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uPlay] Assassins Creed Bundle-£0.81(HumbleBundle)
5+ stars +688

uPlay] Assassins Creed Bundle-£0.81(HumbleBundle)

Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Opening post
3 Jan 17
Pay £0.81 To Get:
Assassin's Creed Chronicles: India
Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China
Assassin's Creed Chronicles: Russia
Assassin's Creed

Pay More Than The Average (Around £5.47) To Get
Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD
Assassin’s Creed II: Deluxe
Assassin’s Creed III(Inc Tyranny of King Washington: The Infamy-DLC)

Pay More than £12.20 To Get:
Assassin's Creed Unity
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood

Plus A 10% Humble Monthly Voucher

*I will try and update the average price every few hours*

$ to £ Rate (Thanks matt101101)
Top comments
3 Jan 17 9 #11




3 Jan 17 4 #53
Extra key for Chronicles China:


Free for the first one who sees this.
3 Jan 17 4 #69
BTW if anyone has any spare keys from this, please PM them to Illusionary for his competitions, that way the games won't be in danger of getting snapped up by lurkers/non-contributors.
3 Jan 17 3 #58
It's against the rules to trade on deal threads.
All comments (124)
3 Jan 17 2 #1

It's Uplay btw (not Steam).
nathan3007 to JackBauer
3 Jan 17 2 #2
I released, I updated it about a minute ago, thanks anyway :smiley:
3 Jan 17 1 #3
Those were some hasty fixes. Congratulations, today you are first :sunglasses:
3 Jan 17 3 #4
Get it on your CV, you were first to post a humble bundle deal on HUKD.

nathan3007 to Cepultura
3 Jan 17 #6
It isn't the first time :stuck_out_tongue:
3 Jan 17 #5
Great deal, heat added :smiley:
3 Jan 17 2 #7

teach me your ways mr wizard
3 Jan 17 #8
No Ac4? do you think it will come in the future?
nathan3007 to ben38sufc
3 Jan 17 #9
AC: Black Flag isn't in this bundle, I don't think they are due to add anymore games to the bundle (normally says if they plan to)
3 Jan 17 #10
are the chronicles games worth playing?
nathan3007 to didsburydan
3 Jan 17 #12
For £0.81, why not? I have China on the PS4 (and XO when it was on GWG) and it's an okay game, but I wouldn't be paying full, or even half price for them
BuzzDuraband to didsburydan
3 Jan 17 2 #18
They're worth 81p, just about.

Liberation is really good in my opinion, I don't really recall number 2 and three was given away for the most part of December, as you know.

81p is a must have purchase. The second tier is dependent to somebody's current catalogue and the top tier seems laughable at £12.

Heat added, Nathan. Happy New Year.
3 Jan 17 9 #11




nathan3007 to fattyuk
3 Jan 17 1 #13
Can I tempt you while the average is £3.40? :smirk:
3 Jan 17 2 #14
I played AC4 for the first time recently, having not touched any of the games since playing brotherhood in like 2010. I loved the first three games.

Despite being one of the most respected in the franchise, I was astounded at just how bad black flag is. I could only stand to play it for a few hours. I thought it was graphically muddy, much more clunky than I remember (or at least seemingly the gameplay hasn't evolved at all), crappy voice acting with corny characters (the lead pirate dude is incredibly annoying). Worst of all, the ship battles are not nearly as fun as I was lead to believe.

