off voucher on a 60.00 first order :smiley:
7 Feb 17#39
Horizon Zero Dawn, Resident Evil 7, Nier Automata, Legend of Zelda, Super Mario Odyssey, Yooka Laylee, Cuphead...
Probably lots more that I'm not thinking of at the moment but those come to mind.
7 Feb 17#38
i meant harder bud haha bloodbornes **** easy
7 Feb 17#35
Such Negative Nancies... you'll be complaining about Horizon Zero Dawn next. Yakuza 0 plays like a PS3 game because it's a remaster of one. It certainly doesn't look like one.
tony-starks to montblanc
7 Feb 171#37
For what it's worth, I didn't expect to like Yakuza O, but that game is so much fun! Totally wacky, but really enjoyable.
Not everyone is gonna like everything, but it's fine, people can play whatever they like
7 Feb 17#36
Just out of interest what are you looking forward to playing (in 2017)?
7 Feb 17#34
Same here. They're exceptionally niche and come across as Dreamcast tribute games rather than anything I'd aspire to play in 2017.
7 Feb 17#33
I've been really pleasantly surprised by the rave reviews for this. Thought the demo was super bland visually (it has a low rent Dynasty Warriors vibe) so I guess the gameplay must be incredible to make up for that, or the environments maybe become more varied as the game goes on.
Despite being a big Soulsbourne fan, I'll wait until it's closer to £20, but heat added for the price.
7 Feb 171#28
Its been a great 2017 so far for the PS4.
Nioh, Gravity Rush 2 and Yakuza 0 all before the end of February.
I think that's more exclusives than the 'other' console is getting all year.
Snakeyes646 to Smash41
7 Feb 17#30
so? gravity rush 2 was a let down imo and nowhere near as good as the original. yakuza 0 looks and plays like a ps3 game... I'm looking forward to Nioh (today) horizon and Ni No Kuni as far as exclusives for ps4 are concerned.. oh and GT sport. Ps4 needs exclusives because for the past few years it's relied far too much on remasters.
hotmep to Smash41
7 Feb 17#32
I own a PS4 and I have absolutely zero interest in these 3 games.
7 Feb 17#31
Nier Automata, Danganronpa 1•2 Reload, Persona 5, The Silver Case, Dragon Quest Heroes II, Birthdays: The Beginning are all on my to buy list for the first 6 months of this year. Great time to be a PS4 gamer. Them as well as the multi-format titles. Crazy
7 Feb 17#29
played the demo. died ALOT. saying that ninja gaiden had me tearing my hair out. definitely a game you need alot of patience and time to learn and get into. heat tho.
7 Feb 17#27
This game looks absolutely harder than Bloodborne (you can tell even from the alpha and beta). You juggle a lot and get punished severely if you mess up a single move. Not in a rush to buy this but will be tempted around the £25 mark even if it means I'm stuck on the first level for a few months.
7 Feb 171#26
Honestly I'd say this game is harder than Bloodborne, just to set people's expectations accordingly. While I think Bloodborne is a brilliant game, the combat is kind of shallow because it isn't the focus of the game, which is timing and positioning.
For Nioh you have a very in-depth fast paced combat system with combos and stance shifting, and you also have to manage your Ki gauge at the same time as dodging and fighting back with the enemy. Its Team Ninja going back to their roots of the brilliant Ninja Gaiden series.
6 Feb 17#25
Interesting video, thanks.
6 Feb 17#24
strange, when I ordered earlier it said despatch would be tomorrow for delivery of release date. perhaps they have sold out of their day one stock. Not used them before myself either so we will see I suppose!
6 Feb 17#23
Despatch in 5 -10 days... It'll be this price (or cheaper) elsewhere by then and let's face it... Any retailer is better than Boomerang.
Also, Firefox states "Problem loading page" "The page isn't redirecting properly".
6 Feb 171#21
What are Boomerang like with delivery? Will they ship it so it arrives on the 8th?
legend_uzair to rickinyorkshire
6 Feb 17#22
Ive rented games from there but never preordered. Im waiting for confirmation on this too.
6 Feb 17#20
Heat, but I'll wait for it to drop a bit, that way I won't feel like a numpty when I realise it's too hard for me.
Hopefully co-op will make it a lot easier for wimps like me.
