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£1.00 eBay max final value fees on 100 listings - 15th to 16th Jan
5+++ stars +1k

£1.00 eBay max final value fees on 100 listings - 15th to 16th Jan

£1 eBay15 Jan 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Other
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Opening post
15 Jan 17
Showing on my eBay account.

Sell for £1 final value fees on items listed between the 15th to 16 Jan.

Good if you want to want to sell some higher value items.

Not everyone will have this offer but hopefully will benefit some.

p.s. found the offer by clicking on My eBay - selling - and then scrolling to the bottom of the page to opt in to the offer
Top comments
15 Jan 17 6 #1
15 Jan 17 6 #66
Thanks chichi, time to pack up and sell, sell, sell :laughing:
15 Jan 17 4 #24
Nnnnnnnice thank you chanchi, heat added :smiley:
15 Jan 17 4 #8
Damn just sold a few today :disappointed:

Thanks OP :smiley:
All comments (234)
15 Jan 17 6 #1
15 Jan 17 #2
nothing here, yet.....
15 Jan 17 1 #3
Logged in ebay and was there now :smiley:
15 Jan 17 1 #4
Weird says first 5 listings at the t&c:
Create up to 5 listing(s) on in an eligible category, starting during the promotion period, using the auction-style or fixed price format, and pay a maximum of £1 on its final value fees if the item sells. The promotion is valid for the first 5 listings which go live during the promotion period.

Before your listing starts, you need to have actively opted in to the promotion via the RSVP link shown in the marketing communication.

You won’t pay an insertion fee for these 5 listings.
15 Jan 17 1 #5
Mine says up to 100 listings. Thanks op!
15 Jan 17 1 #6
Yep, on my ebay too
15 Jan 17 1 #7
​Says upto 100 listings on mine.
15 Jan 17 4 #8
Damn just sold a few today :disappointed:

Thanks OP :smiley:
15 Jan 17 1 #9
Thanx. about time. have 2tb ssd to sell.. :smile:
gazdoubleu to Bigspin
15 Jan 17 #39
​how much?
15 Jan 17 1 #10
Unfortunately, you can no longer sign up for this promotional offer because it has expired.
Chanchi32 to KiNG
15 Jan 17 1 #12
It won't be on everyones account, but judging by the comments above some people have it.
15 Jan 17 1 #11
Got it. Thanks.
15 Jan 17 1 #13
Got it! Nothing to sell though...
Chanchi32 to escortboy
15 Jan 17 3 #17
same here :smiley:
15 Jan 17 1 #14
TY op
Perfect timing,
Just about to list a new Samsung tab A6 10.1" 4g - so I reckon that'll save me about £20 at least!
15 Jan 17 3 #15
Awesome. Just ended my 15 items early and relisted them straight away. Thanks OP.
I've had this £1 max in November, then the half price fees in December then this again in January... eBay is almost worth using again these days :smiley:
15 Jan 17 3 #16
Thanks op. Wouldn't have known if it wasn't for your post.
15 Jan 17 1 #18
Showing on my account - Thanks Chanchi :innocent:
15 Jan 17 1 #19
Showing on mine! Thanks.
15 Jan 17 2 #20
Cheers Chanchster!

Time to relist all that stuff that the buyers on ebay didn't pay for!
15 Jan 17 2 #21
Been waiting for this, hot!!
Does anybody know if the auction has to end within this time limit or just be listed?
KyleGM to CoJackin
15 Jan 17 3 #22
​Just has to be listed, so set for 10 days to get the most views on your item! Thanks OP was waiting for this, got a lot to sell :smile:
15 Jan 17 1 #23
Fantastic :smiley:
15 Jan 17 4 #24
Nnnnnnnice thank you chanchi, heat added :smiley:
15 Jan 17 3 #25
on all my accounts. :smiley:

Time to do some fake listings to reserve for future use.
15 Jan 17 #26
dam it, literally just put something on yesterday.
Can i take my items down and put them back up for this offer?
15 Jan 17 2 #27
Yes, just end the listing and relist.
15 Jan 17 #28
I tried it says this is an invitation only offer. :disappointed:
15 Jan 17 3 #29

