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ASUS Radeon Dual RX480 GDDR 8GB OC VR gaming graphics card £182.99 @ AWD-IT
5++ stars +875

ASUS Radeon Dual RX480 GDDR 8GB OC VR gaming graphics card £182.99 @ AWD-IT

£182.99 AWD-IT20 Feb 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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Opening post
20 Feb 17
Just found this deal on the AWD-IT website. Great if you are looking for an 8gb gaming graphics card. I've dealt with this online retailer before and had excellent customer service. If you haven't seen their website before its well worth browsing, there are some brilliant deals.
Top comments
matt101101 to TheGuyWhoNeverGetsSamples
21 Feb 17 3 #31
I think you might be misunderstanding how Crossfire (and SLI, for that matter) operate; you seem to have it backwards.

If you're going to Crossfire these, you absolutely want the 8GB version; you can only access half of the total VRAM in a 2-way Crossfire/SLI setup. That would mean effectively 2GB per card if you Crossfired two 4GB RX480s, but 4GB per card if you used two 8GB models instead.

Along with compatibility and optimisation problems, this is one of the other issues with gaining massive amounts of theoretical GPU power using a 2-way Crossfire/SLI setup with mid-range cards. You may well get the total GPU power (in theory...) of something like a GTX x80 or x80Ti card, but you'll often have a lot less VRAM (though not with an 8GB RX 480, as it has a lot of VRAM for its GPU power).
matt101101 to neils31
20 Feb 17 3 #13
Your PSU will be fine; the RX 480 draws less power than the 7970.

As for performance, the RX 480 is undoubtedly the faster card, but whether it's worth the upgrade is up to you. I'm fairly sure it was the 7970 which was rebranded as the R9 280x. This video compares the RX 480, R9 380x, R9 280x and R9 270x playing various games at 1080p.
All comments (185)
20 Feb 17 #1
Seems like a great price
20 Feb 17 #2
Heat this is going to the top
20 Feb 17 #3
20 Feb 17 #4
Amazing price.
20 Feb 17 #5
I've also used them in the past, no complaints.
20 Feb 17 2 #6
This seems like an absolute steal. I'm waiting to build a whole new PC. I've been very tempted to buy one of AWD-ITs CPU and mobo deals but I keep holding on for Ryzen to shake things up!
asad786r to dylang1986
20 Feb 17 #14
​good idea, I'm waiting to see what ryzen can bring also
20 Feb 17 #7
This does seem like a great deal - just ordered mine!
20 Feb 17 1 #8
Better deal than the 1060's all day long if paired with a capable CPU.
20 Feb 17 #9
Great deal if you want one now. I'm tempted to wait a month or 2 to see what price drops vega and big pascal bring.

It might affect nothing but you never know. Ryzen is going to be brilliant for shaking the cpu market up though.
matt101101 to ricky1234561
20 Feb 17 2 #11
Obviously I'm only speculating, but I would imagine that this far down the food chain there will be next to no impact on price due to the introduction of the 1080Ti and whatever the Vega card(s) end up being called.

If I remember correctly, the introduction of the 980Ti knocked 980 prices down a bit, but 970 and, more importantly, 960 (which the 1060 and RX480 are in the same tier as, albeit a generation newer) prices weren't really affected. x80 cards basically lose at least some of their "I'm the fastest" price premium once the x80Ti comes out, but no other card has that premium to begin with, so obviously can't lose it.
asad786r to ricky1234561
20 Feb 17 #15
​im hoping we get 1 card for 4k ultra solution soon
20 Feb 17 #10
This or wait until the Sapphire Nitro+ 8GB drops down in price?

Good price either way!
20 Feb 17 #12
Ok is this much of an upgrade from an Asus HD7970 ? Would I also need to upgrade my power supply its a cooler master GX bronze 750w?

its been a while since I kept upto speed with such things .....

matt101101 to neils31
20 Feb 17 3 #13
Your PSU will be fine; the RX 480 draws less power than the 7970.

