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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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19 Jan 17
Probably this is worth it, though personally I would never pay so much for a motherboard however flash it looked (^ ^). This bundle includes an I5 CPU and a 256 Intel SSD (while stocks last, they say)
You may be able to get £30 cashback from MSI (see comment by phillipgeorge)
Latest comments (52)
26 Jan 17 #52
Terrible really
24 Jan 17 #50
If you're willing to take a gamble on MSI products (I recommend you buy through OCUK or Amazon, that way you'll have no problems if it fails under manufacturer warranty) as well as the free ssd, MSI are also doing a cashback promotion currently on the Gaming M5 and others in the Z270 series. This board is worth £30 cashback. You have to post a review to qualify and you can only buy from Amazon, OCUK, Scan, Novatech, BT or CCL, but only needs to be 100 words minimum. At current prices, factoring in the cost of the SSD and adding it to the cashback, this board is effectively costing you about £75 quid.

Might sweeten the deal for some.
westyuk1 to PatkW
26 Jan 17 #51
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23 Jan 17 #48
The remote wasn't broken. You keep it, get the TV replaced. You are where you started. Go figure
wottodo to enigmatik33
23 Jan 17 #49
Wise guy, have a nice day putting up with shoddy customer service, one of the accesories is the wifi connector, guess thats not important.
23 Jan 17 #47
l have to upgrade my cpu, so where was l supposed to do with the motherboard?
So l got a faulty TV, replaced but no remote, how does that work, if you happy because you think replacing a three year old motherboard is doing you a favour, can`t fault you thinking l don`t
As mentioned earlier, check EVGA rma and you goes wow.
For example EVGA waranty for my PSU is 10 years and on the website, there is explanation of what happens next in case you need rma, go figure.
23 Jan 17 #46
​I paid the first return, they collected and swapped for the others. Cost me like 7 quid to send first one recorded. Was dead so wasn't bothered. Yeah they sent 3 duff ones back but considering it was nearly 3 years old and end of life, I was happy getting a free replacement. Why would you expect new accessories? They only have to replace the faulty bit.
19 Jan 17 1 #20
MSI support is crap. In fact, it's non-existent. There is no end-user RMA procedure, unlike most of their major competitors. If something fails under warranty and it falls outside the retailer period of responsibility, be very careful who you buy from, as you could have the devil of a time getting it repaired, or replaced otherwise.
smckirdy to PatkW
19 Jan 17 #23
It's why for less than a tenner extra you are better going with the likes of overclockers that will honour manufacturer warranties right out to their end dates, they've even done exchanges for me in the past for entirely different products where the manufacturer didn't produce anything equivalent anymore.

Plus given the ssd is coming from MSI no guarantee you will get one in the least.
enigmatik33 to PatkW
20 Jan 17 #40
​I didn't have a problem getting a 2.5yr old motherboard replaced by MSI under 3 year warranty. I did get 3 faulty ones back, but it was eventually fixed. Lol
wottodo to PatkW
23 Jan 17 #45
l wish l read your comment years ago, after a motherboard failure, try to fob me off to retailer, unfortunately retailer gone out of business, so they had to deal with, it started well and even put a thread of nice people, boy was l wrong.
The replacement arrived with no accessories considering it`s a different socket, on inspection cpu pins were badly damaged even my OH noticed, second one, pcie not working, well that`s no for graphic card, the whole point of gaming and don`t get me started on their phones/emails service.

Which proves the point what kind of idiotic manufacturer sends a faulty product to replace a faulty.
What kind of quality control allows that to happen?
How does that restores your faith in the company`s product?
l know (It started out pleasantly, even put up a thread praising the company) beacause l`m going through a nightmare motherboard replacement twice sent to me and both faulty, take note, l have to send it back at my own expense two times plus the original faulty motherboard at £14 each time, this time l refused to send back at my own expense, and informed them to come and collect their junk, check EVGA rma and you goes wow, why do l put up with this crap, IF and so help me God IF l have to buy MSI, will buy through Amazon and will not have to deal with those amateur masquarading as big boys.
Wish l read the comments befor purchasing MSI.
Rant over.
20 Jan 17 #44
Thanks for getting back to me.
20 Jan 17 2 #43
A pentium in 2017? Are you for real? That CPU has absolutely no chance of playing AAA titles being released now - Hyper threading or not. Also you probably can't even reach native 1080p with that CPU. So if your idea of a 'gaming foundation' is running The Sims 3 at 23FPS 720p then i'd say you are terribly ill informed about your choice in hardware.

