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BrewDog mystery box - £35.00 Delivered
3.5 stars +220

BrewDog mystery box - £35.00 Delivered

£35 Brewdog19 Feb 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Opening post
2 Feb 17
This Mystery Box contains a mixed selection of killer BrewDog beers. This is an opportunity not to be missed: This case of 24 items is guaranteed to be worth more than if the items were bought individually and have the delivery costs included in the price to mainland UK addresses. These cases are extremely limited.

Once they're gone, they're gone for good!

£35 includes P&P
Top comments
Paddy_o_furniture to woldranger
2 Feb 17 6 #11
I've tried several and I just don't get the love for this "Hipster Water".
2 Feb 17 6 #17
I did once in the Lake District, a group of us were walking and camping, by chance the local had a 'beer' festival, 3 of us were happy to try our luck, whilst one member of the party spent the entire evening moaning about not getting his favourite. Personally I like to try out different beers, that I wouldn't normally try, especially if they're from smaller breweries, I like to keep an open mind, after all my favourite today wasn't brewed when I fist started drinking, so without trying something different I wouldn't have tasted it.

Pedigree, Doom Bar and Brew Dog are all mass produced and nothing special, imho, it's the one pub breweries where you can find really interesting beer.

2 Feb 17 4 #16
old man brews? Really? This was one of the things that I was worried about, suddenly beer is fashionable and it's style over substance! There are plenty of great beers out there from local breweries, not the hyped up fashionable breweries like this. Personally, I don't ever recall going into a bar, handing over money to a barman and asking him for a mystery selection of beers over the next few hours.
2 Feb 17 4 #20
one thing that the "old man brews" have over this, is at least they come in decent sized bottles.
All comments (64)
2 Feb 17 #1
Roughly £1.46 a bottle. Is that cheap?
Ben GT to Norwichlad
2 Feb 17 #2
Normally 4 for £6 in supermarkets on their 'base' beers. As you'd expect some of their more premium beers in this box I'd say it will work out quite well...
vicstar115 to Norwichlad
2 Feb 17 #3
Between £1.85 and £2.15 a bottle so for this brand it is cheap
Ben GT
2 Feb 17 #4
£29.75 with investor discount so that's quite a deal
Norwichlad to Ben GT
2 Feb 17 #5
What's this and how do I add it?
Slim2k to Ben GT
2 Feb 17 #7
How did you get your investor discount, I am still waiting for mine?
2 Feb 17 #6
Need to be a shareholder.
2 Feb 17 3 #8
Around £1.50 a (small) bottle for a pot luck selection, no thanks. Each to their own but I'd rather go to somewhere like Asda and pick my own at 4 for £5. The beer from brew dog is decent but nothing astounding.
Paddy_o_furniture to woldranger
2 Feb 17 6 #11
I've tried several and I just don't get the love for this "Hipster Water".
crumpo to woldranger
2 Feb 17 2 #12
​Each to their own, as you say. I'd rather drink nothing than drink Pedigree, Doom Bar or any of the old man brews.

This is cheap for a mystery selection, just a shame the bonds havent completed yet or I'd get one at 20% off...
2 Feb 17 #9
It does says 24 'items' rather than 24 bottles so i wouldn't assume it would be all beer.
adrianmg to cdm22
2 Feb 17 1 #15
The email that was sent to shareholders and those on the mailing list says that it is a box of beers.
"Our super limited Mystery Box case contains a mixed selection of 24 BrewDog beers [..]"
Malabus to cdm22
2 Feb 17 #29
Devil is in the detail.
Ben GT
2 Feb 17 #10
Its automatically applied when you log in using your shareholder account
2 Feb 17 #13
£28 for me 20% shareholder discount, bargain!!!
2 Feb 17 1 #14
Ah right, still waiting for my details from BD, I have emailed to see if they can speed things up. 20% is quite a discount to miss out on.
2 Feb 17 4 #16
old man brews? Really? This was one of the things that I was worried about, suddenly beer is fashionable and it's style over substance! There are plenty of great beers out there from local breweries, not the hyped up fashionable breweries like this. Personally, I don't ever recall going into a bar, handing over money to a barman and asking him for a mystery selection of beers over the next few hours.
2 Feb 17 6 #17
I did once in the Lake District, a group of us were walking and camping, by chance the local had a 'beer' festival, 3 of us were happy to try our luck, whilst one member of the party spent the entire evening moaning about not getting his favourite. Personally I like to try out different beers, that I wouldn't normally try, especially if they're from smaller breweries, I like to keep an open mind, after all my favourite today wasn't brewed when I fist started drinking, so without trying something different I wouldn't have tasted it.

