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Surge Protected Individually Switched 8 outlet Extension Lead @ CPC £7.67 delivered!
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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28 Jan 17
I was looking for a 6 outlet surge protected individually switched extension lead but came upon this 8 outlet on my travels, under a tenner delivered is a bargain..

Individually switched with red neons

Ideal for use with computer, audio/video and other sensitive electrical devices

Surge and spike protected


BS1363/A and BS5733/A compliant

Maximum surge current: 4,500A

Clamping voltage: 775V

2 metre cable

cheaper if you get it from the same seller via this link (£7.67 inc VAT).
thanks to dwl99 (#4)
- Voyager
Have ammended new price
Top comments
28 Jan 17 15 #4
cheaper if you get it from the same seller via this link (£7.67 inc VAT).
28 Jan 17 11 #15
I use this site http://www.**** - replace the asterisks with check now with no space between the 2 words, not sure why HUKD has blocked it.
You just enter the catalogue number and it tells you if there's a cheaper option.
SalfordCityRed to jasee
28 Jan 17 8 #5
I use one of these myself, very handy to cut off power from the myriad of vintage devices I own, instead of having to unplug each one individually... Surge protection is surely a good thing, if you want to protect your electronics from sudden power spikes?
jasee to sparc
28 Jan 17 5 #2
Yes known as Farnell, a long time reliable dealer in electronic components uk based
All comments (155)
28 Jan 17 #1
CPC any good?
jasee to sparc
28 Jan 17 5 #2
Yes known as Farnell, a long time reliable dealer in electronic components uk based
Sunrayho to sparc
28 Jan 17 #27
Very good, but once they have your address you will be 'inundated' with their catalogues on a regular basis. They don't believe in preserving our forests I fear!
28 Jan 17 1 #3
Personally, I can't see the advantage of having switches (and neons). How often do you need to switch individual sockets on or off? And surge protection is a nonsense
SalfordCityRed to jasee
28 Jan 17 8 #5
I use one of these myself, very handy to cut off power from the myriad of vintage devices I own, instead of having to unplug each one individually... Surge protection is surely a good thing, if you want to protect your electronics from sudden power spikes?
n3m3s1s to jasee
28 Jan 17 #28
Try googling it -
highly recommended
PigStix to jasee
28 Jan 17 #32
It's really useful for me. I have quite a few items plugged in and the ability to power off some of them when not in use rather than unplugging the ones I am not using is helpful.
28 Jan 17 15 #4
cheaper if you get it from the same seller via this link (£7.67 inc VAT).
28 Jan 17 #6
What are these sudden power spikes that this thing will protect your equipment from?
I suppose I should switch of all for example the wall warts when I'm not actually drawing power from them, but in reality there are far too many and the extensions are not easy to get at etc etc and talking of vintage equipment, don't they have proper physical switches to switch them off at the equipment itself rather than triac based switches which actually don't phyically remove power from devices, just put them in standby?
28 Jan 17 #7
dw199 thanx for saving me a couple of quid :wink: Op thanx for sharing the deal! Heat Added
28 Jan 17 #8
Thanks, just ordered.
28 Jan 17 5 #9
I don't know what these sudden power surges are, but my neighbours and I get them... Light bulbs blowing, everything switching off due to these surges...
Yes, some do have power buttons, but I don't want those said surges or anything else for that matter affecting the equipment...
It's not up for negotiation, it's just a couple of quid more for a bit more peace of mind...
But it's whatever suits you I guess!
28 Jan 17 #10
Thanks op, heat added
28 Jan 17 1 #11
Nice one. Switches very useful, excellent price. Bought and Hot!
28 Jan 17 #12
Out of curiosity, the link to extension lead from cpc, the one which is cheaper, how did you get it ? I compared both and the only difference is two extra digits in order code, if you go back to general section it will show the more expensive one. I buy from farnell from time to time and knowing how to shed few % off would be great use! Greetings from south coast.
28 Jan 17 #13
Nice spot - ordered. Thanks! :smiley:
28 Jan 17 #14
The only difference is price, it seems the cheaper version is referenced in there monthly catalogue and has a different part number.
28 Jan 17 11 #15
I use this site http://www.**** - replace the asterisks with check now with no space between the 2 words, not sure why HUKD has blocked it.
You just enter the catalogue number and it tells you if there's a cheaper option.
28 Jan 17 #16
The "69" suffix indicates it's in the current month's sale section (the numbers change with every catalogue issue).

