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Humble Freedom Bundle - £24.07
5+ stars +727

Humble Freedom Bundle - £24.07

£24.07 Humblebundle.com13 Feb 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Opening post
13 Feb 17
Take a stand for freedom. Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door. – "The New Colossus" by Emma Lazarus, from an engraving on the Statue of Liberty.

We humbly remember that the United States is a nation of immigrants, and we proudly stand with developers, authors, and charities that champion liberty and justice for all.

This special one-week bundle features over $600 in incredible games and books for just $30. 100% of your payments will go to the American Civil Liberties Union, the International Rescue Committee, and Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). Humble Bundle will proudly match your contributions up to $300,000.

We chose these three organizations because of the inspiring work they do in providing humanitarian assistance to refugees and displaced people as well as in defense of justice, human rights, and civil rights:

Every day, MSF staff members who serve on the front lines of the global refugee crisis bear witness to the extreme hardships faced by refugees and internally displaced people. …"Refugees are mothers and fathers and children who want what we all want: a safe place to live their lives, free from war and persecution…" –

The confusion and chaos that resulted from the Administration’s hasty and harmful executive order should be a lesson to keep intact carefully developed procedures that have kept America safe. We are grateful that we can get back to work resettling refugees who have fled the terrors of war and violence, while also caring for those who remain trapped in conflict zones. ...The IRC remains committed to serving our refugee clients here in the U.S. and in more than 40 countries around the world. –

The ACLU was founded to ensure the promise of the Bill of Rights and to expand its reach to people historically denied its protections. In our first year, we fought the harassment and deportation of immigrants whose activism put them at odds with the authorities. ...And at times in our history when frightened civilians have been willing to give up some of their freedoms and rights in the name of national security, the ACLU has been the bulwark for liberty. –

Redeem the games on Steam. All of the games in this bundle are available on Steam for Windows, and some for Mac and Linux too. A number of the games are available DRM-free as well.

Take the books anywhere. The ebooks are available in PDF, ePUB, and MOBI formats, meaning you can read them anywhere at any time. Instructions and a list of recommended reading programs can be found here. The audiobooks are available in MP3 and FLAC format, meaning you can listen to them anywhere, too! Instructions can be found here.

Support charity. Choose where the money goes between three organizations: the ACLU, MSF/Doctors Without Borders, and the International Rescue Committee. Humble Bundle will match your contributions up to $300,000! (MSF and the IRC are supported via the Paypal Giving Fund.)

Ends: 20th Feb 2017 19:00. Games are starting to sell out (Subnautica and Monster Loves You!).
Someone requested the list of games in the comments:
The Witness
Stardew Valley
Subnautica (Early Access) (Sold Out)
Day of the Tentacle Remastered
Overgrowth (Early Access)
Nuclear Throne
Octodad: Dadliest Catch
Invisible, Inc.
Super Meat Boy (DRM-Free only, sold out of Steam keys)
World of Goo
Mushroom 11
No Time to Explain Remastered
The Stanley Parable
Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP
Super Hexagon
Guacamelee! (Super Turbo Championship Edition)
The Swapper
Thirty Flights of Loving
Human Resource Machine
2064: Read Only Memories
A Virus Named TOM
7 Grand Steps: What Ancients Begat
Mini Metro
Retro Game Crunch
Tower of Guns
Waking Mars
Song of the Deep
Monster Loves You! (Sold Out)
AI War: Fleet Command
Hot Tin Roof: The Cat That Wore A Fedora (Deluxe)
Secrets of Rætikon
Girls Like Robots
Streamline (Early Access)
Ninja Pizza Girl
Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball

Information Doesn't Want To Be Free - (Audiobook: Cory Doctorow,Neil Gaiman,Amanda Palmer,read by Wil Wheaton)
Walkaway: Chapter One Preview - (Audiobook: Cory Doctorow,read by Wil Wheaton)
R in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition
The Boys Vol. 1: The Name of the Game (Issues #1-6)
A Little Gold Book of Ghastly Stuff Out of print (Collectible book of short fiction, essays, and poems)
The Smart Girl's Guide to Privacy: Practical Tips for Staying Safe Online (Violet Blue)
Any Empire (Nate Powell National Book Award Winner)
Top comments
13 Feb 17 33 #1
"Pay What You Want" as long as it's 30+ dollars :smirk:
ST3123 to luffydude
14 Feb 17 25 #38
Hate this kind of blinkered attitude and hate towards indie games, bet you have never actually played one either, probably too busy with yearly Fifas and Cods, heaven forbid someone actually made something original huh?

The rise of indie gaming is probably one of the best things to come out of Steam and the last console generation and thankfully showing no signs of going away so clearly at least some people appreciate them.

Not clever abusing the refund system either, would quickly end up getting pulled if everyone did that kind of thing....
booyip to tek-monkey
14 Feb 17 22 #27
Most of my time "gaming" these days is spent scouring through a massive list of never-started games, or buying new ones. Actually playing them is a novel idea. Bought.
14 Feb 17 11 #30
God I am so sick of this political stuff being shoved down my throat. Can't even play a game without serving someone's agenda. The internet is now full of moral/political crusaders who's agenda has been devised on the back of a cig packet
All comments (158)
13 Feb 17 33 #1
"Pay What You Want" as long as it's 30+ dollars :smirk:
13 Feb 17 #2
Amazing bundle and great charities! Heat
13 Feb 17 2 #3
What a great selection of games, the witness and stardew valley, The Stanley Parable are worth the price alone
13 Feb 17 2 #4
This is a really nice bundle and no doubt worthy of the price. Though I do think with bundles like this humble is setting the entry price too high for a lot of people who might just normally pick the lower tiers. Think they would have done better to have lower tiers rather than one big one and does rather make a mockery of the whole "pay what you want" motto....
manc80 to ST3123
13 Feb 17 2 #5
Issue with these large bundles is that most people will own a large percentage of the games already. So it makes picking up the games you want that bit steeper.
13 Feb 17 1 #6
Yeah i know as i already own most of the games but for people that havent got the ones i listed they have a great deal
13 Feb 17 #7
Definitely. If you don't own the games this is a insanely cheap priced deal! :smiley:
13 Feb 17 #8
Wow amazing price and a good cause. Heat added!
13 Feb 17 #9
Ok what are the best/expensive games on this list the Big hitters so to speak ?
13 Feb 17 #10
If only there was one more of the big games I didn't own I'd jump on this, excellent deal.
13 Feb 17 #11
If I hadn't JUST bought The Witness a week ago, I'd have been all over this.
MBeeching to thelagmonster
13 Feb 17 1 #21
Same boat, though I haven't played it so I could request a refund.
Not sure it's a good idea though, just more games I don't need :smile:
13 Feb 17 #12
I have most of the this stuff already EXCEPT the witness. If someone is in the reverse situation, and gifted me the just witness key, I'd donate £10 to charity... (is that fair?)
13 Feb 17 1 #13
Freedom bundle without Freedom Planet... cold :stuck_out_tongue:
13 Feb 17 #14
if anyone gets this has octodad and gets this pm me please
13 Feb 17 #15
Stardew Valley is excellent, especially if you enjoy games like Harvest Moon or Animal Crossing.
13 Feb 17 1 #16
Have some of these but purchased anyway.
mallie21 to jetskichimp
13 Feb 17 #17
i have a misc thread if you fancy any trades or illlusionary will take them off your hands for his competitions.
13 Feb 17 #18
damn, just told myself earlier that I wouldn't buy anymore games without completing more of my collection, just bought.
13 Feb 17 3 #19
Interesting... I'll have to think about whether I can justify such a pricey bundle, but there's undoubtedly some good value to be had here.

