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Microsoft Office 2013 Professional Plus - £6.99 - eBay/ (or, from £3.69)
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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Opening post
30 Jan 17
I have no idea about pricing on this particular version. You'll have to enlighten me.

It turns out I really did have no idea. Please read comments below. Credit to BananaMannn & mcek.

Sorry, late night :disappointed:








ENGLISH VERSION DOWNLOAD LINK WILL BE GIVEN WITH PURCHASE ( for other language versions you need to either have the installation CD or find the language version you need using a search engine!)

According European Union selling used software IS LEGAL.
- madscientis
Top comments
furiousjammin to shadow1
30 Jan 17 9 #11
Was that a statement or a question?
eBay terms state they arent allowed to sell only the used product key (presume linked somehow to the Microsoft law suit previously mentioned above) so to protect themselves, they make the seller actually send the motherboard that the licence key relates to/ from the broken computer it was used in.

I set up a new PC last week and paid £5 for a Windows 10 Professional key and £7 for an Office Professional 2016 key. I have now received 2 broken motherboards, but on the upside the keys worked fine. lol.
30 Jan 17 8 #17
Illegal software is illegal software.
Once again - pirate you're own, don't pay someone to do it for you.
wong_go_wild to f1refox
30 Jan 17 5 #20
​thats not how OEM license works. OEM stands for Original Equipment Manufacturer. it means MS sends volume license keys to the likes of Dell, HP, lenovo etc so they can implement MS Office on their new PC. but it is against the condition of the license for the software to be sold on itself. there is no such thing as new OEM license as all OEM are issued to industrial scale pc builders not your bedroom builders. so if someone tries to sell you an OEM without any hardware then you should question where it came from. however what you said is entirely false as computers can exchange hand several times and therefore the license it carries should be fully valid. nowadays many of the license are locked into the BIOS such as Windows OS but as far as I am aware office licence are not implemented in such way and therefore there is no way for MS to distinguish a license being used properly or being sold on as independent software. so there is no issues there. the only thing needs to be concerned about is if these keys are generated from non-ms licensed generator or they are from legit batch.
30 Jan 17 4 #94
to clear out a lot of misunderstandings, guessings and wrong information being written in this thread.
Here's a brief info on all the MS keys (that I can remember):-

OEM - OEM keys like many have said are keys tied to a board, (THESE ARE NOT VLK's (volume license keys)).

VLK - Volume license keys used to be for older versions of MS Office which were primarily given to manufacturers to install and activate the product on install. VLK's are also available via. MSDN (Microsoft Developer Network) (THESE ARE NOT TO BE SOLD). Also used be Network Admins, Sys Admins to do remote installs etc.

KMS Server and keys generated- KMS is key management server, basically in large enterprises a KMS server is established which has a KMS key. Based on the product(s) that has been purchased, upon entering the key in the KMS server, you can generate unique keys for multiple pc deployment (think of this as MS's way of overcoming VLK issues).

MAK Keys - Multiple activation keys - These are VLK's but they are the keys which are provided to KMS server guys. Basically a MAK key is used when there is just no time for generating KMS server keys or for other bespoke situations.

UUID Keys - Windows 10 works on UUID which is contained in the BIOS. Basically a Unique identifier which is stored on the ROM of the BIOS and can not be changed, manipulated in anyway. UUID is the new COA (certificate of authenticity) sticker replacement (the sticker that used to come with windows machines with the keys written).
No matter how many times you reinstall windows, you won't need a key anymore, coz if your BIOS is working your key would be picked up from the UUID. There have been some very very interesting discussions about cloning UUID's and finding out the Key from the UUID itself. But still nothing concrete on that yet.

My best guess is, either someone is selling KMS keys, MSDN MAK Keys or just MAK keys.

Not all of them are illegal, but, you might just be able to get away with it easily.

I personally have all of the above keys for multiple softwares versions... lost track (not showing off).
Back in the days we used to get a card with all the VLK's written for all the products in the enterprise once you join the admin team, those were fun days. I think many schools still have those VLK cards laminated and all.

I hope this helps.
Latest comments (239)
9 Jun 17 #239
Hi, I would like to share with you all this very interesting website :
licence-activation dot com
Where you can find and get an original activation key and a genuine licence on a very interesting price.
I have tried a key from the website for my Office 2016, and it is perfectly working.
They answer very quickly to emails, and can even assist you online through "Teamviewer", in case of a problem.
I highly recommend.
1 Jun 17 #238
Yes, I bought this when the deal was first posted. I had to phone Microsoft when I first got it in order to activate it (I think it clashed with Office 365, which was already installed on my machine), but it has remained activated since.
1 Jun 17 #237
Has anyone purchased and installed this on their machine? And is it still working please? Was thinking of buying for my little office. Thx
20 Feb 17 #236
What Microsoft tell do not applying to EU market. Check court rules
20 Feb 17 #235
Seems the sellers have been disappearing, presumably due to ebay acting on reports.
9 Feb 17 #234
Yes, and pay an extra £219.99 to make it legal! I just can't understand why so many people fall for the "too good to be true thing" and KNOWINGLY purchase a product can't possibly be legal. I've called Microsoft and I was advised to NOT purchase and to email them with the eBay sellers that I have done. When I get an official response, I will send it to the admins on here. You may hate me but, I'm doing the right thing.
9 Feb 17 #233
You have to call Microsoft to ACTIVATE the thing, for Gods sake. Get your head out of the sand
6 Feb 17 #232
This is ILLEGAL, just call Microsoft if you don't believe me. It is worth the risk of knowingly buying a stolen licence (it obviously is at that price!) and ending up in prison?
5 Feb 17 #231
Is there any where to ge cheaper versions of Office 2007 as thats what we use at work
3 Feb 17 #230
I'd say they're very similar. Little difference. Bought 2013 through the home Use prog, and later the Mac 2016 for my Macbook. Just thought I'd update my 2013 to 2016 through this rather than wait for another Home Use to happen.
Works fine
3 Feb 17 #229
So you think it would be "illegal" to transfer your MS Office to a new upgraded PC then ?
This is essentially what you're saying ?
Look just get off your high horse and rant about something you know a little more than NOTHING about
3 Feb 17 #228
Gotta love these people who know absolutely zilch of what they're lecturing others about.
Of course the fact that the key has to be cleared by Microsoft just whizzed past you then ?
3 Feb 17 #227
Took several goes with Microsoft help desk but finally got this installed.
2 Feb 17 #226
You can, you can go into your programs and features list, select office, change, then just mark the software you dont want as "do not run on this machine".
You can select these before installing them as well :smiley:
2 Feb 17 #225
2007 started it all with the Ribbon interface.
1 Feb 17 #224
Isn't 2013 the one with bad interface

I got 2016 thanks to local school, and thats ok, now that i'm getting used to it.