As for performance, the RX 480 is undoubtedly the faster card, but whether it's worth the upgrade is up to you. I'm fairly sure it was the 7970 which was rebranded as the R9 280x. This video compares the RX 480, R9 380x, R9 280x and R9 270x playing various games at 1080p.
20 Feb 17 1 #16
when in Rome! been comparing 1060s and 480s in bed with the lights out. wife not been happy but this has just solved it. heat...
darthvader666uk to joshbutleruk
20 Feb 17 #23
Two cards in undecided on too but at this price, the equivilant 1060 asus dual oc is about £80 more? is it worth it? All I want is super good 1920 x 1080 gaming :smiley:
20 Feb 17 1 #17
Bit the bullet, this is too much of a deal to turn down. The white design will match the new white case - It was meant to be. Thanks for the find OP
iamdamien to dylang1986
21 Feb 17 #36
Pics mate. I'm a fan of an all white rig... jesus what a nerd I have become
20 Feb 17 #18
Glad to have found something others have found useful.
20 Feb 17 2 #19
Well, actually Tahiti (7950/7970/7870LE, R9 280/280X) was retired after that and R9 380/380X is based on Tonga from the R9 285. Slighly newer so in some benches it will pull ahead due being able to handle tessellation better. Being a 256-bit bus design, it had less VRAM bandwidth though.
Anyway, for comparison for an upgrade from the 7970 the 280/280X is the one to use. 280X had faster clocks so more comparable to 7970 GHz edition.
20 Feb 17 #20
Im really unsure as to whether they are good to buy from. Although yes they have many good reviews, the reviews that they have are very poor with things not turning up for example. What is the warranty on this? I really want to buy it but I don't know if i trust the seller 100% :disappointed:
20 Feb 17 2 #21
the tax will be added as soon as you are ready to check out
20 Feb 17 #22
what sort of noise levels do these cards have? about to build my first PC in years and I want something small, powerful and relatively quiet. this looks good.
20 Feb 17 #24
Cheers, you learn something new everyday! :smiley:
20 Feb 17 #25
I want this so bad, but I've ordered twice from other sites and have both of them refunded a day later.

There must be something dodgy going on, all these websites look the same, the same layout and the same text, what the hell is going on, am i the only one noticing this?
Redonkulous to hasj2
20 Feb 17 #26
AWD IT is a legit site if that's your question, got a prebuilt pc from them at Christmas with no issues
20 Feb 17 #27
This card will be fine it's the better deal.
21 Feb 17 #28
If only they had the 4gb version. Good price still.
21 Feb 17 #29
I may hold out a bit and buy 2 4gbs

If you crossfire these you dont need 8gb versions as its pointless
matt101101 to TheGuyWhoNeverGetsSamples
21 Feb 17 3 #31
I think you might be misunderstanding how Crossfire (and SLI, for that matter) operate; you seem to have it backwards.

If you're going to Crossfire these, you absolutely want the 8GB version; you can only access half of the total VRAM in a 2-way Crossfire/SLI setup. That would mean effectively 2GB per card if you Crossfired two 4GB RX480s, but 4GB per card if you used two 8GB models instead.

Along with compatibility and optimisation problems, this is one of the other issues with gaining massive amounts of theoretical GPU power using a 2-way Crossfire/SLI setup with mid-range cards. You may well get the total GPU power (in theory...) of something like a GTX x80 or x80Ti card, but you'll often have a lot less VRAM (though not with an 8GB RX 480, as it has a lot of VRAM for its GPU power).
FatalSaviour to TheGuyWhoNeverGetsSamples
21 Feb 17 #38
As has been mentioned, this is actually the exact opposite reasoning - with CrossFire, you would only be able to access half of the available total memory (so 4GB if you bought two 4GB cards). If you want to go the CrossFire, I would suggest getting the 8GB variants.
21 Feb 17 #30
matt101101 to zorbathegeek
21 Feb 17 #32
Reference vs aftermarket cooler. They're both have the same GPU with the same amount of VRAM, but this one probably has a better cooling solution for most people.
21 Feb 17 1 #33
Added one to my cart, spent about 30 minutes debating, was about to buy it and then it goes out of stock. The gods have spoken.
llukejames to eddyboi
21 Feb 17 #35
looks in stock me to :smiley:
21 Feb 17 #34
Still waiting on my Novatech order so cancelled and bought this instead, cheers OP!
21 Feb 17 #37
Just noticed this on the product page for anyone thinking of ordering:-

** Cards ordered 20th Feb or later will be shipped on Friday 24th Feb. **
21 Feb 17 #39
We have that already, it's called the Titan XP. You just wouldn't want to pay for it.
21 Feb 17 1 #40
This or wait for the Vega announcement?

Bought one
21 Feb 17 1 #41
Waiting for 28th personally, probably won't change a great deal, but who knows.
21 Feb 17 #42
Vega as far as im aware is for high end perforamnce gaming, like 4K and VR, I am 90% sure they are not bringing out any budget or mid range GPUs, So no need to wait imo.
21 Feb 17 #43
They are rumoured to be launching a full stack, although the lower end cards will likely be months away. They have refined the process and may use some elements of Vega to enhance the revisions further, nothing definite though. Just like Vega / 1080 ti, it's all rumour at this point.
21 Feb 17 #44
This looks like a really good deal. I currently have a GTX 760 which came with the pc
Would I be able to upgrade to this without replacing the power supply?
21 Feb 17 #45
Both have a 500w requirement but you might find that it's a little low for this card if the PSU isn't good quality. Worst case is you will install it and the system will lock up when you try to run games.
21 Feb 17 #46
Thanks Spark, looking on the HUKD thread I bought the PC on it has a OEM 450W power supply (PSU is a Fortron 450W Standard ATX PSU that is at least bronze rated ) in it so may struggle with this upgrade -
May have to upgrade that too if I get this or just sell it and build/buy another.
21 Feb 17 1 #47
Yeah, I would not recommend running this on a 450w supply at all.
21 Feb 17 #48
Was pondering whether to get a new system or upgrade my GPU.

