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Xbox £50 Credit for £33.00 @ ebay - gamezwizardlive
3 stars +181

Xbox £50 Credit for £33.00 @ ebay - gamezwizardlive

£33 eBay7 Jan 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Opening post
7 Jan 17
This seller has got £50 of xbox live credit for £33

He does say can take up to 36 hours to get the codes sent I got mine in 40 hours

Top comments
7 Jan 17 4 #27
If someone steals your card and use the details for such transactions which are normally harder to be tracked (especially when you use a medium like Paypal that helps both parties hide their identities even more or provide inaccurate/fake IDs) you normally notice this in a few days times and that's enough for you to request a charge back from bank for an unauthorised transaction etc which will be flagged by Paypal. Also some users on eBay have abnormal activists. If you look at the feedbacks it may sometime help you to find a possible fraudster. A fraudster normally starts buying cheap stupid digital contents to build up their feedback (e.g eBooks, pdfs!) then they start buying expensive digital content, either psn/Xbox credits or recently released games. They do it for a short time with one account before the charge back process starts to be triggered by real card owners. Then they move to another eBay account. A fraudster is always in rush to get the code and they insist for it. Their English level is poor whilst their Paypal contact details shows different.

Bear in mind there are also thieves on eBay. Those who are not fraud but they lie. Buys the code and then says it's not working! These are not normally a concern as if they threaten for their lie, they'll normally retreat, lol.
7 Jan 17 3 #54
It's relisted.
All comments (267)
7 Jan 17 #1
7 Jan 17 #2
I bought a £20 card for £16 back in November, had code within 48 hrs. No problem whatsoever.
7 Jan 17 #3
A lot of good feedback, and the delay seems to be due to them verifying the codes work before buyers try to say they got a dud. Looks good to me. Heat added.
7 Jan 17 1 #4
Shame about the timeframe, ideally want credit before the sales go away!
Silhouette to slayermatt
7 Jan 17 #5
​40 hours would put this on the night of the 9th, so that may be in time.
7 Jan 17 #6
Part of me doubts the guy works on a sunday though :disappointed:

Edit: interestingly enough the sales state "3 days remaining", didn't realise they went on until the midnight - used to 5/6pm steam sales :laughing:
7 Jan 17 #7
Save for the future that's what I was thinking
7 Jan 17 #8
Anyone used this guys before? It's a great price but don't want to risk the account.
7 Jan 17 1 #9
I'm always intrigued by these 48-72 hour 'security checks'.
Surely the buyer should be the one asking questions about the legitimacy of their codes and where they came from?
joanddan7 to MBeeching
7 Jan 17 #14
I agree it makes no sense but with eBay and PayPal now I feel quite safe as I have had a few issues in past and they have always gone the right way.
mixmixi to MBeeching
7 Jan 17 1 #21
Not on eBay mate. Think the guys been scammed a lot before through those charge back scammers. This cooling period gives the transaction time to be flagged in case of fraud. I've lost nearly £2000 through scammers on eBay 2 years ago for digital contents...
7 Jan 17 #10
Bought one was tempted to get two.

I'll spend £100 on there.... for £66 that's a bargain.

Tempted to use the free credit to get Forza snow expansion for "free"
7 Jan 17 #11
It almost seems to cheap, although I am very tempted.

Would we be protected through PayPal if something went wrong?
AStonedRaichu to frost1979
7 Jan 17 1 #12
ebay money back guarantee.
7 Jan 17 #13
Does that cover digital goods?
7 Jan 17 #15
7 Jan 17 #16
Not sure if it does cover digital codes, below is taken from eBay money back guarantee details.

Some types of listings are excluded: vehicles, real estate, businesses for sale, and digitally delivered goods or service. You can find all the details on the eBay Money Back Guarantee policy page.
7 Jan 17 #17
As this is a digitally delivered good it looks like it's not covered then.
7 Jan 17 #18
Bought a few £25 ones before Christmas all good no bother.
7 Jan 17 #19
What do they mean by security checks? Is this another send a copy of your driving licence/passport scenario?
7 Jan 17 2 #20
For the buyer, yes. The seller is always at risk though as ebay invariably find in favour of them, regardless of who's in the right. To clarify, digital goods aren't meant to be sold on ebay so buyers are covered if things go south because they can just claim that they never received a physical delivery of the code.
7 Jan 17 2 #22
For buyer yes, for seller no. Hence why the guy is asking for cooling period after payment.
7 Jan 17 #23

Thanks :smiley:
7 Jan 17 #24
9 Left
7 Jan 17 #25
Makes sense, curious about what actually triggers a red flag though :stuck_out_tongue:

The fact he actually put in the correct amount (description states 50 so give or take the few pending order is correct) gives me some faith. Feedback is good and has only the occasional bit of £50, mostly £20 so easily suggests these are a few that have been acquired and not their main trade.
7 Jan 17 1 #26
The buyer on eBay is ALWAYS protected if they don't get the goods.
7 Jan 17 4 #27
If someone steals your card and use the details for such transactions which are normally harder to be tracked (especially when you use a medium like Paypal that helps both parties hide their identities even more or provide inaccurate/fake IDs) you normally notice this in a few days times and that's enough for you to request a charge back from bank for an unauthorised transaction etc which will be flagged by Paypal. Also some users on eBay have abnormal activists. If you look at the feedbacks it may sometime help you to find a possible fraudster. A fraudster normally starts buying cheap stupid digital contents to build up their feedback (e.g eBooks, pdfs!) then they start buying expensive digital content, either psn/Xbox credits or recently released games. They do it for a short time with one account before the charge back process starts to be triggered by real card owners. Then they move to another eBay account. A fraudster is always in rush to get the code and they insist for it. Their English level is poor whilst their Paypal contact details shows different.