Or is the 2013 and 2016 same?
1 Feb 17 #223
I thought it looked suspicious but I have never done it myself, so was inclined to believe the guy who says he has. I have no reason to believe him over you, or visa versa; not that it matters to me because I'm not even interesting in buying this as I already have the 2010 version, which is basically the same.

Don't these two sentences contradict each other? Or do you mean they are now tied to the hard drive they are installed on?
1 Feb 17 1 #222
It isn't how it works.
Keys being tied to a motherboard stopped about 8 years ago.
Now an OEM key dies with the machine it was initially installed on. Supplying a "broken motherboard" adds nothing to the legitimacy of these licenses.
Hay, I only work in the industry where licensing is one of my responsibilities - but believe the other guy an dodgy seller on Ebay, they are bound to be right.
1 Feb 17 2 #221
Wow - cool response!!!!
Next time I'll definitely use the spillchecker
1 Feb 17 1 #220
You don't in Canada (well, not many unis anyway) which is where I'm from originally. I transferred to uni here shortly after.
31 Jan 17 3 #219
I take it that you mean "pirate YOUR own ....."

FYI YOU'RE is short for YOU ARE which I don't think is what you meant to say.

Do we blame the spillchecker or did you not pay attention during English lessons?
31 Jan 17 1 #218
Ask Gary Barlow about his tax delusions :smiley:
31 Jan 17 1 #217
"delusions" ? having a dyed in certainty about things you know zilch about....
Tax - why & HOW do you think so many erm...."repoutable".......businesses dodge paying tax or pay far less than they should, for example ?
But....believe what you want. It couldn't be less important
31 Jan 17 1 #216
Hence my use of "reputable" businesses... but whatever, just continue with your delusions around the tax system and your wilful ignorance of licenses.
31 Jan 17 1 #215
And how do you know they DON'T get most of their outlay back ?
Because they aren't telling YOU personally you think it isn't happening ? :laughing:
31 Jan 17 1 #214
2013 called, they want their Office back
31 Jan 17 1 #213
31 Jan 17 1 #212
I think it's Office 2007 I use sometimes when I need to look at a docx file, any other time is Libre/OpenOffice for me.
31 Jan 17 1 #211
I can see this being a pyramid if it isn't already.
31 Jan 17 1 #210
That deal is so good that it has been deleted from ebay ....

One of the other sellers also has multiple league of legends accounts for sale - looks totes legit.

and the OP listing in ebay - looked at negative comments, several people whom actually contacted MS were told they were not legit - of course that might be MS trying to upsell a full cost edition. YMMV.
I may try several as i have need to use MS excel for testing a dropbox collaboration feature (dropbox Badge) (I usually use Libreoffice)
31 Jan 17 1 #209
Does open office have an admin center?
Or business support?
31 Jan 17 1 #208
He wasn't clear, but he was quoting the linked eBay page, at the bottom of the description it says:


I didn't realise it worked like that, and I guess neither did he. From your experience it sounds like standard practice though.
31 Jan 17 1 #207
Same happened to me, phoned PayPal and they cancelled transaction, said
seller must contact them, strange thing was though item did not appear in "My Purchases" section, think they must have blocked it
31 Jan 17 1 #206
Yes it's illegal to use on another PC. Yes it will work. No Microsoft don't care about end users.
31 Jan 17 1 #205
You're a mug if you pay a penny for a wordprocessor. MS relies on your ignorance of 100% free programs like OpenOffice that have 99% of the same functionality. You have been warned.
The Lone Ranger
31 Jan 17 1 #204
Not sure how I would have found this out without trying. I assumed I'd get to choose which items from the package I'd get to install. Clearly this is not the case.
31 Jan 17 1 #203
You probably messed the activation and software up with side by side installs.
2 hours wasted and only yourself to blame.
The way you installed it usually causes trouble
31 Jan 17 1 #202
[quote=kotr]against ms tos.
But hey let's all play stupid. Even the mods are on this deal.
31 Jan 17 2 #201
Some people might choose to pay £7 on a piece of software that may work fine or may eventually get flagged and become useless as opposed to the high rrp. That's the risk they're accepting. Your suggestion is bringing in another, sizeable risk to save that £7 - malware! Is it really worth adding some suspect activator or keygen generator from a torrent that may or may not be laden with malware? From my experiences with these, they all get flagged by Anti Virus/ Malware scanners - how to know which are just harmless utilities and which are chock full of harmful Malware? Isn't it all a case of risk vs. reward?
31 Jan 17 #200
Is your daughter a student? You may not have needed to spend even this small amount.

A full legitimate current copy of Office 365 is available for students in education for free. Check at or with local education authority.

Also true in many areas even down to primary school - have downloaded Office to two laptops from one of my kids' "Glow" accounts, and the terms of licensing allow up to five installs (for each student). They use the laptops for their homework.
31 Jan 17 #199
'They get tax back'. Yes, that *certainly* is a great explanation for spending hundreds and thousands more than the tax back..

