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Maximum 1p FINAL VALUE selling fee @ ebay (upto 100 listings) (by Invite only)
5 stars +533

Maximum 1p FINAL VALUE selling fee @ ebay (upto 100 listings) (by Invite only)

£0.01 eBay18 Jan 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Opening post
18 Jan 17
This is an invitation-only offer direct from eBay to you, so we’ll need you to register
to join the promotion. Do this by clicking on the ‘Accept offer and sign in’ button
above to validate your account.
Top comments
18 Jan 17 4 #21
I can't imagine regular sellers will get this one, especially when we've just had a £1 maximum fee which most sellers seemed to get....... unless ebay want to find out how many people end their existing listings to relist using this one - as they would lose money by giving people both, I doubt it.
I usually get all the promos and didn't get this on any account, like lots of others on here, so I'd be interested to know how many of those who get it are listing stuff every week or even every month.
18 Jan 17 3 #16
COLD, by invitation only.
18 Jan 17 3 #4
Invitation only. Still, I managed 14 listings from the £1 max fee deal; £0.14p would've been a lot better than £14!
All comments (133)
18 Jan 17 1 #1
Great offer! Tried both accounts but not eligible :disappointed: heat though for those who can get it
18 Jan 17 #2
what! even better?
18 Jan 17 #3
Doesn't work for me :disappointed:
18 Jan 17 3 #4
Invitation only. Still, I managed 14 listings from the £1 max fee deal; £0.14p would've been a lot better than £14!
18 Jan 17 2 #5
18 Jan 17 1 #6
Any deals on paypal fees .
18 Jan 17 #7
Anybody got it?
KeithD to Apogee00
18 Jan 17 #8
Seems like I have. Thanks OP.
18 Jan 17 #9
Nope not me! :disappointed:
18 Jan 17 #10
Thanks for posting op! Didn't work for me but worth a try.
18 Jan 17 #11
ive got it on both my ebay accounts
18 Jan 17 #12
What dates applied for the promotion?
dossdes to plunet
18 Jan 17 #15
i got it the other day and it was 2 days from the point i registered
18 Jan 17 #13
Worked for me.. Thanks op :smiley:
18 Jan 17 #14
18 Jan 17 3 #16
COLD, by invitation only.
18 Jan 17 #17
Last one didn't work for me, but this one did - thanks!!
18 Jan 17 1 #18
" Unfortunately, this promotional offer is by invitation only." :disappointed:
18 Jan 17 #19
Great for those who can get it. Shame it doesnt work for my account, or my partners :disappointed:. Would have been great, as do have quite a few listings currently and still have loads more stuff to list.
18 Jan 17 2 #20
18 Jan 17 4 #21
I can't imagine regular sellers will get this one, especially when we've just had a £1 maximum fee which most sellers seemed to get....... unless ebay want to find out how many people end their existing listings to relist using this one - as they would lose money by giving people both, I doubt it.
I usually get all the promos and didn't get this on any account, like lots of others on here, so I'd be interested to know how many of those who get it are listing stuff every week or even every month.
18 Jan 17 #22
wow have 8 accounts and only got 3 invites , not sure how they allocated, but hope for this one too.
18 Jan 17 #23
No joy for me.
18 Jan 17 #24
yes get in! i didn't go for the £1 deal.
dark_shadow to ssc1
18 Jan 17 #27
Damnnn, I went for the £1 one. Oh well, I've sold 3 items so far, another 7 to go!
18 Jan 17 #25
not for me either
18 Jan 17 #26
Ahrrr, my account not eligible.
18 Jan 17 1 #28
Great offer but doubt may will get it, unlike the 'Sell for £1'.

Listed over £4k worth on the last offer.
18 Jan 17 #29
I just clicked the link and got it straight away, great stuff.
18 Jan 17 #30
maybe 'cos i had more under £10 items. :stuck_out_tongue:
18 Jan 17 1 #31
from email:

*Valid from 18 January 2017 until 19 January 2017. Maximum fee per sold listing. Applies on up to 100
listings. No insertion fees apply. Private sellers only. Terms & Conditions apply.

so is 18-19 jan to accept offer or to list the items?

link to full terms
18 Jan 17 #32
Don't think I'm eligible but brilliant for those who are.
18 Jan 17 2 #33
unfortunately I'm a hoarder and no one is making me sell anything
18 Jan 17 1 #34

Here's the link to check eligibility folks
18 Jan 17 #35
nothing for me :disappointed:
18 Jan 17 #36
crap.. "Unfortunately, this promotional offer is by invitation only."

voted hot for others...
18 Jan 17 #37
Or click on the 'eBay' pic or 'Get' :wink:
18 Jan 17 #38
I've got 2 accounts and it worked on both. Brilliant - thanks op.
18 Jan 17 #39
Unfortunately, you can no longer sign up for this promotional offer because it has expired.
18 Jan 17 #40
I never get these promos applied to my account. 115 feedback, 100% positive and they fk me every time.

