Bargain SIMO - So £192 over 12 months for BT BB customers plus £70 voucher = £122! £70 amazon voucher also applies to non bt customers :smiley:
After discounts BT BB customers = £10.66pm / Non BT £14.16pm
Top comments
1 Feb 176#20
If anyone wants to know, they piggyback on the EE network
1 Feb 174#4
I have this deal also. The 4G is nowhere near as fast as my 3Mobile 4G was though. Even in "extra speed" areas outside.
1 Feb 173#2
Showing as £21 for me, logged in as a BT customer :/
forget that, it's showing £16 now. Decent deal, tempting since my Three contract is up next month...
All comments (131)
1 Feb 171#1
Good deal this but people will vote cold for some reason..
1 Feb 173#2
Showing as £21 for me, logged in as a BT customer :/
forget that, it's showing £16 now. Decent deal, tempting since my Three contract is up next month...
1 Feb 17#3
Have this deal currently. No issues with service. Heat added OP
1 Feb 174#4
I have this deal also. The 4G is nowhere near as fast as my 3Mobile 4G was though. Even in "extra speed" areas outside.
1 Feb 17#5
Glad to see it;s working fine now :smiley:
1 Feb 171#6
But there's more, providing it pays out of course, TCB are giving £85 cash back too. :smiley:
1 Feb 171#7
I got the vouchers eventually but it took about 6 months and countless telephone calls. The online reclaim form doesnt work because its incompatible with the invoice number they give you.
djlondon22 to johnnyd57uk
1 Feb 17#14
yep, same experience here, did get mine eventually. Im happy with the network service, the odd black spot but then again who doesn't...
andyatcorco to johnnyd57uk
1 Feb 17#15
mine worked ok. BT ended out sending the vouchers twice.
joshtbh to johnnyd57uk
1 Feb 17#29
you have to wonder if that's really accidental don't you :smirk:
1 Feb 17#8
If there was included roaming data I would be interested. Roll on June 2017!
1 Feb 17#9
Don't forget £60.00 Quidco on this plan :
All other rates
for all SIM only Ultimate plans - £60
for all SIM only All Rounder plans - £40
for all SIM only Starter plans - £20
mattoligy to eternalflame
1 Feb 171#10
Would you still get the Amazon voucher though?
djdanj89 to eternalflame
1 Feb 17#11
Showing as £50 on my Quidco
1 Feb 17#12
bloody hell £50 Quidco plus £70 amazon?
Just as a heads up, I got the prepaid card £125, plus Quidco, when I signed up for BT broadband last year.
1 Feb 17#13
Fuming. Just 2 weeks ago I ordered this sim for £16p/m but only received 15gb and TCB only offered £30, not the £70 that's on offer now. Amazon £70 card is the same (I may even be receiving £80, not sure, not able to claim it yet).
Wouldn't mind, but the other half hasn't even used the blooming thing yet. Heat for this deal though!
1 Feb 17#16
Had this deal for the past year, do you still get BT Sport thrown in with it?
1 Feb 171#17
If you experience problems getting the BT prepaid card the best way of getting it is to sign up for BT's forums and belly ache. I did this and a brilliant mod on there (Paddy) got it sorted quickly and even rang me to make sure I'd received the card. Don't waste time speaking to the foreign script readers, ypu'll get nowhere.
1 Feb 17#18
Will this work with a Xiamio (sp) phone?
1 Feb 171#19
Anyone know how BT mobile works abroad? Only thing I'd miss about Three is the "Feel at Home", i.e being able to use it around Europe really easily.
1 Feb 176#20
If anyone wants to know, they piggyback on the EE network
1 Feb 17#21
I've just signed up only a few days ago to bt broadband and they had an add-on sim offer of 4GB for £10 on a 12 month contract with £40 amazon gift vouchers. I would much prefer this deal though. I should have waited a few days more...! Might give them a call to see if I can cancel the sim since I haven't received it yet! Does anyone know whether I can cancel the sim contract?
1 Feb 17#22
Don't think you will get Quidco or TCB and a Amazon voucher.