Opted for this which, for the money, will give my 3930k system life for a couple of years more.

Thanks OP.
21 Feb 17 #49
Top end enthusiast CPU paired with a mid-ish range GPU, odd choice.
21 Feb 17 1 #50
Haha - just got a call from AWD IT - they're unable to dispatch until Friday due to the item trending on hot uk deals.
Nice of them to let me know though.
21 Feb 17 #51
Just because someone was an enthusiast or had an enthusiast's budget 5-6 years ago, doesn't mean that they are in the same position today.
21 Feb 17 #52
What could I expect from upgrading to this from an r9 270x and still using an i7 950?
21 Feb 17 #53
I'm waiting for feb 28th
AMD's supposed to release RX500 & more
21 Feb 17 #54
Honestly? One hell of a bottleneck.
21 Feb 17 #55
Don't know if I should upgrade over my R9 380 4GB?
21 Feb 17 #56
One man's enthusiast purchase is the next man's performance bargain. CPUs these days are far more relevant a few years down the line than GPUs. Odds on the 3930k was picked up used for the cost of a new Series 5 i7
21 Feb 17 #57
It was an Alienware system I picked up from the Dell outlet for a really good price a few years ago. Not a hardcore gamer by any stretch but the GTX680 it came with is struggling a bit.
21 Feb 17 1 #58
Ah that'd be the problem, Alienware are infamous for selling very unbalanced builds, They normally put in one very high end piece of hardware (normally the CPU, I think they get good deals from intel from buying in such large bulk as they are a subsidiary of Dell) put it in a snazzy looking case, advertise it as high end, and then cheap out on every other component
21 Feb 17 #59
I've noticed that the current range of Aurora's - some of their stock builds have i7's yet with GTX950's in them.

Mine (Aurora R4) hasn't been without issues. The CPU liquid cooling system had the "gunge coolant" problem and the PSU went pop after three years. Replaced both with Corsair products, the PSU being a major pain because of the bespoke power loom and having to unpick that!
21 Feb 17 #60
Thats up to you, i believe so

Watch the video it compares this card to a RX 380 4gb
21 Feb 17 #61
I checked out benchmarks, its not worth it, their is literally no difference when both cards are being used, you may see a slight difference when games dont allow Crossfire but its not worth the extra £60+
21 Feb 17 #62
Is it worth the extra £30 for the 8gb version over the 4gb? Semi beginner in terms of PC components.
21 Feb 17 #63
They are releasing Zen Ryzen (processors). And something to do with Vega, whilst they could suprise EVERYBODY and have a dual release, it's incredibly unlikely.

Probably confirmation Zen releases and ships on 2nd Mar and more tech demos of Vega, possibly Prey tech demo and a further insight into the tech involved. Possibly skus, but we don't know.

Nvidia are having a GTX thing-a-majig. Could be numerous thing, but most people seem to think it's 1080ti. If it is anf there are no prices from AMD side (which odds are there won't be) it will be priced high as it will be the only card if it's kind / position.

If / when Vega is assigned a price prices will fall, buy how much depends on what AMD are able to do and by how much this offsets any cist of hmb.
21 Feb 17 #64
​an i7-3770k capable enough?
21 Feb 17 #65
Thanks OP, ordered 3 for me and my boys, cant wait to get them as we're going from a radeon 6770, this should make a hell of a difference especially once the ryzen comes out so we can all get those too.
21 Feb 17 #66
Yes it is :smiley:
21 Feb 17 #67
So I'm definitely thinking of getting this. What would you guys say is a good CPU to go along side with it? I don't want the CPU to bottleneck performance. Something around £100-150?
21 Feb 17 2 #68
Wait 1 week for Ryzen. They have a 4 core processor that's going to be around £120 and will be equal in performance to a core i5, and can also be overclocked. If you buy one now you'll kick yourself!
21 Feb 17 #69
This one or recently posted MSI Radeon RC480 Armor 8GB ? can't decide (((
21 Feb 17 #70
I doubt it will be £120, I've seen the US prices and they are amazing prices, but it will probably slightly get shafted as usual, so probably £150 which still is an amazing price.
21 Feb 17 #71
this for sure!!!!, this one is defo better than the MSI.
21 Feb 17 #72
Apparently the Ryzen R3 1100 will be $129 (USD). That could end up being anywhere from ~£125 to ~£150, depending on how they decide to price things on this side of The Pond.