I think I might just leave this franchise alone from now on.
nathan3007 to cannibalwombat
3 Jan 17 1 #16
Most argue that black flag is the best one, I however, like you disagree. I felt like there was too much ship stuff like battles, I know its a pirate era game, but that being said, I did enjoy the majority of the game. Personally I enjoyed AC:3
BuzzDuraband to cannibalwombat
3 Jan 17 #21
I actually really enjoyed Black Flag. Admittedly the graphics were not groundbreaking, but I personally thought the ship parts were a nice addition and worked well. I guess it's definitely a marmite game.
3 Jan 17 #15
also missing is revelations, (as well as previously mentioned 4) did humble bundle drop the ball or is ubisoft being a butt?
nathan3007 to phil36
3 Jan 17 #17
I have no idea, but most people will have AC:3 from when it was free the other week, probably why they did it :stuck_out_tongue:
3 Jan 17 #19
hmm, i own them all already on a mixture of formats, apart from AC Syndicate.. now if that had been on the top tier i may have been tempted.. but when i had bought unity dirt cheap for XO and own brotherhood the top tier is a no go for that price.. and the BTa.. includes the game they gave away free only a week or so ago.. and AC2.. which i got cheap from origin India a couple of years ago for £1-something and yet to play..(+ i have the Disc still for x360 and the free GWG version) i dont think i can even justify the middle tier for Liberation HD and the AC3 DLC tbh... maybe if it comes down, the $1 tier is good though, just for AC1 on PC at least
3 Jan 17 1 #20
The chronicles are 'okay' games, just don't feel too AC like. I haven't had chance to play liberation yet though, I suppose tier 2 isn't too bad so long as the average stays sub £4. Happy new year to you too man (again :stuck_out_tongue: )
3 Jan 17 1 #22
At that price I would definitely recommend it. It's not the best of the Assassins Creed titles, nor will I think anybody will try to convince you it is.

I actually enjoyed playing it more on the Vita than I did PC.
3 Jan 17 1 #23
yeah i played liberation on vita and enjoyed it and have played most of the others so the bottom tier is the only one i'd be going for. just checked some gameplay footage and they actually look quite entertaining.
3 Jan 17 1 #24
i couldn't finish black flag because of the damn ship parts. like.. literally couldn't finish it, kept getting destroyed in (i think) the penultimate mission.
3 Jan 17 1 #25

Yeah, they are definitely a test of patience. I actually left it for some time (in a fit of rage) before I went back to it.
3 Jan 17 1 #26
Sounds like me with one of the last missions in Bioshock Infinite (onboard the airship thing) did it first time after I left it for like 2 weeks :smile:
3 Jan 17 #27
Its as if they know IV is the best and holds its value, please make a sequel.
3 Jan 17 1 #28
I think my all time hardest was the achievement for the Mean Bean Machine part of Sega Classics Collection on PlayStation 3. It was the only one I needed for platinum and seemed to take an age :disappointed:
3 Jan 17 2 #29
The ship parts of Black Flag and Rogue are the best bits! :stuck_out_tongue:

Ubisoft should never have released either game under the AC name, they should have made a new IP based on pirates and naval combat.
3 Jan 17 2 #30
Assassin's Sea'd? :stuck_out_tongue:
3 Jan 17 3 #31
3 Jan 17 1 #32
Ahhhh....I see what you did there! :stuck_out_tongue:
3 Jan 17 #33
Heat added btw, OP. :smiley:
3 Jan 17 1 #34
3 Jan 17 #35
but ac3 is in the bundle, im not sure how thats relevant to the two games I mentioned are missing from the bundle or why they would skip them because they gave out a game in the bundle for free already
3 Jan 17 2 #36
3 Jan 17 #37
What payment method gives you 81p? PayPal goes to 85p
nathan3007 to sicmay
3 Jan 17 #39
I didn't look, the exact amount comes from the PayPal conversion rate for a given day, it varies, humble state $1 as being £0.81 so I just took that figure
3 Jan 17 #38
Well they'll get the keys from Ubisoft, so they will dictate what games are given away, I was saying they probably did it to be awkward since they know 9/10 people will already have AC:3
3 Jan 17 1 #40
AC2 is the best game by a mile followed by brotherhood, which was really just a huge expansion. worth playing for the soundtrack alone. everything since ive found disappointing.
3 Jan 17 #41
My Capital One credit card (via Amazon) has logged this in my pending transactions as £0.81.

EDIT: Which is a bit of a bargain, as the current exchange rate is $1 = £0.817, according to
GQ Man
3 Jan 17 #42
Tier 2 cost me £4.37 haven't got any apart from the first one and the only AC game ive played to death was the second one on the PS3 and i thought that was an amazing game TBF cant comment on the others.
3 Jan 17 #43
Bottom tier's ok but the other 2 tiers are pretty crappy. Bta contains a game Ubi gave away free twice already, a poorly reviewed Vita port, and AC2 (which is fantastic but is also 7+ years old) and the top tier is horribly overpriced for another very dated release and the trainwreck that was Unity.

