Add 2nd socket and comes down to £10 promo adds automatically on checkout
1204F 2 FOR £10 LAP USB Promo Ends 05/03/2017
White, moulded switched socket with outboard rockers and USB charging ports. Features angled, in-line terminals and backed-out captive screws for easy installation. Ideal for charging iPads, iPhones, tablets, mobiles, cameras and more. Supplied with screw cover caps.
25mm Back Box Required
Ideal Retrofit
ASTA Approved
Top comments
29 Jan 173#2
just changed all the double sockets in the kids bedrooms for these. well made and free up sockets from all the chargers. been this price a while as I bought mine before Xmas at this price. still heat for bringing this to the masses
29 Jan 173#1
anyone else find that the USB part stops working after a while, I hav 2 that the USB no longer works.
All comments (62)
29 Jan 173#1
anyone else find that the USB part stops working after a while, I hav 2 that the USB no longer works.
nandunanu to Henlans
29 Jan 172#14
used these for a year and have worked fine.
ajdatasafe to Henlans
29 Jan 17#15
We have 2 of these fitted for over a year now, and both are still working OK
29 Jan 173#2
just changed all the double sockets in the kids bedrooms for these. well made and free up sockets from all the chargers. been this price a while as I bought mine before Xmas at this price. still heat for bringing this to the masses
crazylegs to Dkr1966
29 Jan 171#7
Hope you kept all the old sockets, these don't last long, the USB circuits normally fry within a couple of years constant use
ac12 to Dkr1966
30 Jan 17#52
Do I need Hi did you have to fit a back box or just straight replace?
29 Jan 171#3
Had these very ones from Screwfix for about 8 months, still working fine.
29 Jan 17#4
I think you need a 35mm back box. 25mm is a little tight and they don't always fit if wires fall wrong. I have 2 of these and 1 stops the phone touch screen working if I use while plugged in. It because of static I read? Charges ok though. I'm not a fan of these as I worry about the quality.
And the Aldi one's are definitely not 3.1 amp... not from that link anyway.
I've had one of these for about 9 months and I can echo what another poster has mentioned; the USB on one side has deteriorated. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't :disappointed:
I should probably take it back because it's still under warranty.
Can the quality of your charge cable effect charging/charge times?
Heat OP.
29 Jan 171#12
for a fiver I'll fit new ones then
29 Jan 17#13
The ones I saw instore this morning definitely had 3.1amp on the actual socket as that was the first thing I looked for. The brushed ones were labelled 2.1amp though.
29 Jan 17#16
is this still on ie 2 for £10 ?
rodman to rogercat
29 Jan 17#19
let me check
abzy7 to rogercat
29 Jan 171#20
Offer still available and its until 05/03/2017
29 Jan 172#17
Just ordered x2, it's worth a punt at this price
29 Jan 17#18
YES, most definitely...
30 Jan 171#21
cheapest I've seen these - hot.
30 Jan 17#22
offer on for a while & looks like loads of stock (my 2 branches have 20+ each) on 2 for £10
30 Jan 171#23
I posted a deal on these @ 2 for £15 Argos a few months back - this is better. Got slated by others that apparently they aren't as good as £20 each branded products!!!!! deals or review site?
30 Jan 17#24
3.1a though, so the better option
30 Jan 17#25
what output is the USB sockets?
30 Jan 171#26
2 for £10 the best I've seen plus reputable brand and looking at reviews on site over 500+ hardly anyone has given negative review mostly 5*, bought 18 sockets changing all my doubles to these, THANKS OP
Used Quidco as well Bargain!
30 Jan 17#27
If there isn't much room in the box in the wall you can get a shelf which also acts as a spacer. Added this to both of theses sockets and the shelf is really handy for putting your phone or tablet on whilst it is charging. Think they were 99p.
30 Jan 17#28
This is complete bunkum, I suspect one of those urban myths that sound plausible but have no substance. I've fitted lots of these LAP items (as an electrician) and have not had to replace any yet.
30 Jan 171#29
Thanks othen I've just gone to change all my double sockets for these and went by all the reviews on site
30 Jan 17#30
I'm not sure I'd bother changing all of them, unless you have 20 cell phones!
I normally fit LAP items from Screwfix, and these are a good price. You will need a fairly deep box to fit these items.