Currently, $129 (USD) with 20% added on for UK VAT works out at just over £124. I would assume that these CPUs will work out more expensive in the UK than the US, especially since the prices are both being set well after the GBP took a dive last year, so they'l easily be able avoid the quirks of UK prices being cheaper due to the GBP's reduction in value vs the USD.
21 Feb 17 #73
I'm currently using an R9-280X with an FX-8320E cpu. Would a bottleneck there stop me from seeing tangible improvements with this card? I'd be hoping to gain 10-15 fps in open world games, but I'm unsure if my CPU would effectively block any extra performance improvements in that regard.
21 Feb 17 #74
I'm currently running an R9 380. I think I can get around £80 back for that so would I see a good performance increase / better future proofing by going for this card?
21 Feb 17 #75
Sounds like a great family, i wish my family knew about technology
Their stuck in the past
21 Feb 17 #76
I think this one its cheaper

Isnt the MSI one £20 more? Idk i havent seen the deal i think

Their basically the same card, you paying extra for either noise, Tempeture, Customer support.. Or no difference at all

Check a comparison but hey its up to you
21 Feb 17 #77
Yes, ill say just get this as 4gb is more for 1080p, 8gb is for higher res, ill get 8gb just incase you need it in the future
21 Feb 17 #78
Youd think so but if they werent up to date on technology i could have given them old equipment and saved a fortune :smiley:
21 Feb 17 #79
I tend to find that when VAT is added and currency is converted, UK prices are not bad at all.
21 Feb 17 #80
Would you recommend this card or 1060 6GB for £30 more? I would like to keep the card for at least a couple of years and want to use it for casual 1440p gaming on 25" monitor. I still use i7 920 (C0/C1) overclocked at 3.66GHz that I'm planning to upgrade at the end of the year.
21 Feb 17 #81
​I had the same call this afternoon. I ordered when the website said they had 15 left, I was watching the figure drop while debating whether to buy for 1080 res gaming. I now see the 4GB one for a good deal, but I'm sticking with the 8GB just in case I decide to go 4k in future
21 Feb 17 #82
I have a feeling they will make up another excuse on Friday, theres been 3-4 websites posted now with similar price to this, and none could fulfill shipment, I also placed an order and received the call said its fine, but hmm lets see i guess.
21 Feb 17 #83
They've not been bad since the referendum, certainly.

Still, a new product could come with a more appropriate post-referendum price as they don't have to navigate the sticky issue of price rises like existing products do.

Not long until we find out now, I guess! :laughing:
21 Feb 17 #84
Buy, buy, buy!
21 Feb 17 #85
Noticeable improvement from a r9 280x ? And is my cpu ok still to delivery the performance bump (fx8350)?
21 Feb 17 #86
Yes i believe so

But this guy used a good CPU it may be different (oh ij the video i think its 4gb one not 8gb)
22 Feb 17 1 #87
Just been in contact with them and as was pointed out there's now a comment on the item saying it will ship on Friday. Hoping this happens as i've already put a few on my blacklist such as BT who cancelled on me before so i'll never use them again (especially as with them it seems regular). You'd think these companies would learn but i'm beginning to suspect that most of these deals were never there and are just being used to drive people to the site. In my opinion such companies should be banned from here, it may stop this happening but i doubt it would happen.
22 Feb 17 #88
May be getting my hands on a lenovo thinkstation s20

Has 12gb ram

Can I just throw this in, do I need to consider the PSU?

Current PSU
22 Feb 17 #89
thanks man! I've ordered one :smiley:
I couldn't decide between rx 480 and a fury but the 50+ pounds difference this one is better
4k gaming is not really working at decent frame rates so no reason spending more for a few frames/sec difference + power consumption :smiley:
22 Feb 17 #90
4k is not really possible unless you go low-medium settings... but what's the point of gaming if not on ultra?:smiley:
22 Feb 17 1 #91
Yeah what's the point of driving if you don't have a Ferrari. I've ditched my two cars in to the river this afternoon, saved me all that worry.
22 Feb 17 #92
This is a symptom of modern web design, most websites doing the same thing look the same now, in fact about 90% of sites doing anything all look the same now.
24 Feb 17 #93
Website has updated, 8gb not shipping til next week now. Not very good :disappointed:
24 Feb 17 #94
I was going to buy from them next week on pay day - don't think I'll bother now. That's pretty poor service I agree.
24 Feb 17 #95
Apparently the delay is down to the storm but i agree with you redbutcher, i wouldnt buy from them until they fulfil all the orders they've promised. I know if they don't i wont bother even looking at their deals again.If you see something elsewhere in the meantime i'd suggest trying them now anyway
24 Feb 17 1 #96
I cancelled my order for the 4GB version and ordered it from the Overclockers for £10 more but they are giving DOOM 2016 away with it, which could be sold to make up the difference.
24 Feb 17 #97
...and those cheeky chappies at HUKD

Heh heh
24 Feb 17 #98
I'll give it till monday and if i dont have a tracking number by then i'll do the same. Really do hate these companies that just do these offers most of them with no intention of fulfilling the orders, just using them as click-bait. Most of them know about this site and how much money it can make them, shame they cant be banned from this site like many other types of forums dont allow unreliable sources, that way we wouldn't keep getting these types of things .

you're right, that's the problem though, they know they'll get lots of clicks from here and some will buy other things etc. Im more than a little upset at this as im expecting a cancellation now on Monday
24 Feb 17 #99
I have ordered the 8gb card, spoke to them this afternoon and was assured there was absolutely no problem with delivery just will be shipped first thing next week.
As this is such a good deal and heat just went so high I think they have had to get more stock in.
Still a brilliant deal.
24 Feb 17 1 #100
Just had my order shipped by Oveclockers through DPD, but says delivery will be Monday and not tomorrow as I didn't want to pay for delivery and it costs extra to get Saturday delivery.