Also I watched the youtube video - noticed that a lot of those games experienced terrible FPS or micro-stuttering or screen tear.
Also it's hardly a valid comparison - that CPU was paired with an overclocked 1050Ti which is Nvidia's latest architecture, so you're asking people to drop less than £100 on a CPU/MOBO and then having a £150 GPU thrown in. It's not worth struggling, pick up this combo and the same GPU and you can run games at max settings for the next 2 years.
20 Jan 17 #42
so £30 extra just for an adapter? Thanks but ill pass on that.
20 Jan 17 #41
Complete waste of money
H110 motherboard for £40 with G4560 off Amazon for £59 (£10 off spend over £50) so you've got a cracking gaming foundation for less then £100. Don't believe me see here
20 Jan 17 #39
Ah, never mind. It's only for X170 boards :disappointed:
20 Jan 17 #38
Where's the cashback promotion? Only website I can find for MSI UK says cashback promotions finished last year in the summer.
20 Jan 17 #36
I bought this motherboard about a week ago. The free SSD drive has been shipped out already. You simply claim from their website. It's a great motherboard.

I paired mine with a 6700k as I was able to buy that CPU second hand for £220 so saw no reason to buy a Kaby lake for considerably more.

MSI have also emailed me a £30 cash back offer for the motherboard. I paid £200 for the board and once you factor in the £30 cash back and £80 SSD it adds up to great value if you can get it.
20 Jan 17 #35
Second hand on ebay. Tbh looking back I should have just bought a used dell workstation, probably would have been cheaper. Suspect it was being sold cheap because 4 of the 8 DIMM slots do not work.
20 Jan 17 #33
The issue isn't the motherboard for the 4K over HDMI, it's also the integrated GPU on the 7600K; it only supports HDMI 1.4, which won't do full 4K60. You can do it with an adaptor to go from DP to HDMI 2.0, the adaptors are about £30 on Amazon.
jasee to BillyBigStuff
20 Jan 17 1 #34
Call me old fashioned, but surely no-one would seriously contemplate using the motherboard graphics! You would fit a proper graphics card
20 Jan 17 #32
Nah just a normal SSD.
Thanks for the link on my other comment, Ive already read that and seen some others too. Seems to be mixed reviews on it.

I'm cancelling this anyway. Full 4K is more important to me than the intel ssd. I never thought to check this and assumed it would all be upto date with current standards as its a very new board etc.

Oh well, the hunt continues.
20 Jan 17 #31
thanks was looking at link on my phone and couldn't see it.
20 Jan 17 #27
Sorry but where do they say this
"This bundle includes an I5 CPU and a 256 Intel SSD (while stocks last, they say)".?
EvilMatt to ws007
20 Jan 17 #30
On the right of the page, with a link to MSI's website.
19 Jan 17 #24
guys which ssd is better to use, crucial mx300 or intel 600p?
ws007 to Dan__
20 Jan 17 #29
​Is the mx300 an m2 drive?
20 Jan 17 #28
19 Jan 17 #26
Ahh great! Thanks for letting us know.
I'm thinking of cancelling it now
19 Jan 17 #25
HDMI™ port, supports a maximum resolution of [email protected] I would look at a board that supports HDMI V2.0 Full [email protected] Unless you want to spend another minimum £100 plus on a 10 series NVidia card.
19 Jan 17 #1
Look pretty lights!
Anonknowmouse to jasee
19 Jan 17 #22
To be fair no worse than Razer charging twice the price for the pretty lights on Chroma editions. I don't see the point of lighting up stuff you're not looking at like a night club but some love it.
19 Jan 17 #21
Out of interest, where did you buy it from? Can't seem to source that board anywhere near that price?
19 Jan 17 1 #19
Here I still rocking my 3570k. I'm tempted but I just can't do it yet.
19 Jan 17 1 #18
£193.99 for mobo on
£213.99 for cpu oem on
Total: £407.98
You save £7.99 if bought separately.
NVMe SSD Value: £79.99 on
Read 1570MB/s, Write 540MB/s

Overall, a £88.98 saving if you desire all 3 items.
An 18.2% discount.

Not bad, but just so you know, every retailer has this M5 mobo promotion which gives out an SSD. It's not exclusive to Box., also have this promotion, where if you buy the mobo, MSI will send you a free SSD.

Box are the ones who seem to be bundling them together, and make it sound like it's them who are giving out a free SSD for this bundle purchase.
19 Jan 17 1 #16
Intel ssd = **** speed
Dan__ to ws007
19 Jan 17 #17
really? Can't be that bad
19 Jan 17 #11
ordered, cheers op!