Is there a particular criteria for getting these invites like being on their newsletters or something? I'm opted out of everything I can be.
18 Jan 17 #41
Not available for me but great offer. Hot from me!
18 Jan 17 #42
Sucks! I didn't get it! I'm normally eligible for all the offers that get posted in here so I guess I must have missed it :disappointed:
18 Jan 17 #43
Nothing on either account, but got the £1 offer on both so not surprised.
18 Jan 17 #44
Still 1p more expensive than Gumtree. Try again. 2 lives left.
18 Jan 17 #45
This is little no more than a reminder to check your eBay comms.. Cold.
18 Jan 17 #46
No flamedeer. Cold.
18 Jan 17 #47
Damn didn't get any of the promos :disappointed: (probably because I only had a few quid of final value fees from the 75% off 4 month promo at the end of last year)
18 Jan 17 #48
I got it :smile:
18 Jan 17 #49
Got it but only valid for me to list for 24hrs :-(
18 Jan 17 #50
8 accounts ????
18 Jan 17 #51
Tells me that the offer has expired.
18 Jan 17 #52
Your odds of getting the offer was very good!
18 Jan 17 2 #53
I got the £1 offer but not this one. I get the 25/50/75% off offers all the time but I wonder if anybody else has noticed that using these offers results in a very much lower of item views compared to regular listings paying the normal selling fees?

I've noticed for quite some time now that items I list using these offers usually don't get many views, and some items are not getting any views whatsoever. It's almost as if they're not appearing in search results, or are so far down the list that people have bought or bid on similar items before they ever get to my listed items. Has anybody else noticed this?

I wonder if the intention is to get people to list a whole load of items that they wouldn't normally try to sell, then ensure they get very few views and so they don't actually sell, then ebay rely on items either being auto-relisted once they finish, or sellers then thinking "well I've done all the hard work of taking and uploading pictures, describing the item and listing it, so may as well now just relist it", with both methods meaning they then suddenly get the normal level of views, they sell and ebay get 10% FVF and not the much smaller discounted fees?

As an example, I recently had something go up twice using the discounted FVF and it didn't get many views and didn't sell. I then decided to relist it just before xmas using the standard FVF of 10% and the number of views it got was much higher AND it did sell pretty quickly under BIN. Result: Ebay got FVF of almost £40, whereas if it had sold under the discounted FVF it would have been about £8 FVF.

Any thoughts?
18 Jan 17 #54
Unfortunately, you can no longer sign up for this promotional offer because it has expired.
18 Jan 17 #55
Hi there,I have been sent this offer valid for today and tomorrow. I am currently selling a few it's listed before I received the offer. All the bits are fixed price. Can I end the listings and relist them to get the 1p offer? I didn't have to pay and by insertion fees and fees and still won't need to. TIA
18 Jan 17 #56
Doesn't work for me
18 Jan 17 #57
Sign up, end then relist.
18 Jan 17 #58
Woo finally qualified for one! Now to find some tat to sell...
18 Jan 17 #59
In terms of the "•The promotion is valid for the first 100 listings only which go live during the promotion period" part of the T&Cs, does this relate to "ALL listings by any eligible user, or 100 per user?" - I don't know whether by the time I come to list whether or not I'll be one of the first 100?
18 Jan 17 #60
Worked for me cheers! I used to get email notifications about these offers but I don't anymore!
18 Jan 17 1 #61
A friend just texted me this.... :laughing:

"Good News: got the ebay 1p email, Bad News: my Ebay account is banned from selling, so how does that work?"
18 Jan 17 #62
It would be rude not to :wink:
18 Jan 17 #63
I share your suspicion. Tried selling a s7 a week or so ago. Got 450 views in a day.