I messaged ADW-IT yesterday and I have mentioned earlier I had a doubt it my mind they would ship it, another website that was selling it that was posted here (One Stop PC) also got cancelled as did everyone elses, so I had little doubt this would too.

Although its not cancelled, its been delayed twice.

This makes sense if a few people who ordered first got their orders and now they have to wait for more delivery since so many people purchased it, but it seems they don't have any stock at all and need to wait for delivery from the supplier and then they can ship it out.

granted it was really windy yesterday but using that as an excuse is pretty poor
25 Feb 17 #101
I think that's an AMD promo so probably comes with the AWD-IT one too.
27 Feb 17 #102
Has anyone had an update on shipping? It was supposed to be Friday but not had any comma from them
27 Feb 17 #103
They should have emailed you, they delayed shipping because they couldnt get orders from the supplier because of bad wind lol

I cancelled and ordered from Overclockers the same day and received it today
27 Feb 17 2 #104
Latest I got was "We will ensure that any orders, placed on the 21st of February will be express shipped on Monday and should arrive with you Tuesday 28th. Any orders placed on the 22nd should be arriving with you by Wednesday or Thursday at the very, very latest."
They seem at great pains to stress that this is not their normal service and as they have been very pro-active in keeping me updated I'm happy to wait.
27 Feb 17 #105
ah kind of regret getting my 1060 a few weeks ago
27 Feb 17 #106
I was told today id have the tracking number by end of business today and delivery tomorrow. Ive been waiting patiently but no sign of the tracking number yet. Im already regretting using this company, just hope they keep to their promise (even though this is the 2nd one) but since theyre only open for another hour today im very doubtful
27 Feb 17 #107
Whats your order number I can take a quick look at this for you to ensure your card has shipped.
27 Feb 17 #108
Thanks but i just talked to James who said it was shipping in next 20 minutes, gave me a tracking number which hasnt kicked in yet. I'll check it later and see if it has started working and let you all know if i get this tomorrow as promised, James gave me a 100% guarantee it would be but i'll wait and see
27 Feb 17 #109
No problem just has to have a scan at the hub. Will update shortly I am sure.
27 Feb 17 #110
Just got a text message with tracking info.
28 Feb 17 1 #111
My thoughts exactly. Some seem to be rubbishing them a bit but my experience has been fairly positive so far - I ordered on the understanding that it would only ship on Friday the 24th. This date slipped due to circumstances beyond their control (I'm happy to accept this does happen occasionally). Updates have been regular and I'm due to receive the item today.

Even if it had shipped Friday it is questionable whether I would have received it Saturday so I'm probably on track for being one day later than expected.
28 Feb 17 #112
Just got it now, seems ok for me.
28 Feb 17 #113
cracking graphics card, easily runs Tomb Raider and The Witcher 3. Amazing price so such a powerful card
28 Feb 17 #114
Just got in from work, had a few problems installing it where for eg i couldnt hit the launch button because it was below the screen and i had a file missing on my win 7 x64 but got it all sorted now. Still not fast but thats down solely to me using an athlon x4 640 chip (slow as hell but waiting till the r1400x ryzen comes out). Looks good and i love having the 2nd hdmi meaning i can wire to the tv too. Just glad that i've finally got it. Now that mines working ive got to get the boys computers sorted, 2 more to install :smiley:
28 Feb 17 #115
Ordered this a week ago, still no word on delivery. Can’t see where to cancel the order and get my money back.
1 Mar 17 1 #116
I've bought one from CCL coz it's basically the same price and it comes with Doom, anyone know how much extra performance I'm likely to see over my current GTX 750ti 2gb?
1 Mar 17 #117
Link to CCL deal here
2 Mar 17 #118
Anyone else having issues with theirs? Mine turned up yesterday, installed it fine, but now everytime I start up Civ 6 the whole thing crashes (screen goes black or brown and system completely hangs, have to do a hard restart using the power button).
Have tried 3dmark11, and seems to run through benchmarks on "Performance (P) 1280x720 with a moderate load...".
But on "Extreme - 1920x1080 with a heavy load..." it crashes again... really odd.

Honestly, my old gaming laptop with a 770 GTX could at least run through the Extreme mode without crashing...
2 Mar 17 #119
I have the same problem with Crysis and Witcher...
2 Mar 17 #120
Returning mine with a heavy heart. Tried updating mobo bios, latest and then older drivers, etc. Couldn't get it working without crashing.

