G4 Halogen bulb, 5 pack. typical use is for small light fittings, under cupboards lights, cooker hoods etc
Also see the post for the 10W version, for £0.45
23kWh/1000h. C rated. 2000 hours average rated life.
•Warm White
•Wattage: 20W
•Cap Fitting: G4
•Equivalent Wattage: 29W
•Low Voltage
6 Jan 171#1
Great price if you like to waste energy. :wink:
Bikertov to damadgeruk
6 Jan 17#2
The equivalent light output LED bulb would be about £3-5 each, so weigh up the difference between the electricity savings and initial cost where these are 10p each.
MrHot to damadgeruk
6 Jan 17#6
And they blow fast enough.
6 Jan 17#3
LED pay back time is often long, no different here.
Not something I generally consider as I dislike tungsten light.
6 Jan 17#4
I got some led G4 and lights from Screwfix only recently - they flicker loads. Will be returning. I have the same problem with these and the g9.
Can anyone recommend some decent led g9 & g4's
6 Jan 17#5
G4 are 12v, did you change the transformer to an led driver? G9 are mains voltage though leds often flicker if dimmed (even when using a specific led dimmer).
6 Jan 17#7
Sorry, should have been more clear.
I've two sets of lights. One that take g9 and the other takes G4's. Struggling finding decent quality leds for these.
Opening post
Also see the post for the 10W version, for £0.45
23kWh/1000h. C rated. 2000 hours average rated life.
•Warm White
•Wattage: 20W
•Cap Fitting: G4
•Equivalent Wattage: 29W
•Low Voltage
Not something I generally consider as I dislike tungsten light.
Can anyone recommend some decent led g9 & g4's
I've two sets of lights. One that take g9 and the other takes G4's. Struggling finding decent quality leds for these.
though they're not dimmable (and LEDs need specific dimmers.
G4's are in wall lights off the mains, no driver.