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Asus Radeon DUAL RX 480 GDDR5 4GB OC VR Gaming Graphics Card £154.99 at awd-it
4.5 stars +469

Asus Radeon DUAL RX 480 GDDR5 4GB OC VR Gaming Graphics Card £154.99 at awd-it

£154.99 AWD-IT21 Feb 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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Opening post
21 Feb 17
Bloody good price for an RX 480. Quite ridiculous how cheap it is to get great performance at 1080p :smiley:
Latest comments (56)
4 Mar 17 #56
I have used the oc feature but it just makes the card louder with very little fps benefit . I run my games at 1080p Doom on ultra vulkan api. Gta v on a mix of very high/ultra. Borderlands 2 maxed out and Rise of the tomb raider on high. getting over 60 fps most of the time with few drops below that.
3 Mar 17 #54
I finally got mine on wednesday. So far everything seems fine.(besides a weird pink cast to the screen when I initially installed the drivers this went away went I rebooted my pc). So far I have played a few hours of GTA V and a few hours of Rise of the tomb raider fallout 4 and Borderlands 2 with no problems. Doom on the other hand was a bit of a problem it would crash on startup but a reinstall fixed that. I have found Steam in home streaming is being a bit picky with the games it will work with. On My 1050ti all my games worked via in home streaming but with the rx480 some just won't play nice.
yordancho to wermonk
3 Mar 17 #55
Thank you very much for the good news! May I just ask what settings you are running these games? And also if you are using the OC feature and overflocking the card?
3 Mar 17 #53
Can someone please confirm that they got this card and it works fine? There are a number of people who bought the 8GB model from the same site and are posting that they had issues with the card turning off under high loads when playing games.
24 Feb 17 #52

I knew it, they sent me a email stating because of weather conditions its delayed, what the hell, cancelling my order and ordering with Overclockers, they state it will be delivered tomorrow if i order within the next 1 hour., its £10 more but you get Doom 2016 anyway.
24 Feb 17 #51
I have just spoken to them. They told me due to the bad weather yesterday items will not be shipped till early next week. Make of that what you will.
24 Feb 17 #49
anyone get any shipping updates, I still have a slight doubt in the back of my mind that we won't get this
kris00 to hasj2
24 Feb 17 #50
Spoke to them on live-chat yesterday, all the RX 480s are getting shipped this afternoon, so no need to worry :smiley:
22 Feb 17 #48
I would say, even if you care about more than 2 years time, to save the 30 quid and get the 4gb model. There is very little proof that the VRAM requirements for 1080p will change in those 2 years as the vast majority of the market is still under 3gb of VRAM. 1080p is not demanding on VRAM, it's a marketing ploy to stick 8 gb on a mid market card.

Save your money, use it to get a new card later, or spend more and get a 1070 (Now, or shortly after the big dump of new cards come).
22 Feb 17 #47
Just cancelled my order, Ordered from Overclockers instead (£164.99) free copy of Doom and free delivery.
22 Feb 17 #46
they need to name these cards better lol it makes it sound like it's 2 rx480s in one xD
22 Feb 17 #45
excellent!! cheers!!!
22 Feb 17 #44
So basically you're saying that if I only plan to use it for 2 years for example, and don't care about 1440p to save the £30 and get 4gb? Or are you suggesting to wait till 1070s drop?
22 Feb 17 #43
I do not think reselling an 8gb card in 2 years time will be any easier than reselling a 4gb card.

The initial cost is the main concern here. For 20% more, you get virtually no performance boost and the possibility of a future benefit. If you 'plan to crossfire' any card, don't. It's an outdated technology and will be replaced by mGPU tech shortly, and crossfire has *terrible* support. Save that crossfire money and spend it on the 1070 straight away, or don't spend it at all and put it toward your NEXT gfx card purchase, so you don't ever have to be victim of terrible scaling, bad drivers, or other problems with SLI/Crossfire.

