Unlimited min and txt. 5gb data!!!!!!!!!! handset cost £75 as time of posting. Use code save25 to get it down to £50.. £30.99 x 24m plus £50 = £793.76 possible cashback.
24 Feb 17#1
I went for the £25.99 a month deal there was yesterday... which deal is better? If this one is better, does anyone know if you can contact them and change the deal to this one? Thanks
big8yearold to iSM4SHxYOUx
24 Feb 17#2
Should have a 30 day cooling off period. Just say u didn't want it. Then get the new deal.
genk to iSM4SHxYOUx
24 Feb 17#3
Mt brother did this. If they've dispatched the phone. Don't use the sim, they'll resend you the new sim.
genk to iSM4SHxYOUx
24 Feb 17#4
Your getting 5GB data for extra £50 over 2 years.
24 Feb 17#5
Can data calls text be used in EU for free on this contract do you know?
genk to shutsy2003
24 Feb 17#6
don't think EE support this. Only 3 do.
Qrunch to shutsy2003
24 Feb 17#7
It won't matter come the summer ☺
24 Feb 17#8
Is that definitely going to happen though? Bet they'll find a way of charging more or just not signing up for it!
24 Feb 171#9
Boom! Sorted! Hot for me. Shame as I'm after 128gb
28 Feb 17#10
Excellent deal.
Am using it as a bargaining tool for retentions.
If they won't match or beat it then will simply cancel and go for this.
28 Feb 17#11
Can anyone explain what this means .......Please be aware your network may increase monthly prices in line with the retail price index during the length of your contract.
Looks a great deal but does the price go up while in contract? Thanks
genk to Jamber2
1 Mar 17#12
Every s
April price goes up by like £0.30p to reflect rpi etc. Nothing to worry about.
1 Mar 17#13
Thanks for clarifying
5 Mar 17#14
when you look for phones through uswitch, this deal comes up as the phone refurbished
tom_g to fatboyhurst
10 Mar 17#15
Look again, thats a different deal
26 Apr 17#16
Sorry the voucher you have tried to use is either invalid or has expired. Please try again or continue with your order. Thank you.
Opening post
5gb data!!!!!!!!!!
handset cost £75 as time of posting. Use code save25 to get it down to £50..
£30.99 x 24m plus £50 = £793.76
possible cashback.
Am using it as a bargaining tool for retentions.
If they won't match or beat it then will simply cancel and go for this.
Looks a great deal but does the price go up while in contract? Thanks
April price goes up by like £0.30p to reflect rpi etc. Nothing to worry about.
Any new codes