Borrowed a friends Zotac 1060 GTX and that works absolutely fine. Although I guess it consumes less power, the PSU I'm using should be solid (EVGA Supernova 650 G2 Gold)...
2 Mar 17 #121
It sounds similar to problems I've had in the past with my PSU, but your PSU should be able to run that, mine is due to be delivered any minute now, so hopefully I don't have any issues.
2 Mar 17 #122
I'm having the same issue, even bought a bigger psu and it still crashes??? Anyone help
2 Mar 17 #123
Just set mine up, tried to play Fifa 2017 and it restarts my computer everytime?

I have 750w Corsair PSU...?
2 Mar 17 #124
Eeek - that PSU should surely be fine... More people with failures... Not looking good... :-S

Sorry - not much use, but I've ditched mine, returning it tomorrow and have bought a 1060 GTX instead... at least I know it works based on one I borrowed.
2 Mar 17 #125
Got mine and it does look new - slightly worrying number of people reporting issues. Sjb07 did get theirs from CCL too so a general card issue? Will report back with my results.
2 Mar 17 #126
I have done a bit of research and it looks like the issue may be my aging motherboard, not the power supply.

Apparently there is a known issue with the the card drawing to much power from the motherboard instead of the PSU.

He's a video where the issue is explained a bit,

My PC has a garbage Gigabyte GA-78LMT-USB3 4.1...

I'm gonna do a bit more research, but it may be I need to either return or upgrade my motherboard...:disappointed:
2 Mar 17 1 #127
I've done more testing and narrowed it down to how much power the gpu uses, not really related to the psu at all COULD have an issue with the motherboard but that should have been fixed ages ago
2 Mar 17 #128
Does any one know if the card fans should be spinning when a game isn't running, the fans aint moving at all on auto, had to change it manually to get them spinning.
2 Mar 17 #129
That's a feature of the GPU, they kick up once it hits higher temps.

EDIT: asking awd for a return
2 Mar 17 #130
If you had to take a guess do you think these cards are faulty or would a replacement likely have the same problems.
2 Mar 17 #131
650W PSU and while playing a game screen goes black. I don't think its the PSU or MB any ideas?
2 Mar 17 #132
You're the 4th person to have the same problem, so it's looking like the card to me, I have requested a return.
2 Mar 17 #133
I've been okay with mine so far - I bought a newish board recently (Am3+ gigabyte one with m2, etc), and have a 675w psu - will need to try some games but 3dmark has been fine.
2 Mar 17 #134
Same problem here, brown screen followed by a reboot as soon as there is a significant load on the card.
3 Mar 17 #135
I've never had to return any pc components, can I assume they will accept the return without any issue?

Do you think they would exchange for a GTX 1060 if I paid the difference?
3 Mar 17 #136
Having similar problems here. Received the card Tuesday and fitted that night.
Started a game up and after 5 mins or so, screen froze and buzzing sound, had to hard reset as no response.
Even when on desktop - seemed like it was lagging slightly and struggling to load right click menus.
I've got a Corsair 600 power supply, I tried unplugging an unused hard drive and a few case fans to lower power consumption and it seems to help a little.
On some games (before they crash) i'm getting speckles flashing on the screen in various colours.

As there seems to be issues with others - are we leaning towards driver/software issues or faulty cards?
i'm running i7 cpu, Asus ROG mobo, 16gb ram, 1tb SSD.
Had no issues with the GTX 750ti thats now in the Radeon box feeling unloved.
3 Mar 17 #137
Looks like there's enough people with a different variety of components all having the same issue that indicates there's a dodgy batch of cards out there that fall over when the load starts to ramp up.
3 Mar 17 #138
Is everyone here with a problem using the 8GB card? I just got mine today but it's a 4GB model. Sadly I currently do not have a PC to test this on however. I don't seem to be finding any reviews or forum topics online with people having problem with this card.
3 Mar 17 #139
My faulty card is the 8GB version.
3 Mar 17 #140
My card is the OC8Gb - I've emailed AWD IT to see if they are having multiple customers reporting issues and see if they have any advice before I go for a replacement.
3 Mar 17 #141
similar problems here, haven't had too much time to test just tried Fallout 4 and 3dmark. Fallout 4 runs fine but 3dmark has crashed with the older driver. After upgraded for the newest amd driver tests runs ok but when put the card to OC mode started to crash again. I returned a reference 480 for this but i had no problems with that card.
3 Mar 17 #142
I really am not sure, but I don't think software can fix this as Asus should have been aware of the power problem since last year and there's no bios update for it. I reckon that it's probably an issue with this specific card due to so many others reporting the issue. If not the card, then possibly an outdated motherboard? But that shouldn't be the case.

I'm just concerned about the returns policy as they say they test it before refunding and everyone has different hardware.
3 Mar 17 #143
Yeah, I phoned this morning to arrange an RMA, and will be dropping it off later today at the post office, my concern is that it takes over a week and then they send a replacement out and the exact same issue happens again, that's a about 7 or 8 people who have the same complaint now so somethings not right.
3 Mar 17 #144
I'm having issues with mine.

