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11 Jan 17
This discount is available to those on a £1 month's Which? trial, but not current members. [Thanks to Mottman for the correction.] (Link is here and on the checkout page.) Took me all of 3 mins to sign up, and hey, maybe it'll even be useful! The page is a bit sparse on specs, but it has an FHD 15.6-inch IPS screen as well. Please see the Argos page here for some Q&A with people from the Medion team.

I know, I know, no SSD, only DDR3, but hey, it's under £500! Looks to be retailing anywhere from £580 to £650 and upwards elsewhere. Used Laptops Direct in the past and had no problems.

Have a look here for a comprehensive test (if it translates for you). Hope you find this deal useful :smiley:

1.05% QUIDCO
- thevman2k3
All comments (54)
11 Jan 17 1 #1
Wow, that's an excellent price.
11 Jan 17 1 #2
CPU is OK, its FHD but no SSD. So the question is - for the computer geeks - is the Nvidia GTX 950M any good?
BigOrkWaaagh to Musicrab
11 Jan 17 #3
Very much in the realm of 'OK' I would say. I think you'll be looking at medium settings at 30fps for most games. I mean, it's £500. It's not going to blow the roof off, but at the same time nothing will be outright unplayable.
nw104hh to Musicrab
11 Jan 17 #4
CPU is not a killer, it's ultra low voltage range. 950M is good for less demanding games.
catbeans to Musicrab
11 Jan 17 #9

TL;DR yes and no, if the game is demanding, no, if it is CS:GO, Overwatch a MOBA, you might be ok.
11 Jan 17 2 #5
I'd be happy using it for day to day use.
I always think the words "gaming" and "laptop" should not be used in the same sentence.:stuck_out_tongue:
Enet to xdaminis
11 Jan 17 #13
Then you haven't been keeping up with the latest laptops have you. I can play all last gen games maxed out and many current gen games too. Only GTA V and Rise of Tomb Raider I have to use a couple of settings as high rather than ultra :stuck_out_tongue:

Saying that though I was pretty happy with my 750m (admittedly it was GDDR5). It played all the Batman games, Mortal Kombat games and the like with nice graphics and a decent frame rate.
dijital to xdaminis
12 Jan 17 #28
The latest mobile 10 series (1050m, 1060m, 1070m) are only about 5% slower than the desktop versions.
aaron1uk to xdaminis
12 Jan 17 #33
My MSI GS60 begs to differ will play anything I through at it for hours on end and it's nearing it's 2nd birthday now.
11 Jan 17 #7
Optical drive looks standard so first thing I'd do is buy an SSD (cheapest/smallest would do for me) and a SATA caddy to replace optical drive (**check depth of optical drive first; could be 9.5mm or 12.7mm**)

Then put Windows 10 on the SSD (either clean install it or image the existing C: drive) swap drives and put the original drive in caddy.
11 Jan 17 #8
If anyone purchased this, they have more money than sense.:confused:
11 Jan 17 2 #10
Any laptop that gives you a 950m for less than £500 must be good. Heat added.
11 Jan 17 1 #11
You're talking nonsense there mate. If you look at the benchmarks gtx950m can run battlefield 1 or overwatch at 30fps with ultra settings on 1080p! Not everyone has £300 for top of the range gpu or £1000+ on a decent gaming laptop. I would rather buy this then not have anything or attempted to play games with integrated graphics.
11 Jan 17 2 #12
Totally agree. I'm quite happily playing GTA V at 1080p on my 850m laptop.
11 Jan 17 #14
That's not a laptop. That's a horse.
11 Jan 17 #15
7th gen intel cpu 1050 and 1050 ti laptops and no ssd don't waste your cash not a deal just left over stock
Cold for me
Joe90_guy to puddles9999
11 Jan 17 2 #16
Yeah, 1050 Ti is technically deffo the way to go but the cheapest one I can find in the UK right now is £999.64 and that's on pre-order. I'm guessing in about six months time they might be around the £750 - £800 mark but won't have dropped as low as £500 (and probably never will).

So if you want to do a bit of gaming RIGHT NOW and only have five hundred notes to play with then this is a good deal. Do you understand now?
iamiguel to puddles9999
11 Jan 17 1 #17
All current 1050/1050ti laptops are £800++ with some reaching into the low thousands. In fact some laptops that used to have 1060s have been given 1050s and the prices hasn't changed so I'd say the 1050s aren't the best deal ATM. Although I will wait for them to drop due to needing Kaby Lake for HEVC 10bit
11 Jan 17 #18
I bought one and paid for next day delivery so thanks for pointing this out. Looks a good deal to me.

I have a PS4 for gaming. This is just going to be for editing photos and playing my more classic stuff like command and conquer and SimCity.
12 Jan 17 #19
It's decent enough for the money even if you ignore the gaming aspect. Big question is quality which Medion aren't exactly known for. This being a higher end range could help.
For gaming it won't be much good for latest AAA titles but for older games will do fine.
12 Jan 17 #20
Here I am waiting for Medion Erazer X7847 17.3 Inch 1TB HDD 128GB SSD GTX 1060 6GB to become available again :-(
12 Jan 17 #21
Depends what you're using it for. AAA gaming? Absolutely not! Indie games and older stuff? Probably fine.

That being said you shouldn't be getting a laptop for gaming unless you have massively deep pockets any way. Just build a mITX gaming rig if you want a small (console-sized) gaming machine.
12 Jan 17 #22
I may be wrong but i think he was referring to the $9K laptop which was referenced, not the OP...
12 Jan 17 #23
Finally someone has understood my comment.
12 Jan 17 #24
This is great value for money. If you want to play some games on a laptop then you are going to have to find another £300 or more to get something noticeably better.