30 Jan 17#31
Does an electrician need to fit these?
othen to artimas
30 Jan 17#34
As long as it is a like for like change (no alteration to the circuit) then this is not notifiable work.
abzy7 to artimas
30 Jan 17#35
I've just changed 4 sockets and was straight swap for me
30 Jan 171#32
My experience of the USB ports on these are that they are crap. When they are working they output way less than a typical socket charger. Makes for a very slow charge.
30 Jan 17#33
I've picked mine up and fitted seems to charge pretty good 2 devices so success no more taking my charger downstairs
30 Jan 17#36 could just buy new ones if they go?
30 Jan 17#37
Are the 2.1amps shared.
mikeyp to Mandroid578
30 Jan 17#45
From product description: Combined USB output: 2.1A. 5V. Type A
This implies it's shared.
30 Jan 172#38
Remember these use electricity when NOT in use (it's a transformer)
30 Jan 17#39
Yes. Get a charging current monitoring app for your phone.
30 Jan 17#40
Thank you! Any you suggest?
30 Jan 171#41
Only thing with these is they don't support quick charge which most good modern phones now have. Ok for a slow charge overnight I suppose but I'd like to see some quick charge compatible ones come out
30 Jan 17#42
+1. Sound advice! As above, any recommendation? Android obviously :sunglasses:
30 Jan 171#43
Also, charge cables... eBay is a minefield! I guess I should be looking at branded ones like those that come with your phone in the first place :smirk:
asl3312 to slipd
30 Jan 17#50
Anker cables are pretty good and reasonably priced too. I've started buying the Amazon Basics ones too as they seem up to the job.
30 Jan 171#44
Ampere for Android! Just remembered... knew I'd installed it for a reason.
£5 per 2G socket. Keep dreaming about 3.1A in the meantime I bought 10 pcs.
Hot for me!
30 Jan 17#47
2.1 amp not 3.1
30 Jan 17#48
Just make sure that any switches are genuine CE approved as fake versions around with fake European kite-markings, porr insulation between 12v /240v circuits - so buy from UK reputable source .. also worth reading this article as well !
+ They really do need a 35mm deep box, to ensure there is (squashed) no wiring cross over.
30 Jan 17#49
See previous comment below
30 Jan 17#51
Yes Aldi definitely 3.1A. Bought 2 yesterday.
These LAP are great value though
asl3312 to kenco
30 Jan 17#56
Thanks for confirming I wasnt going crazy :smile:
30 Jan 171#53
straight replace, not really any bigger then a standard socket depth wise
30 Jan 171#54
I've just replaced some with these LAP sockets and its straight swap, got upstairs to do then am all set. People who worry about being 2.1A not 3.1A are you going to change it all the time something new comes up. Am happy with it and great for value.
asl3312 to TheLegend27
30 Jan 17#57
3.1A refers to the current output, not the new USB 3.1 Socket which I suspect you are thinking of.
30 Jan 17#55
Anybody else tried Quidco, if bought in bulk probably save couple more quid
30 Jan 17#58
I take it these aren't the ones that emit a blue glow from the usb socket? Bought some from B&Q a while back and despite no mention of it on the packaging I set them all up and come night time my house now looks like a blues nightclub
30 Jan 17#59
Picked up 2, fitted in 10 minutes and all good. The plug sockets are a little tight though. Can't knock it for £10
30 Jan 17#60
So would these provide a fast charge for the Samsung s6 or just normal charge speed?
12 Feb 17#61
Bought 4, fitted yesterday. All working fine ......until one just went pop this morning. Burning smell and no USB power. Going back to Screwfix..
Opening post
1204F 2 FOR £10 LAP USB Promo Ends 05/03/2017
White, moulded switched socket with outboard rockers and USB charging ports. Features angled, in-line terminals and backed-out captive screws for easy installation. Ideal for charging iPads, iPhones, tablets, mobiles, cameras and more. Supplied with screw cover caps.
25mm Back Box Required
Ideal Retrofit
ASTA Approved
Top comments
All comments (62)
Hi did you have to fit a back box or just straight replace?
I've had one of these for about 9 months and I can echo what another poster has mentioned; the USB on one side has deteriorated. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't :disappointed:
I should probably take it back because it's still under warranty.
Can the quality of your charge cable effect charging/charge times?
Heat OP.
Used Quidco as well Bargain!
I normally fit LAP items from Screwfix, and these are a good price. You will need a fairly deep box to fit these items.
This implies it's shared.
And I think GSam allows you to monitor your stats as well:
Hot for me!
+ They really do need a 35mm deep box, to ensure there is (squashed) no wiring cross over.
These LAP are great value though