Show me a reputable business that uses these keys, and I'll show you a business Microsoft are going to take action against...
31 Jan 17 #198
It's asking me for credit card details and won't let me process through PayPal.
31 Jan 17 #197
It's always been that way, read my post from earlier, why people are wasting £7 on this I have no idea lol

PMLS big style :smiley:

31 Jan 17 #196
Errr they are right, as are you. The only way you can "sell" an OEM licence is with the original hardware and the only machine on which an OEM licence can be used is the one it came with originally.
31 Jan 17 #195
Can download from any torrent site if you want a working version of office, just the same as using this but at no cost. Neither are legit.
31 Jan 17 #194
a/ Because they don't know about them not frequenting places like this ?
b/ They get tax back anyways from paying full price and it's for a lot more than ONE PC
c/ What makes you think they aren't ?
31 Jan 17 #193
There's plenty of threads which promote fraud posted by high profile members, seems some people are allowed to and others not.

One said to sign up for a new account in your friends or neighbours name, and that was allowed to stay. :confused:
31 Jan 17 #192
Select File>Account and see if it says "Product Activated"
31 Jan 17 1 #191
Then you take it up with them, they're actually quite reasonable.
31 Jan 17 1 #190
The link I was sent to download seems to be for a 60 day trial
31 Jan 17 2 #189
That court ruling is about selling a license maintaining the same terms, not ignoring the terms which prevent someone from transferring it between even their own machines. This is pointed out when this is raised, but people choose to ignore it and keep posting it as if it applies.

Ask why businesses aren't buying £5 licenses...
31 Jan 17 1 #188
Micro$haft monitor everything, even cortana is uploading info on how often you fart.

This is the year 2017 and nothing is done manually! Windows is regularly checking your keys & if it sees a key used in more than 1 place at 1 time your activation is cancelled. All done by a very simple program - no humans/manpower involved.
31 Jan 17 1 #187
From the link in the original post Microsoft terms are not necessarily the law.

"Europe's highest court ruled today that the trading of "used" software licences is legal and that the author of such software cannot oppose any resale."

I can sense you are angry but calling people morons is a bit strong.
31 Jan 17 1 #186
Yep that's my understanding as well.

Money over morality, HUKD owner is a real class act.
31 Jan 17 1 #185
It's not Microsoft's fault you're poor.

If you can't afford to pay, use OpenOffice or LibreOffice.
31 Jan 17 1 #184
31 Jan 17 2 #183
I suspect they will keep earning those nice referral fees, up until they get a nice letter from Microsoft lawyers. Which a high profile post like this may well achieve (wonder if this will make it to the HUKD newsletter?)
31 Jan 17 1 #182

free if you got a email address & qualify
31 Jan 17 1 #181
It's against Microsoft ToS and should not be allowed on this website full stop.

It's also tricking morons into thinking they're getting a bargain on a legit license key, when they're paying for something no more legit than activation from a FREE keygen/activator

Not only do MS not get money from people using their software either way, but the HUKD morons who buy into this are actually paying money directly to scammers.

And looking at the OP's account, and his activity on the site, he knows full well this isn't legit, yet he still posted just to get some e-credit.

Absolutely pathetic tbh
31 Jan 17 1 #180
I got as far as college student & wondered why you didnt get a college deal. Even public sector workers can get a legit copy for around £15 if their sector is part of the scheme.
31 Jan 17 2 #179
I've done this a long time ago when I was a poor college student on a netbook for studies and didn't do my research on it... it worked fine for a semester and a half, and then after after a Windows update whenever I booted up the machine I'd get a notification saying that my version was not valid (they never actually said the word illegal, but maybe they didn't want to sound accusatory?) and refused to work. Wasn't a virus or anything, nothing was affected. I later did some research and eventually contacted Microsoft support; they said they would "graciously" let me purchase a new CD Key and that this does in fact happen with generated keys, they aren't an issue until something is updated. Although by that time I transferred to uni and was moved for study so decided I needed a proper laptop so I never had to fix the issue. :-S Won't do it this way ever again!
31 Jan 17 2 #178
HUKD probably get paid for referrals to eBay sales.

Considering the amount of these threads lately, it seems that Money > Morality and that's the end of it.
31 Jan 17 2 #177
Oh my fu cking God.

For how much longer are HUKD gonna promote illegal software keys? From a "VIP" member no less

Pretty disgusting to be honest.
31 Jan 17 1 #176
It basically is, these types of licenses are likely not 'retail' and being sold in a way that isn't particularly legal. Similar to people selling OS keys from scrap systems and keys intended for system refurbished (which are against Microsoft TOS when sold not as part of a refurbished system)
31 Jan 17 2 #175
why is this being alllowed? its against Microsoft EULA & licensing agreements.
31 Jan 17 1 #174
Would you do the same wwith car insurance ?
31 Jan 17 1 #173
Good price but open office is on par with this and its free.
31 Jan 17 1 #172
Do you have a link to the photoshop stuff or could you pm it? I'm actually looking at getting lightroom but don't want to pay £100 for a version that will soon no longer be supported!
31 Jan 17 1 #171
Thats all they are lol, Illegal Keygen's lol, with a legit link for a Microsoft download, your aswell downloading for free and runnning a free activator PMSL, why waste £7 ! The listing should not even ne allowed on Ebay, but they are making loads of the sellers fees so are quite happy the listing stays active (For now)

Some people should no be left near a PC on their own, let alone use one on the internet PMSL :smiley:

31 Jan 17 1 #170
gosh. the key is clearly non legit. a quick Google shows Microsoft doesn't do OEM office version any more. it's all retail. also there should be a little paper sticker sent to you and instructions on where to download ISO. so if you are not getting the sticker then you are actually pay money for some keygen code.
31 Jan 17 1 #169
Because many people tend to keep believing what they want to believe, even when presented with evidence otherwise - they'll just ignore it and stick to their previously formed opinion.
30 Jan 17 2 #168

Bought & installed & all ok on a 4th machine
30 Jan 17 1 #167
Not really sure as to me it just seems like a 'take a punt at your own risk' purchase. Only going to lose a few pounds at most.
30 Jan 17 1 #166
This topic brings out so many opinions, often so many angry opinions.

