Seems a reasonable price if you're after one of these.
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Top comments
3 Feb 177#8
Hot from me and in before Noahsdad comes along and spoils it all like he does with every Nintendo 2DS thread.
This is a great little handheld with a great game.
3 Feb 174#14
Heat added, topss. Thanks for posting mate.
Does anybody present in the thread know the best option of the two. I'm seriously debating between the 3DS and the 2DS. I just don't know which is the better option :smirk:
3 Feb 174#3
3 Feb 174#6
Hot, I picked up this a few weeks ago as just fancied playing Mario Kart for some reason, and had not actually played it since the N64 days. Been impressed with the game and the system, and this is a very good price (I paid £75).
Also got Mario 64 DS for it now, which is excellent.
Latest comments (50)
6 Feb 17#50
5 Feb 17#49
Fair enough with the 3D, maybe I have minimised it due to personal tastes as I don't care for the 3D much myself. I have no issues with the implementation of the 3D and it does look very nice, just I prefer to play without it.
I have always questioned the "hinge issues" on here. I believe hinge issues to be a bit of a myth. At best probably rare and mostly surely about bad care if does occur. Often on here in the past the 2DS lovers cite hinge issues on the better models of 3DS playing units, and that's just more nonsense about trying to find good reasons to have bought a 2DS. I am not aware of anyone in real life who has hinge bother in the slightest with DS/3DS/XL in real life. Just the odd person on here.
5 Feb 17#48
nd, the 3d is kinda important to the 3ds. (otherwise we'd just have the 2ds and I know you wouldnt want that!) it was the logical next step in the evolution of the ds/dsi etc. We are talking about the improvment in the new models which is a long way from the og 3ds or the 3dsxl in that it works a lot, lot better.
Control layout and screen tilt have been pretty standard through 3ds - new3ds bar some minor improvements and im pretty sure ive never heard anyone on here go gaga and make a purchase because of the degree of screen angle! (possible though)
Built in amiibo supprt is handy of your into it. The few new3ds only games available wont be added to dramatically there might be one or two. I wouldnt be surprised if its zero tbh. So many 2ds/3dsxl units have been sold last year a slew of new only games would alienate those users to a small degree. It starting to look like putting out snes vc games will be nintendos form of appeasement for new3ds owners expecting more new only titles.
I'd say the new units are every bit as breakable as the xl and the og 3ds. But then it depends how you treat them. Each unit has its niggles be it screen touching or hinge issues its always been that way.
Gaming tech or gaming in general should never be an investment imho. Yes, sometimes you get lucky and spur of the moment flippers will disagree but there is no guarantee with anything. Metroid trilogy on the wii for instance used to garner good money 2nd hand. Then when it was available cheap digitally, physical prices bombed. Thousands more examples like this I expect. Nintendo bits do usually hold their value better, but no one is retiring to the bahamas on them.
I still heart you bro.
5 Feb 17#47
The 3D is low down on the list of many reasons to opt for a 3DS or 3DS XL. It is about so many other aspects. A more comfortable playing experience, due to the better control layouts and ability to tilt the screens to the most suitable angles.
Superior screen display with a 3DS XL (try going back to a small screen once your used to it).
Improved battery chemistry, you get a better battery with the newer units.
The latest "new" units have built in NFC (Amiibo) reading capability. A few games only work on the latest tech too, and there may be many more to follow this pattern.
Then there is the whole design aspect of it being less clumsy, more solid, less breakable.
Above all else is the best value for money, and best investment going forward, will have some resale value if you opt for a later tech unit.
5 Feb 17#46
No, the point clearly made was don't buy a 2DS unless it is all you can afford really, buy a 3DS or ideally a 3DS XL.
Yes if you look after anything properly it is going to be fine. Again the point clearly was someone stated the 2DS is more solid etc, and others have gone on to do so (and always do). And I have a structured argument that counters that.
In simple terms if the 2DS is what is in your budget then fine go for it. But lets not pretend your 2D purchase is better in some ways than the 3DS or 3DS XL, that's just preposterous.