As always, if anyone ends up with any spare keys, donations for my weekly giveaways are very much appreciated. :smiley:
13 Feb 17 5 #20
I find the lack of apolitical retailers disturbing.
13 Feb 17 2 #22
Amazing deal plus money goes to a good cause. Well worth it.
13 Feb 17 2 #23
Is that their motto though? Humble Bundle don't just do PWYW bundles, and PWYW isn't mentioned anywhere on the page for this bundle.
13 Feb 17 #24
Im on the fence with this one.

More disturbing is the lack of comments and banter from the usual clique :laughing: they on strike today?
14 Feb 17 #25
I'd been wanting the Witness and Subnautica for a while... almost the price of those 2 games a lone make this bundle worth it for me.
14 Feb 17 #26
There is a fair bit to play, but would I play them?
booyip to tek-monkey
14 Feb 17 22 #27
Most of my time "gaming" these days is spent scouring through a massive list of never-started games, or buying new ones. Actually playing them is a novel idea. Bought.
14 Feb 17 1 #28
"Humble Bundle will proudly match your contributions UP TO $300,000"
Illusionary to eiamhere69
14 Feb 17 #31
They smashed through that a long time ago :stuck_out_tongue:
14 Feb 17 1 #29
Confirmation bias.
He hand picked the facts that supported his argument, and ignored the ones that didn't.
14 Feb 17 11 #30
God I am so sick of this political stuff being shoved down my throat. Can't even play a game without serving someone's agenda. The internet is now full of moral/political crusaders who's agenda has been devised on the back of a cig packet
thecresta to dkwookies
14 Feb 17 8 #32
Every aspect of your life is governed by politics. You can choose to be ignorant to it, but you still live by it.
Splineman to dkwookies
14 Feb 17 4 #33
Welcome to life. Games & Developers can be political too. In this case, they are standing up for charities and fairness. I think that's a cause we should all support.
14 Feb 17 #34
nice deal!
14 Feb 17 #35
loads of games that i will never get round to playing just what i need
14 Feb 17 #36
Am I missing something? Only crap indie games for £30 that can be purchased and refunded through steam?

I'd rather play them for free and get the steam refund
thecresta to luffydude
14 Feb 17 #37
What do you mean by "play them for free"?
ST3123 to luffydude
14 Feb 17 25 #38
Hate this kind of blinkered attitude and hate towards indie games, bet you have never actually played one either, probably too busy with yearly Fifas and Cods, heaven forbid someone actually made something original huh?

The rise of indie gaming is probably one of the best things to come out of Steam and the last console generation and thankfully showing no signs of going away so clearly at least some people appreciate them.

Not clever abusing the refund system either, would quickly end up getting pulled if everyone did that kind of thing....
14 Feb 17 6 #39
He means abusing the Steam refund system by playing the games for less than 2 hours then requesting a refund.

You're missing that these aren't "crap indie games" and that most people have better ethical standards than avoiding paying for games by abusing the refund system. The price paid here also goes entirely to charity.
14 Feb 17 4 #40
Looks like two years worth of playstation plus ps4 titles
14 Feb 17 1 #41
Which ones, i always buy humble bundle but im not sure about spending £24 for Stardew valley which i may not like and Subnautica, oh and a bunch of indies games i wont play
14 Feb 17 #42
Do these come as separate links or one link ?
14 Feb 17 #43
Each game has its own key.

We can only hope...
14 Feb 17 2 #44
I kinda wish you didn't let luffydude know that :smiley:.
14 Feb 17 #45
Its £24 actually
14 Feb 17 7 #46
You're also missing the fact that 100% of the money paid for this is going to worthy charities like Medicin Sans Frontiers.
14 Feb 17 #47
Just bought. Brilliant! A charitable donation to 3 worthy causes, plus loads of games. What's not to like?
14 Feb 17 1 #48
I see 3 games on the first line that I've wanted to buy that would easily exceed £30 so it's a definite buy for me! Great causes too, Heat!
14 Feb 17 2 #49
I'm agonising over this one. MSF in particular is awesome, but I have most of the stuff in here that I might want.

Anyone who does get it, don't overlook: Stardew valley, Nuclear throne or Guacamelee, as they are all really REALLY good (I didn't think I'd like Stardew, but then got really into it!).