Just curious but why does this topic make people's blood boil so much?
30 Jan 17 2 #165
There is a tweak to make the 2016 version have the 2013 version menus
30 Jan 17 1 #163
That listing has been removed by eBay
The Lone Ranger
30 Jan 17 2 #161
​Yes. I already had Office 2013 home and student edition and wanted to install this for Outlook 2013. The main problem is that you can't easily get a download for this and need to go through MS's site. This didn't work properly for me, didn't install and just seemed to update the registry. 2013 pro was then showing alongside my other version of 2013 but none of the shortcuts worked and I couldn't uninstall it. To top this off, Outlook 2007 stopped working. Running repair on Office 2007 fixed my Outlook problem but then Word and XL from 2013 no longer worked. Repair on 2013 worked but then asked for a code but the one I bought said it was for 2013 pro and did I want to install it (I chose not to as all previous attempts did not work). I was then able to uninstall 2013 pro and use my original code to get my 2013 home and student edition working. £3.69 and 2 hours later back to where I started from.

I think the code probably works but you need to come at it without a previous version of Office installed.
The Lone Ranger
30 Jan 17 2 #162
Yes. I already had Office 2013 home and student edition and wanted to install this for Outlook 2013. The main problem is that you can't easily get a download for this and need to go through MS's site. This didn't work properly for me, didn't install and just seemed to update the registry. 2013 pro was then showing alongside my other version of 2013 but none of the shortcuts worked and I couldn't uninstall it. To top this off, Outlook 2007 stopped working. Running repair on Office 2007 fixed my Outlook problem but then Word and XL from 2013 no longer worked. Repair on 2013 worked but then asked for a code but the one I bought said it was for 2013 pro and did I want to install it (I chose not to as all previous attempts did not work). I was then able to uninstall 2013 pro and use my original code to get my 2013 home and student edition working. £3.69 and 2 hours later back to where I started from.

I think the code probably works but you need to come at it without a previous version of Office installed.
30 Jan 17 #160
Nothing wrong with these codes off ebay (dependent on seller obviously)

I have had 2013 on two machines for years using these codes & just bought for my 3rd.
30 Jan 17 1 #159
nice. I have 2016 and it's horrible. might 'downgrade' back to 2013.
30 Jan 17 #158
£3.69 one from e bay does not work for me E-BAY have removed listing .Anyone else had problem mobilesolutionsxp?
30 Jan 17 #157
How do I get it for £3.69?

30 Jan 17 2 #156
I dabble in buying and selling of virtual goods and let me tell you if the price is too good to be true, it normally is.

Usually these cheap codes are purchased from genuine places or larger more reputable key sites using stolen credit cards and then sold dirt cheap to liquidated the dodgy cards funds.

Often times you have to take eBay feedback with a pinch of salt, don't assume 1000+ feedback means you're safe. These eBay accounts are traded and cultivated for that very reason alone. People grow these accounts for 3-5 years and then once they can do so safely they will hit high volume sales to "cash out" over the space of a couple of months. It usually takes a few months for these dodgy codes to get sussed out depending on where they were purchased from.

I've had it happen to me, purchased a lot of digital keys for a newly released game from someone and a few months later all of the keys got revoked. The price was 20% of the RRP..

Don't be fooled by the "the codes are cheaper in russia!" nonsense. If something is selling at 5% of the RRP there is a reason for that, and it's not the original country of purchase.

Ultimately it comes down to where the codes were purchased from and how they deal with fraudulent purchases. You may be good for a month, you may be good for a year or you may be lucky and the key is never revoked.
30 Jan 17 #155
Any version of office ending in 'PLUS' are for organisations only and only activate with VOLUME KEYS (vlk's). You're all being sold exactly the SAME key which is being used on thousands of machines across the globe and will eventually be blocked. Wake up.
30 Jan 17 #154
Meant to work well with WINE 2.0 too.
30 Jan 17 1 #153
you got a link for photoshop master collection?
30 Jan 17 #152
30 Jan 17 #151
I had an issue with my Windows 8 key a few years ago (long story short, somebody had copied my key and used it elsewhere). Microsoft changed my key for me.

Could I do the same with this by explaining to Microsoft that I think it has been 'noted' by somebody?
30 Jan 17 #150
No it's for Windows only but there is the Mac version too if you search eBay
30 Jan 17 #149
It's not pirated, it's a genuine key but the right to use it is a grey area
30 Jan 17 #148
and it still works and does what it says - no need to change
30 Jan 17 1 #147
Any particular reason why 2013 has been shared and will these ‘keys’ work on Mac?
30 Jan 17 #146
ordered thank you
30 Jan 17 #145
Thank you for agreeing that they will work ;::smiley:
30 Jan 17 #144
A missuse of vlk licensing or parter keys.

I could easily sell my company keys on ebay for profit but as a Microsoft partner this could get my company removed as a partner and keys made usless and deactivate the products we use on our subscription.

We have customers that have had "cheap" keys deactivated in the last 9 years I have worked as a support engineer.

Yes they will work if the above keys are bought but should not be sold on as they are being done.
30 Jan 17 #143
​Why do that when you can allegedly bankroll drug dealers , scammers and fund terrorism and screw Microsoft all at the same time.. :confused:
30 Jan 17 #142
If you're gonna be using a dodgy illegal key you might as well just crack it - both breaking the law. Just go through the HUP or use LibreOffice tbh.
30 Jan 17 1 #141
I'm in...
30 Jan 17 #140
Those were the days.
30 Jan 17 #139
Me too!
30 Jan 17 #138
Works a treat. Went through the full online Microsoft registration process. No glitches whatsoever.
30 Jan 17 #137
Am also still using Office 2007 on one Laptop, any major advantage in buying the 2016 version to replace it?
30 Jan 17 #136
You can get the whole Photoshop suite too, why pay hundreds, if not thousands when you can get it for less.

Same goes for Vehicle service stamps, Sky TV..err so i'm told.
30 Jan 17 1 #135
FCKGW :smile:
30 Jan 17 #134
I can beat that. I'm still on Office 2000.
30 Jan 17 2 #133
Yup, wtf HUKD!