Pedigree, Doom Bar and Brew Dog are all mass produced and nothing special, imho, it's the one pub breweries where you can find really interesting beer.

2 Feb 17 1 #18
I never mentioned Pedigree or Doom Bar :smirk: - I'll drink them at a push, if that's the only beer that's on then fair enough, it's no contest when it's that or fosters/carling etc!
I don't know if it's the same nationwide but here in York, Asda actually has quite a few random beers from some great little local breweries. Which reminds me, I'm out and need to pick up a for the pubs, unless there's a throng of people waiting I'll always have a try of anything new that comes up - I just wouldn't want to commit to a case of them!
2 Feb 17 #19
2 Feb 17 4 #20
one thing that the "old man brews" have over this, is at least they come in decent sized bottles.
2 Feb 17 #21
You can't really compare Sharp's to BrewDog, Totaly different target audience "Hipster" / "Old man" Really?

You're either happy to pay £1.50 a bottle and explore/try new beers with this box or your not!
2 Feb 17 1 #22
If you are in York then House of Trembling Madness on Stonegate have an Aladdins cave of difference beers for sale in the back.
2 Feb 17 #23
I'm a drinker or craft beers, but quite happy with cask/real ales as well. On the craft Beavertown, EvilTwin etc etc are some of my favourites but I also used to be keen on Doom Bar on draught before Sharp's were taken over.

However, I don't get the BrewDog fascination. Nice branding but the beers are all way too hoppy for me (I prefer malty) and they all seem to be a variation of the same taste.
2 Feb 17 1 #24
Thanks, but if I'm drinking beer in pubs I much prefer a full pint! 330ml bottles are great when you're somewhere hot and the beer gets warm quickly but that's rarely a concern over here :smirk:
2 Feb 17 1 #25
I meant for sale in the shop :smiley: Soooo many to choose from.
2 Feb 17 #26
I get everyone's issue with brewdog but some of them are nice some not up my taste, same as most breweries really. But I am a sucker for a mystery box and maybe you might get one or two of the harder to find Ines in it for something different. Hot and ordered from me
2 Feb 17 #27
This is the offer that was on in January too. The box contains Punk, Dead Pony, Jackhammer, Vagabond, Hoppy Xmas, Santa Paws, Pumpkin King, Jet Black Heart and that is about it in varying degrees of cans and bottles. It does contain Dead Pony bombers which as £1.50ish each is a good price.
2 Feb 17 1 #28
Hardcore IPA in there too
3 Feb 17 #30
Mine is out for delivery, so will post the content once received. Apart from the Pumpkin king, I'll be happy if it's the same content as the January box.
3 Feb 17 1 #31
Mine has arrived, 24 beers. Some jet black heart, some sant paws, 3 hardcore ipa, 6 punk ipa (330) and 2 500ml cans. A zeitgeist, a jack hammer, a hoppy Christmas and a couple more of the standard beers.
3 Feb 17 3 #32
Mine arrived and really pleased with the selection and value. I had the following:

3 x Punk (330 can)
2 x punk (large can)
1 x jackhammer,
3 x Santa Paws
3 x hardcore ipa
1 x vagabond gluten free
1 x happy christmas
3 x jet balck heart
1 x Zeitgeist
1x dead pony club
1 x dead pony club 660ml
3 x punk (bottle)
1 x 5am saint
3 Feb 17 #33
Mine just arrived too, pretty happy. Lots of punk and a good mix. I did also receive a bottle which is label less so who knows what that is!!
3 Feb 17 #34
sorry but this actually sounds like the best night out ever!
3 Feb 17 1 #35
what this basically is is the left over lot that they didnt sell over xmas, including their xmas specials which they cannot sell now randomly spread out. Which for the value is absolutley brilliant for me.