When you go through the link on TCB the Amazon voucher is missing but if you go direct to BT it is showing.
I signed up in November for the 3GB deal and had the £40.00 Amazon vouchers within three weeks, still waiting for Quidco to pay out.
joshtbh to hecs1234
1 Feb 17#33
I concur. There's even a special message when you click through Quidco that says you won't receive both the Amazon voucher and the Cashback. Rats!
Stevio to hecs1234
1 Feb 17#36
Yes I see what you mean. Both Quidco & TCB look to implicitly say you cannot now get cash back with the Amazon voucher. But that has definitely changed recently as Quidco had a BT advert at the top of the page that showed the Voucher offer & TCB up until todays deals had the voucher included in the small print to click through on all the deals.
I signed up for the 2gb £8/month deal on 29th Dec' & received £60 Amazon vouchers today 1st Feb... sim effectively costing after voucher £3 per month for the contract.... So if my currently tracking £40 Quidco pays out as well will be looking to earn £4 in the first year for using their sim.
1 Feb 17#23
I get 20gb for £20 as a BB customer as I got one of the first one before it was changed
Wilksy7 to eddiebiggs
1 Feb 17#25
You pay the full £20
1 Feb 17#24
excellent deal
1 Feb 17#26
Clearly TCB are on the ball. When I first posted my comment they were offering £85 cash back on this.
1 Feb 171#27
I want a good deal with EE or 3 network with tethering included.. I don't fancy anything else..
1 Feb 17#28
I don't get this site. Last month I got this deal, but with 15GB, a £90 gift card and £60 Topcashback and the deal barely got luke warm even after a week. Yet this is hot after 4 hours, mental.
1 Feb 17#30
I have this already and its due to expire in a week.
I wonder if they will honour this price even though I'm not a BT BB member. Anybody tried?
1 Feb 17#31
I can't see the Amazon / Itunes voucher graphic when I look at the deal, whether i'm logged into my BT account or not
1 Feb 17#32
I took this deal a few months ago. No issues at all. Tethering is allowed on BT, and I also get BTSport (although can only use this on the phone). You might have to register to get the sport, but it's a cracking deal for the money.
1 Feb 171#34
BT never again.
1 Feb 17#35
Got this a few months ago. Cashback and Amazon vouchers came through fine, plus free BT Sport for 6 months.
Only things I don't like so far about BT is that using my mobile abroad is more expensive than EE who I used to be with, and also that BT don't offer wifi on the underground (a nice thing to have being a Londoner)
1 Feb 17#37
This looks like a really good deal.
Does anyone know how they are about Euro roaming - that is a must for me.
1 Feb 17#41
Yes expensive go with EE if that is a must (same network but offer plans with roaming)
1 Feb 17#42
I'm certain this morning TCB website offered the cashback + giftcard. Has that changed since?
1 Feb 17#43
My EE Sims aren't up until September 2017... bummer! Hopefully they will have something on offer later on this year.
I believe they are trying to get some money in as TV branch is struggling, esp with the football package. Are the CL rights not due soon? Sorry for going off topic :smiley:
1 Feb 17#44
It took 2 weeks for my £90 amazon voucher to come from claiming it,it came today, was impressed i didnt have to chase it up ;-).
Me and a few others havent been getting extra speed on this deal, complaining has done nothing,
1 Feb 171#45
I've just re-signed with Three 30gb data....600 mins....unlimited texts....tethering......Use in 42 countries......£18 per month.
1 Feb 17#46
If you knew then what you know now....blah blah blah.
1 Feb 17#47
Looks like the cash back sites and BT have plugged the loophole used by a few best ever deal BT fibre and Broadband & BT Sport plus £210 cashback and £125 Sainsburys voucher those where the days.
1 Feb 17#48
FeelAtHome is the only thing that's making me stick with 3
1 Feb 17#49
usually because you have to be a bit customer to get the discount. which makes it a bad deal....
1 Feb 17#50
they limit the 4g to 30 down 20 up unless you pay £4 extra a month to receive up to 60 down 40 up
1 Feb 171#51
Awesome deal, had it for a while now with double speed.
