I don't have Prime and I already have something better. Around 370£ in UK
Latest comments (18)
16 Jan 171#17
if you are waiting for a 1080ti to push prices DOWN, you are not paying attention to the market
MikefromWinchester to Jediben
6 Mar 17#18
Lol - got a 1070 for £300 after selling For Honor code...
All Nvidia 1080 and 1070 prices officially dropped.
Paying attention yet? :smiley:
Lulz - expert Commentator FTW....
16 Jan 17#16
Manufactured in China doesn't mean sold in Yuan. I would bet these are traded in USD. Same applies anyway, GBP down makes stuff expensive.
16 Jan 17#15
got it, thanks, it's a great deal, was in the market for an ITX 1070 GPU for a small form gaming pc, the cheapest I found in the UK was £380.
16 Jan 17#14
It's EXPIRED! damn - nearly bought, but Gigabyte only honour UK Warranty for three years - although you would of got 2 years from Amazon.fr
Still I agree with 1080ti and Vega sentiment though - I think prices will reshuffle once they are released. I....must....wait..... :smiley:
16 Jan 17#13
I'm not sure that you understand the graph. The daily variations don't matter (ups and downs) as that does not impact catalogue prices/contracts etc, only the long-term trend matters, which is very definitely DOWN. It looks even worse for GBP vs USD, but most imported electronics are from China, hence me posting Yuan stats.
16 Jan 17#12
see what your saying but currency is volatile atm, its up and down more times than a **** knickers.it was creeping back up, imo its worth a risk holding fire for few months for sake of a few extra quid.
16 Jan 17#11
I'm thinking the same, going to see how Kaby Lake compares to the new AMD range of CPU's too. I do need a card for my "Insomnia festival" small rig, but I think I will wait. It's got a 770 in it, and I will only really next need it in April. If you're after a small card, this is a Hot deal. There isn't a reason to vote cold on this.
16 Jan 172#10
I wouldn't bother. The GBP has lost 15-20% of its value against foreign currencies since the Brexit vote, and it is going to slide further (unless you want to gamble on the unlikely situation that Brexit is going to get cancelled!). Furthermore, with silly shopping season over, and stocks on shelves needing to be replenished with new stock from overseas, retailers are no longer holding off those rising costs and are passing them onto consumers.
e.g. from 9.8 Yuan/GBP pre Brexit vote to 8.3 Yuan/GBP today.
16 Jan 17#9
tbh im playing the waiting game, the 1080ti and amd vega are nearly here and myself am holding fire till i see some facts. the 1070 mini is a dam good card and thats a good price. atm nvidia cards are the ones to have,if your space is limited i would go for the 1070 mini all day long. unless you want to play the waiting game
16 Jan 17#8
I paid £299 for a G1 Gaming 1070 from Amazon.fr warehouse as an open box. The deal was posted on here, but I am still voting this hot.
16 Jan 17#7
What cards can we get for similar price? I have a smaller rig, and would look at paying around £350 for a single fan card. I'm not being pedantic, I actually want to know the answer to the question so quoted you. Cheers.
16 Jan 17#6
Good price. Reviews say it has quite bad noise coil under load though
16 Jan 172#5
What far superior card can we get for £335?
16 Jan 17#3
Its cold because far superior cards keep coming up in deals from £20 - 45 more and they have been over the last two weeks, plus further drops are expected. Also this is from Amazon France, what happens if you're not happy with it when it arrives (a non fault), who do you return it too, Amazon.co.uk or Amazon.fr and have to pay the postage?
Also, what does the Gigabyte warranty say about buying new from an address from outside the UK?
welsh_andy to ukez
16 Jan 171#4
iirc gigabyte dont have worldwide warranty,but im sure eu law says the your warranty is with shop you bought item from for 2 yrs, though may have changed. so your contract would be with amazon france not amazon uk. so it comes down to how amazon want to deal with it
Opening post
Latest comments (18)
All Nvidia 1080 and 1070 prices officially dropped.
Paying attention yet? :smiley:
Lulz - expert Commentator FTW....
Still I agree with 1080ti and Vega sentiment though - I think prices will reshuffle once they are released. I....must....wait..... :smiley:
e.g. from 9.8 Yuan/GBP pre Brexit vote to 8.3 Yuan/GBP today.
Also, what does the Gigabyte warranty say about buying new from an address from outside the UK?