Bear in mind there are also thieves on eBay. Those who are not fraud but they lie. Buys the code and then says it's not working! These are not normally a concern as if they threaten for their lie, they'll normally retreat, lol.
7 Jan 17 #28
Ordered, thanks
7 Jan 17 #29
Gone for it like the little xbox-credit **** that I am :stuck_out_tongue:
7 Jan 17 #30
Ordered thanks
7 Jan 17 #31
Bought a few Cards before the guys alwright
7 Jan 17 #32
Interesting. Part of me reckons mine will be rejected but meh. I always pay with a different paypal account to the email on ebay (I don't buy enough to make it worthwhile making my own ebay account... maybe twice a year? so use the mothers) but as long as i find out before the sales are over I won't be too bitter.
7 Jan 17 #33
Ordered one, got £35 already in my account. That's ME Andromeda super deluxe preorder sorted.
7 Jan 17 1 #34
Id expect the guy takes it longer than 40 hours to release the codes for buyer. He's sold 50 codes in hour and that could be enough for anyone to ask why? Lol. I suggest one of you drop him a line and address him to this threat so at least he could know why he's been having lots of interests all of a sudden. Maybe it helps with his so called security checks!
7 Jan 17 #35
Gotta risk it for a biscuit. One ordered. Heat added. When I ordered it still said 10 available.
7 Jan 17 1 #36
Well I must have been order 38 or so... so hopefully I should be further up the queue aha!
7 Jan 17 1 #37
Good idea, I've dropped him a message
7 Jan 17 #38
I was told by eBay that anyone selling virtual content has no protection.

If a buyer says it doesn't work they are automatically refunded.

The 48 hours won't help him. If someone bought £200 of credit, redeemed it all and then said the codes were invalid they keep the £200 credit and are refunded the £132.
Not worth selling any digital stuff on eBay imho.

I one sold a console with DLC, they redeemed all the DLC, reported the item as faulty (it was NOT faulty) and were fully refunded.

I had to pay for delivery to them, delivery back to me, final selling fee and the lost DLC.
7 Jan 17 #39
hmmm Total of fifty available... 62 sold in the last hour?
7 Jan 17 #40
Thanks OP got the last 2 =D
7 Jan 17 #41
Great price and worth a punt for me. Many thanks op.
7 Jan 17 #42
Don't blame him for being cautious as I sold £50 ms voucher and apparently buyers account was hacked.
I will never sell digital goods there either.
7 Jan 17 #43
Not always a few years ago i purchased a £50 xbox credit/live bundle , item location manchester.

turns out seller was in Hungary, asked him how he would be posting (physical giftcards in pic and 1st class recorded by RM)

he said he already emailed them, I thought these were being posted i replied.

anyway no email received asked him to resend, stopped responding to me so i opened a dispute with paypal listing my concerns , screenshots and negative feedback by other buyers who cottoned on to his scam.

paypal closed down the dispute and said digital purchases were not covered. couldn't open an ebay one because i'd opened a paypal one!

within a few days he was no longer a registered user, none of the buyers received a refund (this was before theY started blanking out bidder id's.

first and only time i've been scammed, proceed with caution is my advice!
7 Jan 17 #44
Risky yes although I have sold about 15 digitial items with no probelsm so far although every time I sell, I dread the 'it did not work email'

Regarding the 'it is faulty scam', well that happens irrespective of digital items. I had one return where I had to pay return postage when the buyer was a fecking idiot and did not comprehend that a tab which went to 0% needed to be charged. I do agree there are some right fecking eejits out there
7 Jan 17 #45
7 Jan 17 2 #46
Luckily the dark days of Paypal handling the disputes are gone. I remember a few nightmare ones I had. Since eBay took on the disputes I have had no issues
7 Jan 17 1 #47
I said to the appeals team.
'If bought 10 items with DLC included from 10 sellers and lied by saying they were all faulty after redeeming the DLC would I get a full refund? And would the seller have pay to post it to me and pay to have it posted back to them."
"Yes that's correct" she said..
No wonder there are so many scammers out there it's pretty much set up for them to get away with it.

I could buy consoles, controllers and all sorts and get the DLC for free with eBay's backing, pathetic system...
7 Jan 17 #48
They ran out for about 2 minutes and some more went up
Honestly it could go either way is what I feel... But this guy has been a seller for a year and a bit, 1000+ sales and only negative feedback seems to be from sales he's cancelled/refunded and the neutrals for "slow delivery". Sold out now, other listing seems to be £20 credit slightly discounted and makes up the majority of his feedback. A lot of effort to go through I feel. Arguably you could go for a charge-back potentially? Pain in the ass but still a possibility.
7 Jan 17 2 #49
well he's just sold 94 @ £33.00 so there is going to be 44 getting refunds or 94 getting in contact with ebay in the near future. will subscribe to thread have a feeling this is going to get interesting.
7 Jan 17 #50
Gutted I missed this
7 Jan 17 #51
look at his buying feedback...that's a lot of phone unlock code purchases
7 Jan 17 #52
To be honest it's safety in numbers... if eBay get 50 complaints about same seller and same item it'll be refunds all round
7 Jan 17 #53
Thank goodness i ordered mine before the deal was even posted...a rarity
7 Jan 17 3 #54
It's relisted.
7 Jan 17 #55
Just bought Overwatch for £30 too on the store, would have come in handy.
7 Jan 17 1 #56
Hmmm not the greatest of signs.
7 Jan 17 #57
The guy just replied to the message I sent:

Fingers crossed! :smiley:
7 Jan 17 #58
Yeah I wouldn't touch it now.
7 Jan 17 #59
This is back in stock
7 Jan 17 1 #60
That's why I take a load of time-stamped photos of items (including of the serial number) before I post them. It's not 100% concrete proof but it certainly helps. I've had a few chancers over the years who've tried to scam me out of a refund, but any disputes that were raised were always found in my favour.
7 Jan 17 1 #61
As much as its a pain, the more thorough you are the better you'll do sadly. I'd have a guess most scammers rely on this information not being kept by the seller
7 Jan 17 #62
I asked specifically asked about before midnight on Monday (which going by the current "3 days left" still on deals seems like when they end) and he replied
So this better not be false hope :laughing:
7 Jan 17 1 #63
Shouldn't be expired as its been relisted and is back in stock.
8 Jan 17 1 #64
biggest scammers are buyers . I been done once selling codes well twice but if I had just sent a blank piece of paper to there address I would have been covered by paypal as could of said that were the codes. I got charged a fee for being scammed to but on one got me money back etc .I Some one once scammed a few grand selling something they were fake but the only ones who lost out were paypal and the buyer was refunded . But the worst scammers are the ones where they know the buyers wont be refunded by paypal . I mean anyone who scams is a scrout . But you get the ones selling games but don't send and the buyers are all refunded by ebay etc atleast . Paypal and ebay are the biggest scammers as they don't use common sense and sude with buyers most the time . But then with something like this if a buyers didn't receive the codes the buyers wont refunded . So seems if your a scammer either side you get away with it but if you a innocent buyer or seller your scammed and ebay and paypal do nothing yet if you a scammer buyer paypal and ebay do the seller and if yoru a scammer seller sometimes the buyer gets done . This deal is to good to be true . He has good feedback but if he can make a few grand its worth loosing his account over it .
8 Jan 17 #65
Can't believe you edit that post and I still can't make out what your saying
8 Jan 17 #66
deffo something sketchy going on , noticed the seller details have recently changed along with contact number
8 Jan 17 #67
Same here. Complete gibberish!
8 Jan 17 #68
Ha yeah i think he might be on about scammers, but I'm not quite sure :confused:
8 Jan 17 #69
Something about buyers being the bigger scammers, then buyers dont have a leg to stand on then something about seller being scam then finishing with yet again buyers being biggest scammers... I think.
8 Jan 17 #70
But what's the message? :smile:
8 Jan 17 #71
That anyone can scam? :laughing:
8 Jan 17 1 #72
Aaaah, got it now!
8 Jan 17 #73
You snotty nose kid . Do you enjoy being buggered by your buddies ?
8 Jan 17 #74
Anyone had anything yet??
8 Jan 17 #75
Unlikely given what the seller has written in the ad
8 Jan 17 #76
Honestly thats where a lot of the iffyness comes from i feel.
8 Jan 17 #77
had this reply.

Ebay has noticed a few of these orders were fraudulent especially when the listing was linked to another website which attracted unwanted activities.
Therefore ebay has strictly emphasised that the orders be sent only via post(recorded delivery) to safeguard both buyer and seller accounts

.............. I can only wait and see
8 Jan 17 #78
See the seller hasn't even hinted toward sending anything physically in my contact with them :neutral_face:
8 Jan 17 #79
ya we need to keep a eye on this
8 Jan 17 #80
The seller sold 275 of these since Friday at £33 that is £9,075 before ebay and paypal fees
8 Jan 17 #81
Specifically i asked if I'd be in possession of a code before midnight tomorrow (e.g. when the sales end) and he assured me I would. Then confirming it again after I asked even with the increased demand this would be the case.
8 Jan 17 1 #82
See what tomorrow evening brings then...more excuses most likely i reckon
9 Jan 17 #83
That's the spirit! :smiley:
9 Jan 17 #84
Meaning he had 13,750 in xbox credit sitting around in £50 vouchers.... seems unlikely.

ill be filling a claim to ebay tomorrow... clearly a scam.

apart from wasting all our time I suspect no damage is done.
9 Jan 17 #85
where's the emails been 48 hours in 10 hours time. must be an automatically managed delivery machine just hold on for 10 hours before reporting the seller.
9 Jan 17 #86
anyone got anything yet?
9 Jan 17 #87
​no mate I've emailed this morning and got nothing back. He's either a scam or has sold more then he's actually got and he doesn't no what to do. As some people have been refunded when asked.
9 Jan 17 #88
I reckon he's added a new bank account and waiting for paypal to verify it before doing a runner, makes sense if you think about refund a few to stop a block... no one sells £50 credit for £33 and throws in a £15 free bonus for inconvenience.

You's are being scammed, people are just to stubborn to admit it.

More chance of winning the lotto by not even putting it on then receiving anything off this guy
9 Jan 17 #89
I've actually bought £50 for about this price before, I asked for the code to be emailed and the seller apologised that he was away from home for a day so couldn't email right away.
He offered an extra £15 as an apology which I was surprised by, and didn't expect to receive.
The next day I received my £50 code and another apology that he didn't have a £15 code to give me so he gave me a £20 code instead!
Strange things do happen :smiley:
9 Jan 17 #90
your gamertag being banned in the future for using moody credit? :stuck_out_tongue:
9 Jan 17 #91
It appears the seller has delisted all his items. I don't want to accuse anyone but this is alarming. People be warned it might be scam. He might have been a good seller in the past, but he might just be into something at the moment (or might not).

Seller contact details as per ebay listing:

Andrew Johnson
New York Studios
New York Road
West Yorkshire
United Kingdom Phone: 7873671203
Email: [email protected]

On the other hand, this threat was spammed when it was posted and after sometime one of the mods approved it and put it back live, so I assume they may feel this seller is safe?
9 Jan 17 #92
Well you never know what or who you're really buying from when it comes to eBay!
9 Jan 17 #93
very true!
9 Jan 17 1 #94
most of us realised early on, and requested a refund and received one presumably he doesn't want any paypal disputes affecting his newly aquired nest egg.
9 Jan 17 #95
Go through PayPal for a refund. Got one within an hour, clearly a scam.
9 Jan 17 #96
A PayPal dispute?
Can you open one this quickly?
9 Jan 17 #97
all the options I have for this says I have to wait until its been open for longer
9 Jan 17 #98
You can do it via paypal and not go through ebay.
9 Jan 17 #99
Out of curiosity I rang ebay (to see if they'd do anything beforehand) and they just flat out said go to paypal :stuck_out_tongue: Specifically what option would you choose with the paypal dispute however?
9 Jan 17 #100
This one:
I'm opening this dispute because:
I haven't received my item.