Subnautica and Song of the Deep look interesting too.
14 Feb 17 #50
If I hadn't just bought Subnautica, Stardew Valley, and The Witness, I'd be all over this :disappointed:
14 Feb 17 #51
The OP doesn't even list the games. I'm at work behind the firewall, shouldn't the first post actually contain what's in their link??
14 Feb 17 #52
Oh I played many many indie games that are actually worth getting, some of my fave games include Party Hard, Super Meat Boy, Hunie Cam Studio, Undertale, Pillars of Eternity. I hate both fifa and cod

I do not have money nor the time to go around getting games that I don't like, especially games that clock up in just a couple of hours and have zero replayability like Firewatch. Especially considering that a few of these are severely overpriced *coughcough Nomanslie cough". I just get my refund and move on

And I don't abuse it either, I only go for it whenever there's a super hyped game. Most of the time it's overhyped anyway

I understand that this is for MSF, but if you really care that much then you can just donate your money directly without giving it to any game developers or web hosts. I do my contribution with my own real life skills rather than money, search humanitarian openstreetmap team if you live in London
14 Feb 17 #53
14 Feb 17 1 #54
I wouldn't pay a penny to anything George Soros has his evil hand in.
14 Feb 17 #55
It says it's a $30+ bundle, but you can "pay what you want" if you're wanting to pay more as it's all done for charity...

Going on the band wagon from the other humble bundle post I see
14 Feb 17 #56
Hmmm i need to stop the back catalog is to high also anyone now if i buy the games now and they add more later do i get them aswell
14 Feb 17 2 #57


Given that the bundle contains several extremely well regarded indie titles that do not clock in at a couple of hours and are very replayable, including one you just listed as one of your "fave games" this doesn't line up with your initial post at all.

But you obviously know all this all ready so unless it's just straight up low effort trolling... what are we missing here?
14 Feb 17 1 #58
The current president is the son of a Scottish immigrant who herself had married the son of a German immigrant. Not a colonial in sight.
14 Feb 17 #59
Shouldn't you be working instead of buying games?
14 Feb 17 1 #60
wot is education?
14 Feb 17 #61
well i bought it and can not see the witness key any ideas

Nm just found option
14 Feb 17 2 #62
The Stanley Parable is the most memorable and enjoyable game on that list.

It is truly a Valve masterpiece. Smart, funny, thought provoking, enigmatic, captivating, escapist and very addictive.

You play for about 10 mins, thinking you've completed the game. You haven't, start it again, see what happens :wink:
14 Feb 17 10 #63
List of games currently in the bundle for those with issues getting onto the site:

The Witness
Stardew Valley
Subnautica (Early Access)
Day of the Tentacle Remastered
Overgrowth (Early Access)
Nuclear Throne
Octodad: Dadliest Catch
Invisible, Inc.
Super Meat Boy
World of Goo
Mushroom 11
No Time to Explain Remastered
The Stanley Parable
Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP
Super Hexagon
Information Doesn't Want To Be Free - Audiobook
Walkaway: Chapter One Preview - Audiobook
R in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition
Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition
The Swapper
Thirty Flights of Loving
Human Resource Machine
The Boys Vol. 1: The Name of the Game
A Little Gold Book of Ghastly Stuff
The Smart Girl's Guide to Privacy: Practical Tips for Staying Safe Online
Any Empire
2064: Read Only Memories
A Virus Named TOM
7 Grand Steps: What Ancients Begat
Mini Metro
Retro Game Crunch
Tower of Guns
Waking Mars
Song of the Deep
Monster Loves You!
AI War: Fleet Command
Hot Tin Roof: The Cat That Wore A Fedora Deluxe
Secrets of Rætikon
Girls Like Robots
Streamline (Early Access)
Ninja Pizza Girl
Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball
More content may be coming soon!
14 Feb 17 #64
I guess that's a brilliant way to support the games industry!

Why don't we all think like you?
Companies would have so much more money to make better games this way!

Seriously, some people astound me.
14 Feb 17 #65
Heat just for the cause! The world should be united, not divided!
14 Feb 17 #66
Yes you will, as with all Humblebundles. If you click on the more content coming soon you will also get this message
14 Feb 17 #67
Can anyone PM any spare codes that they have? Thanks so much! (:
14 Feb 17 1 #68
I assume this is all indie because the big publishers want to stay well clear of the partisan political message with this bundle.
14 Feb 17 1 #69
In my position there is some downtime where I can browse the web, I used to use the share by email function on the site so I could actually see things after work but that's not here anymore, therefore it would be nice if the OP contained information on the product rather than some marketing junk.
14 Feb 17 #70
I paid $30 for The Witness alone with no regrets. My favourite game of 2016 and it's 40 or so hours of content. It's not for everyone and it can be pretentious, but the puzzle design is phenomenal and it's gorgeous. With Stardew Valley, Invisible Inc and a bunch of others this is a steal. These aren't all 4 hour long pixelart games, there's some real meat to a lot of these games and some of the best gameplay indie or otherwise in their respective genres.
14 Feb 17 1 #71
It's for charity you nimrod...
14 Feb 17 3 #72
A bunch of games now sold out :disappointed: didn't realise that was an option
14 Feb 17 #73
Yeah I just wanted him to admit to it. On a charity deal, of all things :smirk:
14 Feb 17 #74
I'm not too bothered - it's an incredible game, and easily worth twice what I paid!
14 Feb 17 #75
Multiple keys or single key anyone ?
14 Feb 17 #76
Still a great deal, even with those omitted. I think that I count six now at the time of posting? But yeah, Humble won't be generating the keys themselves, so they'll only have a limited (albeit large) allocation. They've sold the bundle over 100,000 times now, after all!

I replied to you when you asked 10 hours ago. :wink:
14 Feb 17 #77
My BAD :smirk:
14 Feb 17 #78
Yeah, annoying. I was debating whether to get this. Finally decided I'd buy it, then saw some games were sold out. Hopefully the main few I wanted will be in the coming monthly bundles.
14 Feb 17 #79
Has anyone bought the bundle within the last half an hour or so and discovered The Witness is not in their list of purchases? It doesn't show as unavailable to new customers like a few other games but I don't have a key for it.
14 Feb 17 1 #80
...except Valve didn't make it :wink:
14 Feb 17 1 #81
You need to choose what version of the game you want to receive - look at the top of the page.
14 Feb 17 1 #82
You can adjust your contribution between the charities, e.g.entirely towards / away from the ACLU (Medicine Sans Frontiers and the International Rescue Committee being the other options.

Your contribution doesn't have to be partisan (if you consider the ACLU partisan).

