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Mcculloch M46-110R Self Propelled Petrol Lawnmower Wickes Clearance (C&C) £149.99
4 stars +394

Mcculloch M46-110R Self Propelled Petrol Lawnmower Wickes Clearance (C&C) £149.99

£149.99 Wickes20 Feb 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Opening post
19 Feb 17
Part of the Wickes Clearance for local collection only but there is still limited stock at all stores near me (at least 1). Wickes say £30 off but that may be on a previous reduction as it seems to retail for around £250 elsewhere.

Worth noting while searching to make sure you are looking at the 'MCM46-110R' not the 'MCM46-110' as the no R version is cheaper as it is a push mower.

Engine: 4 Stroke McCulloch

Cutting Width: 46cm (18")

Collection Capacity: 50 Litres

Lowest cutting height on this is 30mm similar spec machines seem to go to 25mm if you like a lower cut.

Remember topcashback etc.

Type CODE20 in voucher box for click and collect and get £20 discount total price £129.99. Code has to be uppercase.
- phil1982uk
All comments (43)
19 Feb 17 #1
says oos
Sketch to feckineejit
19 Feb 17 1 #2
Sorry I did mention in the first sentence of my description "local collection only" etc. Worth checking your local stock.
19 Feb 17 #3
Ordered, seems to be a good deal thanks!
19 Feb 17 #4
Plenty of stock around the Yorkshire / midlands area
19 Feb 17 #5
Was interested, but reviews really poor.
Thanks for posting
Daftasabrush to Daftasabrush
19 Feb 17 #6
Bought one anyway, cheap for the money. Reviews say say it does not cut low enough,but my garden is very large but uneven, our current lawnmower is set at medium height and is knackered, not willing to leave until spring to sort out and pay a premium.
20 Feb 17 #7
If your going to buy a petrol lawn mower make sure it's self propelled. it makes cutting the lawn so easy. getting it to start can be pain especially when it's cold.
20 Feb 17 #8
I've never been impressed by McCulloch's quality. I'd be surprised if it was still serviceable in 3 years time, even with a smaller garden.
stephenashforth to frenchian
20 Feb 17 #9
Maybe I have been lucky but I have had mine 7 years. Haven't changed the oil or serviced since and it still going strong. Pretty sure it was pretty much the equivalent model. Got it from Wickes for just under a £100 thanks to a post on here.
20 Feb 17 #10
Does any one know how long the warranty is?

Thinking of going for it however the cutting height seems a bit of a concern as a few reviews have mentioned this.
20 Feb 17 #11
Aargh! I was dreading this being posted as my local has low stock I was waiting for the 1st March as you can get an additional 15% off with the in store voucher there currently giving out.

Had to just buy it now in case it goes out of stock! Will keep it boxed and return and buy it again with the voucher now instead
hcc27 to MrJinxy
21 Feb 17 #24
That's the HotUKDeals spirit!!
20 Feb 17 #12
BTW it is so much better for the lawn to not cut it short, should never really cut an average type turf less than an inch, cut little and often if you want a good lawn
20 Feb 17 1 #13
Bought a similar model via a HUKD a few years ago. Not impressed, engine was good but didn't cut low enough and the height adjustment controls on the front were quickly damaged so that the cut height kept changing whenever I bumped into anything. I have now spent a bit more and bought a greenworks lithium battery mower. Electric, light, no cords and cuts nice and low. The less I have to cut the lawn and the easier it is to do the better...

Link to mower we have - not a hot deal but may be of interest to lazy people like me.
20 Feb 17 1 #14
Have one of these, bought two years ago. Engine has been fine: alway starts first time but after one season, the self propel mechanism started to lock one of the wheels when you pulled it backwards, then the self propel mechanism stopped working altogether.

I wouldn't buy another.
20 Feb 17 #15
Sketch to Zuulan
20 Feb 17 #16
Hi Zuulan....that's a totally different mower. That one is the 40cm push version isn't it?
20 Feb 17 #17
Can you take the handles apart for storage? I've got quite a small shed
20 Feb 17 1 #18
" never been impressed by Mcculloch quality"? Mcculloch = Husqvarna
Stu.C to campag64
21 Feb 17 #25
That's like saying Fiat = Maserati, or Seat = Bugatti... just because there is common ownership, does not mean different brands are made to the same spec and quality.
20 Feb 17 #19
Crucial bit of info is missing... engine size and output!
20 Feb 17 1 #20
A lot of "branded" lawnmowers have had cost cutting and quality cuts.

