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Original Xiaomi Yeelight E27 Smart LED Bulb - works with Amazon Echo! £9.71 @ Gearbest
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12 Jan 17
Wifi light bulb in white. Works with Amazon Echo and doesn't require a hub.

Download the Yeelight app (not the MiHome app as previously advised) and it works just fine :smiley:
Top comments
15 Jan 17 3 #31
Here's my set up with Yeelight
13 Jan 17 3 #24
I have had Alexa for 2 months now, bought 4 TP Link plugs (when £16:49 at Argos), so I can switch on Lamps/Led Colour strips, a spare socket for Amazon Fire/chromecast and another for the Kettle.

Just had Hive installed (£183) so am waiting for those bulbs to be £13 or better again

Got Alexa plus 2 Dots, one dot linked to the KS Soundbar that was on here for £59 (now £170), the remote enables me to switch tracks so saved me £20 for a Fire remote. The other Dot is linked to my trusty 30 year old amp via The Bluetooth adapter which cost me £12:95.

The sound is superb through my amp via bluetooth.

Very handy to leave the kitchen with a cup a tea in each hand while asking Alexa to switch the LED's off.

Kettle is now always left half full with the switch down so I can boil it from upstairs.

The Hive central heating is probably the best smart addition so far. Water and Heating can be put on or off via text from anywhere in the world.

I'm hooked.
tan159 to craigstephens
13 Jan 17 3 #10
It connects to your router & leaves a massive security hole to the outside world. Also talks back to China servers.
All comments (61)
12 Jan 17 #2
No idea what's gone on here
12 Jan 17 #3
Anyone had any experience with these?
EarlBarrett to aka80
12 Jan 17 #4
Yep, I've got one of these and the multi light one. The app is ok, just don't use the Yeelight app as the Echo won't work with it. Get the Xiaomi MiHome one and you'll be fine.
12 Jan 17 2 #5
I just don't get smart lighting, I mean really, what's the point?
learoy1 to craigstephens
12 Jan 17 1 #6
control your lights from anywhere, anytime using any device.
full control of brightness/colour/hue.
set timers so lghts come on at set times or sunset etc
set lights to auto turn on as you come home/leave using geolocation, turn off when you go to bed/wake up.
lights flash when smoke alarm detected, flash a certain colour for text messages etc.
lights can be set to come on at random while away on holiday to appear as if someone home.

i'm sure there's more but think that should do.
Do people who have smart lights use any of those functions regularly? probably not.
tan159 to craigstephens
13 Jan 17 3 #10
It connects to your router & leaves a massive security hole to the outside world. Also talks back to China servers.
12 Jan 17 1 #7
Can you switch them off without the app but leave the switch on the lamp on.

I like technology, the wife doesn't. She would turn it off at the lamp, but when I come homeward and activate my geolocation it won't switch on..... Or am i missing something?
justonemorepie to sbellseb
12 Jan 17 #8
no. If you turn the power off at the switch, you will need to turn it back on before you can control the bulb remotely.
13 Jan 17 #9
Pity it's not the bayonet fitting.
EarlBarrett to migavupe
13 Jan 17 1 #11
13 Jan 17 1 #12
In fairness it only leaves a security hole if it's poorly configured. UPnP can set up port forwarding automatically, which is great for some things ("Hey my brand new PS4 just works for online multiplayer!") but terrible for other things ("Hey my unsecured webcam can be connected to from the outside world!"). The solution is to disable UPnP port mapping, though be prepared for various services to be worse afterwards.
13 Jan 17 #13
This don't fit all B22 pendants as the narrow section at the base isn't long enough. The IKEA ones are better if you have one nearby.
13 Jan 17 1 #14
Just ordered one of these and the RGBW one, feel the need to use my Dot for something other than music...
13 Jan 17 #15
nice. im trying to find a cheap "lamp" for one of these so i can put it in a perspex box I have to make a cheap hue type thing. Anyone know where i can get one?
13 Jan 17 #16
Interesting concept this ..... :-)
13 Jan 17 #17
does this need a hub to work with, like the Phillips had the bridge?
GeeJay86 to redduck
13 Jan 17 1 #18
Nope :smiley:
EarlBarrett to redduck
13 Jan 17 #19
Nope, the app handles multiple bulbs and you can set geofences up so they do stuff when you are in a particular area etc
13 Jan 17 #20
sounds pretty pointless tbh. who really wants their living room flashing purple every time they get a text???
13 Jan 17 #21
Does anyone know if these can some how work with IFTTT?
Are scheduled on/off times stored on the bulb itself? (i'd ideally like to get rid of the app once everything is setup)
13 Jan 17 #22
The site above says they do work with IFTTT but I've not had a go of it yet.
13 Jan 17 #23
Is this an 'ES' fitting? I need an SES bulb.
13 Jan 17 3 #24
I have had Alexa for 2 months now, bought 4 TP Link plugs (when £16:49 at Argos), so I can switch on Lamps/Led Colour strips, a spare socket for Amazon Fire/chromecast and another for the Kettle.