1 Feb 17#52
Current BT customers. If you check your account you might have the option to re-sign a deal at this price with double speed. I did and worked flawlessly.
1 Feb 17#53
i dont, it gives me the option to move from 15gb extra speed etc for £16 a month to 15gb extra speed etc at £20 a month,lol, thats with the £5 discount.............
What did you click on to get that deal? the site is a bit backwards
1 Feb 17#54
Theres an upgrade section and then you pick your account number. It might not be the same for everyone. I was on the 15GB for £20 with discount before that and was looking at EE but spotted that in the settings.
1 Feb 17#55
This is whats in my upgrade section, its bonkers
1 Feb 17#56
Well they do own them.
1 Feb 17#57
I just checked mine and it's the same. Might take out that 3GB for £8 deal for the missus though.
1 Feb 17#58
Got top cash back and vouchers a couple of times no problem. Dont know about quidco. They can't track if you apply for the vouchers or not.
1 Feb 17#59
They can't track if you apply for the vouchers or not. This is done at a much later date.
1 Feb 17#60
BT know if you used TCB/Quicdo, and could inform them at some stage perhaps?
1 Feb 17#61
Never thought. I got tcb from one I purchased in October and got vouchers for same deal about 2 weeks ago.
1 Feb 171#62
I took out the ultimate sim plan two days ago for 15GB, just livechatted now and have been upgraded to 20GB. Would give livechat a go
1 Feb 17#63
I bought via quidco last year similar deal but less GB and less minutes was looking to #30 quidco but it did not track... numerous calls to BT and quidco showing that I bought it and that I did it via quidco and didnt get the cash back.
Good deal though and the BT 4G in my area is really good. Was on GiffGaff before and their 4G was slower than a 3G connection in my area.
1 Feb 17#64
I am on this deal now from last year and the contract is due to end on 10th Feb... How can I take advantage of this deal??? Move my number to another company's payg mobile on 11th Feb and join BT mobile back on 12th? (I'm a BT broadband customer)
1 Feb 171#65
Deal would probably have changed by then, as seems to every 2-4weeks.
I'd contact them over livechat, explain your situation, and they may allow you to upgrade to this deal early?
Worth a punt, rather than flipping your number around.
1 Feb 171#66
They own EE
1 Feb 17#67
The previous deal gave you double speed 4G though worth £4 a month (60mbps instead of 30mps) so depends what you prefer - you have 14 days to cancel if you prefer this deal!
1 Feb 17#68
Already got this offer when BT offered this to me by phone weeks ago.
1 Feb 17#69
Already got this offer when BT offered this to me by phone weeks ago.
1 Feb 17#70
Or go with Quidco who may match the cash back, then add double the difference! (Eg if Quidco offer 10% and TCB offer 11% then Quidco will give you a total of 12%. I've had a few huge payouts because of this!)
1 Feb 17#71
Might go for this - my Vodafone red 20GB £20pm from last year expires in the next month.
1 Feb 17#72
Same - think a lot of us on Vodafone red 20GB / £20pm from this time last year will be looking.
Q - My contract is up on the 4th March, if I order this on the last day (8 days time) .. can I then delay activating the sim until closer the end of the month to lessen the overlap and still benefit from the offer? Thanks!
2 Feb 172#73
I currently use EE, Data abroad was £3 per day for 500mb.
With BT it costs me £4 per 100mb making a total of 4 x 5 = £20 per day
Now again with EE a week in spain is 7 days x 3 = £21 total, with BT its £20 x 7 = £140
Colder than an iceberg!
2 Feb 17#74
I have this sim (from last year) and I have BT broadband but come renewal next month for my sim I will probably go with the vodafone deal (£9.50) for the same allowance through e2save. I know it is cash back deal but the problem with BT is I dont want to be stuck to their broadband to get the discounted rate for my sim.
