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Ebay 50% off final fees
5+ stars +720

Ebay 50% off final fees

50% off eBay29 Jan 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Other
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Opening post
28 Jan 17
50% off your Final Value Fee on 100 eligible auctions or fixed price listings.
Starts tonight at 12am until 11.59pm 31/01/17.

Check your emails just received mine.
Top comments
mtuk1 to nicsantorini15
28 Jan 17 21 #2
With nothing like the visibility of eBay.
29 Jan 17 15 #8

Just sold a graphics card this week on ebay...
29 Jan 17 4 #26
You have to sign up to their promotional emails. Unfortunately you receive about three a day but it's the only way I've found to be eligible for these kinds of offers.
All comments (153)
28 Jan 17 2 #1
sphock it instead. its free and so much easier
mtuk1 to nicsantorini15
28 Jan 17 21 #2
With nothing like the visibility of eBay.
kos1c to nicsantorini15
29 Jan 17 #15
​Sphock has its hit and misses.

People set up deals and decide they don't want the item and then just ignore you.

Silly offers on your items which they expect to pay £4 for a £30 weighted jacket and want it to have free recorded delivery.

I'm more of a buyer on sphock.
aydenthelion to nicsantorini15
29 Jan 17 1 #30
Too many time wasters on shpock
28 Jan 17 1 #3
Haven't received anything yet I think I might hold out till least 75% off
Gollywood to JellybearXo
28 Jan 17 1 #4
​Like you have a choice in the matter :smile:
29 Jan 17 1 #5
Just received mine. thanks
29 Jan 17 1 #6
Got mine as well. Thanks!
29 Jan 17 1 #7
Thanks OP. Activated. Heat added :smiley:
29 Jan 17 15 #8

Just sold a graphics card this week on ebay...
29 Jan 17 #9
Whenever I get the a xx% off fvf offer I also tend to get £1 fvf a few days later.
mtuk1 to AJ92
29 Jan 17 #13
Really? They've only had 1 £1 final value fee offer in the last 6 months so I doubt that's true.
29 Jan 17 #10
Is there a direct link to the offer?
29 Jan 17 #12
These offers happen around every 3 weeks so next time if the sale is not urgent, hold on for a few days
29 Jan 17 2 #14
Unfortunately, this promotional offer is by invitation only.
29 Jan 17 1 #16
I just don't get it I never seem to be elegeble for any of these offers... It is because I don't sell enough? I maybe be do a few items every few months or so...
29 Jan 17 3 #17
Not true. There's been at least 3
Stevie Badman
29 Jan 17 #18
cold - no email
29 Jan 17 #19
The painful truth. It is with their monopoly that they can get away with their usually abhorrent fees. Removing the £40 cap was the last straw for me, I used to use it a lot and now it is my absolute last port of call, both to buy and sell. Hopefully one day a worthy competitor will show it's face. Come on Google...
29 Jan 17 1 #20
Exorbitant fees, eBay fees, pay pal fees and 10% fee on postage, you end up paying £5 for £25 sale, ridiculous.
Robot_Rooster to LyesLyes18
29 Jan 17 #40
​£3.35 in fees
29 Jan 17 #21
I think the £1 FVF weekends are roughly every 3 months.
29 Jan 17 1 #22
Thanks OP, I got one. Although I had to end & relist all my items, it will be worth it!
29 Jan 17 #23
Just watch it because last time I opted in I never got my reduction.. They charged full price
woldranger to nadhaw
29 Jan 17 #24
​What did they say when you complained and quoted their discount?
benjammin316 to nadhaw
29 Jan 17 #25
Hope you didn't pay full price and sorted it out with eBay...