Just had Hive installed (£183) so am waiting for those bulbs to be £13 or better again

Got Alexa plus 2 Dots, one dot linked to the KS Soundbar that was on here for £59 (now £170), the remote enables me to switch tracks so saved me £20 for a Fire remote. The other Dot is linked to my trusty 30 year old amp via The Bluetooth adapter which cost me £12:95.

The sound is superb through my amp via bluetooth.

Very handy to leave the kitchen with a cup a tea in each hand while asking Alexa to switch the LED's off.

Kettle is now always left half full with the switch down so I can boil it from upstairs.

The Hive central heating is probably the best smart addition so far. Water and Heating can be put on or off via text from anywhere in the world.

I'm hooked.
13 Jan 17 #25
I'm way more on board with these hub less lights. I already have lifx which I think is superior to hue and if I didn't have that I'd get these!

Don't think i could mix and match though....
14 Jan 17 2 #26
So basically for weed farms?
14 Jan 17 #27
do these work with Samsung Smartthings HUB?
14 Jan 17 #28
By the way, the Echo support has only just been added but mine works just fine with it.

Have a read through here if anyone is unsure.
15 Jan 17 #29
can this be set up as a dawn alarm? I mean slowly come on at a pre-set time to simulate sunrise?
se23 to haslitt
15 Jan 17 #30
Yes it can. It's called sunrise on ifttt
15 Jan 17 3 #31
Here's my set up with Yeelight
EarlBarrett to se23
15 Jan 17 #32
That's a great setup!
15 Jan 17 #33
does this do multi colours? if not anyone know of a cheap wifi light like this one, that does colours? i like my mood lights :smiley: haha
15 Jan 17 #34
No, but there is multicoloured one on GearBest for £17

Annoyingly, this was only £13 last week so keep an eye on the prices changing.
16 Jan 17 #35
16 Jan 17 #36
Says £17.92 for me
20 Jan 17 #37
Are these dimmable?
EarlBarrett to feelinghappy
20 Jan 17 #38
22 Jan 17 1 #39
I have the multicolour one with ifttt and Alexa and no issues. you have to set the region to Singapore in the yeelight and enable developer mode but that's it. I can then say "Alexa trigger my light" with "my light" being the trigger phrase in ifttt.
I can't speak to them being secure or not but it works
26 Jan 17 #40
My bulb has arrived and I've set it up with the mihome app and it's all working but I'm not getting echo to "see" it.
Any help please.
lisilmon to migavupe
26 Jan 17 #41
Just got mine today too. Not fully tested it out but got it working through IFTTT. So you could create a 'trigger' in IFTTT and connect this to Alexa. If anyone was wondering the light bulb is 'cool white' rather than 'warm white'.
26 Jan 17 #42
Yeah I've been trying to do it with ifttt the bulb is connected but when I try to set a trigger the bulb is not selectable.
31 Jan 17 #43
Mine have finally arrived - any recommended setup guides?
31 Jan 17 #44
Anyone managed to set this up on iOS? I can find the bulb and it seemingly connects via wifi, then seems to update (probably wifi settings) then the next button is greyed out and stays that way. BTW the Mi Home app only offers the multi-colour bulb not these white ones.