Only two games out so far?: Subnautica and Monster Loves You!. Super Meat Boy has sold out of Steam keys, but can be downloaded DRM-free.
14 Feb 17 #83
Annoying that when I checked while at work and posted earlier all games were available - get home to buy it and find some sold out of keys :disappointed:

Can't complain too much though as there were quite a few there on my wishlist adding up to quite a bit more than this bundle went for. Just would have been nice to get the whole lot.
14 Feb 17 #84
Ah, I see it now, thanks! They need to update their sold out games as Nuclear Throne and No Time to Explain also don't appear in my library. Unless I'm missing something else which is highly probable!
14 Feb 17 #85
I'm seeing those games you mention (Nuclear Throne and No Time to Explain) in my purchase. You've probably found them.

It looks like: Stardew Valley, Nuclear Throne, No Time to Explain Remastered, Thirty Flights of Loving, Song of the Deep, StreamLine, Ellipsis, Ninja Pizza Girl, Robot Roller-Derby Bisco Dodgball are all Steam-only, so could possibly run out.
15 Feb 17 3 #86
The metacritic lowdown (fewer critics can mean more dodgy scoring):

System Shock Pack Metacritic: 92% (20 critics), reviews of an earlier/alternative version: Metacritic: 85% (9 critics)
World of Goo Metacritic: 90% (26 critics)
Stardew Valley Metacritic: 88% (29 critics)
Nuclear Throne Metacritic: 88% (14 critics)
Super Hexagon Metacritic: 88% (4 critics)
The Stanley Parable Metacritic: 88% (47 critics)
Thirty Flights of Loving Metacritic: 88% (10 critics)
Day of the Tentacle Remastered Metacritic: 87% (37 critics)
The Swapper Metacritic: 87% (36 critics)
Super Meat Boy Metacritic: 87% (11 critics)
The Witness Metacritic: 87% (20 critics)
Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP Metacritic: 83% (10 critics)
Invisible Inc. Metacritic: 82% (45 critics)
Ninja Pizza Girl Metacritic: 82% (4 critics)
vvvvvv Metacritic: 81% (15 critics)
Dangerous High School Girls in Trouble! Metacritic: 81% (5 critics)
Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition Metacritic: 80% (6 critics), reviews of an earlier/alternative version: Metacritic: 88% (22 critics)
2064: Read Only Memories Metacritic: 80% (11 critics)
AI War: Fleet Command Metacritic: 80% (8 critics)
Waking Mars Metacritic: 79% (5 critics)
Human Resource Machine Metacritic: 78% (12 critics)
Hand of Fate Metacritic: 78% (28 critics)
Mushroom 11 Metacritic: 78% (20 critics)
Mini Metro Metacritic: 77% (8 critics)
JumpJet Rex Metacritic: 76% (11 critics)
Tower of Guns Metacritic: 76% (16 critics)
Chroma Squad Metacritic: 75% (21 critics)
Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken Metacritic: 74% (6 critics)
Song of the Deep Metacritic: 73% (12 critics)
Octodad: Dadliest Catch Metacritic: 69% (44 critics)
Super Galaxy Squadron EX Metacritic: 69% (4 critics), reviews of an earlier/alternative version: Metacritic: 70% (7 critics)
7 Grand Steps: What Ancients Begat Metacritic: 69% (4 critics)
Guns of Icarus Online Metacritic: 67% (7 critics)
Hot Tin Roof: The Cat That Wore A Fedora Metacritic: 66% (5 critics)
A Virus Named TOM Metacritic: 65% (9 critics)
Dusty Revenge:Co-Op Edition Metacritic: 64% (7 critics)
Secrets of Rætikon Metacritic: 58% (8 critics)
Team Indie Metacritic: 58% (6 critics)

No/not enough Metacritic reviews:
Ellipsis Steam: Positive 100% (5 reviews)
Beat Hazard Ultra Steam: Very Positive 97% (75 reviews)
Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball Steam: Very Positive 93% (2336 reviews)
Rituals Steam: Positive 93% (32 reviews)
Subnautica Steam: Very Positive 91% (29803 reviews)
Luna's Wandering Stars Steam: Positive 88% (25 reviews)
Sproggiwood Steam: Very Positive 87% (239 reviews)
Girls Like Robots Steam: Very Positive 87% (109 reviews)
No Time To Explain Remastered Steam: Very Positive 85% (1009 reviews)
Potatoman Seeks the Troof Steam: Very Positive 84% (241 reviews)
Retro Game Crunch Steam: Very Positive 84% (153 reviews)
TIMEframe Steam: Very Positive 83% (149 reviews)
Q.U.B.E.: Director's Cut Steam: Very Positive 83% (578 reviews)
Shütshimi Steam: Positive 83% (36 reviews)
Ballistick Steam: Positive 83% (6 reviews)
RocketsRocketsRockets Steam: Very Positive 82% (462 reviews)
Spirits Steam: Mostly Positive 79% (154 reviews)
Monster Loves You! Steam: Mostly Positive 77% (783 reviews)
Streamline Steam: Mostly Positive 76% (1743 reviews)
Grav Steam: Mixed 66% (4900 reviews)
15 Feb 17 #87
Their captcha and 2 step veri process are driving me up the walls! So much hassle!

I do the captcha, then it asked me to enter the code from SMS. I tried clicking the "send SMS" link then it asks me to do the captcha again? then after that, when they finally send the code, I have to do another captcha!

They becoming a publisher is not looking good for them.
15 Feb 17 1 #88
Can't believe some of the games are sold out, I've never seen that happen before, how can you sell out of a digital game?!

It's a shame because I'd heard good things about Subnautica but I wasn't that interested in this bundle so it's probably a good thing that there's less temptation now.
15 Feb 17 #89
Humble don't generate the keys - they receive them from the developer/publisher, so will only have a finite quantity. Of course, this doesn't necessarily mean that they can't (try to) source more if needed.
15 Feb 17 #90
I'd give you heat if I could :smiley:. I'd love if there were links to reviews on every game deal.
15 Feb 17 #91
I bet you weren't alone either seeing that it was a cold day, I bet many of your colleagues were huddled together with you behind the firewall.