An idiot who does not resort to petty insults. And an idiot who has still managed to make more of a constructive contribution to this deal thread then your single comment.
4 Feb 171#45
Well done
4 Feb 17#44
Well my kids are not that careful but we still have zero broken screens.
4 Feb 171#43
Probably sold as faulty since games didn't work.
4 Feb 17#39
Personally i think its a great deal, your getting a brand new 2DS for the price second hand ones are going for on Ebay.
Yes its not the newest model, however to be honest I do really like the 2DS, the 3D is awful in my opinion and not been able to play Snes VC games is no great loss at all. If you think the 3D truly adds something to the games then this is not for you, but from the the people i know who actually own a 3DS, no one uses the 3D on it.
That's my point of view anyway as someone who only purchased a 3DS to play Pokemon on Mario Kart. The new Pokemon Sun / Moon games don't even support 3D anyway.
otterboxer to InsaneNutter
4 Feb 17#42
The 3d on the new models is a big step up from the old ones. It works really well but yeah they should have gotten it right from the start.
4 Feb 17#41
magic ds?
3 Feb 174#6
Hot, I picked up this a few weeks ago as just fancied playing Mario Kart for some reason, and had not actually played it since the N64 days. Been impressed with the game and the system, and this is a very good price (I paid £75).
Also got Mario 64 DS for it now, which is excellent.
6ixFoot1 to DonkeyKonk
3 Feb 17#16
You should play mario kart on the wii with a steering wheel, now thats fun!
otterboxer to DonkeyKonk
4 Feb 17#32
Yep, that early ds port of mario 64 was technically brilliant. Dont forget kids there is a massive library of ds games available. Backwards compatability is still a thing (just)
RoryJoe to DonkeyKonk
4 Feb 171#40
You should pick up Super Mario 3D Land if you're a fan of Mario 64. It's excellent. Also if you enjoy 2D platformers, New Super Mario Bros. 2 is stellar.
4 Feb 171#38
He is right about the screens though, we have one with a broken screen and my children are very careful with their gadgets.
4 Feb 171#37
Im looking at more playing games from 3DS/Wii U on the Switch too (hopefully). I'm aware that the 3DS games may be a problem with the single screen though.
4 Feb 17#36
I recently sold a 2nd hand DS with 28 3ds games for £80 don't touch this with a barge poll the 2ds and 3ds arn't worth buying and the games while ok to play weren't worth the price paid.
4 Feb 17#33
I was thinking of a 2DS for the VC feature, but as I'll be getting a Switch is there any point? Or shall I wait it out and get everything on the one device?
otterboxer to Razwaz
4 Feb 17#35
Really depends on what vc systems you want to play. Remember no snes vc on the 2ds. and (afaik) not every vc system will be available for the switch.
Gamecube vc on the switch though, wow. I play legit (ugh) gc but some game prices are nuts I can see a lot of people getting onboard IF they release the games they should.
4 Feb 17#34
Good deal voted hot :smiley: Nice handheld and game for that money..
4 Feb 17#31
the 2ds is a solid option for kids it works and can take a drop. obvs dont but that goes wothout saying.
Same size screens as the og 3ds and specs just sans the 3d again obvs. + bigger stylus!
There are better colourways than this one though maybe not for the money right now but they pop up on hukd fairly often. The crystal/pokemon ones and the sun/moon cyan coloured models were choice I thought. Shame we dont get the sea green/white over here.
4 Feb 17#30
Absolute rubbish. My original Gameboy Colour still works fine and it has been dropped countless times as well as stood on, sat on etc. Dust lol.
4 Feb 17#29
So should they buy a Sony Vita instead and have absolutely nothing worth while to play on it?
3 Feb 17#28
You sir, are an idiot!
3 Feb 17#27
Managed to bag this in game for £37.49 months ago been loving ever since!
3 Feb 171#5
Just shows what a crazy price that Tesco one was at £49 a couple of years ago.