2 Feb 17#75
1. Can I use my dad's account to get this?
2. Is there reception the same as EE? The coverage checker says no 4G/3G for me, but but the map has 4G. I'm on EE already so I'm wondering if I could use their coverage as a guide?
Dr Zoidberg
2 Feb 17#76
Same here. Had to waste hours and hours on the phone to them to try and get the £50 they owed me. They lied over and over again about when vouchers would be sent and how long they would take and then point blank denied it. Totally not worth my time for the effort involved and I wouldn't recommend them.
2 Feb 17#77
BT own EE do they not...
2 Feb 17#78
I hate to discuss Brexit, but I think you'll find we won't be eligible for such a wonderful scheme very soon...
2 Feb 17#79
Don't mean to be an **** but are people really using their phones that much abroad?
Get a wifi spot and a book!
2 Feb 171#80
I went on a 2 week cruise in November, i took my virgin sim out and bought a £22 12gb 3 sim from my memory, only used 1.5gb, lasts a year as well, so i will use that a few times this year on holiday. Bargain!
2 Feb 171#81
Not everyone who goes abroad is going for a holiday. I travel a lot on business, with a company provided phone, but I still want to keep in touch using my personal device.
2 Feb 17#82
So can tcb be used or not in conjunction with vouchers?
2 Feb 17#83
The gift card offer vanishes when you go through topcashback. :disappointed:
2 Feb 17#84
I rather spend the same money to get the 16GB Fast 4G+ plan
2 Feb 17#85
Yeah like me for example VOTED COLD!
BT have ripped me off in the past with thier normal landine offers. Very poor customer service, they seem to believe that its the customer thats got it wrong in explaining that their bills are far too high due to heavy usage. They billed me £230 in the past for using my land line excessively to make calls 5 TIMES PER DAY every week, every month.
Even when I was at work!
They arrogantly REFUSED to accept it was their systems at fault and was ready to place my account in collections! GO WITH BT at your own risk and dont say that you wasnt warned!
Three network are far superior with a much improved 4g signal coverage. Staff are much friendlier too. I grabbed a bargain with unlimited data and text plus extra 30gb of data for tethering use all for £18 quid - sim only. No contest!
2 Feb 17#86
three network are **** in london
absolute ****!!!
2 Feb 171#87
Should say i got this kinda deal last year and i know TCB is doing £70.00 but when you click on the link it take away the £70 Amazon Or iTunes voucher but if you have copyed the link from the BT website in to the one TCB opens you may also get TCB offer also. i did last year and got both but this may not work this time around.
2 Feb 17#88
Sorry to go a little off topic but are you certain that 3 network are really THAT bad as you say? Ive used my phone in London and as far as Whitby bay up north. NO PROBLEMS WHATSOEVER!
I wonder if it could be your phone at fault? - I own a Samsung Galaxy Note 4 and reception has been outstanding...
Have you searched for the following below? ...You might be surprised at the results!
Samsung vs Apple vs other OEMs regarding signal strength and reception
2 Feb 171#89
So you voted this deal cold because you've had problems in the past with the supplier? That's just arrogant and stupid.
2 Feb 17#90
Anyone in London worked out how to get around the lack of Wi-Fi on the Underground with BT SIM?
2 Feb 17#91
Wi-fi spot and a book not so helpful when you want to use maps to navigate, keep in touch with elderly relatives, pull that email confirmation with your ticket for that art gallery or museum....
One member of our family is always on Three so we can use feel at home. It's a big bonus.
2 Feb 17#92
Been on this for 12 months so contract is up, can I cancel it and re-start and get the quidco voucher? Can't see it saying anywhere about new customers only.
spoke to them on live chat and they rang me but didn't confirm anything
2 Feb 17#93
What? - You mean stupid like your IGNORANCE!
Why dont you start searching properly on the net first to read about the £2.7 MILLION in fines for fleecing customers in OVERCHARGING fees that EE under owership of BT recieved before you leave a comment of stupid - (STUPID!)
2 Feb 17#94
To be precise BT own them.
I use them and the service in my area is pretty good, 4G is lightning fast for me.
2 Feb 17#95
I would also like to know this to.