I just added in the notes: "suspected fraudulent, refund required".
9 Jan 17 #101
I do fear people opening these cases before 48 hours have past will certainly lead to the codes not going out to anyone :disappointed:

I'd rather wait till the time has past. 5 hours to go when looking at the deal posted clock, patience everyone hold it in and then let it blow past 48 hour mark.
9 Jan 17 #102
I agree it's highly likely this will at least delay the codes being sent out, he'll need to check who has been refunded now!
9 Jan 17 #103
The main red flag as of this second is his lack of replies. Considering I was getting 5 minute replies last night when I messaged, and me as well as others haven't heard from him for a few hours now it all seems rather strange.
9 Jan 17 #104
hahahahaha guy's getting scammed still hangs on to a glimmer of hope that he's receiving a code, he has told people they have been dispatched then proceeds to refund them what more proof do you need , the guy coming round and physically mugging you in your garden?

The codes don't exist man, otherwise people would have received them by now people bought some on wednesday!
9 Jan 17 #105
Maybe thats why he was complaining about all the unwanted attention :wink: On a serious note hope others (including my idiot self) get refunds sorted. I mean mine hasn't even been "dispatched" neither have I had any feedback so hopefully that goes towards my case. I did ask a few hours ago for a refund directly but seemingly he's ghosted completely at this point. Wonder how long before the ebay account drops.

Still interested in how one member here got a refund through paypal dispute within an hour. Doubt it should be that quick.
9 Jan 17 #106
Not a chance. Paypal disputes are never that quick!
9 Jan 17 #107
Maybe guys at work, so can't reply today. Hopefully we all hear something tonight.
I'd much rather receive the codes than get a refund tbh
9 Jan 17 #108
I feel its probably like playing russian roulette. Either way, what's happened is certainly not what you would expect from an "ebay premium seller" and someone with this good a feedback.
9 Jan 17 #109
true, price does seem too good to be true, but guy has asked for 48 hours, and people are requesting refunds after 38.
The fact hes a premium seller, is giving me a little hope of holding out.
I imagine we would all be guaranteed a refund from ebay if he does a runner
9 Jan 17 #110
Well its in paypals hands regardless, ebay want nothing to do with it (as they don't cover digital goods themselves). It just seems odd and the lack of communication is somewhat unsettling.
9 Jan 17 #111
I hope they take our side, if ebay doesn't cover digital goods, especially none delivery. then why do they allow the sale.
now your getting me worried lol
9 Jan 17 #112
With ebay themselves its a bit weird. Because they don't support the selling codes but then they also don't offer buyers protection as such. Paypal however seem to rule with an iron fist. Sellers do have to give a good amount of proof to have it go their way from memory. Should work out fine - just paypal can be on the drag sometimes getting the ball rolling :laughing:
9 Jan 17 #113
anyone got anything from this? i was quite hopeful at first :disappointed:
9 Jan 17 1 #114
No, and it's been 48 hours since I paid.
I've got a flawless eBay account from 2005 so I've no idea how or what he 'security checks'
I've messaged asking for a refund immediately, if it's not refunded by tomorrow morning I'll go through eBay/paypal
To be fair to buyers, if digital goods aren't covered by eBay protection then they shouldn't allow them to be sold!
9 Jan 17 #115
For some time they were clamping down on digital goods but since early 2016 they have been lax in handling such listings. I've been seeing even meerkat codes being sold yep those 2-4-1 codes for sale!
9 Jan 17 #116
any idea going on how to get a refund? first time i've been scammed...
9 Jan 17 #117
Yes, create an "item not received" case in paypal.
9 Jan 17 #118
The issue with getting refund is we can't report item yet.
9 Jan 17 #119
I wouldn't be surprised if his account is now flagged from all the disputes however. Can only play the waiting game at this point.
9 Jan 17 #120
Yeah - no chance of codes I'd say now. Ship sailed.
9 Jan 17 #121
It's very strange that with all the sales he's made over the last few days his feedback, positive OR negative, is extremely quiet!
In fact at the time of writing this, no negative feedback left yet
9 Jan 17 #122
Ebay does not allow feedback until 7 days after
9 Jan 17 #123
It's giving me the option to leave it now.
9 Jan 17 #124
I'm assuming it won't be published for a week though
9 Jan 17 1 #125
Oh ok, I suppose that's good in cases where the seller may resolve the problem, not good in cases where other buyers should be made aware of a scam!
10 Jan 17 #126
For anyone interested I just got my refund. Seemingly authorised by the seller himself from how the dispute is worded. Makes no sense really but I can't complain.
10 Jan 17 #127
The seller did it himself, or did you spur him into action by going via the PayPal route? If PayPal, do you mind saying what options you chose?
10 Jan 17 #128
PayPal dispute
Haven't received my item
Wrote something in the box about potential fraud and wanting a refund.

I was surprised about how little there is to actually starting a dispute to be honest.
While of course he was spurred by PayPal he didn't try and dodge it and authorised it.
10 Jan 17 #129

First and foremost would like to apologise for the delay and inconveniencey caused. We take full responsibility and understand this is completely unacceptable.

Our listing was linked to a website (hotukdeals) without our knowledge. This created an uncontrollable and very high traffic than usual. Together with this traffic were unexpected high volume of fraudulent transactions

Therefore ebay has strictly advice that the orders be sent ONLY via post(recorded delivery) for Wednesday 11th to safeguard both buyer and seller accounts instead of the email as originally listed.