Just checked and it was there, no email yet.
Been waiting for this :smile:
15 Jan 17 1 #30
yep worked! thanks
15 Jan 17 2 #31
Or do buy it now listings, they last for up to 30 days on a single listing and you can often get a better price for items with them too.
15 Jan 17 1 #32
Are you sure a relisting qualifies for the promotion?
After a careful read of the T&Cs, I'm not so sure:

Do ebay differentiate between an automatic relisting (one created without any interaction from the user), and a relisting initiated by the user through the automation wizard?

I manually recreated my listing just to be on the safe side, and so it has no connection to the previous listing.
15 Jan 17 1 #33
Relisting, with the promotion, is fine.

Try it and check if you've used the offer.
Will tell you how many times it's been applied.
15 Jan 17 1 #34
Thank you. Perfect timing.
15 Jan 17 2 #35
Yes it matters whether it's automatic or not. If you click on Relist an item, it counts as a manual relist. At the bottom of your Selling page you will see all the offers on your account and all the listing ids on which each offer has been applied.
15 Jan 17 2 #36
Thanks I was waiting for this
15 Jan 17 2 #37
​i think youd get a much better price doing a 7 day auction that finishes next sunday than a 10 day that finishes mid week. Or if its a buy it now youve got 30 days
15 Jan 17 1 #38
Got it thanks
15 Jan 17 1 #40
Thank you op :smiley:
15 Jan 17 1 #41
Thanks OP
15 Jan 17 #42
​only used around 5hrs. Can send SMART Info. ebay listed for £400 but negotiable. BTW mx300 2tb.
15 Jan 17 1 #43
Just received the email.
15 Jan 17 #44
Anyone understand the "detailed seller ratings" part of the T&Cs?
15 Jan 17 #45
Dont you have to leave it up for a minimum of 24 hours before you end and relist?
15 Jan 17 #46
Cheers OP link worked for me! Gunna save me at least £50-100
15 Jan 17 #47
try check account page/emails a bit later , ebay system is not very good. I always see the offer on hotuk first then hours later on my emails and account page
15 Jan 17 1 #48
15 Jan 17 1 #49
great thanks :smile:
15 Jan 17 #50
I sell a lot on ebay and hate it when i make like £300 then a few hours later i get these, they seem to be planned, or is it bad luck?
15 Jan 17 1 #51
Thanks offer accepted
15 Jan 17 1 #52
eBay do not email the offers every time/everyone so you can go to

My eBay - summery - if offer is available then it will show at bottom of the page.