Re listed when I noticed the £1 fvf deal. Same item struggled to get 20 views in same time period. ( listings were identical i.e. Both set to 3 days)
18 Jan 17 #64
Could be purely down to more S7 being on eBay when you took the offer (many wait for such offers to avoid the standard fees).
18 Jan 17 #65
might seem a completely stupid question but haven't sold on eBay for years due to their fees.
How would this work if I sold an item for £100?
Would I just be charged £0.01p + PayPal charge?
18 Jan 17 #66
thanks, annoying that they only give us a day tho :disappointed:
i accepted the £1 deal but i forgot to use it
18 Jan 17 #67
Didn't work for me. Super hot if this works for you :smiley:
18 Jan 17 1 #68
Awesome!!! the first of these bloody ebay offers that I can actually take part in. Finally the incentive I need to list my old junk for sale.
18 Jan 17 #69
I got it but I can't sell on eBay because I am below selling standards.
18 Jan 17 #70
get in i resurrected an old account before xmas made a few penny pruchases from china, to get a few feedbacks, just logged on and i got the penny FVF, now to find something to sell
only allowed 10 :0)
18 Jan 17 #71
I got this offer on an old account I don't use anymore but not on my active account
18 Jan 17 #72
not for me :disappointed:
18 Jan 17 #73
​Anyone know?
18 Jan 17 #74
​anyone know?
18 Jan 17 #75
Invitation only... Time to deactivate my eBay account
18 Jan 17 1 #76
Yes, providing you're eligible for the 1p offer.
18 Jan 17 #77
Received only on my ebay buying account :smiley:
18 Jan 17 #78
ACE got it on one of my accounts :smiley: .

Heat was/is added regardless :smiley: .
18 Jan 17 #79
To all the people that got this, do you generally sell a lot? Am trying to work out if there is a pattern or if completely random accounts. I don't ever get these eBay offers and have over 900 feedback, all 100% positive but only 50-100 are for items sold. I have loads that I need to sell but am waiting for an offer like this as eBay fees are extortionate.
18 Jan 17 #80
18 Jan 17 #81
18 Jan 17 #82
Great offer for those who got it.
18 Jan 17 #83
Not on my account but have some heat anyway!!
18 Jan 17 #84
I think people with Business accounts can't get this without an invitation. Please try to invite me: batista_hari
18 Jan 17 1 #85
Thanks had no email but link worked for me!!!
18 Jan 17 #86
Not for me
18 Jan 17 #87
Could you list an item today 'Buy it now' then list it for a month and add additional photos to the listing during that time period without losing the deal?

I have a few expensive items i'd like to list but not at home for a few days.
18 Jan 17 #88
it would be great if ebid got their act together, improved their website and had more sellers, ebay rip us off :smirk:
18 Jan 17 1 #89
HOT. Would not have known about it if it was not for this thread.
fresno bob
18 Jan 17 #90
I got it, but I am pretty damn handsome
18 Jan 17 1 #91
18 Jan 17 #92
Blimey, 1p Max? Had a 75% off and others last year but 1p is scorching!
18 Jan 17 #93
My husbsnds account that we only buy on has got the offer. My account that I always sell on hasn't. Hope that answers the question of how they have chosen. they're obviously trying to attract people who don't usually sell. :smirk:
18 Jan 17 1 #94
"Unfortunately you cannot sign up for this offer because it has expired."

Oh boccolks.
18 Jan 17 #95
Have it on my other account. HOT! Will list something.
Did somebody just marked it as expired? Deal expires tomorrow.
18 Jan 17 #96
Just signed up now on my 2nd ebay account, this needs unexpiring.
18 Jan 17 #97
Wow. Have some heat. Unfortunately, I do not qualify.
big b0y
18 Jan 17 1 #98
I hadn't sold on Ebay for ages and was shocked when they now take a percentage of your postage cost as part of the final fee. Disgusting!
18 Jan 17 1 #99
This was implemented ages ago to stop members listing items for say £0.99 and inflating postage to value of item, thus paying FVF on £0.99.

The account I sell regular on has had 50% off FVF twice this month and £1 FVF, the dormant secondary account got the 1p FVF.

I've tried forums, gumtree, etc and had not single sale of item. Only on ebay I've had quick sales.
18 Jan 17 #100
Expired for me ;/
18 Jan 17 #101
Not on my account :disappointed:
18 Jan 17 #102
Neither me or hubby are eligible. Bah humbug
18 Jan 17 #103
had been trying both offers throughout the day with rejections, gave it another go and got accepted, so keep trying if you get rejections.
18 Jan 17 #104
Just clicked through and says accepted so keep trying folks. Last promo with a pound final fee wouldn't work for me so just makes me wonder why it does now... Hot, hot, hot for me anyway :sunglasses:
18 Jan 17 #105
I hate how business sellers are never eligible for deals like this. It's not fair!!!
18 Jan 17 #106
doesn't work ;/
18 Jan 17 #107
im not business seller....unless 22 items in 10years qualitfies
but i didnt get this offer
18 Jan 17 #108
Thank you Sooooo much, was gutted I didn't get the £1 offer but I got this 1. No email but worked through link. I have the whole contents of my house to sell. This is going to save me ££££ I love you
18 Jan 17 #109
Just used mine
18 Jan 17 #110
Member since October 2002
1298 Feedback
Never got these extra special ones but I managed to get the £1 final value offer at least.
19 Jan 17 1 #111
​Yes just revise your listing later.
19 Jan 17 #112
I have 3500 feedback 100% and be using eBay for 16 years. I am not a business seller I didn't get offered this.

