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Acer Predator XZ321Q 31.5" LED Curved Monitor £254.77 @ Scan
3.5 stars +299

Acer Predator XZ321Q 31.5" LED Curved Monitor £254.77 @ Scan

£254.77 Scan25 Feb 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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Opening post
25 Feb 17
This monitor has shown up on HUKD a few times. The current price is the lowest deal yet. Some ok monitor reductions lately. If only the G-Sync ones would follow suit.

The good:
AMD FreeSync + 144Hz

The bad:
1920x 1080 on a 31 inch
Top comments
25 Feb 17 14 #2
1080p at this size is upsetting
25 Feb 17 4 #8
sounds like some people must leave greasy nose marks on their monitors :confused:
All comments (41)
25 Feb 17 #1
25 Feb 17 14 #2
1080p at this size is upsetting
tompow to babswatkins
25 Feb 17 #4
Should be 4k
25 Feb 17 #3
Awesome price for this! Hot Hot Hot !
25 Feb 17 #5
144fps at 4k...dang!
25 Feb 17 2 #6
1920x1080 resolution. no thanks.
25 Feb 17 #7
Even though 1080p at 31.5", 144hz is amazing, freesync is amazing, curved even better, only thing is you might need to sit a meter away from the monitor in order not to see pixels, then all is perfecto.
25 Feb 17 4 #8
sounds like some people must leave greasy nose marks on their monitors :confused:
Matty8787 to brilly
25 Feb 17 1 #9
​No but you sit pretty damn close considering the keyboard and mouse are usually position right under them
25 Feb 17 #10
highly niche product, resolution too low for the size however the curved aspect is nice and refresh rate is nice too.
I would not recommend this to most people unless there was a specific use case for it, low resolution would be the main turnoff.
if you had a graphics card that could feed 144 Hz at 1080p, then you may well also feed a 2k signal at 60hz or even a 4k at 60hz for someone with a geforce 1080.
25 Feb 17 1 #11
erm, maybe yours is :confused:
25 Feb 17 #12
​Well where should it be Oh wise one? Don't tell me wireless as I like to deal without input lag when gaming.
25 Feb 17 #13
i didn't saywhere it should be, just that i am sure that many people have their keyboard a bit infront of their monitors
heck even a small screen laptop does
25 Feb 17 #14
Same spec but with 1440p for an extra £100 and I be having to explain to the wife why we were skint.
Nice find OP, not for me but I'm voting hot anyway.
25 Feb 17 1 #15
​Ah OK yeah I see lol obviously it's not directly underneath my bad.
25 Feb 17 1 #16
Pixel density will be frikkin awful on a screen that size.
25 Feb 17 #17
In the market for a 1440p 32" Monitor myself, Amazon have a couple for around the £300 mark, one a no name Japanese and a basic Acer that uses an IPS Panel with only DVI & VGA inputs.
montana78 to freakstyler
26 Feb 17 1 #23
I had a samsung 32 inch monitor. It was amazing
25 Feb 17 #18
I can hardly type due my upsetness at the res and screen size of this :disappointed:
25 Feb 17 1 #19
3 of these in a triple layout is great for a driving/flight sim rig setup.

But I agree, a very neiche product overall. If you only need to drive one display for games get a higher resolution display. The 144hz freesync will work in eyefinity but all 3 displays have to be indentical.

TL;DR; 3 of these would make a great replacement for VR in Sim Racing (Iracing, assetto corsa etc), 1080p is a limiting factor otherwise.
25 Feb 17 #20
If you're short sighted, sure why not :sunglasses:
26 Feb 17 #21
I wouldn't use 1080 on a 27" let alone a 31"
its a VA, slow as an IPS and crappy image like a TN,

Its like someone was doing some hardcore drugs when they put this monitor together.
one of the best reasons to get a bigger screen is so you can see more on the screen where as this is seeing the same but blown up and ugly.

at £125 that might be slightly more realistic but honestly £250+ for this?