Anyone recommending it as a viable upgrade path is crazy.
22 Feb 17 #42
1060s are about £30 more expensive, I'll take the value I'm getting with this card tbh. I'm also coming from a G3258/750ti pairing so the difference to me will be huge. And that's without mentioning I don't actually need this.. thanks HUKD, money 'saved' again ;(
22 Feb 17 #39
Imo, an i5 isn't needed to pair with this for solid 1080p performance. I'll be looking at the Ryzen chips under £100, or if they don't get received well, the pentium G4560:
utopiangames to kris00
22 Feb 17 #41
Just read about the g4560 and it looks great for around £55 but it looks like they got better performance from the GTX 1060 (video at 7:20 min).
22 Feb 17 #40
Could have tempted me if it was an ITX size... the 1060 has had an ITX option for ages now... just waiting on that price drop.
22 Feb 17 #38
Ryzen prices are going to be way above the £150 you mentioned.This article suggests £283 + vat as a wholesale price. It's also massive overkill for gaming.

I'd have said an AMD FX-8300 at £100 with £60 on an AM3+ mobo was a good shout if you really want to hold to that budget, although it is getting a bit old school. I'd say an i5 7500 would be a good pair for this GPU if you could stretch to £193, with something like an ASUS PRIME B250-Plus Motherboard at £88. That feels more balanced and future proof.
22 Feb 17 #37
Ryzen prices are going to be way above the £150 you mentioned.This article suggests £283 + vat as a wholesale price. It's also massive overkill for gaming.

I'd have said an AMD FX-8300 at £100 with £60 on an AM3+ mobo was a good shout if you really want to hold to that budget, although it is getting a bit old school. I'd say an i5 7500 would be a good pair for this GPU if you could stretch to £193, with something like an ASUS PRIME B250-Plus Motherboard at £88. That feels more balanced and future proof.
22 Feb 17 #32
When the RX480 4gb editions were released, they were £149.99 and have steadily gone up in price ever since.
Uncommon.Sense to Spies
22 Feb 17 #36
They were never that low, best price on release and after was £170-175 and there were hardly any 4GB cards available.
22 Feb 17 #35
Like i said in my initial statement, i agree 4GB is enough for 1-2 years, except for 1-2 games which use more than 4GB and games with custom mods which can go above 4GB, these are both rare cases which most people are not interested in.

I myself only play H1Z1, CS:GO, as my PS4 is used for most games as i play with friends, and 4GB is good enough for me, but some people use their PC exclusively for all their gaming then I say in some rare circumstances 8GB is needed
22 Feb 17 #34
Here is what I'm thinking: If you get a 4gb now youre good for 1-2 years @1080p. If however at that time you want to upgrade having a 8gb one would be better since you can get another one and crossfire them. Or if you want to go nVidia for example 1070 then reselling the 8gb would be easier as well. Any thoughts?
22 Feb 17 #33
Why haven't you posted that deal if you can get a 1070 for £210 (which is £30 on top of the 8GB model), probably because you cant

I said 4GB for the next 1-2 years, I didnt speak about future proofing, i specifically said that the 4GB card will be good for atleast another year or 2, I also stated the reason why 8GB is a good idea and it was nothing to do with future proofing.
21 Feb 17 #29
Almost back to the price they were launched at...
Destard to Spies
22 Feb 17 #31
What do you mean?
21 Feb 17 1 #15
I agree that the 4GB is enough at 1080p, no doubting that, it will be good for atleast 1 more most likely 2 more years, only a few games need more than 4GB and quite a few games with mods might need more than 4GB BUT....

for 30 pound more why not, atleast you know pretty much whatever game you throw at it you can handle.
Wakinglimb to hasj2
21 Feb 17 #28
​Look at the steam hardware survey data, most people have <3gb, like 70%. You kill your sales by needing more than that at 1080p. So whilst you might want more for higher detail settings and 4k, for the latest releases at medium settings at 1080p for next 2 years, 4gb is more than enough. Just from a business perspective.
Nate1492 to hasj2
22 Feb 17 #30
With that logic, for just a few more pounds, get a really good card in the 1070.

I mean, if you keep slapping 30 quid on top of it, you can get better and better cards.