I hear it's the new place to meet people :stuck_out_tongue:
15 Feb 17 #92
i was on the fence as i had a few of these already but with missing keys now and also missing games entirely i`ll sit this one out. you`d think they`d get enough product to fulfill demand before listing the bundle.
15 Feb 17 1 #93
As opposed to huge money making corporations controlling your life for you....?
15 Feb 17 #94
Its raised over $4,000,000, thats a lot of $30! I was a bit miffed that Monster Loves You is now gone, was interested in that, but I assume they set limits when offering the games out. Every penny goes to charity, the dev gets nothing, I'd certainly be setting a max limit.
15 Feb 17 #95
In fairness to Humble, they do say "Limited availabilty" at the top of the page. Even then, it's not like they didn't come well prepared with a *lot* of keys:
15 Feb 17 #96
They should have unlimited Whats a point in a bundle where all the good games are sold out in less then 24hr it should at leat last a week, i was gonna wait to see wait the upcoming games will add
15 Feb 17 #97
They can't have unlimited, they didn't pay for them. They are relying on the good will of the developers, but how much is this costing them? If your game is normally $5 and you gifted them 100,000 keys I'd say you've been generous enough, you should get in early if you want everything.
15 Feb 17 #98
I can kind of see it both ways. They can't have unlimited but they could have perhaps anticipated the demand a bit better. Also I notice that a lot of the sold out games like Monster Loves You ARE available to buy in the humble store. I know it would cost them a bit but I’m sure they could have diverted some of their store stock to the bundle to keep the games in stock a bit longer, might have cost them a bit in the short term but if they can afford to put $300 000 of their own money in the pot anyway, I wouldn’t have thought it would be an issue.

Whilst the games selling out at some point is unavoidable, each sold out sign will be a bunch of customers deterred as no one likes to pay the same price for less of a product, even though admittedly part of the pull of this is the good cause donation. If Humble can’t get more of the existing games they should replace them promptly so that the VFM proposition for new customers isn’t weakened.

Looking forward to seeing what they add tonight.

Great bundle for great causes. Good job humble, aside from not carrying quite enough stock...
15 Feb 17 #99
aah poop - was mainly going to buy into this for Subnautica, despite having a good chunk of the others.....oh well
15 Feb 17 2 #100
The additions have just arrived as of 21:00:

Guns of Icarus Online
Q.U.B.E.: Director's Cut
Dangerous High School Girls in Trouble
JumpJet Rex
Potatoman Seeks the Troof
GRAV (Early Access)
Team Indie
Luna's Wandering Stars
Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken
Chroma Squad
Beat Hazard Ultra
Super Galaxy Squadron EX
Dusty Revenge: Co Op Edition
System Shock Pack

Color Sky - Album
Hands-On Intro to Game Programming - Chris DeLeon

Steam only (so potentially may run out): Rituals, Super Galaxy Squadron EX, Guns of Icarus Online and Shütshimi
15 Feb 17 #101
Monster Loves You is back in the bundle.

Be nice if they could get some more Subnautica keys too.
15 Feb 17 #102
Monster Loves You! now has Steam keys again (only Subnautica has run out and Super Meat Boy is reliant on DRM-free downloads). An example of what the developers have to do to keep pace with this:
"Holy crap, I sent @humble 100K Nuclear Throne keys for the Freedom Bundle - now I'm rushing to send new ones because they sold 98K bundles."
15 Feb 17 #103
some awesome stuff in there just added - I'm in now - hope they bonus us some subnautica too tho - bit annoyed missed out on that one - wouldve' gone well in Vr
15 Feb 17 #104
If anyone doesnt want their GRAV key, id be more than willing to take it off your hands! :smiley:
15 Feb 17 1 #105
Ordered, just cos Monster Loves You is back :smiley:
15 Feb 17 1 #106
15 Feb 17 #107
doh - oh well - serves me right for not spotting the deal fast enough
15 Feb 17 1 #108
As a reminder for those jumping on board now, if anyone ends up with any spare keys, donations for my weekly giveaways are always very much appreciated. :smiley:
16 Feb 17 1 #109
Those that have a Metacritic rating, here they are ordered:

System Shock Pack Metacritic: 92% (20 critics, 9.1 from 521 users), reviews of an earlier/alternative version: Metacritic: 85% (9 critics, 8.1 from 29 users), Steam: Very Positive 92% (3510 reviews)
World of Goo Metacritic: 90% (26 critics, 8.5 from 611 users), Steam: Very Positive 94% (2849 reviews)
Stardew Valley Metacritic: 88% (29 critics, 8.6 from 523 users), Steam: Overwhelmingly Positive 97% (48597 reviews)
Nuclear Throne Metacritic: 88% (14 critics, 7.6 from 156 users), Steam: Overwhelmingly Positive 97% (7185 reviews)
Super Hexagon Metacritic: 88% (4 critics, 8.4 from 212 users), Steam: Overwhelmingly Positive 97% (18274 reviews)
The Stanley Parable Metacritic: 88% (47 critics, 8 from 1833 users), Steam: Very Positive 91% (28449 reviews)
Girls Like Robots Reviews of an earlier/alternative version: Metacritic: 88% (10 critics, 6.7 from 11 users), Steam: Very Positive 87% (109 reviews)
Thirty Flights of Loving Metacritic: 88% (10 critics, 5 from 176 users), Steam: Mixed 65% (1171 reviews)
Day of the Tentacle Remastered Metacritic: 87% (37 critics, 7.9 from 111 users), Steam: Overwhelmingly Positive 98% (1233 reviews)
The Swapper Metacritic: 87% (36 critics, 8.6 from 481 users), Steam: Overwhelmingly Positive 97% (4523 reviews)
Super Meat Boy Metacritic: 87% (11 critics, 8.3 from 755 users), Steam: Overwhelmingly Positive 95% (19836 reviews)
The Witness Metacritic: 87% (20 critics, 6.6 from 402 users), Steam: Very Positive 85% (3233 reviews)
Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP Metacritic: 83% (10 critics, 6.3 from 208 users), Steam: Very Positive 81% (1825 reviews)
Invisible Inc. Metacritic: 82% (45 critics, 7.9 from 148 users), Steam: Very Positive 93% (2663 reviews)
Ninja Pizza Girl Metacritic: 82% (4 critics), Steam: Very Positive 92% (78 reviews)
vvvvvv Metacritic: 81% (15 critics, 8.1 from 220 users), Steam: Overwhelmingly Positive 96% (5716 reviews)
Dangerous High School Girls in Trouble! Metacritic: 81% (5 critics, 5.9 from 25 users), Steam: Mostly Positive 73% (119 reviews)
Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition Metacritic: 80% (6 critics, 6.7 from 56 users), reviews of an earlier/alternative version: Metacritic: 88% (22 critics, 7.3 from 229 users), Steam: Overwhelmingly Positive 95% (876 reviews)
2064: Read Only Memories Metacritic: 80% (11 critics, 5.9 from 36 users), Steam: Very Positive 90% (294 reviews)
AI War: Fleet Command Metacritic: 80% (8 critics, 8.3 from 100 users), Steam: Very Positive 87% (879 reviews)
Waking Mars Metacritic: 79% (5 critics, 7.7 from 68 users), Steam: Very Positive 89% (819 reviews)
Human Resource Machine Metacritic: 78% (12 critics, 8 from 26 users), Steam: Very Positive 93% (889 reviews)
Hand of Fate Metacritic: 78% (28 critics, 7.9 from 161 users), Steam: Very Positive 92% (4766 reviews)
Mushroom 11 Metacritic: 78% (20 critics, 7 from 16 users), Steam: Very Positive 87% (104 reviews)
Mini Metro Metacritic: 77% (8 critics, 8 from 42 users), Steam: Overwhelmingly Positive 96% (3817 reviews)
JumpJet Rex Metacritic: 76% (11 critics, 7 from 12 users), Steam: Very Positive 97% (244 reviews)
Tower of Guns Metacritic: 76% (16 critics, 7.4 from 41 users), Steam: Very Positive 86% (698 reviews)
Chroma Squad Metacritic: 75% (21 critics, 7.8 from 98 users), Steam: Overwhelmingly Positive 95% (1488 reviews)
Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken Metacritic: 74% (6 critics, 7.3 from 38 users), Steam: Mostly Positive 79% (1643 reviews)
Song of the Deep Metacritic: 73% (12 critics, 6.6 from 19 users), Steam: Very Positive 83% (214 reviews)
Beat Hazard Ultra Reviews of an earlier/alternative version: Metacritic: 70% (11 critics, 7.2 from 173 users), Steam: Very Positive 97% (75 reviews)
Octodad: Dadliest Catch Metacritic: 69% (44 critics, 7.6 from 210 users), Steam: Very Positive 92% (5963 reviews)
Super Galaxy Squadron EX Metacritic: 69% (4 critics), reviews of an earlier/alternative version: Metacritic: 70% (7 critics), Steam: Very Positive 88% (88 reviews)
Q.U.B.E.: Director's Cut Reviews of an earlier/alternative version: Metacritic: 69% (26 critics, 7.6 from 115 users), Steam: Very Positive 83% (578 reviews)
7 Grand Steps: What Ancients Begat Metacritic: 69% (4 critics, 7.1 from 28 users), Steam: Mixed 60% (425 reviews)
Guns of Icarus Online Metacritic: 67% (7 critics, 8.8 from 285 users), Steam: Very Positive 93% (11705 reviews)
Hot Tin Roof: The Cat That Wore A Fedora Metacritic: 66% (5 critics), Steam: Very Positive 84% (94 reviews)
A Virus Named TOM Metacritic: 65% (9 critics, 6.3 from 58 users), Steam: Mixed 57% (572 reviews)
Dusty Revenge:Co-Op Edition Metacritic: 64% (7 critics, 6.7 from 15 users), Steam: Mixed 51% (76 reviews)
Secrets of Rætikon Metacritic: 58% (8 critics, 6.8 from 9 users), Steam: Mixed 69% (303 reviews)
Team Indie Metacritic: 58% (6 critics, 8.3 from 8 users), Steam: Mixed 69% (71 reviews)
No Time To Explain Remastered Reviews of an earlier/alternative versio
16 Feb 17 2 #110
Super Galaxy Squadron EX has just appeared in my purchase list
16 Feb 17 1 #111
Those without Metacritic ratings (ordered by Steam rating):

Ellipsis Steam: Positive 100% (5 reviews), Metacritic: (1 critics)
Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball Steam: Very Positive 93% (2336 reviews), Metacritic: (3 critics, 8.4 from 16 users)
Rituals Steam: Positive 93% (32 reviews), Metacritic: (3 critics)
Subnautica Steam: Very Positive 91% (29803 reviews), Metacritic: (0 critics)
Luna's Wandering Stars Steam: Positive 88% (25 reviews), Metacritic: (1 critics)
Sproggiwood Steam: Very Positive 87% (239 reviews), Metacritic: (1 critics)
Potatoman Seeks the Troof Steam: Very Positive 84% (241 reviews), Metacritic: (1 critics)
Retro Game Crunch Steam: Very Positive 84% (153 reviews), Metacritic: (0 critics)
TIMEframe Steam: Very Positive 83% (149 reviews), Metacritic: (2 critics)
Shütshimi Steam: Positive 83% (36 reviews), Metacritic: (0 critics)
Ballistick Steam: Positive 83% (6 reviews), Metacritic: (0 critics)
RocketsRocketsRockets Steam: Very Positive 82% (462 reviews), Metacritic: (1 critics, 6.6 from 7 users)
Spirits Steam: Mostly Positive 79% (154 reviews), Metacritic: (0 critics, 6.7 from 6 users)
Monster Loves You! Steam: Mostly Positive 77% (783 reviews), Metacritic: (3 critics, 6.2 from 20 users)
Streamline Steam: Mostly Positive 76% (1743 reviews), Metacritic: (0 critics)
Grav Steam: Mixed 66% (4900 reviews), Metacritic: (0 critics)

And 8 have TotalBiscuit video reviews:
WTF Is... - Tower of Guns ?
WTF Is... - Chroma Squad ?
WTF Is... - Invisible Inc. ?
WTF Is/Isn't... : The Stanley Parable ?
Super Meatboy Wipe-a-thon 3000
WTF Is... - The Swapper ?
WTF Is... - Guacamelee ?
WTF Is... - Octodad: Dadliest Catch ? ( WifeTF Edition )
16 Feb 17 #112
For anyone wondering (because I just had to look this up), you might notice that Beat Hazard Ultra is actually DLC for the game Beat Hazard, so if you look it up on Steam you'll see the message 'This content requires the base game Beat Hazard on Steam in order to play.' But fear not, because this game has been in a couple of Humble Bundles before and, by all accounts, even though they've labelled it as Beat Hazard Ultra it's actually the base game plus the DLC.