When purchasing from CPC/Farnell it's always worth seeing if the same item(s) are in the sales catalogue - the hard part is knowing what the 2-digit sale code is, though you can sometimes view that catalogue on their website.
28 Jan 17 #17
Of course, but out of interest, where do you live? I used to have minor 'brown outs' here, caused by a sewage pump switching on but after complaints and some time, eventually the pump was replaced by another more modern one. The only surges we have occur after a power failure at switch on when I think the power is brought back on and momentarily exceeds the normal voltages, but this doesn't effect modern equipment.
28 Jan 17 2 #18
Having red neons on in the bedroom during the night is my idea of a nightmare. Much hotter if it was plain. Still - it's cheap. Heat added.
Steve353 to DarrylJohn
28 Jan 17 2 #24
Prices are no longer accurate but I've linked the non-neon options in this older deal
28 Jan 17 2 #19
Bought something similar last year from CPC - be prepared for junk mail through the door though.
28 Jan 17 #20
Is there a black version?
28 Jan 17 #21
Individually switched can be very useful but I have found these draw power even when all switches are off. Looking at the manual this one seems to be of this type as well, even when all are it will draw power as indicated by the green light. Can anyone who has this confirm? How much power does it draw?
AndyRoyd to faxmax
28 Jan 17 3 #26
It's so small that specialist low power meters would be required to accurately measure. I repaired a busted one on an old extension lead and my theoretical calculations based on the resistor circuit gave a consumption result of circa 0.15W. That equates to one unit of electricity consumed in 320 days if left on continuously. If you are paying about 17p per kWh unit, such a device will cost you say 19p a year to run continuously.
28 Jan 17 #22
Ordered thanks.
28 Jan 17 #23
Not convinced about the whole power surge argument to be honest, although appreciate there may be rare and specific instances where it happens in the odd household. Still a good del none the less, for 8 sockets, looks decent and CPC are a good retailer.
28 Jan 17 1 #25
Problem with having sockets in two rows like that is you inevitably need to plug a large adapter into one, meaning that you can't use the socket behind it as its blocked. I have one of these but wouldn't get another.
whitman_the_cat to kimbern
28 Jan 17 #39
I have had this problem with the back to back as well. It was a cheap deal (found from this site) but ultimately a waste as unusable for where it was meant to go.
28 Jan 17 #29
Could do with a 5 meter lead
28 Jan 17 #30
Shame that it doesn't support USB devices but great price at £7.67 nevertheless. Have some heat.
28 Jan 17 #31
Why? I know what I know
28 Jan 17 1 #33
Agreed. Useful for me too as I like to shut certain things down when I leave the office, but leave Wi-Fi/Network on. Neon lights are great to quickly show you what's on and off, so heat from me.

Built-in USB sockets are just one more thing to go wrong.
28 Jan 17 1 #34
£7.67 I paid. Handy to tidy up my TV, PS4, Wii, stereo, record player, chargers etc
28 Jan 17 #35
thank you
28 Jan 17 1 #36
thanks op, was gonna buy one today from amazon, glad I checked on here 1st :smile:
28 Jan 17 #37
Can someone please recommend uk to eu adaptor for this.
28 Jan 17 #38
Surge protect is rubbish on these. Only worked for a week, returned, new one - same again and again. Good otherwise with individual switches.
28 Jan 17 4 #40
Just bought the 3m switched 8-gang without the neons for £8.94, thanks OP.
28 Jan 17 #41
Have ammended the deal with the new price :smirk:
28 Jan 17 #42
I bought a PRO ELEC switched extension from Amazon and it is the cheapest piece of junk I've ever seen. The switches feel like they will break and the casing is flexible. Absolute garbage.
28 Jan 17 #43
Show us an aluminium all singing all dancing non flexing 8 gang surge protected individually switched ext lead for £7.67 and we'll be all in on that deal too!
28 Jan 17 #44
Just be wary about these back to back extension adapters, although these are more sensible than sockets that are all facing the same way, you can still run into problems plugging in bulky adapters and finding you are blocking one of the other sockets.
28 Jan 17 #45
Does anyone know the size of the socket block?.
28 Jan 17 #46
Funnily enough nothing in the technical data sheet on the dimensions of the ext lead!
28 Jan 17 #47
Jeeze just trying to be helpful.
28 Jan 17 1 #48
Agreed, I have a 6 way version and it's a pain in the backside.
28 Jan 17 1 #49
Yeah - the odd problem highlighted by bigclive on youtube with surge protectors is that they break down and (if I recall correctly) overheat after a small number of years (like 5-10 or something). Ever since I heard him explain that I went off surge protection plugs, I can only remember one occasion when I had anything blown by a surge and that was lightning down the virgin cable wire so no surge protection would have worked anyway!
End of the day I don't think it's worth paying for at all, ever, but, in this case it's a cheap extension lead anyway - I paid £8 in wilko today for a 4 way switched one!