We are in the verge of despatching your order however, tracking details will be uploaded when our courier has provided these details.

As compensation for the inconveniencey we will send you £15 voucher without any additional cost.
Please send us a message if you wish to cancel and refunds will be actioned immediately. Please note if you do cancel ebay/paypal would likely review the cancellation as a result of this purchase

Thanks for your patience.
Gam £z Wizard Liv£
monkeys uncle
10 Jan 17 #130
After sending a message asking where my credit was I got the exact same message
10 Jan 17 #131
I've got that email and now a despatch email!
10 Jan 17 1 #132
got the same message, can probably see his point, but surely you would only list the amount you have available, making demand irrelevant.

Ive asked for refund, don't trust that we wont receive a recorded package with blank paper, with no leg to stand on
10 Jan 17 #133
I'm pretty sure if 200 people received blank paper you'd have a leg to stand on!
10 Jan 17 #134
I got my refund through Paypal

I don't buy the issue about not having enough as

1. The seller puts the quantity in the listing
2. The selller relisted after this quantity sold - 168 sold in the first listing, then relisted with 50 sold, then relisted with 40 sold, then relisted with 17 sold
10 Jan 17 #135
Try leaving a negative and ebay will not allow you until 7 days have passed
10 Jan 17 #136
Precisely. Sounds like a crock of sh** to me.
10 Jan 17 #137
The thing with mine he just kept saying "You'll have it before the end of monday" not once even suggesting a delivery. Just very off.
10 Jan 17 #138
I got same message. Makes no sense though. As when one deal sold out he listed another.

No way he can afford to send £50&£15 to everyone!
10 Jan 17 #139
hmm showing shipped on mine. i'll wait til i get back after work tomorrow if its not here i'll have to go through paypal for it
10 Jan 17 2 #140
Someone said on here that he'd done that for them in the past. Think we're all getting a bit crazy here, I personally think he'll deliver.
10 Jan 17 #141
im on the fence... although I am rather concerned that any business can afford to send out 65 quids worth of credit for 33 quid!
10 Jan 17 #142
Had email saying code has been sent recorded delivery. we will see what comes through. I will video the opening of the package (if anything arrives) as evidence just incase it doesn't have the code within
10 Jan 17 #143
But offering a large majority of customers that on top of an already low price? I don't see how. Plus having £10k+ worth of Xbox codes is not something a small business would generally have access too. And providing he does indeed have all the codes, selling at 50% (with the extra £15) value cannot be profitable in the slightest unless some incredibly unorthodox method is being used to get the codes.

Do i think the seller is legit persay? Probably. But I can almost certainly guarantee there was not as many codes as he sold and personally he's counting on the refunders to get him out of this pickle. I reckon you'll be waiting a few weeks for codes - but if you get them in the next couple of days, power to you.
10 Jan 17 #144
I put in a paypal request for a refund and got it, just seems very strangely handled to me, but I hope the others get it!
10 Jan 17 #145
They were for future use, thankfully. I can afford to hold out and see.
10 Jan 17 #146
Given the time of emails and the language used do we think this seller is actually not UK based and is in fact based outside the UK.
10 Jan 17 #147
​how did you do that? I can only find the resolution centre?
10 Jan 17 #148
Can anyone tell me how to start a PayPal dispute
10 Jan 17 #149
Thats how you request one :stuck_out_tongue:
Go to the resolution centre (link at the bottom of this page if you need one)
Click the dispute a transaction button
Pick this transaction
Select item not delivered
Write something in the box
Then just wait :stuck_out_tongue:
10 Jan 17 #150
Dear Customer

I've been away but noticed that both my ebay and paypal accounts have been hacked. I'm reading messages of failed delivery promises, tracking numbers, emails etc.

Please, CAN EVERYONE WITH AN ORDER RAISE A REFUND CASE via eBay or paypal. Ebay and paypal have been made aware but I'm unable to action any refund whiles the account is compromised.

RAISE REFUNDS VIA EBAY or PAYPAL ASAP to get your money back.
Please dot not bother responding to this message as I may not be the only one reading it

10 Jan 17 #151
trying to get refund now but says i have to wait till after estimated delivery date which is 16th.
10 Jan 17 #152
I just got the same email

This is strange now because I was emailing him on Saturday about my 1st order which all worked out great and I was going order more which I did he replied to me once again

Then after my order I made the post on HUKD about the link
10 Jan 17 1 #153
​I just called paypal and they refunding it.
10 Jan 17 #154
This is the message after starting resolution on PayPal.

We're here to help, if you need it.
If you're not able to solve this problem by working directly with Gam£z Wizard L!v€, we're here to help. We can review the problem and make a decision based on our Buyer Protection coverage. If you need our help, please send us the information about this problem before Monday, 30 January 2017.

Should I do anything else for now, or play the waiting game?
10 Jan 17 2 #155
​Haha cheers just called them instead and they refunding it
10 Jan 17 #156
Cheers, will call now

Called and they have raised a claim and frozen payment to them, I will get refund if i don't receive it by the 20th.
10 Jan 17 #157
I got mine refunded sunday morning after threatening with paypal, as soon as he refunded the option to leave feedback disappeared.