I'm really liking this bundle - The Witness was high up on my wishlist (almost bought Obduction on sale at £17.99 at the weekend but this will tide me over for now) and I've discovered some new games too.
16 Feb 17 1 #113
Dusty Revenge: Co-Op Edition, too.
16 Feb 17 1 #114
sweet - I like how they keep chucking random extra games in - have to make a point of keeping checking in the list of used keys for any others that may crop up
16 Feb 17 #115
doh - thought had another decent extra there added too "Double Fine Adventure" in the list - turns out its just a 20 part making of episode video though....which is available on youtube anyway
16 Feb 17 #116
Just one point of correction - it's very much not "rubbish", but is in fact a very well-made documentary. :wink:
16 Feb 17 #117
Some people very angry about charity, it's up to the dev what they donate and around 100,000 copies seems a very nice gesture to me.
16 Feb 17 #118
Ok then they should have enough to last more then 1 day, they should of said at the beginning the keys were limited, they only added that when they sold more then expected
16 Feb 17 #119
They couldn't know to have enough for a day as they couldn't know it'd sell so well. Besides which its not up to them, its up to the developer who gifted them the games how many they give. Should they have not put it in the bundle at all as they weren't given unlimited keys? Or should they have let the early purchasers get a bonus? They said keys were limited before they run out, I don't think they expected a $30 bundle to sell this fast.
16 Feb 17 #120
"Limited availability" was stated in the header from the start.
16 Feb 17 #121
Well I caved. Would have been nice to get Subnautica too but you snooze you lose I guess. Still I`ve been after Nuclear Throne and it`s for `Charidy Mate`.
Bundles are more addictive than the lottery but at least you get something in return.
16 Feb 17 1 #122
Yeah, you're missing a reality check. Not everyone in life is out scrounging a free ride like you. You clearly have no understanding of economics or the principles of donation.
16 Feb 17 #123
Got a 2064: Read Only Memories spare code if anyone wants it
16 Feb 17 1 #124
I'll take it off your hands if nobody else wants it, thanks. :smile:
16 Feb 17 #125
16 Feb 17 #126
I've got 2 more showing up in my library now

Guacamelee! Gold Edition
Hand of Fate

as far as I can tell, there's nothing in Gold edition that Super Turbo edition doesn't have?
16 Feb 17 #127
isn`t guacamelee turbo already in the bundle ? what`s the difference ?
on another note: super meat boy drm free download just crashes for me, any fixes anyone knows of ?? anyone tried it ?
16 Feb 17 #128
Guacamelee Gold supports Mac and Linux in addition to Windows (though it has fewer features, e.g. 2-player, rather than 4-player co-op):
Guacamelee! STCE is an enhanced version of Guacamelee! Gold Edition that adds in two huge new levels, an explosive new ‘Intenso’ power mode, 4-player local co-op support and more.

More details here:
16 Feb 17 #129
Nope, not when it was just started

Confirmed by people on Humble bundle twitter, many are saying it was not stated at first
16 Feb 17 #130
Well, the keys are not coming back:
"We have sold out of Subnautica keys for the Freedom Bundle. These keys will not be restocked. We will be adding more games soon! Stay tuned!"
And the reddit that someone mentions on Twitter:
"They did have it from the start (or very close to the start):"
16 Feb 17 #131
Okay, yes, you're correct - the "limited availability" text was added at some point between 11.30pm on Monday and 2.30am on Tuesday (link), though this was still well in advance of any games becoming unavailable.

Either way, though,this isn't going to change where we now are with this, I'm afraid.
17 Feb 17 #132
Noticed that System Shock Pack has been added to my purchasing page. You also get it both games DRM free, which is nice.
17 Feb 17 #133
Shame,they took this bundle hostage with Leftist crap, thats just separating their fans

I would of bought it if it didnt go against my dignity and what i stand for, its like if they have help build the Wall bundle with good games, liberals would be mad
17 Feb 17 2 #134
Setting aside the personal political views of anyone here, you can choose for your donation to go to one or both of the charities other than the ACLU, if you prefer.
17 Feb 17 #135
I think we can all tell why you never get samples...
17 Feb 17 #136
I've never spent this much on a bundle before but this is really tempting!
17 Feb 17 3 #137
Drunk me purchased it as a present for sober me :smile:
17 Feb 17 1 #138
Buy it, it's a no brainer. Can't believe how generous humble have been with this one. the original line up was great but within 24 hours they have added 15 plus games to the list (admittedly older ones but still some classics) and still seem to be adding one or two every now and again. Might seem a lot compared to their other bundles but never seen such a generous and comprehensive bundle before and even makes you feel good for donating too. Really don't see how you can lose on this one....
17 Feb 17 #139
I make that a total of 58 games/packs if you count the Guacamelee's as 1 and System Shock Pack as 1 (including Subnautica which has no keys for late buyers).
17 Feb 17 2 #140
I'm relying on that bundle being released so I can get a copy of "Papers, Please".
17 Feb 17 1 #141
​​​Civil liberties are an issue on both sides of the political spectrum as is Rescue and Medical Aid for the less fortunate. Not really sure why you see it as Leftist.