here is a rule of thumb that works,
≥25" 1080p, this gives visible icons and clear pictures
≥26", ≤36" 2k minimum size that 2k resolution lets you clearly see fonts and icons (resizing icons and fonts doesn't work with all programs) nice clear picture, great for 2k gaming and a good card can achieve 144hz/144fps
≥34" 4k, minimum size 4k resolution lets you clearly see fonts and icons. also for people who want a mere 60hz.
ryouga to Syst3mzero
26 Feb 17 #29
Ha ha ha just shows how people are sheep to whatever they hear.
26 Feb 17 1 #22
Or at least 2560x1440
26 Feb 17 #24
I game on a 27" 1080p monitor and love the high fps I get , each to their own.
I know 1440 seems the standard but I am sure I read 1080 is still the most popular probably down to affordability.
Bf1 at 144fps at 1080 on my 27" looks amazing to me :smiley:
26 Feb 17 #25
Genuinely expected it to be 2560x1440 at this size, 1080p is probably fine for games and films but pretty useless for productivity outside game time.
26 Feb 17 #26
to those talking about the poor res and gaming - you're not going to see 'DA PIXELS' unless its a static image - which isn't really gaming
26 Feb 17 #27
I've got a 34" 2560 x 1080 21:9 monitor and absolutely love it. I'm not saying 1440 wouldn't be nice, but running off a 970 GPU I wanted higher frame rates.

Overwatch, Witcher 3, BF1 all look amazing on it, as does the web.
Simon_H to philljp
26 Feb 17 #31
In your opinion, would a 31" monitor with a rx 480 provide a good gaming experience ? The monitor can be 3-4 feet from me, not a problem. I prefer battlefield type games.

Or would, for the same price a 1440p 27" monitor with 60hz freesync provide a much superior experience ?
Im torn between the two !
montana78 to philljp
26 Feb 17 #33
I have gonr from 32" 2560x1440 to 34" 21:9 2560x1080 and games look amazing, run a little better too as its lower resolution. on AMD 8350 ang GTX 980 Ti this will do me until 4K monitors drop down in price
26 Feb 17 #28
I suppose if your desk was deep enough, you could have monitor far enough away from you the low pixel density wouldn't be an issue. My face is around 22 inches or so from a 28" 1080p screen and I cant see individual pixels until around 14 inches.
26 Feb 17 #30
I game on a Samsung LCD that I bought in 2009, so I'm pretty sure this monitor would be amazeballs for myself, and the majority of people. Just under £250 for a 31.5" curved monitor.. that to me is one hell of a deal right there.
26 Feb 17 #32
​for 1080 a rx480 seems great value.

as for the monitor it's very subjective.

for some a lower resolution will not be so noticeable, for others... very.

In my case for example I wouldn't go higher than 24 inch for 1080, and 4 k for 32 and above.
as your resolution goes higher bear in mind you will need the card to fulfill that. and if you are going 2k at 60fps then the rx480 will struggle. (you could knock the quality settings down to compensate and see if that's enough)
26 Feb 17 1 #34
That will do me ! A new rx 480 and a huge monitor that I can view from 3 ft away ! Im sold ! Thanks.
27 Feb 17 #35
ahhh a troll, yes sure, whatever I hear, with my eyes, while looking at monitors in various sizes and resolutions.
and after I had inspected many monitors with my eyes I bought a 1440p 27inch.
and when I checked out 1080p on it while it wasn't awful it wasn't all that nice either.

you yourself probably own a 27 inch 1080p and don't want to admit it isn't the greatest thing ever, or maybe you own a little monitor and have no knowledge at all, my third theory is you need your eyes testing.
27 Feb 17 #36
Great for Minecraft?
43" UHD for me.
28 Feb 17 #37
Looks like it's sold out now.
1 Mar 17 #38
Good for Mincraft :wink:
6 Mar 17 #39
So you yourself look with your eyes, then make a judgement so the basic

By the way I work in IT and have been messing around with computers for 30 years since I was a small child I have seen the tech change.

And did I deny about things like fonts?

A few years ago people were saying 37 inch was the minimum point that 1080p was noticable that was with the tech being worse than now.

Monitors work best at their native resolution, so a 1080p native monitor can look theoretically better than a 1440 one, just as a good brand/panel 1080p can make a cheap and nasty 1440 one look awful then we have varying other things like contrast
So to just claim size/resolution matters is sheepish.
6 Mar 17 #40
I could see 1080p on this size being a problem but if your after a big monitor and 144hz its a good budget option but id probably stick to sub 27" for 1080p
6 Mar 17 #41
Hi guys, I bought the monitor. Bf1 with Rx 480 looks fab ! wont go past 120 on ultra ( fx8320e 16gb 1600 Ram).
I love this monitor ! For the price its great ! The curve is nice also. Reading without squinting is new to me. It's 1 metre from me and no blocks are visible and movies look very good also. I'll go 1440 at this size in 2-3 years, but for now I would highly recommend it.
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