The only reason most jumped in was due to OP saying he dealt with them in the past
10 Jan 17 #158
Personally he authorised it within a few hours once paypal go involved. But you can call.
I personally couldn't get past the automated service... Insulting when my accent isn't that bad :laughing:
10 Jan 17 #159
"you's"? Really?
10 Jan 17 #160
yes I just did it through the resolution centre and requested it back from, gamewizard, it didn't even seem like paypal was involved but a few hours later I got the money back. not sure if it was him or PayPal that sorted it.

used the money to get this instead not such a good saving but at least it guarantees you a code quickly.
10 Jan 17 1 #161
people getting ripped of left right and center, spelling gestapo makes an appearance, could've been worse could have typed u'z.... innit m8
10 Jan 17 #162
It's ripped OFF
10 Jan 17 #163
vouw s0m310ne is realy god at geramer!
10 Jan 17 2 #164
Except I was correcting spelling, not grammar.
10 Jan 17 1 #165
u need 2 get a grip bae :smiley:
10 Jan 17 #166
0h vouw, his els0 god at spiling 2, bat deed net n0tis anyfing in mey cament. :wink:
10 Jan 17 #167
Anyway lets get this back on track, the rails perhaps. Where are these tracking numbers?
10 Jan 17 1 #168
I find it odd the seller still has no negatives
10 Jan 17 1 #169
If they refund you, eBay and Paypal will refund them the seller fees too and eBay will automatically cancels the deal, this way no one can leave negative for them. Also negative can be left 7 days after despatch and/or after delivery. Wait a week to see all those negatives are coming in. This is a new policy ebay has been offering to sellers under seller protection scheme since last year.

Edit: more to read here:
10 Jan 17 1 #170
Hmm, it's actually "youse" not you's, or use etc. :confused:
10 Jan 17 #171
Hmm, actually you can use one or the other :wink:
10 Jan 17 #172

Nope, you's is a contraction of you is. It doesn't have the same meaning as youse.
11 Jan 17 #173
Dude, the meaning of you's, use or youse is whatever I want it to be.
11 Jan 17 #174
Dats billhooks.
11 Jan 17 #175
Tried to raise a refund on ebay but there are saying because its a digital item there's nothing they can do. even though I received the message about the account being hacked. any advice?
11 Jan 17 #176
Just give them a call and the first person transferred me to the disputes and resolution call team. (think that's what they were called)
11 Jan 17 #177
ebay have told me nothing they can do.

paypal say I have to wait to 14th!


he is lying as he hasn't told ebay he account is hacked and they say they wont do anything about it. ha.

11 Jan 17 #178
why o why cant they have live chat.

I don't know why companies insist on making people ring! I hate using the phone!
11 Jan 17 1 #179
I agree, especially when you have no time like myself at the moment.
11 Jan 17 #180
ive been trying to sort so many issues this week, BT, Sky, Game, Ebay, Paypal, Mortgage change, car insurance, Microsoft issues.... without live chat half of those would still be unsorted!
11 Jan 17 2 #181
If you lost the case, come back to your bank and request a charge back claim. Don't worry they'll claim the money back for you. Paypal has no power against banks.
11 Jan 17 2 #182
Report him as a fraudulent seller via this link.

Surely Ebay will have to listen to an overwhelming torrent of these reports??
11 Jan 17 1 #183
its bonkers that with the amount of transactions and reports that must have been made that they haven't acted.
11 Jan 17 1 #184
Aiding and abetting
11 Jan 17 1 #185
Make a complaint.
11 Jan 17 #186
I have. reported too.

shouldn't be this difficult.

They aren't usually this bad. I have ordered a few football and NFL jerseys on ebay and on occasion received a fake one, I flag it as fake and its never an issue, instant refund and I get to keep the jersey (first time they tried to make me send it back but I pointed out its illegal to send counterfeit good via royal mail - so they are asking me to break the law)....

Customer service in the UK has a long way to go I have found out this week...

Sky, BT, eBay, Game and Microsoft are all shocking...
11 Jan 17 #187
monkeys uncle
11 Jan 17 1 #188
I asked for a refund as PayPal said I had to wait until the 16th for delivery and got no reply from the seller even though he said he would give me one if I asked. So I asked again and received this as a message

Dear Customer

I've been away but noticed that both my ebay and paypal accounts have been hacked. I'm reading messages of failed delivery promises, tracking numbers, emails etc.

Please, CAN EVERYONE WITH AN ORDER RAISE A REFUND CASE via eBay or paypal. Ebay and paypal have been made aware but I'm unable to action any refund whiles the account is compromised.

RAISE REFUNDS VIA EBAY or PAYPAL ASAP to get your money back.
Please do not bother responding to this message as I may not be the only one reading it


I asked him to forward on any correspondence from PayPal or eBay where they acknowledge he's been hacked to aid me in recovering my money far no reply
11 Jan 17 1 #189
he is a crook and hasn't been hacked at all.

trying to play the system he is...

numbers game... he probably figures out of the few hundred deals he did he will end up with some people not claiming, hopefully they have frozen his funds.
12 Jan 17 #190
​ They told me to speak to PayPal... Useful :neutral_face:
12 Jan 17 #191
Exactly both eBay and PayPal have confirmed that they received no such message from the seller which means he's lying. He listed too many items and couldn't meet the demand and instead of owning up he's making up this story that he was hacked and putting the onus on us to chase up for a refund. What a #*%#!
12 Jan 17 1 #192
Guys best way to punish this seller is to set charge back on him! This is the only way his account will be flagged by Paypal and eBay and he will be banned from Paypal and his account will be closed. If you're **** just call your bank and explain you've bought an intangible item which wasn't delivered to you and you want your money back. Tell them Paypal and eBay are forwarding you to each other. Bank will initiate the charge back. With every charge back case opened, seller will receive a £15 fee for case handling as debit on his account. He will be forced not only refund you but pay the penalty to Paypal and besides Paypal will ban him due to being a risk.
12 Jan 17 #193
First negative on his account now although the person leaving it has given the seller the opportunity to get it removed as he has posted against feeback guidelines and ebay will remove if asked
12 Jan 17 1 #194
Here is how to open a dispute in PayPal: 1. Log in to your PayPal account. 2. Near the bottom of the page, under 'More about your account', click Resolve a problem in our Resolution Centre. 3. Click Dispute a Transaction. 4. Select the button beside the transaction you want to dispute, then click Continue. 5. Select ‘Item dispute’, click Continue and follow the on-screen instructions

If you face any issues while filing the case for the item,you can also contact PayPal at 0800 358 7911. This is a Freephone number from a UK landline  8:00 am – 10:00 pm Monday through Friday 8:00 am – 9:00 pm Saturday; 9:00 am – 9:00 pm Sunday
12 Jan 17 #195
most people know how to open a dispute.. its that ebay is not letting people open a dispute as its too early.
even paypal wont refund me yet.. they say I have to wait to 14th.
12 Jan 17 #196
Thanks for the advice. As others have said, Paypal won't do anything concrete until 7 days have passed, but I have opened a dispute (which just starts with a message to the seller) and see where we go from there.

