you would need to be clinically insane to buy the 4GB version just to save a little over £10. games are VERY close to using over 4GB Vram on 1080P now and these cards are marketed as VR ready and will play 1440p which means they WILL use more than 4GB of Vram when on 1440p and VR if they are being used to their maximum potential.
5 Feb 17#20
Fair enough but either way it's going to be better than's just how much better yet to be proven but not completely unknown.
5 Feb 171#19
I'm not buying into the hype until I see proper demos.
5 Feb 17#18
It'll be nothing compared to the new cards being released this year why go for a incremental upgrade which won't be noticed in most games when you can wait a little while longer for the new vega cards coming out soon which will make the 480 look like a Stone Age tool!
4 Feb 17#9
Not much difference between my 290x and the 380 or 480
Optimus_Toaster to cmdr_elito
4 Feb 17#17
It's about 1.5x as fast.
4 Feb 17#16
Nice if I hadn't just picked up a 1060
4 Feb 17#14
I ordered one of these few weeks ago when it first came up on Delivery was very quick, within few days of stock available. I even suspect that it was delivered from a UK warehouse and not from France. There was nothing french on the box or packaging. The card arrived safe and sound and it is a great great card. (Of course it`s not a 1070 or 1080!) but MSI did a really great job on it, the card is very pretty and very well made. Can only recommend for 1080p. (Though be aware that the new AMD Crimson driver caps performance and FPS on 60. I have not figured out how to unblock that function.)
hitman007 to odysseyhun
4 Feb 171#15
I'm sure it could be unlocked to exceed 60fps.
4 Feb 17#13
Used my prime uk account to buy a 1060 from - delivery was next day. Heat added.
4 Feb 17#12
does this work out at closer to £190 . ie euro to pound x rate. also it appears to be prime members only. would I have to set up prime fr ?
4 Feb 17#11
Good price, I've bought for 233 from amazon warehouse weeks ago.
4 Feb 17#7
Would this be a good upgrade from a MSI R9 380 4GB? Or is there not much of a difference.
Opening post
edit 1: even cheaper guys i dont think it will get better than this 219.90€, converts to £203.04, i ordered one myself just do 30 day prime trial.
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