I know, I know it's charity and pay what you want etc but after 4 weeks of disappointment in a row I was really hoping for a good bundle this week.
3 Jan 17 #44
if someone has code for unity and dont need it please PM me or something and I will send u 3 pounds to your paypal account. cheers.
3 Jan 17 #45
This isn't a wanted thread. (Anyway £3 isn't worth it for anybody)
3 Jan 17 #46
but cdkeyes was selling xbone version for 1.98 so 3 is quite generous. it might be worth it for someone. how do I do this wanted thread? never done it. cheers.
3 Jan 17 #47
Bought all of them lol
Why not
3 Jan 17 #48
Don't you get a foreign transaction charge?
3 Jan 17 #49
PC and Xbox are you can't request a code on here as they aren't on a physical card
3 Jan 17 #50
​both different yes but if u already own it but dont own the rest why not to share the love for 3 pounds. i know you would bot do that and its cool but I also know that someone would and its cool too u know.
3 Jan 17 #51
That was bad and you should feel bad :disappointed:
3 Jan 17 #52
Not on that card, no. It's just the MasterCard exchange rate at whatever time the transaction is made.

It's great for buying games in all sorts of odd currencies! :laughing:
3 Jan 17 4 #53
Extra key for Chronicles China:


Free for the first one who sees this.
3 Jan 17 #54
To be fair, if you already had it, I don't think you'd be paying £8 more for the top tier :stuck_out_tongue:
3 Jan 17 #55
Uplay ... eww
3 Jan 17 1 #56
The problem is:
Tier 2 currently costs £5.27.
Tier 3 costs £12.20.
You're offering £3 for Unity.
Anyone taking up your offer is paying £3.93 for Brotherhood.

So basically you're getting the better end of that deal. Brotherhood keys sell for less than that, while Unity keys go for about double what you're offering.
3 Jan 17 #57
​ok I will match it with brotherhood 3.93 fo unity. dont forget that this might be attractive offer for someone who already own unity and is feeling generous.
3 Jan 17 3 #58
It's against the rules to trade on deal threads.
3 Jan 17 #59
Bought the first/cheapest bundle -cheaper than a sandwich!
Already have AC3 as it's free, hopefully the chronicle games are fun.
3 Jan 17 #60
​yes i know. i have already been told this. thank you. i will do wnat thread and bobs my uncle.
3 Jan 17 #61
Tier 1 looks distinctly average, Tier 2 is currently $6.66 (£5.42) and the only one I'm interested in but uPlay has put me off.
3 Jan 17 1 #62
I was excited when I saw this, but its unexpected and disappointing there aren't more of the games included. :disappointed:
3 Jan 17 1 #63
I have ACIV Black Flag, which I think is OKish as a time waster but nothing special.
Is there anything in the bundle that ought to be catching my eye, that's far better than Black Flag which tbh leaves me rather underwhelmed?
3 Jan 17 #64
Shame they're not for Steam because I've got the first two on Steam (and only just bought the second on Sunday in the Steam sale!) and would like the rest in the same place. But can't argue with the price so will be buying anyway!
3 Jan 17 1 #65
But because they're digital codes, it's against the rules (unless someone has it on a card)
3 Jan 17 #66
Already got Unity, III and I and didn't like Chronicles when I played it round a friends. Damn, no tier looks worth it for me...:disappointed:
3 Jan 17 #67
Been interested in the Chronicles games for a while... Rude not to for 81p
Cheers OP :smiley:
3 Jan 17 #68
You'll get your £0.81 out of them :stuck_out_tongue:
3 Jan 17 4 #69
BTW if anyone has any spare keys from this, please PM them to Illusionary for his competitions, that way the games won't be in danger of getting snapped up by lurkers/non-contributors.
3 Jan 17 #70
Great deal, personally I think uplay isn't that bad use it most days for division or rainbow six siege and other games
3 Jan 17 #71
I second that recommendation :smiley:
3 Jan 17 #72
I've never had a problem with it either. I only built my PC a couple of years ago, but it's certainly been fine since then.