155 is extremely good value. add 32 to that, it's not as good value. And really, you are suggesting to 'future proof' RAM while this card itself is not future proof, in 2 years the 4gb and 8gb models will both be too slow, and it won't be because of the RAM.
21 Feb 17 #27
Ahh, the daily RX480 deal, cheers OP - NOT!
21 Feb 17 #26
Best bang for a buck. Performance per dollar in this price = number one in a chart.
21 Feb 17 #25
​£200 motherboards are generally aimed at enthusiast section for people doing LN2 clocking. A top of the range Intel motherboard for normal air/water cooling can be had for around £130 mark.
21 Feb 17 #8
These rx 480 seems to have dropped marginally over the past week :confused:
bbfb123 to Darkraiser
21 Feb 17 #24
​More than likely because amd is due to release some new gpus soon
21 Feb 17 1 #23
£200 for a motherboard? Damn, Computers companies really need to fix their price/performance/value ratio

Me personally i think motherboards should be dirt cheap so you can spend more on parts
21 Feb 17 #22
if skys the limit with money, ASUS X370 Crosshair VI Hero is looking a treat, but thats looking to be around £200 for the mobo alone, there is already a youtube unboxing of it HERE, I wouldn't pay that much for a mobo tho. There are images and renders and detailed articles about the motherboards, but no official press release yet.
21 Feb 17 #21
I think this is a cracking price. Just need to off load the two 7850 cards I have in Crossfire
21 Feb 17 #20
Still too early to tell mate!
21 Feb 17 #19
You're right I just looked it up, thanks :O ! It's the Ryzen3 right? Do you have an opinion on which new motherboard is better, or still to early to tell?
21 Feb 17 #16
Also can anyone clarify who might know more, is there a certain 4GB model that can be unlocked to 8GB or is it nearly every single 4GB version? cause then the 4GB is very attractive proposition
ST3123 to hasj2
21 Feb 17 #18
I am pretty sure it was only early AMD reference design cards that could be unlocked, so none of the newer non reference designs like this.

I think given time the 8GB cards too will fall to this level, though even as it is, this is a very good deal.
21 Feb 17 #17
If you want 8 gigs but are happy to lose a bit of performance may I direct you to their sales section where a RX470 is being sold for 6 pounds less than this model

Edit: since I last checked the price has shot up however the Nvidia 1060 6gb small scale models are £150
21 Feb 17 #12
So I'm definitely thinking of getting this. What would you guys say is a good CPU to go along side with it? I don't want the CPU to bottleneck performance. Something around £100-150? Also feel free to suggest a motherboard
hasj2 to yordancho
21 Feb 17 1 #14
mate mate mate MATEEEEEE

wait until next week, AMD are releasing their new CPUs, and a very attractive price, and if you want one of those CPUs you will need the new motherboard aswell, so best to wait!
21 Feb 17 #13
3-5% gain at best, 0-3% gain at worst depending on the game and how much memory benefits there are.

If you are gaming at 1080p, there is almost no reason to spend 36 more on the 8gb of RAM. It does not make sense to me, at 1080p. And if you plan on going higher than 1080p, AMD 480 4gb or 8gb do not make sense full stop.
21 Feb 17 #11
A slight gain on the 8GB model. This is due to the memory working at a higher frequency than the 4GB. It's not a lot though, and the memory on the 4GB can be overclocked to match easily enough anyway.
21 Feb 17 #9
Ok price but I think £36 more gets you the 8GB which makes sense (least to me) anyway :smiley:
moz_1983 to hatton420
21 Feb 17 #10
Does it make that much of a difference to performance? Serious question, still getting my head around components and DIY PC stuff.
21 Feb 17 #7
4GB is a much more sensible configuration for the 480.
21 Feb 17 #6
At this price not much point for anyone going for the 460, 470 or 1050/ti
21 Feb 17 #5
Incoming "get the 8gb"
21 Feb 17 #4
damn thats rx 460 pricing, amazing just ordered the 8gb version for my friends build
21 Feb 17 #3
21 Feb 17 1 #2
great price, with the performance benefits drivers have brought since release, i think this could be declared the new budget - low mid range value king. While I have a lot of respect for the GTX1060, with current pricing this is a much better buy...
21 Feb 17 #1
It's getting hot in hereee.
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