* sometimes they show charges if you select all and RELIST all , in that case you can relist item individually by clicking relist button next to the ended listing.
15 Jan 17 2 #53
Delist, realist, anything over a tenner
15 Jan 17 1 #54
Chanchi, u saved me a lot of money once again #TOPMAN :sunglasses:
15 Jan 17 1 #55
Saved myself £400 the last time this was on!! Thanks OP
15 Jan 17 #56
Great thanks worked for me
15 Jan 17 1 #57
This is smoking hot in my opinion nice one :smile:
15 Jan 17 #58
Cant wait to sell my nintendo switch pre order for £1k and pay £1 fee ^_^
15 Jan 17 1 #59
Yay. Glad I never took the 25% now
15 Jan 17 1 #60
scam bay getting desperate
15 Jan 17 #61
I'm selling my two modded PSPs for 2k, it's nice up here on our fluffy clouds in Cuckoo Land isn't it?
15 Jan 17 #62
eBay never ever gave me offers like these, if you click the links then you should get accepted.
15 Jan 17 1 #63
Works for me. Thanks op.
15 Jan 17 #64
Offer not available for me. :disappointed:
Could've done with it as I have my iPhone 7 I want to sell
15 Jan 17 1 #65
yes!!!! been waiting for whole month for this
15 Jan 17 6 #66
Thanks chichi, time to pack up and sell, sell, sell :laughing:
15 Jan 17 1 #67
excellent thanks.
been waiting for an offer
15 Jan 17 #68
I did ​and sold a laptop for £570 and eBay took a giant chunk. wish I waited now.
15 Jan 17 1 #69
Thanks OP, about to sell some kids furniture, so great timing.
15 Jan 17 1 #70
Perfect! Got about £500 worth to sell so this will be a very nice saving!
Sid Harper
15 Jan 17 1 #71
Where's cookie monster?
15 Jan 17 #72
Does it affect your seller performance (or what ever eBay calls it) if you end items early then relist??
15 Jan 17 1 #73
Is it that you can only list the item on 15th to 16th and does not matter when you actually sell the item, will still only be charged £1 max final value fee? Or is only items that sell on 15th and 16th that are applicate for the £1 max final value fee?
15 Jan 17 1 #74
Many thanks, a great saving!
15 Jan 17 #75
Is it possible to buy an account with this offer? I'd rather give some money to a person than eBay :smiley: (feedback does not really matter).
I have not received an invitation yet. Do you think I might receive it later?
15 Jan 17 2 #76
Got the email too. If I was more.
organised I would have a bag of stuff ready to flog for when these offers come round :smiley:
15 Jan 17 #77
Unfortunately, you can no longer sign up for this promotional offer because it has expired
15 Jan 17 #78
Also would like to know the answer to this
15 Jan 17 #79
So does that hold the fee to use it later?
15 Jan 17 #80
If you post the items today, you will receive the offer for the listed time (i.e 30 days) on your items.
15 Jan 17 #81
If you read ebay seller forums or do a google search about buying/selling an account, you'll find it's a very good way to get banned when they find out - not only you, but often they ban anyone using the same internet like a home router.
In other words every member of your family could have their ebay account blocked, and it has happened to some people.
15 Jan 17 1 #82
I miss out on so many of these offers, is really frustrating as you tend to get so little notice with the email and not long to do them. They are often at the end of school holidays too, its when the kids go back to school that you get a chance to do these things.
15 Jan 17 #83
​auction needs to start b4 midnight tomorrow. best is a 7 day auction starting teatime today as youll get a good finishing price. or if its a buy it now youve got 30 days
15 Jan 17 #84
​At least you get the emails! I'm yet to get an invite to discounts from ebay in a few years of being with them. None of these links ever work for me either.
15 Jan 17 #85
Have you sold any of the relisted items? thought of doing it myself with items listed now end and relist but was dubious if would still count under the promotion as terms says automatically relisted items are invalid.
15 Jan 17 #86
Don't you have to pay if you end listings early and there are bids on the items? I've got two items for sale, ending tonight, but if I have to pay anyway then there's not much point cancelling to relist.
15 Jan 17 #87
Meh, you still get hit by the Paypal fees.
15 Jan 17 #88
Thanks for letting me know.
15 Jan 17 1 #89
Oh yes, I was waiting for this moment!
15 Jan 17 1 #90
ive never had a single one of these emails, its only when they get shown on here that i can get the offer
15 Jan 17 1 #91
Thanks Chanchi.

Useful fee calculator to see if it's worth it -

For example, just looked at selling a tablet for an example price of £40 and £4 postage, no extra listing costs for stuff like valuation fee would normally be £4.40 :confused:
15 Jan 17 #92
i did this last time and people said i was crazy to list a broken iphone for £500 hahaha..
and one asked me why i listed an arlo figurine for £50?