BF1 crashes very quickly, Titanfall 2 and Star Wars Battlefront take a bit longer but eventually crash. And it's a hard crash - system total frozen.

I've got a Corsair 850W PSU so I would have thought that had plenty enough power. System is an Alienware Aurora R4 so a slightly old motherboard.

I did a test last night and changed settings on BF1 to low and it didn't crash. Clearly the additional load is causing issues. Whether this is power, memory or what (drivers maybe? Running Win7) I don't know.

I'm doing a Win 10 upgrade this weekend and if it still fails I will try an exchange.

Seems odd that so many people are reporting a similar issue?
3 Mar 17 #145
Reviews on amazon for the 4GB version seem to report same issues. One suggests once it hits 75 degrees it shuts down.

Sounds like a duff card which is disappointing from the Asus stable.
3 Mar 17 #146
Tried some 3dmark, Doom, Sniper Elite Zombie Army so far and all fine so I'm hopeful I haven't got a duff one. Sorry to hear quite a few others are having bother.
3 Mar 17 #147
My card arrived yesterday and sadly I'm also having issues with it. Playing Fallout 4 on high/ultra with an ENB and various visual mods I can only get 5-10 mins gameplay before a black or brown screen with a system freeze. I don't think its a driver issue or a fault with my PSU (650 W Antec Gold) or mobo (GA-Z97P-D3) since my R9 280 card works fine.. Since there's so many of us having the same problem anyone have any advice on how to stop the crashes?
3 Mar 17 #148
Wow this is getting concerning. Out of interest I checked Asus UK's website and no mention that they even do the 8GB version and no bios is available to download from the main Asus website. Were these cards just supposed to be sold to the Chinese market? I would advise ANYONE buying one of these cards to contact the retailer and find out from them if they are aware of a situation and possible solutions/remedies. IMPORTANTLY confirm that they will refund if issues persist AFTER the 30 days i.e. non-acceptance.

I would be absolutely disgusted if it turned out that this is a pci-e power draw issue considering that that was identified at rx 480 launch.
3 Mar 17 #149
now i am running 3d mark continuously and having this issue for the second time:
If i can't found any solution on the weekend the card going back on monday. Bit afraid of awd return policy.
3 Mar 17 #150
Just in case this helps I was just reading some reviews over at and one review caught my eye:

If that's the case it beggars belief! Others seem to suggest the factory overclock is too high!
3 Mar 17 #151
You can find the card here: but it's not on the main list
3 Mar 17 #152
My point was that Asus UK lists the 4GB version but not the 8GB version. Its also concerning when sections like "Manual" or "FAQ" don't have any content!? :disappointed:
3 Mar 17 #153
Yeah wierd for me too as the whole card.
3 Mar 17 #154
Far fetched perhaps, but I wonder if these 8gb cards were originally 4gb cards and that has caused some of the issues, it was discovered a while back that the rx480 4gb cards were actually able to be converted into 8gb card by flashing them...?

My 8gb version actually only shows as 4gb when it gets checked on the can I run it site, but it shows as 8gb everywhere else.
4 Mar 17 #155
how to repair black /brown screens :

1. GPU Tweak fan auto or user define
2. WattMan fan auto, current temperature set manually, set max. 50°C and target value 70°C.
My settings, are working perfectly. Most important is value max.(left slider). Regards.
4 Mar 17 #156
how to repair black /brown screens :

1. GPU Tweak fan auto or user define
2. WattMan fan auto, current temperature set manually, set max. 50°C and target value 70°C.
My settings, are working perfectly. Most important is value max.(left slider). Regards.
5 Mar 17 #157
I've been changing these settings on GPU Tweak and WattMan all day and monitoring my GPU temp (which doesn't go above 80 when testing at high load) but I'm still getting freezes while playing. Did you underclock your card because that seems to be the only way to get mine to run stable

Edit - so I tried setting the WattMan temps you suggested and I used GPU tweak for fan curve adjustment, since then I haven't had a crash. Hopefully that has fixed it so thanks janblack
5 Mar 17 #158
When I was trying to get mine to work I turned the fan to full blast and underclocked all the settings, set up like that some games actually started but the PC always rebooted within a couple of minutes even at the lowest card settings.
All I would suggest to anyone who has a card that's working is to use a program that can run a stress test, coz you don't want to keep it if it's gonna be liability down the road.
5 Mar 17 #159
Agreed I'll definitely make sure to stress test it and even if it holds up I still plan on contacting awd-it and ASUS to cover my back. It may be a great price but nobody should have this much trouble with a card at stock settings
6 Mar 17 #160
Just sent mine off today, waiting to see what AWD will do
6 Mar 17 #161
CCL received mine back today, and it's now being processed...

Not sure what to do if they offer a replacement or refund, I want the card but don't want to wait for it to come out again only to potentially go through the same issues.
7 Mar 17 #162
If I were you I would get a refund and choose another card/wait until vega announcement if you can hold off until then.
7 Mar 17 #163
Do you think there will be a version of Vega for the same type of money as the 8gb rx 480 that is considerably better?