I think lots of people complain about it because it used to be a bit of a mess and it's not the one true PC gaming platform (read: Steam).
3 Jan 17 #73
i hate how they have done this

its should have been AC1, 2, BH , Revelations
paymore and get AC3 and all the other crap games
3 Jan 17 #74
Went for Assassin's Creed Chronicles India & Russia for 85p. Already got the China one.
4 Jan 17 1 #75
Nothing beats AC2 in the series.. by far the best one for me.
4 Jan 17 1 #76
Sadly this is what puts me off some Humble Bundles. I like my games being all in one place. I keep forgetting I've even got Overwatch because of Battlenet.
4 Jan 17 #77
I remember the good old days where humble bundle was £0.60 for the first tier. DAMN EXCHANGE RATES.
Good prices but shame it's not on steam otherwise I would of bought!
4 Jan 17 1 #78
It's only to be expected that the more popular/highly regarded games appear at the higher tiers, surely.
4 Jan 17 1 #79
UPlay is fine.
I prefer Steam, but I have games on Steam, Origin and UPlay, and they are all good, once you click on the shortcut for the game, the game loads, you play it, its all the same. :sunglasses:
4 Jan 17 #80
No steam, no party
4 Jan 17 1 #81
bought, Hellova bundle but its missing Black Flag which I wouldn't have minded playing :/ Also missing these too:

Assassin's Creed Revelations
Assassin's Creed Freedom Cry / AC4 Season Pass
Assassin's Creed Rogue
Assassin's Creed Syndicate
Assassin's Creed Syndicate The Dreadful Crimes DLC

Though never playing an Assassin's Creed game, Think its a good way on getting into them especially with the film out :smiley:
4 Jan 17 #82
Ah uplay, how I hate you and your weird crash-y ways.
4 Jan 17 #83
Already got most of the games except AC1 and the Chronicles trilogy.
Came up as 85p on Paypal. 4 games for such a ridiculously low price!
4 Jan 17 #84
Sounds like they made the first tier with you in mind then :stuck_out_tongue:
4 Jan 17 1 #85
This really doesn't deserve the heat it is getting. Around £6 to get everything up to Assassin's Creed 3 isn't much of a deal considering how hit and miss the content up until then is. Not including Syndicate in the top tier is bad enough but the omission of Black Flag is actually baffling.

Just save your £12 and buy Brotherhood and Black Flag on their own, a quick search finds that you can get the pair of them for around £7.
4 Jan 17 #86
Never fancied Assassins Creed but 81p....
4 Jan 17 #87
Heat as I wanted to play Assassin's Creed Mark of the Ninja version.
Uplay still has Assassin's Creed 3 for free if anyone missed it.
4 Jan 17 1 #88
I feel most the heat is for the 81p cost of:

Assassin's Creed® Chronicles: India
Assassin’s Creed® Chronicles: China
Assassin's Creed® Chronicles: Russia
Assassin's Creed

Which is a cracking price if you enjoy the side scrollers and number 1.

For the first 4 hours of this deal Tier 2 was £3.89:

Assassin's Creed® Liberation
Assassin's Creed® III
Assassin's Creed® II

Personally that was also a fantastic price.
4 Jan 17 #89
The BTA tier hit £3.40 quite early in the bundle uptime, but soon rose past the £4 mark
4 Jan 17 #90
Maybe not the top tier, but the PWYW tier for £0.81 is pretty good value for all three chronicle games, plus AC:1, oh and it is for charity
4 Jan 17 #91
Definitely worth it for the bottom tier, although you could argue that chronicles aren't really AC games, same concept but 2.5D scroller
4 Jan 17 2 #92
4 Jan 17 #93
I'm with you all the way. I despised Black Flag and could never understand all of the appreciation that it got. Unity was actually the far better game of the two even when you take it's technical issues into consideration.
4 Jan 17 #94
No you won't because that isn't allowed on here either. Reselling HB keys on here is considered profiteering even if someone is dumb enough to sell a Unity key to you for 3 quid.
4 Jan 17 #95
I think it's because it was something 'different' because non of the other games before included something like ship travel and combat, plus it was the first AC game to make the leap to next gen (although not exclusive to next gen) I really enjoyed AC3, loved the setting
4 Jan 17 #96
I've never played Assassin's Creed. I got a freebie just before xmas from Ubisoft. I don't know which tier if any to get. Is it good to start from the first? People say they are bad and might just put me off?!
4 Jan 17 1 #97
It's hard to say really (the chronicles are separate) so in the base tier you'd just be getting 1, then there's the 'Ezio trilogy' but you'd need the top tier to get that (since brotherhood is the top) I'd say get the middle tier, but I'm assuming that you already have 3
4 Jan 17 #98
​+1 for AC3, loved the setting in that game
4 Jan 17 #99
I wish they'd make it backwards compatible, I still have it on 360, I just hope if they remaster it (probably won't) that they don't butcher it like with the Ezio collection
4 Jan 17 #100
Hmm missing Black flag which is odd! Will they add it to think? May treat myself as it's my birthday today!
4 Jan 17 1 #101
I bought the whole lot.
Already have Black Flag,as it was free with my last GC,and as my first foray into the AC universe,I really enjoyed it!,apart from the 4 historical 'super boats' that kicked my a*s big time,every time I took them on!.
I have "tested" out a few other AC games since,if you know what I mean,but now I am looking forwards to playing them properly,and in order.
Thanks OP!.
4 Jan 17 #102
As I said in an earlier comment, there is no mention of games being added to the bundle (and they normally say more to be added if they plan on it)
4 Jan 17 #103
The 2nd one was by far my favourite and the last one that I played through to completion. Brotherhood was OK but I haven't been crazy about any of them since then. I think I only played Syndicate for around 3 hours before I became bored of it but Black Flag was the one I liked the least by far.
4 Jan 17 #104
I always get charged a non stg fee on my card humble bundles that's like £1.15. Always puts me off a bit.
4 Jan 17 1 #105
I might get it for a gift. I don't really like AC games, would get the bundle if it wasn't uPlay, reaching 1000 games on Steam...
4 Jan 17 #106
That would be an additional fee as I'm guessing you are paying direct from your card and not using Paypal. Are you with one of the TSB groups as they are known to do that as the currency on HB is dollars ?
4 Jan 17 #107
shame its uplay, its would buy if it was steam
4 Jan 17 #108
I've played them all. Fantastic value so heat from me.
4 Jan 17 #109
Wow! Awesome! Thanks, pal!
4 Jan 17 #110
Pay via PayPal. The exchange rate isn't great, but it's way cheaper than paying a £1.15 charge on top of your 81p purchase.

The true cost "should" be 81p, PayPal will likely charge you ~85p and your currently paying £1.96.
4 Jan 17 #111
Get a new card. There is no reason to be paying bank fees like that in 2017.
4 Jan 17 1 #112
4 Jan 17 #113
Black Flag is the only 'great Assassins creed. Not to say the others were bad but explains why Black flag isn't in the bundle.
4 Jan 17 #114
Payment won't go through :disappointed:
4 Jan 17 #115
Went looking for Rogue, left with the chronicles games for 85p. :smiley:
5 Jan 17 #116
Brave opinion there bud.

I think a huge amount of the Assassin's Creed fan base would say Black Flag was one of the worst with 2 & 3 at the top.
5 Jan 17 #118
Oh nah I wasn't talking critics, I'm talking along the lines of the die hard AC fans that moaned about where the story was going.
5 Jan 17 #119
Fair enough. I'll agree that it's a little divisive, being viewed by some as "not an Assassin's Creed game", but it's far from being seen as one of the worst.

See for example the general thrust of the comments here:
5 Jan 17 #120
OK, I know it's on Uplay rather than Steam but should I be able to use a Steam Controller to play these?
5 Jan 17 #121
Yes mate, the Steam controller acts as a mouse and keyboard regardless of Steam. You don't even have to add these games to Steam as a Non-Steam game you can just play via Uplay :smiley:
5 Jan 17 #122
That's great. Thanks for letting me know!
6 Jan 17 #123
excellent!! cheers!!
6 Jan 17 #124
Then again, the Assassin's Creed fan base is a bunch of kids, so what do they know :smiley:
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3 stars +141

Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code

£0.68 GearBest10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm
3 stars +170

Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm

Instore Morrisons10 Oct 17
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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
3.5 stars +210

Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
3.5 stars +294

Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
3.5 stars +218

iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
3 stars +168

Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Double LEGO VIP Points
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Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
3 stars +106

Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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