never thought people have time to private message me to tell/asked me that
15 Jan 17 #93
90th comment oh yeah
15 Jan 17 2 #94
looks like a few could do with a calculator ^^
15 Jan 17 3 #95
Heat added
15 Jan 17 #96
Thanks for this! Question: I've just listed a computer buy it now with length set at 'Good til cancelled'. Will this qualify for the £1 final value fees?
15 Jan 17 #97
Interested in hearing how you do this please? Every time I try to 'reserve' a auction I get emails from ebay saying - no duplicate listing or auction with nothing for sale!? thanx
15 Jan 17 1 #98
15 Jan 17 #99
Where in ebay can i check all my items that are listed under the £1 max value fee?
15 Jan 17 #100
'automatice relisted' items are not items taken down and then relisted. They are the items that when they naturally end the automatically relist themselves. There is a tick box (or was) on the end of the page allowing you to add this function - it used to be free but now they charge a insertion fee for it (not tried it now that all days seem to be a free list day).
15 Jan 17 1 #101
List something for 30 days in the same category that you think you will sell in for a very high price so no one will buy it. Then when you have something to sell, just amend the listing.
15 Jan 17 #102
'Selling Manager Summery' page will show the promotion and how many listed under that promotion (bottom right).

If you mean actuall items - show active listing, and order by start day.
15 Jan 17 #103
as long as its listed today/tomorrow and opted into the offer you can run the auction for the time you want e.g. 7 days and pay £1 final fees
15 Jan 17 #104
Dont you find that you have to vary your catagory/picture/price a lot so you dont get trapped by the 'not selling anything' ebay rule?/duplicate listing rule?' I tried using the word 'template' in the title to keep people clear (I have a sight ££ selling limit so high prices mean I can only list a few items). Thanx for replying!
15 Jan 17 #105
Just missed out :-(
" Unfortunately, you can no longer sign up for this promotional offer because it has expired"
15 Jan 17 1 #106
This will be my last post on this because I have to go shopping for food for the kids.

I just for example put in the title "Mens Nike Air Trainers" and set price to £100. For the description, I have "details to follow." then set the listing to 30 days. That's all I do.
15 Jan 17 2 #107
I'm pretty sure it does and have even heard they can charge a fee for ending a listing early, though that may be only auction style listings with bids. Personally, I don't recommend taking the chance and never end listings early, even if I get one of these offers, which I was fortunate enough to this time.

There are ways around the issue such as increasing the price of the original listing (to make it unattractive) and then creating a similar listing (with the promotion) at the price you actually want to sell at, though you would have to edit the text slightly in the new listing to avoid it being flagged as a duplicate listing.

Heated btw, about as good as eBay offers get for high value stuff....
15 Jan 17 1 #108
Just accepted in my email.. great as I need to sell my iPad Pro
15 Jan 17 #109
Sell now on Gumtree for free, far far better and no more inflated fees.
15 Jan 17 #110
​why don't I get emails I got one.
15 Jan 17 2 #111
Your account was never included. If it was you'd have been able to take the offer anytime during the qualifying period.
15 Jan 17 #112
Always someone posts this in a eBay thread. the old saying you get what you pay for springs to mind. Gumtree may be free but is basically just the online equivalent of a car boot sale, no (or very limited) delivery option on items, so you can only buy items nearby that you can pick up and if you don't have transportation you can't buy anything. No standard for buyer protection/guarantee so if you have any problems down the line you are out of luck, or at best entirely reliant on the seller's goodwill.

And of course the big one, far less people to see the items you sell and far less chance of getting a sale because you are only selling to people within the nearest xx miles who can pick up....
15 Jan 17 1 #113
Perfect timing.... just listed a vintage garrard 301 turntable which would have cost an arm and leg in sellers fees without this. Have some heat and thanks for the heads up
15 Jan 17 #114
Completely against eBay rules and likely to flag your account for review.
15 Jan 17 #115

15 Jan 17 #116
You need a calculator to work out 10%? :confused:

Don't forget to account for PayPal fees also.
15 Jan 17 #117
That's the message you get if you were not eligible - as per OP not everyone will have the offer
15 Jan 17 #118
Oh I see, is there any kind of requirement then?
15 Jan 17 #119
No idea how eBay target the offers, assume if you have sold a lot in the past you may not get it.
15 Jan 17 #120
No, this won't qualify. Needs to be a fixed length.
15 Jan 17 #121
I got it. Loads to sell.
15 Jan 17 #122
I'm currently away and dont have my items with me to take pics or write a full description. Would I be able to list an item with title description only and then make changes in few days time when im back. Would the offer still stand if I make any changes to the original listing ?
15 Jan 17 #123
I just signed up about two minutes ago x
15 Jan 17 1 #124
Not on mine ... again sticking to fingers up to their loyal customers.
15 Jan 17 #125
Pretty sure it would so long as you dont do anything to make the listing ineligible e.g. change quantity to more than one.