And if there is are we talking about a 6 month wait?
7 Mar 17 #164
Probably not, they might have a budget GPU but not at this price, it'll probably be better than the 480 though.
7 Mar 17 #165
Probably not, they might have a budget GPU but not at this price, it'll probably be better than the 480 though.[/quote]Not sure I can be bothered waiting to be honest, decisions, decision...
7 Mar 17 #166
My refund came through couple of days ago and the return was free postage too - just contact their support and they give you an RMA number and a postage slip to print out and attach to the return package - no problems with awd at all, very smooth.
7 Mar 17 #167
Happy with AWD IT Service - posted my card back today using their free return label.
I said I'd be happy for a credit note instead of a Refund as I want a new card still, and i'd look at buying a different one from their website.
Just had email back from them confirming it will just be a refund, as they've had confirmation from Asus that they'd had a bad batch of cards, and they are all going back to manufacturer.
7 Mar 17 #168
Glad to hear the bad batch theory has been confirmed, I shouldn't have any issues with my return.

Now what card to get as a replacement?
7 Mar 17 #169
I was thinking about the cheaper end of a 4gb GTX 1050Ti.
7 Mar 17 #170
I looked at them but they aren't much cheaper than the Rx 480 and the RX 480 is starting to creep ahead of the 1060 in a lot of FPS tests now, so I think it would be a bit too much of a step back for not much less money.

It doesn't stack up well against the 480 in this comparison, crazy that they aren't much different in price.
7 Mar 17 #171
Wow yeah that's not great. I should just order another RX480, I'm just worried about getting another faulty one.
7 Mar 17 #172
I'm the same, the 480 is great value for money and is exactly what I'm looking for performance wise but part of me is considering stumping up the extra cash for the 1060 for the piece of mind....
7 Mar 17 #173
Which one though? Palit have got their 3gb 1060 on for £179.96 through ebuyer, or the Gigabyte 3gb for £190.96. I like the look of the MSI Gaming X version, £221.99.. and would match my colour scheme on the mobo :smile:
7 Mar 17 #174
Haven't installed mine yet, I'd better try it tonight :disappointed:
7 Mar 17 #175
Don't bother with 3GB, the GPU will not reach its full potential with such little VRAM. 4GB minimum, 6GB decent, 8GB better.
7 Mar 17 1 #176
Thanks for info- was literally just about to checkout on the 3gb and ditched it for the 6gb.
8 Mar 17 #177
Refund just came through, free return postage and good service from AWD. I'm going to wait for the 1060s to go down or maybe not buy anything at all until the new cards come out.
8 Mar 17 #178
AWD also processed my return and refund quite promptly. No complaints at their level of service - would happily use again.

Frustrating that Asus pushed out a bad batch - must be a costly and time consuming process for the suppliers to manage these returns. I wonder whether Asus recognise this in any way?

Funnily enough my previous forays away from Nvidia have ended badly!

So now what to do? Wait for good 1060/1070 prices? How long before we start to see meaningful price drops, if at all?
8 Mar 17 #179
When have you returned yours ? I did on Monday but still waiting hopefully everything ok. I am thinking to buy something really cheap maybe used one to keep up until rx580 or vega arrives or 1070 go below £300. I really just need a card to play Fallout 4 now.
8 Mar 17 #180
Returned mine today, likewise would happily use AWD again but don't know whether to go for another flavour of the 480 or wait for a bit?!
8 Mar 17 #181
So I went over to a friend's house and tested my rx480 4GB from awd-it on his AsRock 170 pro4s and everything was fine. We played VR and the card handled it fine, there was no overheating/noise/lag. Played CS on max settings and Ranbow Six siege as well. Both ran fine, card never crashed. Max temp was 67 C. I never used the OC feature just ran the card at the default 1300 speed. So either I didn't stress test it enough, or the 4GB models were OK with this batch
8 Mar 17 #182
I was informed today that the card I returned was indeed faulty, they offered me a full refund or said they could next day ship a replacement card, I decided to give it another chance as I'm happy with the price and performance this card should provide so hopefully I don't get another dodgy one or it might put me off ASUS for life...
8 Mar 17 #183
I posted mine at about lunchtime on Monday and the refund landed mid-morning today.

Given that it was a second class return it is quite plausible that yours will land tomorrow.
10 Mar 17 1 #184
I got my replacement card today from CCL, I'm happy to report that it is working perfectly in the 3 or 4 games I've tested at 1080p and 1440p.

It also passed a load of tests on 3d mark.

Very pleased so far.
11 Mar 17 #185
This card is quieter than my old Evga GTX 750ti SC, but I have nothing else to compare it with so I don't know if that's saying much, it certainly doesn't bother me.

If anyone is looking for some idea of performance, I have been playing doom on ultra settings at 1440p and getting an average of 85fps (make sure you change the API to Vulkan in the settings as it adds about 30fps to the performance)
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