Unless something was amiss your end
29 Jan 17 4 #26
You have to sign up to their promotional emails. Unfortunately you receive about three a day but it's the only way I've found to be eligible for these kinds of offers.
29 Jan 17 #27
yeh, I'm fed up of all the fees associated with eBay.....if I sell an item the I want all the money generated to be ALL MINE!!!! :wink: Sold an item on here recently and the sale went really well.......have been thinking about spock, but am I willing to go where no man has gone before..... :wink: ......not keen on strangers coming to my gaff......
29 Jan 17 1 #28
Nice one OP! Was waiting for something like this...

29 Jan 17 1 #29
I realise it was tongue in cheek but what you say is exactly the problem. People want all the money when they sell something, it's natural, I do as well, but it isn't realistic at all if you want all the extras that goes with something like eBay. I have only ever briefly considered the alternatives and then sadly dismissed them, While I don't like paying fees anymore than anyone else, you need all the reach you can get when selling,especially in the quiet months after Christmas and these free sites all run a hugely trust based system where as you say you really are inviting total strangers to your home (or arranging meeting points, which isn't exactly convenient)...

You need a really big player like Amazon (I think they kind of do this already, but not on the same as eBay and the other Amazon sellers are always competing against Amazons own listings) or Google to set up but I think if they were interested they would have started to by now....
29 Jan 17 #31
I only sell on eBay with £1 final fee or the £3 tech one they did was good too. Due to PayPal fees and now charges on postage I sold a phone for £400 and got £15 plus the one pound. Think that's bad enough never mind 5-10% of the item. I have found that gumtree and other sites are full of time wasters though!
29 Jan 17 #32
Unfortunately, this promotional offer is by invitation only.
29 Jan 17 #33
Do scheduled items count in this, I have about 80 due to go on tonight and I've accepted the offer.
knack to fctilidie
29 Jan 17 #34
I think so. But you should check the Ts&Cs to be sure.
29 Jan 17 2 #35
Be sure to check the terms as I got stung by listing multiple quantities as that wasn't part of the terms... Quick complaint on live chat on eBay and it was refunded.
29 Jan 17 1 #36
Thank you x
29 Jan 17 #37
Never got the email... Any way to trigger this for your account?
29 Jan 17 #38
Where do I sign up for the emails? Can't seem to find it anywhere. I'm sick of not being eligible for these offers.
29 Jan 17 #39
try to sell and item and on the first page if its listed at the bottom of the page simply click "get offer".
29 Jan 17 2 #41
Instructions from the desktop site are from the "My Ebay" page
Click "Account" tab next to activity & messages
From the list on the left click "Communication preferences"
Scroll right down to the bottom and there you will find "Promotions and surveys"
Click show
29 Jan 17 #42
without any offers you will lose 20% of the sale with postage . its pretty bad haha
29 Jan 17 #43
check you seller dashboard on how you are rated as a seller
29 Jan 17 #44
No you won't, it is 10%.
29 Jan 17 #45
if i sell something for £200 , without offers its £20 ebay fee + 3.4 + 20p paypal fee (£7.00) and then postage of a tenner! to me its 20%.
29 Jan 17 #46
All of my Current BIN auctions end midday on the 31st...This could work out for once! Relist frenzy
29 Jan 17 1 #47
Thanks for the tip! Its the second tick box from here I believe.

