Went to buy ratchet and Clank but there is no Buy button :/
olliemad5 to QuickProfits
22 Feb 17#14
same :disappointed:
21 Feb 17#12
I don't know if I have time for titanfall 2. Currently I'm really hooked on Infinite warfare
21 Feb 17#11
Am I being stupid, or is Ratchet and Clank just rent only? :disappointed:
20 Feb 171#10
Overcooked and Aragami are both great games I recommend them
20 Feb 171#9
Can't find Ratchet & Clank on there to buy
20 Feb 171#8
Titanfall 2 on PS4 was £15 preowned in my local cash generator (Albany Road, Cardiff), if you've got one near you it may be worth checking out!
20 Feb 172#7
Fantastic price for Ratchet and Clank! Paid £15 for it on eBay recently.
20 Feb 172#6
heat for overcooked. not too much though. dont want to burn.
20 Feb 171#5
For anyone wanting titanfall 2 on Xbox, it's currently £24 on their amazon :smiley:
20 Feb 172#3
Another week, another mixmixi game bought :sunglasses:
mixmixi to mdpmdpmdpmdp
20 Feb 17#4
I feel in long run I will be owing you a lot mate. Sorry for the financial hassle that I maybe the reason for. :disappointed:
20 Feb 173#2
Good price for R&C. Titanfall 2 seems a little overpriced for a used copy. Heat :smiley:
20 Feb 171#1
Cool pic montage! Mostly great prices though I'm waiting for Titanfall 2 to drop a bit more before picking it up.
Playing Bioshock 2 remastered at the moment and, though it's a great game in its own right, it falls way short as a sequel in the limelight of the legendary original. It's just reminding me how disappointed I was playing this back in 2010, having pre-ordered it with great excitement.
Aragami is sat on my shelf waiting for its moment and Ratchet and Clank is, of course, absolutely fantastic. If only I had a couch co-op buddy to play Overcooked :disappointed:
Opening post
TitanFall 2 £26.89 | Overcooked £11.99 | Aragami £9.99 | Ratchet & Clank £12.89
Playing Bioshock 2 remastered at the moment and, though it's a great game in its own right, it falls way short as a sequel in the limelight of the legendary original. It's just reminding me how disappointed I was playing this back in 2010, having pre-ordered it with great excitement.
Aragami is sat on my shelf waiting for its moment and Ratchet and Clank is, of course, absolutely fantastic. If only I had a couch co-op buddy to play Overcooked :disappointed:
Heat added!