When I go thought the website I can order up a new SIM/contract and get it.
When I do renew my contract I get the same deal but does not say anything about the voucher.
when I add a new SIM to my account it also does not say anything about the voucher. I did not proceed beyond this point tho. not sure if the page it takes you to does not show the voucher info as it just give you basic about the sim contracts not sure if this is an issue on there website or you just dont get a voucher for renewing a contract.
I know i can cancel my contract my SIM deal and order a new one and guessing may pay £16 extra for my 30days notice but still worth it.
2 Feb 17#96
Got 20Gb with unlimited calls + texts + a small roaming bundle for £15pm from EE on Monday evening. They were price matching Virgin Mobile's January SIMO deal.
2 Feb 17#97
Now showing £20 month as bt customer 15gb data.
2 Feb 17#98
BT. (bl##dy terrible ) company, watch them put the price up later during the contract .The only good thing about BT is when you have a problem you can find out what the weather is like in India?
2 Feb 17#99
It's still there. I just placed an order.
2 Feb 17#100
Lol - Your comments regarding BT tickled me!
2 Feb 17#101
For this deal, is their term of "Fast 4G" the same as "extra speed" mentioned earlier?
2 Feb 17#102
is that a retention deal or from new customer?
3 Feb 17#103
ive had the exact same phone, very slow speeds around most of london, poor connection in central london, google maps slow , poor in nw london, random disconnections (server side)
bt 100% works (maybe lower top speed but far higher reliability)
3 Feb 17#104
Hm.. I understood what you said but did you realize that Samsung in their own strange wisdom made different variants of the Galaxy Note 4 Exynos Vs Snapdragon and even internal modem redesigns?
I have the original Note 4 SM-910S (Korean) whilst most people own the European Note 4 SM-910F.
Again Samsung altered the designs to match each countries implementation of the 4g signal standard
But going back to the question of BT sim only deals. It doesnt alter the fact that they have been caught with their pants down of fleecing customers in the past. Great signals or not!
Remember their ads on the telly in 2016 they inticed plenty of customers to sign up to their home broadband deals. I laughed when I heard the news recently that BT were now considering a price increase for those customers who DID sign up. This is supposed to happen within the next few months of THIS YEAR 2017 - Nuff said!...
3 Feb 171#105
I can vouch for this.
My wife was on EE and we switched to a BT 4gb SIM. Same underlying network and coverage, speed are identical. £10pm - £60 amazon - £52.50 TCB = around 60p a month. Voucher and TCB have paid out, voucher claimed when sim activated and delivered after about 6 weeks, TCB paid out after about 3 months.
So 4gb for 60p pm. :smiley:
3 Feb 17#106
Good deal, I was on the 20gb for £20 and just on a rolling contract so I have re newed for £16. But as an existing customer, not entitielded to the £70 amazon voucher! :disappointed: booo.
3 Feb 17#107
Great deal. Thanks for posting. My wife 15gb deal and it all works absolutely fine. I just called Vodafone to get PAC and switch to this and the matched it to the last penny plus the usual netflix/spotify free for a year and obviously superior euro rates to BT's deal.
3 Feb 17#108
Just for peach of mind, signed up for a similar BT deal with £90 Amazon voucher and it's arrived today. Can't complain.
3 Feb 17#109
3 Feb 17#110
Kijiji, you can cancel the sim. You have 14 days to cancel, if you have used the sim, you pay for what you have used. I did the same thing. It was easy to cancel, just ring up, you get a confirmation email that it is cancelled. If you go through Top Cashback you get £70 , plus the itunes or amazon £70.
4 Feb 17#111
is this deal still on? it shows up 15gb at £20 for me :disappointed:
4 Feb 17#112
Yeah funny one this, noticed it yesterday. Seems all the links from their own web page etc' show their top deal as £20, but for me at least the OP's link is still taking me to this £16 deal with 5 days left on its countdown.
4 Feb 17#113
Thanks for the info! OP original deal still works through his link! Just ordered at £16pm!! great offer :smiley:
5 Feb 17#114
I got this deal several months ago at £15 per month for BT customers with £80 amazon voucher and £40 quidco. But still a good deal.