The phone number is essentially useless at this stage as it won't recognise (via the automated service) the transaction in question. I can only assume that is due to the 7-day window.
12 Jan 17 1 #197
Having a whinge toward their twitter or facebook might also be an option to speed it up - might be fruitless, but I've seen people with plenty of success doing so before. Might also help flag the seller as the issue too.
12 Jan 17 1 #198
At any point during the automated call, you can ask to speak to a person or "agent" - this is what I did and they have escalated it to a claim for me. I still have to wait 10 days to see if the seller responds but if not the PayPal sort it for me. Fingers crossed!
12 Jan 17 #199
My papal refund from the other day has come onto my credit card account
12 Jan 17 #200
​how did you get a refund?
12 Jan 17 #201
I opened a dispute in paypal and the seller refunded. This cancelled the payment and now ebay is showing it as an unpaid item against the listing. As if I am going to pay again!

Ebay really need to sort themselves out here as they are facillitating a scam
12 Jan 17 #202
While it shows as "unpaid" you can't actually facilitate a payment again on it. More of an eyesore than anything. Maybe just live chat and have a quibble about it? Im sure they'll see paypal refunded the money and in essence the order is cancelled.
12 Jan 17 #203
Just tick it and select hidden item from drop down menu so you don't have to see it anymore.
12 Jan 17 #204
I will leave it there a bit longer as I want to see the negatives roll in
12 Jan 17 2 #205
count yourself lucky still no refund here.
13 Jan 17 1 #206
No refund here just sat waiting until the time when Paypal can step in, super frustrating.
13 Jan 17 1 #207
Seems the seller isn't responding to PayPal request as the refund should have been here already.
13 Jan 17 1 #208
How come PayPal / eBay hasn't flagged the seller and just dealt with all the refund requests? They are a scam seller so they should have a closed account. Well it will be one week in 23 hours hopefuly everyone leaves negative feedback all at the same time!

Please leave the seller negative feedback if you haven't had a refund.
13 Jan 17 #209
I am telling you all, Paypal/eBay will not flag anyone unless they receive charge back cases against them from the bank! Regardless of how many cases opens, as far as it has not gotten to the escalation point through paypal, the seller is safe!
13 Jan 17 #210
Somebody has left a negative comment but positive feedback! Doh emoji
13 Jan 17 #211
That's because if you choose negative it tells you to wait 7 days or contact the seller. If you choose positive it lets you leave feedback.
13 Jan 17 #212
The buyer is being an idiot though, should have waited a couple more days and left a negative or he does not know how to leave feedback
14 Jan 17 #213
2 or so hours to go maybe try early tomorrow leave negative and raise despute with PayPal.
14 Jan 17 #214
5 negative feedback in 48 hours and eBay and PayPal still do nothing. let's see how many negatives he's going to get before Sunday lunchtime.
14 Jan 17 #215
I've opened a case on PayPal against the seller. feedback rating is going to fall tonight :smirk:
15 Jan 17 #216
sellers had a few negatives added. how long before eBay reacts and closes the sellers account? PayPal escalations against the seller must be raising alarm bells on PayPal too, no?! surely we don't need to wait till 24th for decision, money comes out of banks on 21st. I'm not letting that happen.

13.5 negative feedback left in 48 hours and eBay still do nothing.
16 Jan 17 2 #217
I cannot even open a dispute transaction case here as paypal keeps saying something went wrong
16 Jan 17 #218
​i opened a dispute days ago perhaps try another browser I escalated apparently have to wait till 24th.
16 Jan 17 #219
just had to escalate mine to paypal too, haven't had any contact from seller
16 Jan 17 #220
Did you manage to get around this? Same thing is happening to me
17 Jan 17 #221
Managed to escalate with PayPal, but have to say their automated system is painful. Lets see what happens.

Not off to leave seller feedback. Shame, wanted to give the benefit of the doubt.
17 Jan 17 2 #222
I started a charge back claim at the bank today.
17 Jan 17 #223
would phoning PayPal work?
17 Jan 17 #224
would phoning PayPal work?
17 Jan 17 #225
No still the same tried just there now
19 Jan 17 #226
Has anybody got anywhere with this ?
Paypal are washing their hands off it and will not open a dispute for me.
19 Jan 17 #227
I opened a dispute last week and then escalated exactly a week after ordering it worked fine for me. I phoned yesturday and was told I would get that refunded on Sunday :smiley: I mentioned the seller has had a lot of negative feedback about the same item and he thanked me for bringing this to there attention and that they will work with eBay on this. I don't think it's fair to say they've washed there hands just they havent sped up the process. Pay after delivery is supposed to stop issues like this charging customers but it doesnt always work and thats where PayPal has failed.
19 Jan 17 #228
Try getting in contact with them via the usual social streams. This worked wonders for me when I was previously scammed and had it resolved in less than a day.
19 Jan 17 #229
​I got told cash value purchases were not covered. Depends who you get I suppose
21 Jan 17 1 #230
apparently PayPal will step in tomorrow and refund me. I can't wait for 00:01 on the clock
21 Jan 17 #231
another person left positive feedback with negative comments :neutral_face:
21 Jan 17 1 #232
I got a very longwinded explanation from ebay explaining why this was my fault......