The other thing to be careful of with cheapo extensions is they don't always use 2.5mm^2 conductor cross sectional area, so if you did load it to 13A it would actually be over the spec, and could melt before blowing the fuse, main signs being a hot wire, so really best to use them on <10A. preferably much <10A. which any computer stuff is going to be anyway.
28 Jan 17 #50
Pay a bit more for something of better quality. I bought one of these and within two days one of the switches is stuck on the on position.
28 Jan 17 2 #51
I happen to enjoy my weekly "COMPUTER WORLD" :confused:
28 Jan 17 1 #52
Great price delivered. Ordered and heat added
28 Jan 17 1 #53
Thank you for that. Perfect for me as I need a longer cable. 3m should be good.

I guess if you don't like the neon lights, just cover them up using thick tape such as gorilla tape.
28 Jan 17 #54
No problems here. I bought this from CPC when it was £6 odd delivered on offer. I've been waiting for it to come back down to that price before I grab another! GOOD PRODUCT!

Oh sod that, just seen it's almost a tenner with vat. :confused:
Seems I got a real bargain at just over 6 quid in total and free delivery, although it was around about a year ago.
28 Jan 17 1 #55
that's a big one . don't show hot on home page either UK deals site bugged up or not top hot spot
28 Jan 17 3 #56
Wow there are some real miserable moaners on this site!
28 Jan 17 1 #57
Thanks for the link... and good spot. :smirk:
28 Jan 17 1 #59
Yes there certainly are! - if this was free they'd complain they'd have to pay for postage.
28 Jan 17 1 #60
Hot.... Hunted all last week for a deal on one of these!
28 Jan 17 1 #61
Thank you :smiley:
28 Jan 17 1 #62
28 Jan 17 1 #63
Been looking for an extension. Thank you for the link for the cheaper price. Ordered 2
28 Jan 17 1 #64
Great ... Ordered ... Thanks OP ... Heat from me.:laughing:
28 Jan 17 2 #65
Education - the advantage is it illuminates what you can't see ...bit like the neons :wink:
28 Jan 17 1 #66
Same ones on eBay are £13-£20 each , so great bargain
28 Jan 17 #67
Thanks, this exact model? Some don't fully switch off the LEDs, they are dimmer but not off. A similar (but not same) I had consumed around 4W with all switches off, costing a fiver a year which was annoying and more than half the price of the item.
28 Jan 17 1 #68
Ordered thanks ive been after one of these excellent price !!!
28 Jan 17 2 #69
28 Jan 17 1 #70
12cm x 33 cm - bought same one from here 2 years ago (HUKDeal &7.50) used daily still working perfectly
28 Jan 17 1 #71
Top bombing Nemesis :wink:
28 Jan 17 1 #72
Excellent find. Been after something like this for ages,a large extension but individually switched. Will be perfect near the telly box. A tower would have been better but this is still very very good. One the rare genuinely hot deals found here these days. Thanks OP.
28 Jan 17 1 #73
28 Jan 17 1 #74
Your very welcome, glad to post a genuine Hot deal!
28 Jan 17 1 #75
Reckon you should get a cheap calculator to help you work out the VAT. :laughing:
28 Jan 17 #76
:smiley: Page after dingy page of bits that really no one needs (although I guess a lot of businesses do - their target audience!). I just buy from them when someone on HUKD highlights a good deal.
28 Jan 17 1 #77
Got 2 thanks, need more skts for Alexa and my Nvidia.
Here's some more.
28 Jan 17 1 #78
Nice spot OP' bargain and ordered - thanks :smiley:
28 Jan 17 1 #79
Nah, some old random lead, possibly Masterplug. You need some fancy and credibly-calibrated kit to accurately record such miniscule consumption.
28 Jan 17 1 #80
Thank you OP, I was just looking for one of these.
28 Jan 17 1 #81
Great deal, thanks for sharing. Picked a couple up
28 Jan 17 1 #82
Good find, just ordered one for my home/study
28 Jan 17 1 #83
Education is based on facts, googling isn't
28 Jan 17 #84
Ideally need a tower one