5 Feb 17#115
30 down and 20 up would be nice. Try 10 down and 0.02 up.
5 Feb 17#116
Oh, and this package already has the extra speed 4G...
5 Feb 17#117
Just use bus.
5 Feb 17#118
Yeah had the contract for 7 months
6 Feb 17#119
This is a good deal for both bt and non bt customers, however I went with he virgin deal a few weeks back as I'm not a bt customer. Unlimited texts, 5000 minutes, 20GB for £15/month
7 Feb 17#120
Virgin deal cheaper than this, for a rolling contract, and dont have to be a bt customer.
8 Feb 17#121
I read recently that networks whcih piggyback on the EE network get cut off when at a highly populated area like a footy match (Cricket was used as the example in the post I read), anyone else have this experience with a BT mobile sim
9 Feb 17#122
very strange, via TBC website I can see the offer 20GB of DATA for £16 per month but without any Amazon/iTune voucher offer, but on it's own via BT website I can see the following deal: 16GB of DATA for £20 (inc my broadband discount) and with deal with Amazon/iTune voucher.
10 Feb 17#123
Very true. Moved there 6months ago and it's really bad.
However feel at home is awesome and their staff is great. Nothing of the old-bad three some remember.
It's actually how bad vodafone's and ee' CS is that makes me think twice about switching.
12 Feb 17#124
Seems to have expired... now saying £20PM with the £5 customer discount and no Amazon voucher.
18 Feb 17#125
Trying to claim the vouchers for this now and its reporting "Sorry, vouchers are not available on this date" - whats going on here?!
20 Feb 17#126
Has anyone got any screenshoots of this offer on as they are telling me it wasnt on the 2/02/2017 they are saying because im on the 20gb plan im not entitled to it, although i can remember the offer being there.
I'm about to do a manual claim with them. Start of last week it didn't come up with that error message, but it said to wait 2 weeks until after the number was activated
20 Feb 17#128
Actually - I've just tried the form again and its worked as expected - they must have updated it in the past few hours.
20 Feb 17#129
Thanks Mattr.....i sent them the screen shot and told them the terms and was told im not entitled, I will try the manual claim now...Thanks again
4 Mar 17#130
I got the vouchers today - £70 Amazon :smiley: - They are sent recorded signed for.
Opening post
After discounts BT BB customers = £10.66pm / Non BT £14.16pm
Top comments
forget that, it's showing £16 now. Decent deal, tempting since my Three contract is up next month...
All comments (131)
forget that, it's showing £16 now. Decent deal, tempting since my Three contract is up next month...
All other rates
for all SIM only Ultimate plans - £60
for all SIM only All Rounder plans - £40
for all SIM only Starter plans - £20
Just as a heads up, I got the prepaid card £125, plus Quidco, when I signed up for BT broadband last year.
Wouldn't mind, but the other half hasn't even used the blooming thing yet. Heat for this deal though!
When you go through the link on TCB the Amazon voucher is missing but if you go direct to BT it is showing.
I signed up in November for the 3GB deal and had the £40.00 Amazon vouchers within three weeks, still waiting for Quidco to pay out.
I signed up for the 2gb £8/month deal on 29th Dec' & received £60 Amazon vouchers today 1st Feb... sim effectively costing after voucher £3 per month for the contract.... So if my currently tracking £40 Quidco pays out as well will be looking to earn £4 in the first year for using their sim.
I wonder if they will honour this price even though I'm not a BT BB member. Anybody tried?
Only things I don't like so far about BT is that using my mobile abroad is more expensive than EE who I used to be with, and also that BT don't offer wifi on the underground (a nice thing to have being a Londoner)
Does anyone know how they are about Euro roaming - that is a must for me.
I believe they are trying to get some money in as TV branch is struggling, esp with the football package. Are the CL rights not due soon? Sorry for going off topic :smiley:
Me and a few others havent been getting extra speed on this deal, complaining has done nothing,
What did you click on to get that deal? the site is a bit backwards
Good deal though and the BT 4G in my area is really good. Was on GiffGaff before and their 4G was slower than a 3G connection in my area.