Just wish Wild Beer would do the same as I prefer a lot more of their stuff.
Slim2k to hidchere001
3 Feb 17 #36
I think it's a clear out stock process as a friend checked and they filed their year-end statement 18/02/2016
3 Feb 17 3 #37
3 Feb 17 #38
Haha. Got a very similar pic of my own. Identical box!
3 Feb 17 #39
Good mix here including a couple of the more expensive ones too quite impressed 9 different beers I think.
3 Feb 17 1 #40
​I reckon 330ml is fine. No finger-pointing from me to anyone, but I don't like the British (our) drinking culture. 25cl many places in Europe, lo and behold there's far less drink related illness and violence. Plenty people control themselves with our measures just fine, but smaller measures accentuate the idea of actually tasting your flippin' beer and having it as an accompaniment to your food or social thing. Argument's been made plenty times before I'm just on me soapbox :stuck_out_tongue:
3 Feb 17 #41
Just came back to this thread - was about to upload a pic but it's pretty much the same so no need. Decent mix of beers, mostly the mid strength (Punk, Jet Black Heart) but a few of the stronger ones (eg Jackhammer, 3 x Hardcore) and certainly seems stonking value to me, even before the shareholder discount. Fortunately no Nanny State as that's not on my list of favourites :-)
6 Feb 17 #42
Guy in the office saw my box Friday and ordered one, he's had roughly the same, but an Elvis and another. So I guess getting rid of their main sellers and chucking in some random's to spice things up. If I get my shareholder account before they pull, I'll order another 2 for the rest of the 6 nations
19 Feb 17 #43
​Apart from the 10% Paix Dieu that can be found at a bar on Lille's Grand Place.
19 Feb 17 #44
Over-priced in the first place. This deal is only hot if you love Brew Dog beers. I think they taste OK but wouldn't bother with this deal personally. For most of us, we're better of buying our favourite tipple elsewhere for not much difference in price - but we'll be much happier with our choice.
19 Feb 17 #45
Like Brewdog or not, these are value for money. Several 660ml cans/bottles, plus four hardcore IPA, on top of your usual 330ml servings.
19 Feb 17 1 #46
unless it's 24 Old Thumpers, not interested!!
19 Feb 17 #47
Had many different brew dog beers, rare ones, strong ones and bland ones. Won't waste any more money on them. If you're new to these 'crafty' style ones, remember there's definitely something much better, if you can be bothered to look elsewhere than the supermarket! Have fun hunting and check out any micropubs, ale houses and bottle shops you might have near you. If there aren't any near you, then go on a nice beer adventure and help support a local business.
19 Feb 17 1 #48
if you like trying different beers then download untappd it's great for finding new beers and sharing them with your mates.
19 Feb 17 2 #49
​Ssshhhh! Don't tell all the normals, or Old Speckled Gen will get more than a 1 star average!
19 Feb 17 1 #50
19 Feb 17 #51
​ :smile:
19 Feb 17 1 #52
​*Hen! **** predictive ****.
19 Feb 17 1 #53
​ugh. censorship, I mean clucking predictive ballpit!
20 Feb 17 #54
I got 3xlarge cans and 3xlarge bottles included in a random selection. Mostly getting rid of their xmas beers and including several Punk which is pretty much their staple. But there wasn't one I didn't like. Good stuff :smiley:
20 Feb 17 1 #55
They sell some Brewdog in my local ASDA and TBH the prices make the "normal" real ale seem incredibly cheap especially with the multi buy offer (not applicable to Brewdog).

So I for one have not been tempted to try these overpriced so called craft beers. All seems like marketing hype to me that will end in tears.
20 Feb 17 #56
Have done just that. Was in a bar in Chicago on a stag do where they did a 'brown bag' mystery craft beer. Pay your money and get a random can of craft beer. Theory being you're able to properly judge the beer without any bias. Had a good few that day.
20 Feb 17 #57
20 Feb 17 #58
Gone :disappointed:
20 Feb 17 #59
How long does delivery typically take? Ordered last night.
Slim2k to pazza2000
20 Feb 17 #61
1 to 2 days, I'd expect it to ship today and be with you tomorrow. Ordered mine Friday and was with me Monday.
20 Feb 17 #60
Great deal - got mine a few weeks back and still chipping away. Recently found a great bottle shop though so the Brewdogs have taken a back seat
20 Feb 17 #62
good deal. Also, if you're into trying different ales... lagunitas is 3 for £5 at the little tescos. In my opinion much nicer than any of the Brewdog ales. Normal tesco also sells Vocation heart and soul/life &death/pride and joy for £1.75.
20 Feb 17 #63
Years ago, people would have pretentious arguments about wine. Now, they've got people doing it about beer.
benlondon to josephallen
21 Feb 17 #64
​Yup, and most commenting will in reality know very little about what they are talking about
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