I didn't even realise this was BC, it's one of my most played games on Steam.
Billy and Jimmy Lee are back to save their shared love interest, Marian from the evil Skullmageddon across 10 brawling levels filled with elaborate missions, malicious enemies and over-the-top battles. Trained by their sensei in a special form of martial arts, Billy and Jimmy are equipped with lethal combat skills and weaponry to bust some faces and battle the baddest goons around as they journey across the galaxy to rescue the love of their lives.
Top comments
Elivercury to dan666
21 Feb 176#12
ign probably weren't paid enough for their review.
21 Feb 173#6
Blue Dragon for half price anyone looking for an JRPG on Xbox :sunglasses:
is it me or do these deals keep getting worse? :disappointed:
oUkTuRkEyIII to kiwi12
21 Feb 171#5
Definitely, Neon is a good game though.
21 Feb 173#6
Blue Dragon for half price anyone looking for an JRPG on Xbox :sunglasses:
21 Feb 17#7
wish it was on the ps4
21 Feb 17#8
wish it was on the ps4
21 Feb 171#9
Still waiting for Scott Pilgrim to be BC
Silhouette to cliffio76
21 Feb 17#13
The dream! Haha
21 Feb 17#10
I am still somewhat patiently waiting for The Witcher expansion pass to go on sale.
21 Feb 17#11
Tempted but the I read the 3/10 ign review. And then there's the 9/10 Destructoid review...confused.
Elivercury to dan666
21 Feb 176#12
ign probably weren't paid enough for their review.
littlebitsofgaming to dan666
21 Feb 17#28
Read the user comments of the IGN review as almost all of them call out the 'reviewer' for the blatant lies spouted in the review.
Example: The reviewer claims they completed the game in 1 hour, yet they also comment on the fact the game is hard.
Just so you know, its pretty much impossible to finish this game in 1 hour unless you have poured in hours of gameplay previously to unlock upgrades.
I spent an hour on the first three stages alone.
It's also painfully clear that the reviewer never explored the game to any depth as there is no mention of any of the unlockable or progression system.
I think they just played a couple of levels, found the game was too hard for them (it is hard until you get some upgrades) so just wrote a clearly bias bad review.
The only negative for me about the game is that it does require a lot of grinding through previously played levels to get money to buy upgrades... But as the game is pretty damn good anyway, its only a minor niggle.
For less than 3 clams, this is a great deal well worth going for if you're a DD fan or fan of this genre.
21 Feb 17#14
Yeah, I'll probably pick it up just for the co op.
21 Feb 171#15
IGN simply were too thick to understand how the combat works in this game compared to the original. The same idiots who couldn't understand Deadly Premonition.
21 Feb 17#16
It says a lot when this is the sole decent deal of the week. I checked in the early hours out of excitement for a bounce-back from last week, but nope.
FWIW, the last month or so has had some amazing deals - just this last fortnight that's been a let-down :disappointed:
21 Feb 17#17
I find it irritating that you can't use your Xbox credit to buy 360 games through the website and xbox One store, you need to buy them through your 360 console.
TALON1973 to aseddon130
21 Feb 17#18
ah.... so the credit can be used when the original console? Good to know as I've had that problem myself.
I was a big fan of the original double dragon in the arcade in the olden days, how similar is this?
21 Feb 171#21
Have this on 360. Its a good game with lots of funny nods to the 80's. Its far better than that dd4 'nes game' which came out recently.
21 Feb 17#22
this game must be ended up in game for gold
21 Feb 17#23
I don't think theres been a decent sale since before Christmas. These deals with gold have been really disappointing for a while imo
21 Feb 17#24
Is there any way to buy this with MS credit without a 360 console?
21 Feb 17#25
Refuse to support this game after the developers promised online co op via a post launch patch , for consoles, but never happened.
Only way to truly appreciate this game is with the Steam version which does have online co op
21 Feb 17#26
That's a nice price for a fun night with some friends. Heat added!
21 Feb 17#27
can not go wrong for that price
21 Feb 17#29
Before when I was searching for co op beat em ups I'm sure it stated the Xbox 360 version was online and the PS3 wasn't. Is that correct? Because I purchased again on Xbox for that reason alone. But turns out it's only local
samhain81 to master_therock
21 Feb 17#32
Should have read my previous post before buying. Lesson learnt
Thos graphics look **** terrible, just give me the first game on there instead.
Oh I googled the reviews of the game... yeah it's terrible.
oUkTuRkEyIII to slannmage
21 Feb 17#37
Im not sure what reviews you have read but it is actually a great game. I have been playing it today on XO and they have done a good job with the graphics. Users on METACRITIC gave it 7.2/10 which is pretty good?
It is worth £2.70 of anybody's money, it is similar to the original but now it hs funky music and air guitars :stuck_out_tongue:
like that game street rage going to buy this . Then again for a tenner cd bought the sega megadrive collection witch come with street rage .. like the look of this
22 Feb 17#39
Is this online and local co op .
22 Feb 17#40
are the controls decent . whos played it
22 Feb 17#41
No no I bought it when it was regular price I would have been happy with the gamble at this price! :smiley:
22 Feb 17#42
Ok I've bought it.. Please don't post this in a few weeks/months when it's free on games with gold and I haven't played it yet! :smiley:
Opening post
Billy and Jimmy Lee are back to save their shared love interest, Marian from the evil Skullmageddon across 10 brawling levels filled with elaborate missions, malicious enemies and over-the-top battles. Trained by their sensei in a special form of martial arts, Billy and Jimmy are equipped with lethal combat skills and weaponry to bust some faces and battle the baddest goons around as they journey across the galaxy to rescue the love of their lives.
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All comments (42)
Example: The reviewer claims they completed the game in 1 hour, yet they also comment on the fact the game is hard.
Just so you know, its pretty much impossible to finish this game in 1 hour unless you have poured in hours of gameplay previously to unlock upgrades.
I spent an hour on the first three stages alone.
It's also painfully clear that the reviewer never explored the game to any depth as there is no mention of any of the unlockable or progression system.
I think they just played a couple of levels, found the game was too hard for them (it is hard until you get some upgrades) so just wrote a clearly bias bad review.
The only negative for me about the game is that it does require a lot of grinding through previously played levels to get money to buy upgrades... But as the game is pretty damn good anyway, its only a minor niggle.
For less than 3 clams, this is a great deal well worth going for if you're a DD fan or fan of this genre.
FWIW, the last month or so has had some amazing deals - just this last fortnight that's been a let-down :disappointed:
Only way to truly appreciate this game is with the Steam version which does have online co op
Love the retro versions :smile:
Oh I googled the reviews of the game... yeah it's terrible.
It is worth £2.70 of anybody's money, it is similar to the original but now it hs funky music and air guitars :stuck_out_tongue:
1hr seems like an exaggeration but if you unlock Fuzz Face towards the end of level 6 you can pretty much walk through the rest of the game