Mountfield used to have nice die cast aluminium decks and good quality fittings, all made in the UK as well.
The last one I bought was made in Italy, had a steel deck & no end of trouble with things like the engine detaching itself, the wheel bearing bushes wearing, wheels jamming up, stop start switch failing & poor starting etc.
To do all that properly would probably cost an extra £20~30, but no one seems to offer a well engineered mower for say £100 more than the cheap nasty ones.
royy to jaizan
21 Feb 17 #26
just bought one of these not opened yet but the steel deck your talking about is stainless steel
20 Feb 17 2 #21
My dad put his Mountfield in for a service in 1991 and was given a Honda as a loan.

The guy who ran the place went awol so his mountfield was gone, but he liked the Honda as it always started first time.

26 years later, he's had it serviced once in that entire time, the only maintenance he ever does is sharpen the blade at the start of ever spring. It still starts first time.

10 years ago I made my first lawn mower purchase a used Honda. They are the best and require virtually no maintenance.
xigent to buckfast67uk
20 Feb 17 #23
Does his Honda have a steel deck? If so, he's doing very well to get 26 years out of it.

Like a lot of machinery, a mower is only as good as its weakest components.
20 Feb 17 1 #22
Collected mine today, last one in local store.
Really pleased I bought it!
Thanks for posting, that's what this site is about, bargains!
21 Feb 17 #27
Type CODE20 in voucher box for click and collect and get £20 discount total price £129.99. Code has to be uppercase. Good luck just ordered mine
21 Feb 17 #28
thanks ordered
dan_is_the_man01 to Aigars
21 Feb 17 #29
Did the code work?
21 Feb 17 1 #30
yes mate, thanks
22 Feb 17 #31
Yes I used the code and got it for £129.99 just picked mine up
22 Feb 17 #32
I picked one up to - but it shows the model code as Mcculloch M46-125WR on the box. Is this better?
22 Feb 17 #33
How is this mower running? Some thoughts? Thanks :smile:
22 Feb 17 #34
Looks like you have a 125cc engine instead of 110cc. Otherwise similar spec I think! Your certainly better off to say the least
22 Feb 17 #35
I picked mine up this morning and don't forget some oil when your there as you will need that also.
Filled it all up and gave it a go and very pleased with it, very easy to start and use.
22 Feb 17 #36
Ok had this mower for two years so here is an honest review.
Starts very easily
Cuts well
Does not cut low enough
The self propelled is one pace which is a fast walk, you then have to rock it forward to disengage the self drive.
It is very heavy
All in all by far the worst mower I have had in 30 years. Mine will be sold in the spring as I hate it.
I bought s toro late last year with variable self drive and is so much better.
duncanhill to hutchir9
23 Feb 17 #37
Interesting & useful feedback but what we must remember when comparing products is the price, this mower is £150 vs the Toro which is +£500
23 Feb 17 #38
The steel deck I'm talking about is certainly NOT stainless steel. I put 3 extra layers of paint on it before first use, yet still there was some rust.
23 Feb 17 #39
sorry jaizan misread your post my apologies
25 Feb 17 #40
Have any of you guys worked out what the steel springy type thingamejig in the fixtures is for? Stuck mine together very easily, despite reviews saying about the grass box, but i am left with this metal twisty rod. It doesnt look like a spare part as looked over the whole mower and cant see a match... is it a tool for removal of something ???

TIA :-)
dan_is_the_man01 to Squelds
25 Feb 17 1 #41
If you are holding the lawnmower as if you are using it, the bracket attaches to the right hand bolt on the handle to retain the cord for the hand pull to start the engine. Look for a video on YouTube hopefully you will see a close up if you look carefully.
25 Feb 17 1 #42
Thanks Dan, i can kind of see it in the instructions, but very very small diagram. Will have a look on YouTube and see if i can find it in more detail. The starter cord has tension on it about 2 inches into the pull, i just assumed once started the cord went back to the casing where it sits from unpacking.

Edit: OK got it from image search on Google... thanks again :-)
9 Jul 17 #43
I'm having trouble folding the handles after use. They keep coming out of the frame and a pain in the butt to keep putting back for next use. Anyone else having bother with this ?
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