Check the MS home use program before paying for dodgy keys!
30 Jan 17 #132
Gotta love illegal keys being considered a "deal"
30 Jan 17 4 #131
Bought 100 to sell on eBay. oh wait, that doesn't sound right?
30 Jan 17 1 #130
I worked for microsoft (callcentre) for the US a few years ago, and even if we put the details of the product into the system and it came up that it was pirated, we would just say 'it appears you don't have a legit version of the software actually, but if you'd like to purchase one now we can offer x% off retail price' and nothing further would be done. Like, they could hang up and keep using it with no problems. So i doubt that MS would do anything about this either tbh. Maybe try to stop them from selling the keys. Or try to change the conditions for the next office so that it can't happen again. They aren't going to want to make their customers angry, and lets face it, openoffice does pretty much the same thing, for free.
30 Jan 17 1 #129
​Totally agree, I have purchased a few license keys of eBay for less than £10, I can't afford to spend £100s on software that I use once or twice a year. it's worth a risk as far as I am concerned, not had an issue yet, touch wood.
30 Jan 17 1 #128
I can't really see Microsoft bothering to track down individual keys and blacklisting them. This was obviously the case with volume licence keys because one key could have been shared thousands of times. I have two reasons for thinking this:
1. Somebody would have to be paid to do the job of tracking down the misused keys and blacklisting them. Is this cost effective? For this to be the case a given percentage of blacklisted key owners would need to go buy the product at full price to pay the salary of Microsoft's investigator. Microsoft are a business; they are motivated by profit, not vengeance. Pressurising eBay to remove listings is far more effective.
2. How many legitimate customers who have actually shifted their product to a new machine would they seriously **** off by blacklisting their products by mistake? That kind of news goes viral pretty damn quick.

If I hadn't already stacked up a few years of office 365 and used the trick to extend benefits to to my family I'd use this myself.
30 Jan 17 #127
Im on Office 2003 :disappointed:
30 Jan 17 1 #126
​illegal use. why not just download it off a torrent for free if your going to buy a dodgy product key. or use a keygen to make a key for you. that way its free for 5 years use
30 Jan 17 #125
Mine says "Product Activated" - nothing about "Until Jan 31st 2018" just Product Activated
30 Jan 17 1 #124
​there is a difference, I didn't try to cheat anyone and paid for the product through eBay, I even spoke to Microsoft support and they helped me activate it, so us there is a difference between pirated software and buying yourself one
30 Jan 17 #123
Still on office 2007 :smile:

Is the license for the 1 year only? Not sure how it works now.
30 Jan 17 #122
Well, got the serial. And it works. All activated. All Office 2016
Publisher 2016 there too :wink:
30 Jan 17 #121
I do. I've used them, but it's quite the minefield. You're totally at the mercy of the person who uploaded the torrent.

I used a loader for Windows 7 for a couple of years and moved to Win10 with no issues and then....boom! Windows said my version wasn't genuine and took it back to the home edition! I used a key form ebay that came with the hologram and all was good.
30 Jan 17 #120
Downloaded software from MS, put in key number and away it goes. Simples, and it's totally legal, read EU court rulings!
30 Jan 17 #119
got the 2016 received all info on how to it I'm 66 got it done in 20 mins seems ok but I not that clued up on stuff like this but it was priced at 9.00 but it came out at 7.00 summit if it only works for a year I had a good deal thanks op
The Lone Ranger
30 Jan 17 #118
I am furious with this. Office 2013 did not install and now my Outlook 2007 is broken and Office 2013 professional will not uninstall properly meaning I can't get Outlook working.
30 Jan 17 #117
You clearly have no clue what OEM means..
30 Jan 17 #116
Why don't you use google docs? If it's just basic word processing you need that should be more than sufficient.
30 Jan 17 #115
Dress it up in your own mind which ever way you want.
Fact is it is a pirated key and will be flagged accordingly...
Not if .... but when!
30 Jan 17 #114
Fair point!
If you don't know what your doing just ask your local spotty teenager for advice! :wink::wink:
30 Jan 17 #113
Got on with the support and she confirmed these are MSDN key, at least the one I bought (2016 version). I got it activated after few retries. Lets see how long it works, if it works for a year then £9 is no big deal, I don't want to download pirated stuff as someone was recommending.
30 Jan 17 #112
30 Jan 17 #111
30 Jan 17 1 #110
​Yes, of course you did.
30 Jan 17 #109
'Off at a tangent' perhaps Office 365 (Personal) which arrived with a mini computer just over a year ago has expired - Earlier today I saw a deal on this site that someone had bought this in Sainsburys at Luton - shelf price £12.50 but charged just 1 pence at check out. On to it as soon as I saw it (it seemed like fate) but after 2 hours online, phoning local stores, chat line to Sainsbugs - being reliably informed that it is only available at certain stores at £59.99 - more than it would have cost me to renew in the first place. Came on to update others to save them going down same route & found this thread hence posting. My question is - I bought a new laptop just a few weeks ago via Amazon with Windows 10 - however I can't use the icon for Microsoft Word -every time I click on it, I get the screen to link to Office 365 & I have tried to connect but every time it spits me out saying 'expired' - won't even let me have a month's free trial! I used my husband's email address to apply on a different device - same story - spits me out every time. Don't desperately need Office 365, but I do need Word - forgive my ignorance if this is a howler to tech geeks but it is driving me nuts - especially as I need to produce an important statement for a friend to take to her lawyer asap - please take pity on me & help if you
30 Jan 17 3 #108
I bought one of these in the past and had someone from microsoft knock on my door and confiscate my laptop. I would recommend anyone who has bought one and installed it to not answer the door
30 Jan 17 #107
Installed and works a treat :smiley:
30 Jan 17 #106
​I purchased this one earlier and it's all installed and working, code delivered within the hour.
30 Jan 17 #105
Well I bought one over an hour ago and still nothing - no serial, no link
But money's taken.
30 Jan 17 #104
Wow. Thanks so much. Voted hot. Worth a punt, deco at this price. Boss just bought a key for a PC on a stand alone computer I developed some VBA stuff on. I almost choked on my coffee when he told me how much it cost. Was like 2700nok, which at my reckoning is 300 notes.