Any good cooler to recommend for the i5 7600k? I could use my old hyper 212+, it is huge. But would look to buy something new if there is something better in terms of being more quieter with better cooling.
Any good suggestions?
DestrO to Dan__
19 Jan 17 #12
hyper 212 evo.
bazzadotdoc to Dan__
19 Jan 17 #14
DeepCool Gammaxx 400
FlyingCheez to Dan__
19 Jan 17 #15
noctua coolers or any 240cm AIOs​
19 Jan 17 #13
its pretty much the same as what I have. Also checked some comments about it on another forum and folk are saying there is no point getting it, differences are very slight.
19 Jan 17 #10
​Google says here, it's an i5 though. On my keyboard t is next to 5! z270 and i5
19 Jan 17 #9
I didnt mention RAM? I made a typo , it was an i5 bundle.

The other deals I looked at was just the motherboard+cpu bundle, no ram or ssd. However I have noticed that the free SSD offer is from MSI, so for those that dont need a new cpu then they could go to novatech, amazon or any other site and buy the motherboard and claim the ssd from MSI.

I also looked again at buying seperate but still working out to cost more. seems to be the best price for both the cpu and motherboard together.
19 Jan 17 #6
This seems like a good deal, I think I might go for this.
Ive waited too long lol I had a look online and can see that if you were to buy this motherboard and cpu seperate from elsewhere then its working out at £429. I looked elsewhere for a similar bundle and found a Gigabyte z270 +intel i5 7600k one thats overclocked and ready to go for £389.99, but that is just motherboard and cpu, no ram or ssd.

Hmm Im thinking its better to go with this one and claim a free SSD.

MSI Boards good?
Garnett to Dan__
19 Jan 17 #8
​This deal doesn't include RAM. I'd say your i7 deal sounds like a better deal long term - Where'd you see it?
19 Jan 17 #7
Seems to be an MSI deal - you can buy an M5 or M7 board and it comes with the SSD (while stocks last) because Novatech have the same offer without the I5 but with the SSD
19 Jan 17 #3
Probably not so much to save on here - It's about the right price for the Z270/7600k Bundle. I'd say the real deal is in the free SSD, but if it really is whilst stocks last then this could be pretty average by the time stocks expire.
jasee to steve_bezerker
19 Jan 17 1 #5
So buy now :smiley:
19 Jan 17 2 #4
I paid £250 for my last motherboard, but in fairness it was a workstation model with dual socket 2011s, 8 DIMMs, like 7 x PCI-E 16x, 14 SATA ports etc: Asus Z9PE-D8 WS

Not sure why a regular desktop board's worth that much.
19 Jan 17 #2
Please note the CPU requires a Cooler!!!
Motherboard Details:

Supports 7th / 6th Gen Intel® Core™ / Pentium® / Celeron® processors for LGA 1151 socket
Supports DDR4-3800+(OC) Memory
DDR4 Boost with Steel Armor: Give your DDR4 memory a performance boost
VR Ready and VR Boost: Best virtual reality game experience without latency, reduces motion sickness
Mystic Light RGB and Mystic Light Sync: 7 colors / 5 effects controlled in one click with GAMING APP or a mobile device
Twin Turbo M.2, Steel Armor, M.2 Shield. Intel Optane Memory Ready, Turbo U.2, Lightning USB 3.1 Gen2
Audio Boost 4 with Nahimic 2: Reward your ears with studio grade sound quality for the most immersive gaming experience
GAMING LAN with LAN Protect, powered by Killer™: The best online gaming experience with lowest latency and bandwidth management
BIOS Flashback+: Easy BIOS recovery without the need of a CPU, memory and VGA card
Military Class 5, Guard-Pro: Latest evolution in high quality components for best protection and efficiency
MULTI-GPU: With Steel Armor PCI-E slots. Supports NVIDIA SLI™ & AMD Crossfire™
In-Game Weapons: Game Boost, GAMING Hotkey, X-Boost, Xsplit Gamecaster
EZ Debug LED: Easiest way to troubleshoot
Click BIOS 5: Award-winning BIOS with high resolution scalable font, favorites and search function
GAMING CERTIFIED: 24-hour on- and offline game and motherboard testing by eSports players


Customize and set up your own color scheme with RGB Mystic Light. Select any of the colors from the palette using your smartphone or the MSI Gaming App to match your system style. Bored of the same colors? Simply change the complete look of your system in 1 second!

Cooling your PC is essential for reliable performance. We've made sure to include enough fan headers with full control to allow you to cool your system any way you want.

Outsmart and outperform your opponents in-game using an array of unique MSI GAMING tools. Clever hardware & software tools, created to keep you one step ahead of the competition and boost your skills.
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