Then they refunded me??
22 Jan 17 #233
Just called PayPal and they have refunded me as the seller never responded back. They say it should happen automatically for anyone else who raised a claim.
22 Jan 17 #234
​yea they did tell me I won't need to do anything and the rest is automatic. fingers crossed, does it show on PayPal balance or back to method of payment?
22 Jan 17 1 #235
Refunded back to payment card
22 Jan 17 2 #236
Just got my money back from PayPal - lesson learned! :smile:
22 Jan 17 #237
Just checked my status and the resolution is still pending until 27th. However, it didn't occur to be before that I'm not actually out of pocket (yet) because PayPal hasn't taken the payment from me anyway. Think I singed up to something awhile back that means I get an interest free period with some paypal payments and this is one of those.
24 Jan 17 #238
Mine is pending until tomorrow so should hopefully get my refund then. Glad to hear others have been getting refunds. I'm assuming Paypal wait for the seller's response, get nothing, then give a refund by default.
25 Jan 17 #239
Ebay refused to refund me, digital purchase. Will give them a call tonight.
25 Jan 17 #240
Ignore ebay and go to Paypal
25 Jan 17 #241
wouldn't surprise me if the account was actually hacked/stolen to be honest
25 Jan 17 #242
Even if it was, the seller didn't care enough to work with PayPal to give his customers refunds as soon as possible.
I opened my dispute with PayPal and they received no contact from the seller during the 10 day period.
25 Jan 17 #243
I don't believe that just because
I had made two orders from him just 40hours before I posted this deal and in that 40 hour period I emailed him about 3-4 times the last reply I got from him was just before I ordered 2 more then I put the deal up
25 Jan 17 #244
The irony is that if you didn't put the deal up it probably would have gone through. I found out about the deal on avforums before you posted it. Of course in the end I got nothing.
25 Jan 17 #245
nothing you've just said would mean the account wasn't a stolen one?
25 Jan 17 #246
After a long call I managed to get them to reverse the decision. The key element was that message the seller sent to explain he was posting a physical code, without that I didn't stand a chance.
25 Jan 17 1 #247
PayPal still did nothing today :disappointed:
26 Jan 17 #248
Not long received full refund from paypal back into my account
26 Jan 17 #249
I have been told they won't refund me. Some guy called Jermaine... I will contact via social media.
26 Jan 17 #250
Did you go through Paypal or eBay?
26 Jan 17 #251
Remember you can always call your bank and fill an anti fraud claim!!!! Paypal doesn't have a transparent policy when it comes in such cases! They tend to bully people to their own interest!
26 Jan 17 1 #252
Thank you mate will do
26 Jan 17 #253
The guy was really unhelpful on the phone and denied everything even though seller has over 50 negative feedback from this, he said he would post it and emailed saying he has been hacked.

This is the worst experience I have had from any online company, I thought eBay had excellent customer service but now I have no confidence to buy from them. They have asked me to DM them on twitter so I am hoping it works out. I will update this thread and have let them know that a lot of people have been scammed unfairly.

They even removed my negative feedback on the seller, this is crazy they are profiteering off of fraud.
26 Jan 17 #254
Yup seller didnt respond to eBay and they took his side and said no to a refund to me. Completely insane.
26 Jan 17 #255
Dude, raise a dispute for the transaction on Paypal.. They automatically make a decision in your favour if the seller doesn't respond, just make it clear that the seller said that he would be sending out a physical copy. Give me a message if you need assistance with either raising the dispute or structuring the dispute. Happy to help!
26 Jan 17 #256
I dont think he used PayPal as multiple people have advised not to go through eBay for the refund.
26 Jan 17 #257
I'm pretty sure all eBay payments go through Paypal, even ones where you don't log into a Paypal account. They should send you an email to your eBay email address with a transaction ID, just give Paypal a call if there isn't a way of doing it online.

And if it was through a credit card, your bank does not cover any transactions through Paypal as far as I know
26 Jan 17 #258
They do, it's a card payment so if you don't receive the goods they can claim it back.
26 Jan 17 #259
Perhaps I'm misinformed, this article seems to touch on the issue
26 Jan 17 #260
I started a chargeback claim, that's mentioned later in the article and says I'm covered, as I paid from my card rather than a preloaded balance.
26 Jan 17 #261
Paypal has zero authority against banks. Despite all the puff they pretend to be having, when it comes to banks to step in, Paypal is little b**** who immediately forfeits and will let the charge backer to claim their money back! That's why I say charge back is guaranteed but then it will take longer to claim the money than a normal direct case through Paypal resolution.
27 Jan 17 #262
You do still have some rights. Its just not the complete the banks instantly are on your side rights unlike with the over £100 and paying direct rather than through a third party business.
27 Jan 17 #263
Well no luck with ebay refuse to refund, paypal blocking open request in resolution centre.
Unfortunately my money has now transferred to paypal by direct debit, bit lost here

I did ring ebay & they said there is not enough evidence to block the sellers account either, ridiculous!
27 Jan 17 2 #264
YOU HAVE TO CALL YOUR BANK! Don't know how many times I am repeating this. Call the bank, tell them you have been scammed on ebay, but ebay and paypal don't want to help. Tell them you have evidence that seller is a scam and ask them to request a charge back. It will take a month, but you won't be off the pocket.
27 Jan 17 1 #265

Guys I tweeted ebay all about this diabolical situation, they looked into this and made an exception to refund me. Have had confirmation too so am happy. I think it's terrible and I will never buy digitally from eBay again.
28 Jan 17 #266
Just got confirmation from Paypal that they have found in my favour and refunded my payment (though it was never actually taken from my account anyway).
29 Jan 17 #267
Received my refund too.

If PayPal act like **** you used to be able to report them to financial ombudsman or someone, each case would cost PayPal £350.
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

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