At least next time I'll receive the offer.
29 Jan 17 #48
This is actually better than the £1 deal for items being sold for £20 or less.
29 Jan 17 #49
Unfortunately, this promotional offer is by invitation only
I never seem to have any offers at have quite a bit listed at the mo
I hate eBay
29 Jan 17 #50
goddamn it, why do they never do promotions like this for Business sellers
29 Jan 17 #51
I got a special offer just over a week ago to say I will get 5% back as a gift voucher to 3rd Feb. I've accrued over £6 already. I didn't bother posting as it must be a very limited offer.
29 Jan 17 #52
You were very lucky I'm surprised they did that. I've had quite a few listing promos over the years and it's worth noting every single one I have seen has specified no multiple quantity listings. You can always just relist as things sell or else create similar listings with slightly different wording in the title (this seems to be the only part they bother checking for duplicates)....
29 Jan 17 1 #53
Thanks. Heat.
29 Jan 17 1 #54
ebay, you get better prices, shpock full of people want things for nothing and sell on.
29 Jan 17 #55
Received mine too this morning and accepted
29 Jan 17 1 #56
Will also hold out for £1 FVF.
29 Jan 17 1 #57
29 Jan 17 #58
yeah you could be right. Just looking through my history and I had it on the 30/10/2016 and the 15/1/2017. Looking at the 50% offer I had that on the 4/12/16 and 29/1/17
29 Jan 17 2 #59
Are you sure? If you go into eBay > Selling > All Selling and scroll down to Promotional offers just check to see if it's there. I sometimes don't get the emails but it's in my selling account.
29 Jan 17 #60
I didn't get one
29 Jan 17 #61
No email from eBay for me for some reason
29 Jan 17 #62
As a big user of eBay once again I am left out of these promos. Nothing for those that are loyal.
29 Jan 17 #63
​Not just me then? Do you think Ebay are trying to scam us? All other things happen automatically without a hitch, especially money going in their direction! More investigation required I feel :man:
29 Jan 17 1 #64
I completely agree. I used to sell (and buy) a lot on Ebay - perhaps over 200 items a year. When they changed the fee model to percentage, then introduced the FVF for postage, then increased the fee to 10% or whatever it is now, it just didn't make any sense to bother with it.

If I need to sell something now I usually just use a reseller. Case in point - my last iPhone 5. Could've sold on eBay for £140-150 but instead I just sold it to Mazuma for £120. No hassle. No fees. No annoying buyers that waste your time and muck you about.

EBay's loss not mine. They won't be around for ever I'm sure of it
29 Jan 17 #65
So you lost money then. Gotcha.
29 Jan 17 #66
He avoided the hassle and time spent on eBay trying to sell his item. Think of it this way, what if the buyer had raised a dispute (it does happen, and for the silliest of reasons), eBay would always side with the buyer and item would be returned refunded, you would lose your postage, item could potentially come back in worse condition (eBay don't want to know about it) and you've wasted all that time throughout the selling process. Is that worth the £20 difference?
29 Jan 17 #67
eBay are doing these offers cos they don't pay Tax
29 Jan 17 #68
I've sold over 500 items on Ebay, with 100% feedback and zero issues. It's about being smart and knowing how to protect yourself and your goods from scammers. Take pictures of all serial numbers and make sure they're visible on listings. Only send recorded delivery to Paypal verified addresses. Only sell to buyers with 100% feedback and ask for their telephone number before sending the item (say it's for the courier, which many ask for anyway). If you suspect they are fraudulent in any way, then cancel the sale.

These are simple steps that all sellers should do across any online sales platform. And yes, it's worth £20 extra profit for 10 minutes of your time, maximum.
29 Jan 17 #69
What was the £40 cap??
And when was it removed??
Interested to know
29 Jan 17 #70
Would be great if Google came out with something to compete. To be fair they treat both buyers and sellers with distain at times.
29 Jan 17 #71
you don't need the email to activate the offer

thanks OP - no email & I got the offer fine
29 Jan 17 #72
if you cancel any sale the buyer will still be free to leave you negative feedback

there's no way to stop people buying your items if they have less than 100% feedback
29 Jan 17 #73
you don't need the email pal
29 Jan 17 #74
this offer is better for any item you sell under £20
29 Jan 17 #75
Can anyone predict the next date for £1 or 75% off FVF ?
29 Jan 17 #76
Can anyone predict the next date for £1 or 75% off FVF ?
29 Jan 17 #77
Yep, probably someone that works for eBay :smirk: Though if the chat advisers are to be believed even they don't know and it's fully automated so if that is the case only the big computer at eBay HQ knows....
29 Jan 17 #78
Fantastic thank you!
29 Jan 17 1 #79
You've completely missed my point. eBay and PayPal fees would have made my total profit roughly £5 more than selling on mazuma. And by using Mazuma I saved

A) dealing with potential problem buyers who either don't pay or are generally slow to deal with
B ) a trip to the post office and £7 in postage
C) having to faff around with listing the item and replying to questions that are invariably already answered in the listing.

