Amazon France has KFA2 Geforce GTX 1070 (8 GB) + at choice For Honor or GR : Wildlands.
Price excluding shipping.
Best price I've seen for a 1070, looks pretty nice.
Now it's up to you :wink:
1 Mar 17#6
Had a closer look. Seller in Poland, minimal feedback, you're buying from France with less assurance over returns. Again, no guarantees of a free game either? Might be legit but not worth this risk imo. There were plenty of dodgey listings on Amazon recently (saw 1080s listed for £300), but domt know if Prime delivery makes it less of a gamble.
SamboBambo to rofldinho
2 Mar 17#7
The used 1080s going for around £300 are all legit, even saw a fair few on eBay too. I think it's just a reaction to the release of the 1080ti and the recently announced price drop of the 1080. It definitely made me feel pretty damn crappy since I spent £250 for my RX 480 a couple months ago!
1 Mar 171#5
remember how many ppl on here posted that 1080 price wont go down due to the Ti? lols
1 Mar 17#4
Remember looking at this one a little while ago aren't the fans only red and the logo RGB? That's what put me off.
1 Mar 17#3
This is sold by a 3rd party and there's no mention of either game?
28 Feb 171#2
This appears to have a backplate and RGB lighting. Would only go for the Asus for a white build.
Opening post
Price excluding shipping.
Best price I've seen for a 1070, looks pretty nice.
Now it's up to you :wink: