The Works have got a code for a week for FREE delivery on any order amount - it's really good as it is usually just free click and collect to store or free delivery over £20 so makes for some really good bargains. The code is WINTERFD and is valid from now until 11.59pm 5/2 so you have a week to take advantage of it! Unfortunately it will NOT WORK WITH CASHBACK SITES but with free home delivery on any amount you can't have it all!
With Valentines day coming up, I have picked out some really lovely thougtful gifts that should get you some extra brownie points and will cost you less than a coffee in Starbucks! If you aren't looking for Valentines day, the January sale is still on with some fab bargains on things like popcorn makers, nutri twists and Christmas stuff and also the 10 kids books for £10 is amazing value as well and includes story books and learning books so something for every age range.
I have added links below to sale, Valentines and 10 for £10. More Valentines suggestions, pictures and links in comments <3
Bought 52 children books, just need to get a child.
30 Jan 173#14
Or use code "GIVEME10" for 10% off, and then do click and collect in store which is free. You will then get 20% discount on anything you purchase in store when colelcting your order.
May be long winded, but depending how much you are ordering it may be beneficial to go to your local store, see what they have in, then order online what they dont have in store. When collecting your order, buy the other stuff you want and get 20% off.
Just an idea.
All comments (65)
30 Jan 171#1
Love heart Squashies 160g bag - has the messages written on them just like the traditional ones £1 HERE
Patchwork giftwrap, gift tag and card set - wrap your presents up nicely and write something smoochy on the card £1 HERE
Haribo Chamallows heart shaped marshmallows - great for sharing or dipping in melted chocolate £1 HERE
His and hers heart bath ducks one blue one pink - £2 HERE
30 Jan 17#2
Heart college photo frame - print some pictures off and put them in the frame - don't just give the empty frame you will get extra brownie points! :wink:£4 HERE
Heart Shaped wooden tray - great for breakfast in bed £4 HERE
Swizzles love heart tube 108g - tube filled with mini individually wrapped packs of love hearts £1.50 HERE
Wooden box with carved out floral lid - full marks reviews really pretty and only £1.50 HERE
Make your own heart keyrings - pack of two - £1 HERE
30 Jan 175#3
Another valentines gift - a £1 backscratcher, what more could you ask for
Wow!! A lot of effort put in this post! Heat from me op :smiley:
mysmugcat to loveszebargains
1 Feb 17#57
i agree ty original op.
30 Jan 17#5
awesome thanks <3
30 Jan 171#6
A male back scratcher :laughing:
30 Jan 1718#7
This is ideal :laughing:
Justbobbingalong to deb8z
30 Jan 171#21
This is brilliant! I know someone who could do with this, lol.
Shann2208 to deb8z
4 Feb 17#60
Where is this from?
30 Jan 17#8
Great stuff thanks :smiley:
30 Jan 171#9
ordered thanks x
YoYoo to jacksmum21
30 Jan 17#10
sorry, accidentally pressed like :smiley:
30 Jan 17#11
thank you have some Heat <3 ordered heart box for my wedding drop box hearts
30 Jan 17#12
Thanks OP.
30 Jan 17#13
Thanks Ribena. Such a thoughtful post.
30 Jan 173#14
Or use code "GIVEME10" for 10% off, and then do click and collect in store which is free. You will then get 20% discount on anything you purchase in store when colelcting your order.
May be long winded, but depending how much you are ordering it may be beneficial to go to your local store, see what they have in, then order online what they dont have in store. When collecting your order, buy the other stuff you want and get 20% off.
Just an idea.
30 Jan 17#15
Thanks <3
30 Jan 172#16
Thanks for the free delivery code.
However all that stuff is tat.
deb8z to superpanda
30 Jan 171#18
Aside from the sweets :laughing: unless you're about 18 I'd avoid too .
30 Jan 171#17
It's always nice to see posts like this so thanks for taking the time! I've bought a few little bits for my valentine :smiley:
30 Jan 172#19
Hey, wait! I've got a new complaint.
MCGONIS to PlantBuilt
30 Jan 17#23
What is it?
30 Jan 17#20
What a great deal, thank you.
30 Jan 17#22
Thank you emribena for sharing free delivery code. I used it to purchase a picnic blanket which was shown on the thread linked to the Argos one which was out of stock at all my local branches.
30 Jan 17#24
You shouldn't have asked :laughing:
30 Jan 171#25
Good deal, voted hot, won't be ordering though, the wife might think I like her !
30 Jan 172#26
MVC20 gives you 20% discount! makes them even cheaper!!
Toonah to claudette23
30 Jan 17#27
Oops.... I liked this, but it didn't quite work for me. If I want £4 of things... with delivery it's £6.99 and it's taking off 20p only. Not sure if it's doing better for other things, but only 5% off the items (not incl delivery) for me.
From the site "MVC20 - 5% Off"
30 Jan 17#28
Thanks just ordered a black globe - now where to put it?
30 Jan 171#29
Thank you ordered a couple of things - heart marshmallows and Pokémon erasers as valentine gifts for my 7 year old - he will be a very happy little boy (bless :laughing: heat from me
30 Jan 171#30
Similar items in 'the works' at similar prices if you prefer to pop to a shop. good find though :smiley:
30 Jan 171#31
Great deal. Thankyou.
30 Jan 171#32
yeah i think it only works for click and collect. sorry
30 Jan 171#33
Thank you - just got 7 little boxes and a pack of tissue paper. I'm a photographer and it's perfect to present my client's USB sticks in!
30 Jan 171#34
30 Jan 171#35
Heart shaped box, quality song!
30 Jan 17#36
Nice one heated☺
mariacast to mike777
31 Jan 17#51
30 Jan 17#37
good to know. thanks :smiley:
30 Jan 17#38
This would look good in Tony Hadley's house. 'Eart shaped tat' ;-)
Bought 52 children books, just need to get a child.
30 Jan 171#43
Thanks, got a few bits. Going to fill the box with some polaroid style prints!
31 Jan 171#44
one of the best posts I have seen, very helpful as have never heard of the company and now placed an order, thanks
deb8z to clair74
31 Jan 171#50
You've never heard of them,wow I'm surprised.
31 Jan 171#45
Why am i shopping when i have no-one to give it to :disappointed:
31 Jan 17#46
Is one able to get 10% student discount and loyalty card points too?
31 Jan 17#47
got some storage boxes for a fiver and free delivery, heat from me
31 Jan 17#48
Great find op, ordered loadsa stuff. Heat added
31 Jan 17#49
nice find got the other half some nice things...brownie points for me
31 Jan 17#52
thanks, I went straight for the box ........ and a copy of owen jones "The Establishment: And how they get away with it"
9.99 delivered cheers OP!
1 Feb 17#53
Thanks OP. Bought 210 boxes for just over £157 using the code play25 for 25% off.
ozkerrizo to king132
1 Feb 17#54
1 Feb 171#55
Haha. No need to look so bemused. we intend to give them out to guests at our wedding...decorate them and fill them up with ferrero rocher and other little sweet's and stuff.
1 Feb 17#56
Risky what if they use this site! :stuck_out_tongue:
1 Feb 17#58
TopCashback is doing a 4 day offer of 21% cash back at the moment, I would say worth doing that than using the code for free delivery? Is click and collect not free anyway?
3 Feb 17#59
Thank you! Just ordered the 10 kids books for £10 and a few other bits and pieces with free delivery, my kids are going to love the kisses in a can noise maker just as much as they love their minions fart gun!! heat!
4 Feb 17#61
Thanks OP, got a couple of storage box things and some gifts, for £13 delivered. :sunglasses:
5 Feb 17#62
The Works.
8 Feb 17#63
code play25 still works on some items for 25% off
8 Feb 17#64
Just received my heart box. What a waste of money!
Opening post
With Valentines day coming up, I have picked out some really lovely thougtful gifts that should get you some extra brownie points and will cost you less than a coffee in Starbucks! If you aren't looking for Valentines day, the January sale is still on with some fab bargains on things like popcorn makers, nutri twists and Christmas stuff and also the 10 kids books for £10 is amazing value as well and includes story books and learning books so something for every age range.
I have added links below to sale, Valentines and 10 for £10. More Valentines suggestions, pictures and links in comments <3
Wooden heart box - great reviews add to it by putting some love hearts or your last rolo in! £1
Heart shaped 15cm slate message board with hessian hanger - leave messages for each other on it such as "I love you" or "Do the dishes" £1.50
Battery powered 15 LED heart light (Needs 2 x AA batteries but will last ages as they are LED) £6
LOVE chocolate bar - 35g bar with love written in white chocolate and a red and pink heart £1
Hessian mini drawstring gift bag with printed red heart on the front - ideal for giving jewellery in 75p
Top comments
May be long winded, but depending how much you are ordering it may be beneficial to go to your local store, see what they have in, then order online what they dont have in store. When collecting your order, buy the other stuff you want and get 20% off.
Just an idea.
All comments (65)
Cute teddybear plush keyring £1
Patchwork giftwrap, gift tag and card set - wrap your presents up nicely and write something smoochy on the card £1
Haribo Chamallows heart shaped marshmallows - great for sharing or dipping in melted chocolate £1
His and hers heart bath ducks one blue one pink - £2
Heart Shaped wooden tray - great for breakfast in bed £4
Swizzles love heart tube 108g - tube filled with mini individually wrapped packs of love hearts £1.50
Wooden box with carved out floral lid - full marks reviews really pretty and only £1.50
Make your own heart keyrings - pack of two - £1
May be long winded, but depending how much you are ordering it may be beneficial to go to your local store, see what they have in, then order online what they dont have in store. When collecting your order, buy the other stuff you want and get 20% off.
Just an idea.
However all that stuff is tat.
From the site "MVC20 - 5% Off"
Your text here
9.99 delivered cheers OP!