Anyhow, my 365 account lapsed last week and I'm not a developer by trade so any work would need to be done at home, and I dont get enough money to pay for a 365 account at full price. So, this is great for me.

Thanks again, hope it works!
30 Jan 17 #103
Nice one
30 Jan 17 #101
Microsoft must be complaining to ebay.
30 Jan 17 #99
i just received this email, interesting.

We're writing to let you know that we've removed an item you recently won:

Since you've already paid for the item, you don't need to do anything else. If your item hasn't arrived yet, it should arrive soon. If it doesn't, then you'll want to open a case in our Resolution Centre. You can learn how to do this, plus find timelines for opening cases, at:

We wish you all the best on eBay and hope your future experiences are pleasant and successful. If you have questions, please click "Help & Contact" at the top of most eBay pages.
30 Jan 17 #98
I think £1.40 a year for Microsoft Office 2016 Professional Plus would be classed as a deal... (£7 for 5 years use)
30 Jan 17 #97
They won't because people will leave feedback when they see it installs and works, then they can't leave negative feedback after.
30 Jan 17 #96
scam. it will work but its not supposed to be sold on like this. ms will eventually block it but it may take them 5 years to do so
30 Jan 17 #95
They would probably help you with that but great if you can do yourself! I just didn't have a clue and they did the lot for me with a key code that I thought they may decline! Good luck!
30 Jan 17 4 #94
to clear out a lot of misunderstandings, guessings and wrong information being written in this thread.
Here's a brief info on all the MS keys (that I can remember):-

OEM - OEM keys like many have said are keys tied to a board, (THESE ARE NOT VLK's (volume license keys)).

VLK - Volume license keys used to be for older versions of MS Office which were primarily given to manufacturers to install and activate the product on install. VLK's are also available via. MSDN (Microsoft Developer Network) (THESE ARE NOT TO BE SOLD). Also used be Network Admins, Sys Admins to do remote installs etc.

KMS Server and keys generated- KMS is key management server, basically in large enterprises a KMS server is established which has a KMS key. Based on the product(s) that has been purchased, upon entering the key in the KMS server, you can generate unique keys for multiple pc deployment (think of this as MS's way of overcoming VLK issues).

MAK Keys - Multiple activation keys - These are VLK's but they are the keys which are provided to KMS server guys. Basically a MAK key is used when there is just no time for generating KMS server keys or for other bespoke situations.

UUID Keys - Windows 10 works on UUID which is contained in the BIOS. Basically a Unique identifier which is stored on the ROM of the BIOS and can not be changed, manipulated in anyway. UUID is the new COA (certificate of authenticity) sticker replacement (the sticker that used to come with windows machines with the keys written).
No matter how many times you reinstall windows, you won't need a key anymore, coz if your BIOS is working your key would be picked up from the UUID. There have been some very very interesting discussions about cloning UUID's and finding out the Key from the UUID itself. But still nothing concrete on that yet.

My best guess is, either someone is selling KMS keys, MSDN MAK Keys or just MAK keys.

Not all of them are illegal, but, you might just be able to get away with it easily.

I personally have all of the above keys for multiple softwares versions... lost track (not showing off).
Back in the days we used to get a card with all the VLK's written for all the products in the enterprise once you join the admin team, those were fun days. I think many schools still have those VLK cards laminated and all.

I hope this helps.
The Lone Ranger
30 Jan 17 #93
hmm. I don't really want to do that because I already have Office 2013 installed, I just want to install Outlook from 2013 so I want to do it myself.
30 Jan 17 #92
Ah OK thanks, I suppose for the price it's worth a punt and the seller seems to have decent enough feedback to give it a go.
30 Jan 17 #91
I'm sure they will do this for anyone who's struggling to get it working (key code is correct but user error haha)
30 Jan 17 #90
That's what happened to me! Just go on the Microsoft chat and say your code isn't working - that's what I did. They verified the code was correct, took control of my laptop, removed what was preventing it working, added correct version, added key code and all sorted!
30 Jan 17 #89
True - like they say, if something looks to good to be true, it usually is
30 Jan 17 #88
Supposed to be lifetime but "blacklisted numbers" is a worry
30 Jan 17 #87
Can I ask is this a one year key or lifetime?
30 Jan 17 #85
Oh dear.

This seller will have some serious negative feedback when the keys are blacklisted and blocked. :laughing:
30 Jan 17 #84
It's valid for 1 PC only; if you upgrade your motherboard you will no longer be able to activate with that key and will need to buy a new one
30 Jan 17 #83
​ok it's over two hours now and no key yet, just received order confirmation, looks like the guy collected everyone's money and ran away? At least I bought it through PayPal so should get my money, I bought the 2016 version one from the first comment
30 Jan 17 2 #82
WINE v2 (just released) supports Office 2013 "natively" on OS X (and Linux). 64-bit support too:
30 Jan 17 #81
MSDN tell me more
30 Jan 17 #80
You got an MSDN code which has a time limit for activation, also those can't be used to reinstall so don't mess up your computer trying various random software
30 Jan 17 #79
Mine arrived within minutes.
30 Jan 17 #78
Think I'll get the 2016 one when the price comes back down again. Currently on 2010, which works fine but Windows 10 keeps bugging me that it's not the "latest version" so maybe that will shut it up. Also bugs me to use Edge as it's apparently more secure than Chrome, think I know why we all got Windows 10 free now, it's full of naggy little "use Microsoft software" ads...
30 Jan 17 #77
This licence is VOID once the original OEM hardware be that entire machine or motherboard is retired/scrapped/broken.

What happens?
Key may get black listed but they are more interested in vendor OEM or VLKs doing the rounds on certain sites and not a single OEM key from an old machine that has already been paid for by the original purchase.

