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Seems like a great deal for these three classic games.
Top comments
once_upon_a_tyne to xbox360man
8y 11d4#3
Awful game?
All of the Uncharted games???
Uridium to xbox360man
8y 11d3#7
Everyone is entitled to an opinion, however on this occasion yours is wrong.
Latest comments (20)
8y 11d#17
Boring games , like watching movie no actual playing
Apocryphalv2 to misa426
8y 11d1#18
uncharted movie Is coming out soon you can watch that
fattyuk to misa426
8y 11d#20
that's part of what I makes it fantastic
maybe just stick with call of duty, all action no substance
8y 11d1#2
Good price but awful game
once_upon_a_tyne to xbox360man
8y 11d4#3
Awful game?
All of the Uncharted games???
davidfwalsh to xbox360man
8y 11d1#5
Uridium to xbox360man
8y 11d3#7
Everyone is entitled to an opinion, however on this occasion yours is wrong.
Apocryphalv2 to xbox360man
8y 11d#19
you just made the list! the list of jericho
8y 11d#16
Great games and 3 of them kept me happy for a couple of months! heat!
8y 11d1#15
i smell an Xbox fanboy
8y 11d#14
i dont know how I feel about buying the same gamea twice. is it really better on ps4 man?
8y 11d#13
Happy memories of playing this last Christmas when I got the 1TB PS4 bundle from Tesco. Had never played Uncharted before and loved every much that I bought Uncharted 4 for full price the day it launched
8y 11d#12
£15 pre owned at game. If you have points could make it a bit cheaper
Opening post
Seems like a great deal for these three classic games.
Top comments
All of the Uncharted games???
Latest comments (20)
maybe just stick with call of duty, all action no substance
All of the Uncharted games???
14,86 + 4 shipping = RESELL VALUE
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