6 Feb 17#19
Tried demo, seems like a good game, but didn't like controls. Hot for price, shall wait until is £20 for me tho
6 Feb 17#16
how do you sign up for purchasing. I don't want to rent and the site is a joke.
westy90 to wicket2961
6 Feb 17#18
On the link it should say buy now in a green box, once pressed it should be in your basket at top right of your page, press checkout and it will ask for a few details to register but its just for the one of purchase it wont be for a subscription
6 Feb 17#17
thanks in advance
6 Feb 17#15
It sure was a tough game, though Ninja Gaiden one was pretty tough too. So nice to have challenging games! :innocent:
6 Feb 17#14
anythings harder than bloodborne haha
6 Feb 17#13
I'll be getting this next week
Right now finishing Yaukza
6 Feb 172#2
What looks like an amazing game cant wait for my copy to arrive Wednesday from tesco with club card discount voucher.
Is there any way I can boost my clubcard vouchers for this game I have £10 in vouchers
6 Feb 171#11
I just want to add to this and say that while you can have 60fps on action mode:
- you have the OPTION to play at 30 fps but with improved graphics on cinematic mode. Bloodborne plays at 30fps for reference
- you also have an in between option that offers a compromise between visuals and performance has better graphics and an average of around 38 fps on standard ps4 and average of 45 on ps4pro
This is an implementation that I wish every game had. Sadly developers just become greedier every day and rush out games (and then some people just post them on this site anyways). So go ahead and support this game
6 Feb 171#9
Really want to give this game a go, but think it may be too difficult for my taste..haven't even finished bloodborne yet :disappointed:
doccosau11 to magicpork
6 Feb 17#10
I think with 60 FPS, it actually easier than bloodborne :smiley:
6 Feb 171#1
I played the demo and this seems like a masterpiece
Could definitely be the best game of 2017
eloo to luffydude
6 Feb 17#8
Definitely a GOTY contender :smiley:
Fantastic game and lots for your money very deep game and such very well crafted masterpiece
The 60FPS Action Mode on standard PS4 is improved over the Alpha version it's very much 60 throughout hardly any drops and I'll gladly take a hit on visuals for 60fps gameplay! High framerate in games like these is essential. Also if you have PS4 Pro then Action Mode has even higher resolution also along with 60fps aswell of course
6 Feb 171#6
must have improved greatly over the first demo...remember it looking really bad with a very unsteady framerate
Really tempted for this game but re-doing shadow of mordor with the GOTY edition as it doesn't transfer over from the normal edition. Heat for the price!
6 Feb 171#4
Think it's already got 9.6/10 on IGN. Personally not a fan of these type of games. Dark souls, blood born etc. Shame I am not. But regardless best price for this game. Even base have sold out for day 1.
6 Feb 173#3
Ordered mine from Boomerang a few days ago, this is a great deal considering it's £40.00+ at most retailers. I played all of the testing phases and I have to say this is the best game I have played in a very long time, it's 87 on Metacritic right now and I suspect it will only go up as the rest of the reviews come in tomorrow. It's extremely long too, reviewers had to extend their review date due to it being a very lengthy game, it's a real return to form by Team Ninja. Nioh is a blend of Onimusha, Ninja Gaiden, Dark Souls/Bloodborne with Diablo III style loot system, it is a unique game and offers a real challenge.
Opening post
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Latest comments (44)
Probably lots more that I'm not thinking of at the moment but those come to mind.
Not everyone is gonna like everything, but it's fine, people can play whatever they like
Despite being a big Soulsbourne fan, I'll wait until it's closer to £20, but heat added for the price.
Nioh, Gravity Rush 2 and Yakuza 0 all before the end of February.
I think that's more exclusives than the 'other' console is getting all year.
For Nioh you have a very in-depth fast paced combat system with combos and stance shifting, and you also have to manage your Ki gauge at the same time as dodging and fighting back with the enemy. Its Team Ninja going back to their roots of the brilliant Ninja Gaiden series.
Also, Firefox states "Problem loading page" "The page isn't redirecting properly".
Hopefully co-op will make it a lot easier for wimps like me.
Right now finishing Yaukza
Great score review it got 9.6 on ign.
- you have the OPTION to play at 30 fps but with improved graphics on cinematic mode. Bloodborne plays at 30fps for reference
- you also have an in between option that offers a compromise between visuals and performance has better graphics and an average of around 38 fps on standard ps4 and average of 45 on ps4pro
This is an implementation that I wish every game had. Sadly developers just become greedier every day and rush out games (and then some people just post them on this site anyways). So go ahead and support this game
Could definitely be the best game of 2017
Fantastic game and lots for your money very deep game and such very well crafted masterpiece
The 60FPS Action Mode on standard PS4 is improved over the Alpha version it's very much 60 throughout hardly any drops and I'll gladly take a hit on visuals for 60fps gameplay! High framerate in games like these is essential. Also if you have PS4 Pro then Action Mode has even higher resolution also along with 60fps aswell of course