I'd contact them over livechat, explain your situation, and they may allow you to upgrade to this deal early?
Worth a punt, rather than flipping your number around.
Q - My contract is up on the 4th March, if I order this on the last day (8 days time) .. can I then delay activating the sim until closer the end of the month to lessen the overlap and still benefit from the offer? Thanks!
With BT it costs me £4 per 100mb making a total of 4 x 5 = £20 per day
Now again with EE a week in spain is 7 days x 3 = £21 total, with BT its £20 x 7 = £140
Colder than an iceberg!
2. Is there reception the same as EE? The coverage checker says no 4G/3G for me, but but the map has 4G. I'm on EE already so I'm wondering if I could use their coverage as a guide?
Get a wifi spot and a book!
BT have ripped me off in the past with thier normal landine offers. Very poor customer service, they seem to believe that its the customer thats got it wrong in explaining that their bills are far too high due to heavy usage. They billed me £230 in the past for using my land line excessively to make calls 5 TIMES PER DAY every week, every month.
Even when I was at work!
They arrogantly REFUSED to accept it was their systems at fault and was ready to place my account in collections! GO WITH BT at your own risk and dont say that you wasnt warned!
Three network are far superior with a much improved 4g signal coverage. Staff are much friendlier too. I grabbed a bargain with unlimited data and text plus extra 30gb of data for tethering use all for £18 quid - sim only. No contest!
absolute ****!!!
I wonder if it could be your phone at fault? - I own a Samsung Galaxy Note 4 and reception has been outstanding...
Have you searched for the following below? ...You might be surprised at the results!
Samsung vs Apple vs other OEMs regarding signal strength and reception
One member of our family is always on Three so we can use feel at home. It's a big bonus.
spoke to them on live chat and they rang me but didn't confirm anything
Why dont you start searching properly on the net first to read about the £2.7 MILLION in fines for fleecing customers in OVERCHARGING fees that EE under owership of BT recieved before you leave a comment of stupid - (STUPID!)
I use them and the service in my area is pretty good, 4G is lightning fast for me.
When I go thought the website I can order up a new SIM/contract and get it.
When I do renew my contract I get the same deal but does not say anything about the voucher.
when I add a new SIM to my account it also does not say anything about the voucher. I did not proceed beyond this point tho. not sure if the page it takes you to does not show the voucher info as it just give you basic about the sim contracts not sure if this is an issue on there website or you just dont get a voucher for renewing a contract.
I know i can cancel my contract my SIM deal and order a new one and guessing may pay £16 extra for my 30days notice but still worth it.
bt 100% works (maybe lower top speed but far higher reliability)
I have the original Note 4 SM-910S (Korean) whilst most people own the European Note 4 SM-910F.
Again Samsung altered the designs to match each countries implementation of the 4g signal standard
But going back to the question of BT sim only deals. It doesnt alter the fact that they have been caught with their pants down of fleecing customers in the past. Great signals or not!
Remember their ads on the telly in 2016 they inticed plenty of customers to sign up to their home broadband deals. I laughed when I heard the news recently that BT were now considering a price increase for those customers who DID sign up. This is supposed to happen within the next few months of THIS YEAR 2017 - Nuff said!...
My wife was on EE and we switched to a BT 4gb SIM. Same underlying network and coverage, speed are identical. £10pm - £60 amazon - £52.50 TCB = around 60p a month. Voucher and TCB have paid out, voucher claimed when sim activated and delivered after about 6 weeks, TCB paid out after about 3 months.
So 4gb for 60p pm. :smiley:
However feel at home is awesome and their staff is great. Nothing of the old-bad three some remember.
It's actually how bad vodafone's and ee' CS is that makes me think twice about switching.
any help at all? thanks
I'm about to do a manual claim with them. Start of last week it didn't come up with that error message, but it said to wait 2 weeks until after the number was activated