Never realised how much they are normally but this is classed as a bargain.
dnewman6 to trickytree
3 Feb 17#26
I got one for £37 from game last year too!
3 Feb 17#25
ooooh lala bon deal mes amie
3 Feb 17#24
He often ruins Nintendo threads in general, not just the 2DS threads.
3 Feb 172#23
Don't be daft, my kids have been using their 2DS daily since they got them well over a year ago (they have one each from that Tesco deal when they were sold for £49 each!). They've been dropped several times and only have soft cases but are working fine and are in great condition, I asked the kids if they wanted a 3DS as an upgrade and they really aren't bothered, can't see the point of spending more money given they are happy.
3 Feb 174#14
Heat added, topss. Thanks for posting mate.
Does anybody present in the thread know the best option of the two. I'm seriously debating between the 3DS and the 2DS. I just don't know which is the better option :smirk:
Rid1 to BuzzDuraband
3 Feb 17#22
Honestly it's all about how big your hands are, my hands kill after a while when playing on the o3ds, looking for an upgrade to an XL
3 Feb 17#21
Great price tempted to get one o3ds is just to damn small.
3 Feb 17#18
Great choice for young kids, the 2DS is alot more solid than the 3DS!
noahsdad to welshdad
3 Feb 17#20
It is a lot more exposed is what it is. Dust collecting guarantee as it does not close. Don't be surprised if tit's tiny screens gets damaged. Even in a case they are not entirely safe as still exposed, unless you a really well padded hard case.
3 Feb 173#19
You're all mad buying this!
Could have ordered a control pad for the switch for that price!!
3 Feb 171#17
Kids do grow up, but it seems that Noahsdad doesnt.
3 Feb 17#15
if only it was the transparent blue. Great deal regardless
3 Feb 171#13
I bought a 2DS a few weeks ago and I love it! I get to play loads of quality games which are more innovative than blockbuster console games, cheaper and portable. With Nintendo, it's not about 'old tech' it's about quality games that are available on specific consoles. Think Goldeneye, or A Link to the Past, you wouldn't consider the console they are on as old tech. People will play 3DS games in 10 years time, just as people use the 3DS to play DS games.
Regarding the MK7 game, every 2DS now comes with a game built in, so you shouldn't consider it as a money making thing by selling it. It's just a nice thing to have. People buy new console games for £50, the 2DS is a great deal for good gaming on the go :smiley:
3 Feb 17#12
I won't disclose how I voted :smiley: Those new to 3DS gaming should be aware this is very old tech. Will leave it at that re the unit itself. If your thinking this is the best option for kids because it doesn't have 3D, then not the case at all, as well as a 3D on/off switch. 3D is easily disabled with the parental controls on any 3DS/3DSXL model. And kids do grow up...
Is not even worth it for MK7 game which is built in. Has no real value as you can't sell the game on. Even the console will be worthless as ebay will be flooded with 2nd hand 2DS's before long, and superior 3DS, and at some point even 3DS XL models. It just has no value or worth.
3 Feb 17#11
Worth it for foreign charger?
3 Feb 177#8
Hot from me and in before Noahsdad comes along and spoils it all like he does with every Nintendo 2DS thread.
This is a great little handheld with a great game.
lukeo44 to jaypr
3 Feb 17#10
I was just thinking the same :laughing:
3 Feb 172#9
3 Feb 17#7
i got this last year same price from Tesco. I would recommend to check your local Tesco first.
Opening post
Use a fee free Debit card and pay in Euros.
Top comments
This is a great little handheld with a great game.
Does anybody present in the thread know the best option of the two. I'm seriously debating between the 3DS and the 2DS. I just don't know which is the better option :smirk:
Also got Mario 64 DS for it now, which is excellent.