Also news flash: not everybody on the right thinks the things you think either

If you're concerned about the organisations maybe you should look into their previous actions before buying instead of whining about it here like some special hard done by conservative snowflake.
18 Feb 17 #142
Like who? Tesco who I buy my food from or Steam who I buy my games from or Virgin who I get my broadband from? They don't try to push my political beliefs in one way or another. They don't send me a special offer to purchase a bundle of goods to sponsor immigration just to spite Donald Trump. If it was so precious to these guys why didn't they do it when 80 people were mowed down in France? Why is it these "moral crusaders" pipe up when Trump bans them from the US. They should be down there in Calais helping them onto the trucks into Dover if they really care. Please do me a favour. Knee jerk cig packet political beliefs need to be kicked into the long grass where they belong
18 Feb 17 1 #143
The games industry is a creative industry (it's not oil, gas and mining) so sometimes HumbleBundle champion 'liberal' causes. If people feel the ACLU is partisan in holding Trump to account, their donation can be changed to one or both of the other charities. The ACLU has held Obama's administration and the military to account in the past, e.g. vs NSA and vs targetted killings.
18 Feb 17 #144
I don't recall seeing a humble bundle about those issues.
18 Feb 17 1 #145
I assume that you realise that you can change the beneficiaries of your purchase? If you disagree with the agenda of the ACLU, send your money to Doctors Without Borders or the International Rescue Committee.
18 Feb 17 #146
If you can bear supporting any of the charities, you may want to hold your nose and buy the bundle.
18 Feb 17 #147
When there's one supporting the defeat of the ivory trade I will buy with full funds.
6 billion people, how many great species die for our arrogant self centred ownership of the planet
18 Feb 17 3 #148
You're in luck! You can do this with many of Humble's standard bundles. Here's a link to their latest bundle, which I've customised so that the donation goes to Stop Ivory Inc:
18 Feb 17 #149
Cheers, why not post that as a deal?
18 Feb 17 #151
Because it's merely a small change to an existing deal that has no effect on price. If you're that unhappy with this deal don't buy it, I can't see an issue.
18 Feb 17 1 #152
screw the political side. what an awesome deal. nearly 60 games ? for the price of one ps4 game ? ha ha bring on the real political debate. pc master race vs ps4.
18 Feb 17 1 #153
I thought I might amuse you with a list of the most widely reviewed titles (20 or more reviews), probably the biggest titles here:

System Shock Pack Metacritic: 92% (20 critics, 9.1 from 521 users), reviews of an earlier/alternative version: Metacritic: 85% (9 critics, 8.1 from 29 users), Steam: Very Positive 92% (3510 reviews)
World of Goo Metacritic: 90% (26 critics, 8.5 from 611 users), Steam: Very Positive 94% (2849 reviews)
Stardew Valley Metacritic: 88% (29 critics, 8.6 from 523 users), Steam: Overwhelmingly Positive 97% (48597 reviews)
Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition Metacritic: 80% (6 critics, 6.7 from 56 users), reviews of an earlier/alternative version: Metacritic: 88% (22 critics, 7.3 from 229 users), Steam: Overwhelmingly Positive 95% (876 reviews)
The Stanley Parable Metacritic: 88% (47 critics, 8 from 1833 users), Steam: Very Positive 91% (28449 reviews)
Day of the Tentacle Remastered Metacritic: 87% (37 critics, 7.9 from 111 users), Steam: Overwhelmingly Positive 98% (1233 reviews)
The Swapper Metacritic: 87% (36 critics, 8.6 from 481 users), Steam: Overwhelmingly Positive 97% (4523 reviews)
The Witness Metacritic: 87% (20 critics, 6.6 from 402 users), Steam: Very Positive 85% (3233 reviews)
Invisible Inc. Metacritic: 82% (45 critics, 7.9 from 148 users), Steam: Very Positive 93% (2663 reviews)
Hand of Fate Metacritic: 78% (28 critics, 7.9 from 161 users), Steam: Very Positive 92% (4766 reviews)
Mushroom 11 Metacritic: 78% (20 critics, 7 from 16 users), Steam: Very Positive 87% (104 reviews)
Chroma Squad Metacritic: 75% (21 critics, 7.8 from 98 users), Steam: Overwhelmingly Positive 95% (1488 reviews)
Octodad: Dadliest Catch Metacritic: 69% (44 critics, 7.6 from 210 users), Steam: Very Positive 92% (5963 reviews)
Q.U.B.E.: Director's Cut Reviews of an earlier/alternative version: Metacritic: 69% (26 critics, 7.6 from 115 users), Steam: Very Positive 83% (578 reviews)

And if you only like Steam user ratings (those with 5000 or more):

Stardew Valley Metacritic: 88% (29 critics, 8.6 from 523 users), Steam: Overwhelmingly Positive 97% (48597 reviews)
Super Hexagon Metacritic: 88% (4 critics, 8.4 from 212 users), Steam: Overwhelmingly Positive 97% (18274 reviews)
Nuclear Throne Metacritic: 88% (14 critics, 7.6 from 156 users), Steam: Overwhelmingly Positive 97% (7185 reviews)
vvvvvv Metacritic: 81% (15 critics, 8.1 from 220 users), Steam: Overwhelmingly Positive 96% (5716 reviews)
Super Meat Boy Metacritic: 87% (11 critics, 8.3 from 755 users), Steam: Overwhelmingly Positive 95% (19836 reviews)
Guns of Icarus Online Metacritic: 67% (7 critics, 8.8 from 285 users), Steam: Very Positive 93% (11705 reviews)
Octodad: Dadliest Catch Metacritic: 69% (44 critics, 7.6 from 210 users), Steam: Very Positive 92% (5963 reviews)
The Stanley Parable Metacritic: 88% (47 critics, 8 from 1833 users), Steam: Very Positive 91% (28449 reviews)
Subnautica Steam: Very Positive 91% (29803 reviews), Metacritic: (0 critics)
19 Feb 17 #154
Guessing thats the end of the last of the 'extra' stuff getting added here and there, been nothing for a couple days now, and can't see them adding more with 1 day to go.

Was good checking and getting a few little bonus surprises though
19 Feb 17 #155
Yeah, I haven't seen anything else come up. Still couldn't have wished for a more generous bundle from humble, never imagined they would add so much to it. Will be much more open to considering their bigger bundles in future...
19 Feb 17 #156
Yes, it's contained a good number of items from my wish list. I will also consider bigger bundles, e.g. the Yogscast Jingle Jam 2016 which was $30 (allegedly more than $650 of stuff versus the Freedom Bundle's $600):
20 Feb 17 1 #157
The Freedom Bundle's reached $6.15m, an average of more than $2m per charity (192k bundles sold), the bundle will still be available until 19:00 20th Feb (Subnautica being the only fully unavailable title for new orders).
23 Feb 17 #158
You little snowflake.
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
3.5 stars +218

iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
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Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Double LEGO VIP Points
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Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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