Any advice?
migavupe to Tenex
31 Jan 17 #45
I've set mine up with the iOS mihome app and it recognises it no problem and works fine.
Just followed the instructions.
31 Jan 17 1 #46
It seems that the Yeelight app has been updated now and is the better app to use with these now.
Sorry for the duff info but it was correct at the time!!!
31 Jan 17 #47
I've managed to get the coloured bulb setup but the white I'm getting nowhere with.

Also how did you get those automation icons? Not showing in my iPad or iPhone app.
31 Jan 17 1 #48
Scrap the mi app. As EarlBarrett said, use the yeelight app.
I've just set mine up with that and it now gets recognised with the ifttt app and is fully working with Alexa.

Download the yeelight app and follow the instructions **important** you need to select Singapore as your location. (you will need to reset your bulb before)
Download the ifttt app search yeelight, allow it to "pair" with the bulb then create your own applet.
Job done.
I created 3 applets.
2 Feb 17 #49
Still waiting on the adaptors to convert for lamp use (and that may change my opinion) but I have to say I'm underwhelmed with wifi bulbs.

Not as configurable as I'd like (e.g. in inputting a % brightness range) and the colour bulb spectrum seems heavily biased to blue & green primary colours, secondary colours are only a very narrow range.

Also difficult to set a warmer white in the white bulb. Response to colour variation on the Yee app can be so slow it sometimes appears to be non-functioning then it applies all attempts at once, I'm guessing that's down to the server. Other times happens immediately.

Are other makes the same?
migavupe to Tenex
2 Feb 17 #50
The ifttt app let's you set brightness anyway you like from 1 to 100%
2 Feb 17 #51
One you made yourself? I'll have to look at that again as I used the IFTTT Yeelight 'sunrise' and I'd want to set it from say, 5-60% warm white over 10 minutes. Used the RGBW as the white is too cold.
2 Feb 17 #52
Yes I made it myself. The stock commands are ok but making your own gives you more freedom to customise how you want it.
4 Feb 17 #53
So the adaptors turned up and I'm trying to create a few scenarios (in the Yeelight app, fade at bedtime, etc) but it's really convoluted. Any simple way to get 'warm white' for example? And I really want a wake up one that runs from 5-25%, but that eludes me.

Haven't tried Alexa yet as they're still in beta and I can't find the skill.
migavupe to Tenex
4 Feb 17 #54
You're just making hard work for yourself.
I'm only going to tell you one last time.
4 Feb 17 #55
LOL I am using it. I'm getting there, but you have to create scenes in the yeelight app for them to show up in ifttt I think?

Alexa should be fully available in a couple of weeks it seems.
4 Feb 17 #56
Set up your light with the yee app so it works with wi-fi then ignore that app altogether. Go and play with the ifttt app you can't break anything.
9 Mar 17 #57
do you select Singapore on the first page of the account registration process, or is it later when logged into the app?
9 Mar 17 #58
I think on the first page, if you do it later you have to re-run device capture ISTR.

Alexa skill now released btw.
11 Mar 17 #59
Yep, post above beat me to it but the official Alexa skill is now published.
They're also adding the ability to create your own scene in the next app release.
11 Mar 17 #60
word of warning for anybody who buys the strip light.

they will send an adaptor with it. toss it in the bin right away. mine was hissing and sizzling as soon as I plugged it in. get a decent travel plug, even the poundland ones are better.
19 Jun 17 #61
Mine has just arrived today although didn't realise it wasn't a bayonet bulb - what can I do now?
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