Latest comments (50)
I have always questioned the "hinge issues" on here. I believe hinge issues to be a bit of a myth. At best probably rare and mostly surely about bad care if does occur. Often on here in the past the 2DS lovers cite hinge issues on the better models of 3DS playing units, and that's just more nonsense about trying to find good reasons to have bought a 2DS. I am not aware of anyone in real life who has hinge bother in the slightest with DS/3DS/XL in real life. Just the odd person on here.
Control layout and screen tilt have been pretty standard through 3ds - new3ds bar some minor improvements and im pretty sure ive never heard anyone on here go gaga and make a purchase because of the degree of screen angle! (possible though)
Built in amiibo supprt is handy of your into it. The few new3ds only games available wont be added to dramatically there might be one or two. I wouldnt be surprised if its zero tbh. So many 2ds/3dsxl units have been sold last year a slew of new only games would alienate those users to a small degree. It starting to look like putting out snes vc games will be nintendos form of appeasement for new3ds owners expecting more new only titles.
I'd say the new units are every bit as breakable as the xl and the og 3ds. But then it depends how you treat them. Each unit has its niggles be it screen touching or hinge issues its always been that way.
Gaming tech or gaming in general should never be an investment imho. Yes, sometimes you get lucky and spur of the moment flippers will disagree but there is no guarantee with anything. Metroid trilogy on the wii for instance used to garner good money 2nd hand. Then when it was available cheap digitally, physical prices bombed. Thousands more examples like this I expect. Nintendo bits do usually hold their value better, but no one is retiring to the bahamas on them.
I still heart you bro.
Superior screen display with a 3DS XL (try going back to a small screen once your used to it).
Improved battery chemistry, you get a better battery with the newer units.
The latest "new" units have built in NFC (Amiibo) reading capability. A few games only work on the latest tech too, and there may be many more to follow this pattern.
Then there is the whole design aspect of it being less clumsy, more solid, less breakable.
Above all else is the best value for money, and best investment going forward, will have some resale value if you opt for a later tech unit.
Yes if you look after anything properly it is going to be fine. Again the point clearly was someone stated the 2DS is more solid etc, and others have gone on to do so (and always do). And I have a structured argument that counters that.
In simple terms if the 2DS is what is in your budget then fine go for it. But lets not pretend your 2D purchase is better in some ways than the 3DS or 3DS XL, that's just preposterous.
An idiot who does not resort to petty insults. And an idiot who has still managed to make more of a constructive contribution to this deal thread then your single comment.
Yes its not the newest model, however to be honest I do really like the 2DS, the 3D is awful in my opinion and not been able to play Snes VC games is no great loss at all. If you think the 3D truly adds something to the games then this is not for you, but from the the people i know who actually own a 3DS, no one uses the 3D on it.
That's my point of view anyway as someone who only purchased a 3DS to play Pokemon on Mario Kart. The new Pokemon Sun / Moon games don't even support 3D anyway.
Also got Mario 64 DS for it now, which is excellent.
Gamecube vc on the switch though, wow. I play legit (ugh) gc but some game prices are nuts I can see a lot of people getting onboard IF they release the games they should.
Same size screens as the og 3ds and specs just sans the 3d again obvs. + bigger stylus!
There are better colourways than this one though maybe not for the money right now but they pop up on hukd fairly often. The crystal/pokemon ones and the sun/moon cyan coloured models were choice I thought. Shame we dont get the sea green/white over here.
Never realised how much they are normally but this is classed as a bargain.
Does anybody present in the thread know the best option of the two. I'm seriously debating between the 3DS and the 2DS. I just don't know which is the better option :smirk:
Could have ordered a control pad for the switch for that price!!
Regarding the MK7 game, every 2DS now comes with a game built in, so you shouldn't consider it as a money making thing by selling it. It's just a nice thing to have. People buy new console games for £50, the 2DS is a great deal for good gaming on the go :smiley:
Is not even worth it for MK7 game which is built in. Has no real value as you can't sell the game on. Even the console will be worthless as ebay will be flooded with 2nd hand 2DS's before long, and superior 3DS, and at some point even 3DS XL models. It just has no value or worth.
This is a great little handheld with a great game.