Any sub £10?
28 Jan 17 2 #85
They have special codes in the catalogues that link to secret prices, for example I wanted a pack of 100 nitrile gloves, £7.XX + vat on their website, but with a magic code in that week's bulk bargains catalogue it suddenly presented me with the identical product but £5.XX! Cheaper product not showing up in search.
A bit cheeky but I guess that's the CPC way of doing things.
28 Jan 17 1 #86
Not always. Your wrong - it is.
29 Jan 17 #87
I think at the end of the day guys, its better to have some protection against surges and spikes than none at all!
29 Jan 17 1 #88
I wanted a 10 way NON tower but this 8 way will do, should run the 3 electric fires i have :confused:
29 Jan 17 #89
Only the 3 electric fires! :stuck_out_tongue:
29 Jan 17 1 #90
Ordered, Thanks.
29 Jan 17 1 #91
Yea cutbacks
29 Jan 17 1 #92
Handy when you got a dad who loves to come in and switch everything off at the wall! Shuts him up when I say I've individually switched off anything I don't need and I can leave the internet on its own switch.
29 Jan 17 #93
Its a bummer in't it!
29 Jan 17 #94
Still loads of these in stock
Surprised more haven't been bought!
29 Jan 17 1 #95
1.5mm flex is good for 16A.

If your cable is getting warm your probably drawing more than 13A.
29 Jan 17 #96
Oh well its off the front page now, don't suppose it will get a lot more heat now its not in the public eye anymore :disappointed:
29 Jan 17 1 #97
awe have some from me... only wish there weren't 8 LEDs on it or I'd order 2
29 Jan 17 #98
​Thanks zagaz, your a star :smiley:
29 Jan 17 #99
​You could always stick a piece of gaffer tape over each LED
That would do the trick, someone else mentioned that in the thread
29 Jan 17 2 #100
You can opt out of their mail. I get lots of catalogues from them which i dont mind as i buy quite regularly.
29 Jan 17 1 #101
I like bigclive videos, they are great

Most houses don't really need surge protecting sockets, having them is not bad but a modern fusebox does the trip
With older houses and old fashion wire and ceramic fuse boxes, surge protection, I would say is essential for modern equipment. Although it is better to just upgrade your fusebox or fuses if that is not possible
29 Jan 17 #102
Also you will get daily emails showing offers. You will need to unsubscribe from that too if you are not interested.They used to send catalogues almost weekly but stop eventually if you don't order from them.
29 Jan 17 1 #103
Thanks, ordered one too. Never too many of those!
29 Jan 17 #104
Can someone help? Why would you buy this one over this other (seemingly identical but slightly cheaper) one?
29 Jan 17 1 #105
Your link takes me to a more expensive item, but it is 3m vs 2m for the cable. Note for OPs item you want to follow the link in the blurb rather than the HUKD link.
29 Jan 17 #106
The one you link to is actually more expensive than the one advertised here, probably because it is a 3 metre lead and not a 2
Great if you need a slightly longer cable!
29 Jan 17 1 #107
Wow what a deal for £7.67
Been looking for months for a deal like this on an 8 gang switched with neons

Scorching hot
29 Jan 17 3 #108
Modern or old consumer units dont protect against transient surges and never have.