For those moaning about an SSD I would note that a review I have found mentions a fast M2 SSD, I would be very surprised if that didn't mean there is a slot for one in this. Double check if essential to you, but should be very easy to add a reasonable priced 240GB one as your boot drive and then have the benefit of 1TB storage too.
Pebbleheed to sibeer
12 Jan 17 #26
Looking at the exact same product on the Argos website, there's a question answered by median staff directly on this subject. The staff state there's a spare bay next to the hdd ready for an ssd if required.
Pebbleheed to sibeer
18 Jan 17 #49
how do I found out if there's a slot inside without opening it if possible?
12 Jan 17 #25
You might need to think about how you get your points across.
12 Jan 17 #27
My laptop is 10 minutes away from being delivered. Tracking it on the DPD website.
Joe90_guy to Pebbleheed
12 Jan 17 #29
Enjoy hour new laptop. In recent years I've bought three Medion laptops. I got a P6620 from Aldi for me (it had an old Nvidia GT 220 & I played loads of games on it). I bought a touch screen one for my daughter and I recently got a small 14" 1080p one for the wife. All of them have been good reliable machines.
12 Jan 17 #30

I've got it booted up and that piece of garbage McAfee removed through the uninstall procedure in the control panel. I cannot understand why companies insist on ruining good machines with that junk.

It's running slightly slow at the moment. Probably some bloatware somewhere. I'm getting a bit of lag when running apps or typing. I'll have a play and see what I can remember from my Windows days. I'm moving back over from Mac so here's hoping I can sort it.
12 Jan 17 #31
Windows 10 has so much cr*p running in the background.
Go to settings and change Update options, then have fun changing the Privacy settings.
Download CCleaner and run it.
Run Disk Clean-up from Windows 10.
Finally - Defragment.

Do all updates before doing the above.
12 Jan 17 #32
What a great idea as it could be used for some light weights/fitness training if you run out of battery....
12 Jan 17 #34
​you do know hes replying to the $9000 laptop? not this deal :/
12 Jan 17 #35
​not true, releasing this month is is the acer vs 15 for around £650...

why do you think this price has dropped
12 Jan 17 1 #36
Because you didn't add in VAT...
$850 = £650. Add 20% for VAT and it's £780 which (if you add shipping, etc) isn't far off what he said
12 Jan 17 #37
There may even be both the M2 slot AND a spare HDD bay as the instructions list an additional HDD bay. Open it up and have a look :-)
12 Jan 17 #38
Would this be OK for my daughter who needs to replace her old and ailing Macbook Pro? She doesn't want to go down the Apple route and needs a decent laptop for web browsing, file mangement, word processing etc and playing the odd game or two; mainly Sims (she has a Playstation for more serious gaming). Having a DVD drive is an essential for her and her budget is max £600.
Pebbleheed to Mottmania
12 Jan 17 1 #39
That's the EXACT situation I got mine for. I have a PS4 for serious gaming but this is good for my favourite oldies like command and conquer etc. although it seems to play some of the modern games too from what I've seen so far.

Remove McAfee when you get it and I'm sure she will love it. I do.
12 Jan 17 #40
Thanks Pebbleheed
13 Jan 17 #41
Just by way of a factual correction the £20 off offer isn't available if you are already a member of WHICH?, only if you are taking up the free trial offer
samjcribb to Mottmania
13 Jan 17 1 #42
Argh, sorry about that! Thanks for pointing it out. I just know I'm gonna forget to cancel my trial eventually...
13 Jan 17 #43
Happy to help. I'm a long standing WHICH? subscriber and gave them a call this morning and they confirmed it's just available if taking out the trial. Nonetheless my daughter has purchased this laptop.
13 Jan 17 #44
My daughter decided to get this one and ordered this morning. How are you getting on with yours Pebbleheed?
Pebbleheed to Mottmania
14 Jan 17 1 #47
Loving it.

The keyboard is nice for typing. Prefer it to my Mac one. And the graphics card is a nice boost over onboard graphics in the past.

I've played a few games on steam recently. All ran smoothly and were enjoyable. The display is also very nice.

All in all a good laptop.
14 Jan 17 #45
Thank you. Do you find WHICH? useful in making purchases like this one? I'm typing this from my newly-arrived laptop and am getting on very well with it so far. Keyboard's nice, screen is lovely, battery life not too bad. Nice understated design. I'd say the touchpad and DVD drive are a little loose, but otherwise it's great.
14 Jan 17 1 #46
I use WHICH? for pretty well any purchase I make whether cars, electronics or financial products. Have to say there reviews have always come up trumps.
14 Jan 17 #48
Cheers :smile:
18 Jan 17 #50

Anyone any idea what type of M2 drive I can use here please?

Seems there's different connectors, shapes and sizes.
19 Jan 17 #51
To my knowledge M.2 is a standardised connection. Are you sure you are not mixing it with mSATA which is a different connection?

Good range of M.2 drives here
Pebbleheed to sibeer
19 Jan 17 #52
There are B and M connections and different lengths of SSD card.

I've measured the slot and gone with a 500GB Samsung EVO 2280 card. Should be perfect. And a lot faster than the one sold in the i7 version of this laptop too.
21 Jan 17 #53
If anyone gets this laptop it's decent from the start, but there's a way to make it a lot quicker.

1) Fit a decent ssd.
2) Clean install of windows 10.

I added a Samsung EVO 500Gb SSD drive in addition to the 1TB HDD. I've formatted both and set the SSD as the boot disk etc.

The removal of the bloatware through the clean install made a difference. But the SSD has made a HUGE difference. It now boots up fully in 3-4 seconds from the power button being touched to it being useable. Software loads instantly and windows doesn't have any lag at all.

The above including fitting and reinstalling etc didn't even take an hour.
31 Mar 17 #54
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