I do get 100 free listings a day though most of the time.
19 Jan 17 #113
got it, thanks
19 Jan 17 #114
Not on my account - thanks anyway!
19 Jan 17 #115
Unfortunately not on my account.
19 Jan 17 #116
cold not for everyone
19 Jan 17 1 #117
8 accounts. Wtf? :smile:
19 Jan 17 #118
I wonder if this person market tel uk shill bids

would be interesting to know if this person market tek shill bids;)
WONDER if he sells
19 Jan 17 #119
Market Tel? Come again?
19 Jan 17 #120
That's why you have to use Click bait names like adding "gone sexual" at the end, or another one is "you cant believe what happens next".
19 Jan 17 #121
When sellers are listing items for a £1 and charging £4 postage for something that costs a £1 to ship then of course eBay are gonna charge fees on postage,
Just price it in, for RM second signed (£50 cover) upto 2kg its £3.95, charge £4.50 and that covers eBay fees , some sellers are still raking in the profits on the postage though
19 Jan 17 1 #122
Didn't get it and ran out of time to use the £1 max fees offer :disappointed:
19 Jan 17 #123
Like SportsDirect who charge £4.99! Like they haven't got a huge bulk account probably paying less than £2 per package.

Ebay and Paypal fees are the problem. They take 13% as standard and all they do is host a website - and encourage fraudsters but do jack to help sellers who pay them a lot of money and pay very little tax in this country - being based in Luxembourg.

It's tax avoidance like Amazon, Google and Facebook not tax evasion. The difference is that Amazon actually provide actual items, storage, postage and exemplary customer service. Ebay provide none of that.

They have a complete monopoly seeing that they own Paypal. They make out that they are now independent companies but that is complete BS as if it is in their favour they can access all ebay messages. If it's not they pretend they can't.

I really wish they were investigated properly by Dispatches, Panorama and The Guardian but I guess it's a lot harder to join an internet only company instead of a packing centre or courier company like Hermes through an agency.

The company absolutely stinks but a lot of people are dependent on it!
19 Jan 17 #124
​I don't think eBay own PayPal anymore
19 Jan 17 #125
Not for me, I got the pound one other day, may be why
19 Jan 17 #126
they provide a marketplace and did it well, remember qxl, they didnt last long, others are now in on the game, ebay has to meet its revenue/sales targets, facebook are chomping on the bit of online selling.

these FVF offers are their to meet targets as they know its getting tougher.
19 Jan 17 #127
First time I've clicked through one of these offers and was told I wasn't invited... B*****ds! :laughing:
19 Jan 17 #128
I'm obviously in a minority as this has reached great heat, but I never really understand the point of deals such as this one which are invitation only, and where people who see it on HUKD cannot retrospectively get an invitation for this deal.

You've either been notified about the deal by ebay, and there is no need for a HUKD deal posting, or you're not eligible.
19 Jan 17 #129
Regarding the "low views" - I put up a listing using this offer - on there since 6pm last night for a high profile item (iPhone) - only had 34 views (and most of those are probably me!) - albeit I've had 4 bids, 7 watchers.
I created an auction style listing, but included a BIN price (I wanted BIN or best offer - but clearly didn't know what I was doing!) - however, I've been approached by buyers asking me to lower my BIN price and they'll buy it - but seemingly when I go into Revise Item that option is not available - can someone confirm this is the case please?

Thank you.
19 Jan 17 #130
Got it, now who should I send a van tyre with? Thought it best to check before actually listing!
19 Jan 17 1 #131
Not true - I wasn't notified by ebay, but noticed this here and when I clicked the link found out I was eligible.

Maybe because I've never sold anything before.
19 Jan 17 #132
You can't change your buy it now price now that you've had bids on the item in the auction- you'll have to let the auction run its course. Alternatively you could end the item and re-list as buy it now or make offer and change the price, but before you do that check whether you can still get the same offer on the fees- depends when it expires.
19 Jan 17 #133
Told me offer has expired!
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