The only thing is you must have at least 1 image to list though this can just be a placeholder e.g. you could just borrow an image from another retailer like amazon, though id only do that for new items rather than used...
15 Jan 17 #126
Yes! Waited months for this, have a lot of stuff I've been meaning to sell!
15 Jan 17 #127
Nope, I have

"Pay only when you sell this month
No insertion fees on up to 100 listings per day. For auction or fixed price listings"

Valid for the 2 days lol.

Cheers eBay, you can stick your 10%
15 Jan 17 #128
I'd been resisting selling from any offers since the last one of these they did! Got the email at 2am. Time to sell some tech!
15 Jan 17 #129
not on mine either, listed 10 items on friday
15 Jan 17 #130
Not on mine either - I just get the error message "Unfortunately, you can no longer sign up for this promotional offer because it has expired."

I had a arcade machine that I wanted list as well :disappointed:
15 Jan 17 #131
Sold two phones for £300+ last week on looking round the house for thins to flog - heat added though
15 Jan 17 #132
Haven't sold anything for over five years - have something I want to sell now and not getting the offer :disappointed:
15 Jan 17 #133
Thank you, been waiting to sell my gopro 4!
15 Jan 17 #134
Was in my messages great thanks
15 Jan 17 #135
Unfortunately, this promotional offer is by invitation only.

Thanks anyway, heat added.
15 Jan 17 #136
Not on mine but fab deal! :smiley:
15 Jan 17 #137
Who is eligible? registered private sellers who have been invited to participate and have actively opted in to the promotion via the RSVP link shown in the marketing communication. Participation is linked to the seller’s account and is not transferable. Sellers must be registered as a resident in the UK.
15 Jan 17 #138
Last place I would be selling an expensive item like a 2TB SSD is Ebay - it is almost an invitation to scammers that.:confused:
15 Jan 17 1 #139
Thanks OP i've been waiting for this for almost two months, i thought the next promo would be 50% off or 75% off at best but £1 FVF? im gonna make good use of this :smile:

Heat added
15 Jan 17 #140
I have both a private account and a seller account on Ebay. The private account get's bombarded with these offers and the business acount you only get 20 free listings every 2 or 3 months. Ebay must be the only business that treats it's regular customers like absolute dirt ... but they don't care as they have had in effect a monopoly for too long.
15 Jan 17 #141
It's not worth selling on eBay. Why do they charge you final value on postage?
15 Jan 17 #142
Yes if you sell something at £40 then be prepared to lose £10 or £11 of that on fees and P+P.
15 Jan 17 1 #143
I got it too. Thanks. Adding heat OP! :sunglasses:
15 Jan 17 #144
I'd be a little wary of doing anything outside the spirit of the promotion.

"Any attempt to manipulate the promotion will lead to automatic exclusion from participation."

I'm not saying you would get banned, but they do keep a seller history and it might invalidate you from future promos.

Relisting items should work, but if you want to be sure, then I would use sell similar instead (it gets you higher up the search rankings anyway).
15 Jan 17 #145
Ebay fees on £40 are £4 buyer pays postage so max £5.
15 Jan 17 1 #146
Cheers chompchilla. Ended and relisted, might save myself a fiver :stuck_out_tongue:

Voted tepid, ta.
15 Jan 17 #147
I would rather see an 'immunity from fraudulent buyers' offer! In fairness I guess it's good if it affects you but I imagine it's private sellers only (couple of years back eBay made people decide if they were private or business - go private and get hammered with 10% fees and go business and be discounted but tax liable, we chose the latter).

Most recently we had a buyer who bought a phone, said it was broken then opened a return and to generate a tracking number sent me a postcard from Poland by registered post! By sheer luck it arrived after the case timed out.
15 Jan 17 #148
Awesome, got a hundred things to sell!!... all for less than a tenner ;-)
15 Jan 17 #149
is anyone getting any sizeable views on their listings?

ive had a iphone up for a couple of hours and only at 7 views. with the spike in insertions are the listings stuck in a validation queue perhaps?
15 Jan 17 #150
To errr make a profit? Yes, they are too high normally, but the service doesn't get provided for free.
15 Jan 17 #151
Would you have not won the case by showing the weight was just paper ?
15 Jan 17 #152
Just cancel them then relist each item manually via your unsold items.
15 Jan 17 1 #153
Because people were listing items for £1 with £50 postage to avoid fees. Blame them not eBay.
15 Jan 17 #154
I've got a iPhone which is ending this evening, when I sell this will it be counted in this fab offer.
15 Jan 17 #155
if it doesnt sell and i relist automatically with the listing options does it still count for the £1 FVF?
15 Jan 17 #156
15 Jan 17 #157
Thanks Deb8z,
15 Jan 17 #158
End the auction, relist.
15 Jan 17 #159
This is what puts me off selling on e bay anymore, you also have to pay a PayPal fee as well.
Shame I don't have this offer as I may ( just may) of considered selling a few items
15 Jan 17 #160
I'm listing about £2k worth of stuff later :smile:
15 Jan 17 #161
Any idea why I never qualify for any of these promos? Use eBay quite a bit..
15 Jan 17 #162
right so if i list something, does the item need to end by 11.59pm on the 16th Jan?
does the payment also need to have been made by the buyer by that time or....?

i have a few items i could do with listing
15 Jan 17 #163
Finally can chuck in my 750gb SSD in there and actually get something out of it, without getting done over with fees. <3
15 Jan 17 1 #164
just needs to be listed today/tomorrow, the actual auction can be for the time period that you want e.g. 7 days and you will pay the £1 final value fee.
15 Jan 17 1 #165
I've been enjoying Facebook selling quite a lot, it's more hit and miss and everyone wants a bargain but it's very easy and it's a pleasant sociable experience, and without the torture of filling in an eBay listing
15 Jan 17 2 #166
Had an offer on an item today. Cancelled the auction, re listed it, had offer resubmitted, accepted. £29 saved on ebay fees. Winner.
15 Jan 17 1 #167
thanks huge help
15 Jan 17 #168
i do like it same with gumtree as get cash so easier & no fees BUT as you say everyone wants a bargain.
i've listed stuff and had people offer me like 35-40% of the advertised price. it's a bit ridiculous
15 Jan 17 #169
if something doesn't sell do we still keep the offer if we relist then? i can't be bothered to look through the T&Cs :stuck_out_tongue:
15 Jan 17 #170
Yes you're quite right but I think that's because there's a smaller population, the people that offer the small amounts, don't really want the item, is a bit like fishing, someone at the right time needs to see your item. Also it works both ways you can get things really cheaply. if you are selling something second hand,, who really needs the extra £15-£25, for your TV or whatever, your children won't starve. And how much time does it take of yours to do an eBay listing I'm talking about all the work, listing, monitoring, answering questions, boxing up, ranging pickup or standing in line at parcel offices or drop off points and then there's the risk you're going to get screwed over by the buyer. For me gumtree is no good because you don't want strangers knocking on your door, at least with Facebook there some semblance of knowing who the person is, not guaranteed of course.
15 Jan 17 #171
Expired for me unfortunately :-(
15 Jan 17 1 #172
Cool, now I can reduce my fixed price auctions by 9% heat!
15 Jan 17 #173
I'll start selling when eBay give me a quid bonus for everything I sell.

No scrap that, make it a £10 bonus.
15 Jan 17 #174
Unless someone here works for ebay? Why would they?
15 Jan 17 #175
Do you think this will apply to items I can list as "good until cancelled " which is over 30 days option.
15 Jan 17 #176
So how do ebay make money?
15 Jan 17 #177
No, because eBay just see a tracking number and that its been delivered. They wouldn't demand a receipt from the buyer. As I said, luckily it arrived late so we won the case on a timeout default and we didn't need to engage eBay's unhelpful offshore call centre.
15 Jan 17 #178

Are you a business seller or a high value private seller? As that's probably why. If you already do high volumes or value then they don't need to incentivise you.
15 Jan 17 #179
You would have got your money back in the end but agree very unhelpful call centre just like paypal and would have been a right pain.
15 Jan 17 #180
it was offered to my dad and he has only ever sold on eBay recently. He had his first two listings within the last month (one had already sold)
15 Jan 17 2 #181
We sell a lot and last time I had this **** pulled I wrote to eBay's head office by recorded post very politely informing them of the entire thing and that they had 7 days to refund us or we would proceed with legal action. It was immensely stressful and worsened by the fact that the POS who did it left negative feedback and actually appeared to believe his cover story (he said we shipped him a house brick, we sent courier security in and everything, even showed that a house brick weighed 1.6kg vs 2 iPhones with boxes weighing 900g but they didn't care til the letter landed). You want to have faith in humanity and treat everyone as equals then this happens.
15 Jan 17 #182
Does anyone know if this offer is for individual accounts only or for business accounts too?
15 Jan 17 #183
15 Jan 17 #184
Will defo use
15 Jan 17 #185
Question: If i list an item for auction and it ends it 3 days (after the promotion) does that mean I miss out of the £1 fee thing?

15 Jan 17 1 #186
brilliant cheers OP. had just listed £400 worth of stuff. Ended them and re-listed using the offer. saved me £££s
15 Jan 17 #187
i done it before but i go with list similar not relist just in case.
you can also check if item was listed under promo
15 Jan 17 1 #188
​You can list anything up until tomorrow night and you'll pay £1 no matter when the auction ends.
15 Jan 17 #189
I ended and relisted two items, but they are not showing under the promotion count. One sold already and my ebay fees is a full 10%. Better to create a new listing instead of simply relisting an ended listing.
15 Jan 17 #190
Tells me by invitation only. Can someone invite please?
15 Jan 17 #191
That someone would need to be eBay :smile:
15 Jan 17 #192
The issue was something else. Only single item listings qualify for the promotion.
15 Jan 17 #193
Thanks op, just listed a few items
15 Jan 17 #194
Thanks for this, but do you know if quantity matters?

I mean if you have a listing for something with 10 units available (but no different listings within the same page), would this promotion work for that item, or do you have to list the same item 10 times under different list?
15 Jan 17 #195
me too :-(
15 Jan 17 #196
Will that be the case for everything? How do you know if it's counted or not
15 Jan 17 #197
Ignore seen your update
15 Jan 17 1 #198
Taken from the T&C: "Only single quantity listings are eligible". If you have 10 items available in a single listing, you'll have to list them separately. After listing, check in your selling page, towards the bottom of the page you'll see the count of listings under this offer to make sure.
15 Jan 17 #199
Quick question and apologies if this has already been asked but..can i list items now to whilst this offer is active and update the listings afterwards with proper pictures? Im not nearby to take pictures of the items just yet.
15 Jan 17 #200
​Lol why not set for 30 days :man:
15 Jan 17 #201
'Only sellers whose accounts meet eBay’s minimum seller performance standards are eligible. Please sign in to My eBay and view your Seller Dashboard to verify whether your account is currently meeting the standards. The Seller dashboard is available to all sellers. The detailed rating section is available to sellers who've received 5 or more detailed seller ratings (DSRs). Find out more about eBay’s seller performance standards'.
15 Jan 17 1 #202
If everything sells I'll save over £400 :laughing:
15 Jan 17 #203
last time i registered for this i didn't get it. just normal final fees.
I have above standard performance and 100% seller rating.
ebay is very over complicated and dodgy at times.
15 Jan 17 #204
I'm getting this error message:
"Unfortunately, this promotional offer is by invitation only. "

Can anyone confirm if it works with Business Accounts or just private seller accounts?

I have a eBay Business Account and my current seller rating is: eBay Top-rated Seller
15 Jan 17 #205
Private seller only, there not much benefit in being a business seller these days
15 Jan 17 #206
Probably the best ever deal I've seen on HUKD, inasmuch it will actually make me money without having to spend money. I've already listed a couple of high value items today and I will get a couple more on tomorrow.

Thanks OP.
15 Jan 17 #207
"Unfortunately, this promotional offer is by invitation only.", and I'm a private seller.
16 Jan 17 1 #208
Account specific, cold.
16 Jan 17 #209
I'd also like to know this.
16 Jan 17 2 #210
Good deal, got an Samsung s7 that I've had no luck on gumtree with so I've listed it up.
16 Jan 17 #211
I have both private (just signed up to this offer) and business. 
On business I regularly get this offer, 'up to 50,000 listings NO listing fee!'
No benefit, eh? :stuck_out_tongue:

Mind you, I have never managed to list 50,000 items ever, or anywhere remotely near it!
16 Jan 17 #212
I did tell people to be patient when the other 2 deals were posted this month :smiley:. Ebay always do this. Try to get you to sell with 25% off then P you off with a £1 offer (until you learn :wink:)
16 Jan 17 #213
Time to sell my psvr :disappointed:
16 Jan 17 #214
I just tried to get this deal but came up that it's invites only
16 Jan 17 #215
Says its timed out for me :disappointed:

Has it expired?
16 Jan 17 #216
No, has to be auction or fixed price up to 30 days
16 Jan 17 #217
Thank you
16 Jan 17 #218
They have you, like me already in their grip so don't look after us.
16 Jan 17 #219
ANOTHER QUERY so thanks in advance, guys!

I qualify for the offer, and have 14 pairs of new trainers to sell, in 3 sizes, all the same 'model'.
Is there a foolproof way to list these within the terms of the offer, since 'duplicate' listings are excluded?

It had occurred to me that I could list each one separately by including a different additional item with each one.
ie 'Adidas trainers size 10 - plus Transformers DVD'
Would this work, or would there be a better option for me?

Thanks so much for your help, January's a tight month!!
16 Jan 17 #220
Either eBay are spying on the HUKD comments or you are related to Mystic Meg
16 Jan 17 2 #221
yeah I've got a similar problem, got 3 identical HDDs to sell but looking at the rules of this promo(single quantity listings), and ebay rules in general(no duplicate listings for identical items), seems to be no way to fulfill the condition of this £1 fvf promo?

anybody managed to sell multiple identical items during these £1 fvf promos?
16 Jan 17 #222
I need to seperate my items into 4 posts...i think its the only way
17 Jan 17 #223
Where does it say that? I listed a few and they counted on the active offer section as used.
17 Jan 17 #224
I listed a couple items at the very last minute last night at 11:58pm for a 7 day auction. However, I don't want my listings to end at this time since most people probably won't get a chance to bid at this time, so is there any way for me to change the ending time of the auctions now whilst still benefitting from £1 fvf?
17 Jan 17 #225
​What about if you alter the title of the listing?
17 Jan 17 #226
If I revise the item listing after this offer has ended does it still count as part of the offer? The original listing was made during the promo period
17 Jan 17 1 #227
I saved £90 from this today :smile:
17 Jan 17 #228
Yes it does still count as part of the promo.
19 Jan 17 #229
I never got time to list my laptop :disappointed:
I was eligible tho, really annoying
20 Jan 17 #230
I have a few different items listed; but a couple I have duplicates of, so hoping that 'second chance' offers on these will still qualify for the £1 final value fee!
20 Jan 17 #231
If I change category and update listing I created under this offer will I still only be charged £1 in fees? Just found something I want to list now as is always the way.
20 Jan 17 #232
Last time I found changing something in the shipping (I made a mistake) I was charged full price.
20 Jan 17 #233
So likely any edits after the offer has ended will result in being charged full fees if it sells then?
20 Jan 17 #234
I believe so from my experience. I would recommend reading the T&C on promo fees if you find it.
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