If the property is in a high risk area, risk to life (hospitals etc) or has been subject to transient over voltages in the past a type 1,2 or 3 SPD can be fitted to consumer unit or mains incomer.
Ammendment 1 of 17th edition requires a risk assesment carried out on new installations to determine if surge protection is required.

Biggest cause of domestic surges is lightening strikes in proximity of buried cables. We are quite lucky in the UK and dont see many strikes compared to other countries. Surge protection is inadequate not designed against a lightening strike anyway.

Other causes can be switching of transformers, large motors and other inductive loads.

Its not that we dont need SPD's in the UK, its just the risk is really low.

In a factory or industrial site surge protection may be installed to offices and communal area as equipment used raises the risk of transient over voltages damaging sensitive equipment.

In your home that risk is low.

If your spending £1000s on computer or AV equipment, theres no harm in adding some extra surge protection as it costs very little, wether its ever used is another matter.

If you have experienced transient over voltages in the past for whatever reason, get an electrician in and have a suitable SPD fitted to your consumer unit.
29 Jan 17 1 #109
this is a good purchase
29 Jan 17 #110
Thanks OP, will order a couple! :smiley:
29 Jan 17 #111
No its not, as callum84 says if your home suffers from the risk of surges (unlikely in most of the UK) get an electrician to fit a surge protection device on your distribution board in compliance with the 17th edition regulations ammendment 3 sections 534 and 443
29 Jan 17 #112
Im glad you mentioned this.
Ammendment 1 also introduces the requirment of a risk assesment on new installations to determine if protection is required.

Personally if I had a few thousand pound worth of computer or AV equipment and needed a trailing socket I'd choose the surge protected one.
Its only a few pound extra and offers extra protection just incase.
29 Jan 17 #113
One thing is for sure, I bet you can get it cheaper at..............CPC . Always the same - but they never tell you. Also use an ancient returns policy re restocking fee.
29 Jan 17 1 #115
Thanks. Bought this one instead..
29 Jan 17 1 #116
Don't like them don't buy from them. If the price you see is acceptable what is the issue?
29 Jan 17 1 #117
I dealt with Farnell regularly when I was a trade buyer many years ago. Their service is excellent and I'm quite happy to use them as a mere punter!
30 Jan 17 1 #118
I like these kind of Surge Device things, they're goooooood!, lol.

I recall Posting similar to this some years back, and from the same Company too. :-)
30 Jan 17 #119
My old one needs replacing.
30 Jan 17 1 #120
for safeguarding your PC i would highly recommend getting one of these, great price and worth it for the insurance gained
30 Jan 17 #121
Website down or is it just me?

Looks like they've removed it. You snooze you lose! grr.

Edit: Site working again. Ordered.
30 Jan 17 1 #122
Site's working OK again now. Just ordered a couple. Thanks OP. :smiley:
30 Jan 17 1 #123
Ordered one sure! Heat & Thanks.
30 Jan 17 #124
Over 4000 still in stock and they haven't changed the price either..Win win!
30 Jan 17 1 #125
That's true enough. :-)
30 Jan 17 #126
The Site selling 'Surge', had a 'surge'?.

The irony ..... hehehehehe. :-)
30 Jan 17 #127
Ended up buying for £9.61 using the stupid original picture link, is there any way I can cancel the order? I didn't make an account
30 Jan 17 2 #128
Try emailing them and say you will be returning it and re-ordering at the other price. They will probably refund the difference to save the inconvenience. It worked for me when my husband ordered something which I had seen in one of their many in date catalogues at a lower price. They refunded the difference.
30 Jan 17 #129
stupid moderate millicat not thinking this is a dealer
31 Jan 17 #130
Thank you so much for the advice, should i email them now or wait till it arrives? Thanks
31 Jan 17 2 #131
I am sure I emailed straight away when I realised he had ordered from a newer catalogue when the same item was cheaper in an earlier catalogue which was still in date. This happens a lot with their products. They usually have at least 3 catalogues going at any one time. Worth a try, good luck!
31 Jan 17 3 #132
Yeah, its a couple of inches bigger :confused:
31 Jan 17 1 #133
Thanks Op....... cant decide on White or Black,,,,,,
31 Jan 17 1 #134
3400 still left!
31 Jan 17 #135
Who said the price was acceptable! If it is cheaper from the same seller then it's (to me) basically fraud. You don't buy from CPC because you like them, you buy because they sell cheap sh1t...
1 Feb 17 #136
ordered 4 and a couple of other items, other items turned up but for some reason the extension leads are showing as cancelled on the order FFS!
1 Feb 17 1 #137
Thanks OP ordered a couple.
1 Feb 17 1 #138
Ordered 2 through the link. Happy days no more plugging and unplugging :smile:
1 Feb 17 #139
Does 775 seem a bit high for a clamping voltage? Most things would fry before you get to that!!!
1 Feb 17 2 #140
Made an account just to add heat to this!
Thanks OP.
1 Feb 17 #141
Got mine today only downside is the LED's they are preety much useless, so dim it's untrue, and yes i am referring to the LED's and not myself.