Let's be honest MS is not going to come after a home user when they will eventually push everyone on to 365 model and rinse us dry again.
The Lone Ranger
30 Jan 17 #75
I'm getting "Sorry - we can't set up your account at the moment". Does anyone has a place I can download Office 2013 from?
30 Jan 17 #74
You Lucy lucky Ba…………
30 Jan 17 1 #73
I don't know a lot about this but decided to go for it for the price. Product key code was right but didn't seem to work so Microsoft Chat asked for my code to verify! Worried at that point but they verified the code and then took remote access of my laptop to clear away old versions of Office, re-installed, added code and all working perfectly now - no questions asked!!
30 Jan 17 1 #72
Yeah, but how do you know which or the generators or activators are genuine and which have embedded malware, as most malware scanners will flag those? I think the risk here for £3-7 is substantially less that opening your pc up to all kinds of viruses...
30 Jan 17 #71
Hmm use as soon as possible in confirmation E mail. Reaching for the Kleenex. Who would have thought something to good to be true would be …………………………….
30 Jan 17 3 #70
According European Union selling used software IS LEGAL AND BIG FAT CAT CANT DO NOTHING.
30 Jan 17 #69
This will all end in tears!
The seller on Ebay will simply be sat with his fingers crossed hoping that by the time these codes are banned by microsoft you wont be bothered getting a refund or the time limit will be expired for claiming a refund!
Either way the seller will no doubt be nowhere to be found!
Why is this stated on the ebay advert?
"If you need an invoice message me BEFORE you buy, no invoices issued after purchase!"
Dodgy!......You have been warned!
By the way all versions of office are available on the torrent sites with cracks and codes for free!
30 Jan 17 #68
Thanks OP, will definitely purchase a 2016 code later
30 Jan 17 #67
Any idea how long it takes to receive the key?
30 Jan 17 #66
30 Jan 17 #65
No, i have just installed this on my laptop without deleting 365, just folloow the instructions to download and then regster with the supplied keycode.
30 Jan 17 #64
Not to sound stupid would I need to delete my office 365(trial) from my laptop and download the pro version from the ms website, then upon set up use the key they send to activate it?
30 Jan 17 #63
30 Jan 17 #62
Cold, illegal
30 Jan 17 #61
You have to right-click on the download link that Microsoft give you after inputting the code, then select copy link. Now paste that into another tab and change x86 to x64 and press return, it should then download the correct file that will install the proper 64-bit version
30 Jan 17 #60
These are MSDN keys, not to be resold.
30 Jan 17 #59
30 Jan 17 #58
If your company use office many will let you buy a personal licence for use at home. My firm lets me do this and it's £9.99 direct from MS. Circumvents all this concern.
30 Jan 17 #57
Thanks, need office software
30 Jan 17 1 #56
​wrong. OEM license can be sold on with the original hardware. certainly the case for OS. not sure how it works with Office license as the original machine is not dependent on it to function.
30 Jan 17 #55
Im still using office 2010 lol
Going to be installing it again as building a new machine, which office should I go for? Office 2013 or 2016?
30 Jan 17 #54
When did this start?

There seems to be loads of sellers.
30 Jan 17 1 #53
Bought 2016 one for daughters coursework thanks
30 Jan 17 #52
Yes and no. This is much easier for the average person to do - you basically install MS Office the way it's meant to be installed. I haven't used torrents for 10 year or more (would you even use torrents to pirate any more? Key generators? I don't know). The point being that using this avoids the risks to your computer associated with that route, since this uses MS software downloaded from MS. The other point is that this is so 'dumbed down' that realistically the only bad thing that could happen is that MS deactivates it remotely and you no longer have recourse with the seller. Even if MS decided to send you a letter about it, you'd just say you bought it on eBay and thought it was ok because eBay and long time seller and feedback and all the tech mumbo jumbo is too confusing, they'd say you misunderstood and please stop using it, and then you stop using it... based on anecdotal evidence, both outcomes are quite unlikely. It's so consumer-friendly for the average person to use that it would be hard for them to argue that you're a real pirate.

Personally I use LibreOffice and I think that would be ok for the majority of home users.
30 Jan 17 #51
While we're talking about getting hold of software through a somewhat questionable route, does anyone know of any cheap ways (not using loaders of activation programs) of getting hold of photography software such as Adobe Lightroom?
30 Jan 17 1 #50
Do hundreds/thousands of business computers really ditch a 3 year old office installation? I seriously doubt it... most businesses hold onto ancient Office software as long as possible.
30 Jan 17 #49
Yep, absolutely correct, seems eBay are conveniently ignoring their own rules as well as Microsoft's to drum up sales.

I used to sell legit original Dell OEM Windows recovery DVD's on eBay using the Vero rules dodge of supplying a piece of original hardware with them (usually a stick of memory). Lots of other sellers do it too. These didn't even come with a serial number or licence, just the media to reinstall Windows on your machine should you need to.

eBay twice took my listings down, despite me completely complying with their rules on listing said products, but left other sellers listings up. In the end I found out Microsoft themselves had complained about my listings, presumably because they were for the Pro versions of Windows rather than the Home ones that were left untouched.
The Lone Ranger
30 Jan 17 #48
Probably dodgy, but what the hell. Ordered the 2013 license for £3.69. Already have Office 2013 Home & Student but using the 2007 version of Outlook. Hopefully I can just install Outlook 2013 with this key. Not really sure how I get Office 2013 from MS though, seems only available through an account.
30 Jan 17 #47
30 Jan 17 #46
For the 2016 64bit edition can you customise the install so that i could untick the applications that I don't want to use.? Or is it a full and complete install only..?
30 Jan 17 #45
Nope you need the mac specific version.
30 Jan 17 #44
It's not illegal it's against Microsofts terms. If they choose to pursue a case against you that's up to them.
30 Jan 17 #43
​thanks for your help!!
30 Jan 17 #42
​What was the price before it was changed?
30 Jan 17 #41
Yet still 100% illegal. Doesn't matter if you sent a broken motherboard or the entire machine. OEM -you cannot move the license.
30 Jan 17 #40
Is there any for mac version?
30 Jan 17 #39
Been thinking about upgrading, thanks OP
30 Jan 17 #32
The price on that 1st 2016 link has now changed to £9.60!
little_deal_minx to Dyslexic_Dog
30 Jan 17 #38
Yeh they did, absolutely ridiculous!! Well they got free advertising from this thread and then jacked the price to make even more money :disappointed: . I was going to purchase through that seller but no way am I doing that now!!
30 Jan 17 1 #10
furiousjammin to shadow1
30 Jan 17 9 #11
Was that a statement or a question?
eBay terms state they arent allowed to sell only the used product key (presume linked somehow to the Microsoft law suit previously mentioned above) so to protect themselves, they make the seller actually send the motherboard that the licence key relates to/ from the broken computer it was used in.