2 Feb 17 1 #142
Anyone else's order still showing as "on hold" that ordered on Saturday or Sunday? I've ordered from them before so shouldn't be an issue. 3-5 day delivery so would have expected it to have been despatched or here by now.
Just emailed them so will see what they say.
3 Feb 17 1 #143
Hahahahahahahahaha thats amazing. Imagine if you saw something genuinely exciting! :smile::wink:
3 Feb 17 1 #144
I ordered 4 at the cheaper price and got them next day. They're excellent quality and the LEDs are bright. Thanks OP.
3 Feb 17 1 #145
Thanks for this. Ordered mine a couple of days a go to replace a Maplins tower version- I received it today. I essentially bought it because of the individual switches which are handy. I read that some people think it maybe quite flimsy, but it doesn't feel that way at all.
3 Feb 17 #146
Received an email reply this morning saying I'd apparently used the "pay on account" option when I know I entered all my card details and double checked them as correct. Website account area didnt give any reason like that. Asked why no one had emailed me that info instead of me having to chase it up and told they sent me an email on Monday. I'm in the IT industry so I knew I'd not received anything from them but triple checked spam, inbox and deleted folders but still nothing. Had to give them my card details over the phone. Anyone else had similar issues with these guys?
3 Feb 17 1 #147
​ha ha ha ... the timing of this post was just to perfect not to do so ... was looking to buy a multi-gang extension and lo-n-behold *this* pops by :-)
3 Feb 17 1 #148
Thanks OP ordered th non neon version. Great timing.
3 Feb 17 1 #149
Glad it helped! :smirk:
3 Feb 17 1 #150
thanks op just ordered one just what I needed!!
6 Feb 17 #151
cheers buddy :smiley:
12 Feb 17 #152
Just received mine today, invoice reads 2m 8G extension lead.........cheapy little 2 way extension lead in the box......I'll be ringing them Monday then :neutral_face:
12 Feb 17 #153
Anybody else receive theirs?
15 Feb 17 #154
Bought 2 and back for sout else
16 Feb 17 #155
.How strong/thick is the plastic?Because i see many rubbish Extensions - plastic is fragile,you canot use properly if you press,it breaking....
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Instore Home Bargains10 Oct 17
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National Curry Week M&S Indian Takeaway Deal - with decent veggie options too
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Resident evil origins collection (PS4)
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Resident evil origins collection (PS4)

£13.85 Base.com10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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TSB credit card 0% on balance transfers for 28 months, fee-free, plus potential cashback
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£6 £24 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
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JPEG Optimizer PRO with PDF Support now FREE
3 stars +143

JPEG Optimizer PRO with PDF Support now FREE

£1.79 Google Play10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE
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PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE

£0.89 Google Play10 Oct 17
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[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold
3 stars +101

[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold

£2 Microsoft Store10 Oct 17
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Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C
3 stars +182

Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C

£4 £7 The Works10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda
3 stars +159

Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda

£0.10 George (Asda George)10 Oct 17
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code

£0.68 GearBest10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm
3 stars +170

Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm

Instore Morrisons10 Oct 17
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
3.5 stars +210

Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
3.5 stars +294

Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
4 stars +361

ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
3.5 stars +218

iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
3 stars +168

Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
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Double LEGO VIP Points
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Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
3 stars +106

Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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