I set up a new PC last week and paid £5 for a Windows 10 Professional key and £7 for an Office Professional 2016 key. I have now received 2 broken motherboards, but on the upside the keys worked fine. lol.
Gollywood to shadow1
30 Jan 17 #29
​What do you mean Mr Shouty-man?
scoobytawazara to shadow1
30 Jan 17 #37
who cares about getting a broken motherboard throw it in the bin and get on with the software
30 Jan 17 #36
Good deal if these aren't just keygened and are genuine old unused oem keys.
30 Jan 17 #34
Same old, same old, you might be lucky and it'll be activated forever, but like many have said, Microsoft may black list the number.
Why not just use a free hack tool if you're this way inclined?
30 Jan 17 #28
Can whoever that bought this or the 2016 version paste the last block of code and say which one they purchased? Just in case we are all using the same key from the same seller? Just a thought...
gemniz to soldierno123
30 Jan 17 #31
Now that is a good idea :smiley:
30 Jan 17 #30
Bought the 2016 version - HEAT!
30 Jan 17 1 #27
Useful link. You put the serial in and it gives you the correct office installer that matches the serial to download
30 Jan 17 1 #26
i dont get thw issuw. ivw bought bith windows 10 and word likw this and i have had no issues whatsoever for almost a year.
i think people are spreading horror stories when in reality it works fine
30 Jan 17 1 #25
tried the £6.70 1....Worth a punt at this price. HOT
30 Jan 17 #22
Purchased 2016 version but cannot find 64bit download, only give me 32bit.
little_deal_minx to greekmick
30 Jan 17 #24
I was going to get the 2016 one but what do you mean by 32 bit and 64 bit? Do I need to find one that is 64 bit? I don't know what the difference is or if it matters or not- confused!
30 Jan 17 #23
So can I use the 2016 one to convert my office 365 subscription to a permanent copy.on my laptop, or should I just by this and register it in a different email address?
30 Jan 17 1 #21
just bought the 2016 one, i'm sure it will end in tears.
30 Jan 17 1 #8
They are OEM licenses usually the same key used on multiple machines. It's against Microsofts terms for these to be sold to individuals so you run a risk of the keys being revoked but for the price difference it's worth a go. I have been using OEM office for years and never had an issue...
wong_go_wild to f1refox
30 Jan 17 5 #20
​thats not how OEM license works. OEM stands for Original Equipment Manufacturer. it means MS sends volume license keys to the likes of Dell, HP, lenovo etc so they can implement MS Office on their new PC. but it is against the condition of the license for the software to be sold on itself. there is no such thing as new OEM license as all OEM are issued to industrial scale pc builders not your bedroom builders. so if someone tries to sell you an OEM without any hardware then you should question where it came from. however what you said is entirely false as computers can exchange hand several times and therefore the license it carries should be fully valid. nowadays many of the license are locked into the BIOS such as Windows OS but as far as I am aware office licence are not implemented in such way and therefore there is no way for MS to distinguish a license being used properly or being sold on as independent software. so there is no issues there. the only thing needs to be concerned about is if these keys are generated from non-ms licensed generator or they are from legit batch.
30 Jan 17 #16
dumb question alert..will this work with Mac?
Begize to crap_I_dont_really_need
30 Jan 17 2 #19
Natively in OS X? No - Office for Mac is a different product completely, there was no 2013 version either. Until the recent released of Office 2016 (and 365) for Mac, the last version was 2011.

You would be able to run it on a dual boot Bootcamp system with Windows installed or another product like Parallels or VMWare but you'd also need to setup, configure and licence a copy of Windows in someway.
30 Jan 17 #18
got £.3.69 one ordered thanks heat added
30 Jan 17 8 #17
Illegal software is illegal software.
Once again - pirate you're own, don't pay someone to do it for you.
30 Jan 17 1 #15
365 is 8 quid a month. This has to be worth a punt...
30 Jan 17 1 #12
Is the key code only valid for a year like the office 365 or is this a permanent key that you can use office forever?
AndyRoyd to s4ndh4r
30 Jan 17 #14
Will work indefinitely until MS blacklist it.
30 Jan 17 1 #13
Thank you very much for posting this! Just purchased the £3.69 one for my sister as she needs it for her coursework!
30 Jan 17 2 #9
I got one of these last month. Works a treat. Stick in the code at and download.

They keys come from inactive legacy licences from decommissioned machines. MS and others tried to stop it with lawsuits but failed.

The 2016 one is annoying, you can't uninstall any of the products you don't need.
30 Jan 17 #7
Wow all the time I've paid hundreds of pounds in the past for Office this seems to good to be true?
30 Jan 17 #5
How does this work. From what I understand you only get the key so where do you get the actual software from?
BananaMannn to Jaybeam
30 Jan 17 #6
download it directly from Microsofts site and then input the key they send.
30 Jan 17 #4
Their feedback seems very good over the last year but I have no idea how genuine they are. It seems you can find keys for almost every MS now on eBay.
30 Jan 17 2 #3

When not to trust an eBay deal of the day :smile: Nice find guys :smiley:
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
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Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
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Double LEGO VIP Points
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Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
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