In terms of eBay experience, I've got 2000+ feedback at 100%. Haven't sold anything on there for a long time though and certainly won't brother any time soon
29 Jan 17 #80
True but I plan on selling my 980ti among other high value items when the £1FVF comes around.
29 Jan 17 #81
Furthermore, if you've got to take so many steps to protect yourself as a seller that surely reinforces my point about dealing with problematic a-hole buyer?
29 Jan 17 #82
why do I never get these offers -_-
29 Jan 17 #83
you just want me to say no cars allowed :smiley:
29 Jan 17 1 #84
EBay has a big audience and you have a degree of protection if things go wrong....I have tried other websites to get rid of stuff (come across some oddballs) but always go back to EBay as items nearly always sell.
Touch wood had no issues with scammers yet (600+ feedback) so all in all I am happy to use them even though it comes at a cost...but like I have said its the size of EBay's market that appeals to me.
29 Jan 17 #85
Ebay is pretty good for buyers , which hasa been the majority of my dealings on it for 10+ years .
Decided to sell some excellent items just before Christmas and the charges add up ; I was aware
of them before listings by the way . Using Gumtree and preloved for sales , not too bad so far .
29 Jan 17 1 #86
Thanks, heat added. :smiley:
29 Jan 17 #87
It's a graphics card, or am I missing something?
29 Jan 17 #88
says it's expired for me?
29 Jan 17 #89
If you are on the desktop version go to My eBay > Selling > All Selling and scroll down right to the bottom to Promotional offers, you will be able to activate from there if it is available on your account.
29 Jan 17 #90
Really? Evidence of that is?
29 Jan 17 1 #91
29 Jan 17 #92
​Ha ha your joking right?People want everything for nothing and no buyer or seller protection.Never managed to sell anything on there.
29 Jan 17 #93
Quick question as had existing items listed i had offer this morning so ended several more expensive ones and relisted but does anyone know if relisting still applies with the offer or is doing it as sell similar a better option? i went with relist as i had watchers on a couple of items and then it alerts them of it again,
29 Jan 17 #94
Never received an offer / email in years despite buying & selling high value items ;-(
29 Jan 17 #95
Such a great example, wish I had done the same.

I tried to sell my old iPhone 4 last year and the buyer received it and realised that it wouldn't update to the latest version of iOS (which I had specifically warned about in the listing) so I begrudgingly accepted it as a return knowing that eBay would refund the buyer anyway. The return was on absolute pain of "must be in exact same condition" and of course when I got it back, it wasn't. The cretin had somehow managed to put a bloody great scratch on screen. eBay refunded him anyway...
29 Jan 17 #96
Just end the item and relist. Offer applies. You can check before posting by editing the item (before relist) and it will show which offer it is using. At least it showed when I relisted using the £1 FVF couple of weeks back.
29 Jan 17 1 #97
19th May 2017 @ 11.37am
29 Jan 17 #98
Ha ha, sphock . . . A glorified up itself gumtree.
29 Jan 17 #99
Because eBay have no loyalty to customers who are loyal to them. If they see you buying AND or selling lots they know they have you hooked to milk you instead of incentivise you to do more. Loyalty should go both ways but they are an arrogant company with unchallenged market share sadly.
29 Jan 17 #100
I had two items I was bidding on ended early and resisted tonight ... wonder why? :smiley:
29 Jan 17 1 #101
They don't need to incentivise you unfortunately. They know you use them.
29 Jan 17 1 #102
facebook marketplace... ebay is good but as a seller their fees are uncompetitive and insulting. They will need to revise their charges in the next few years as the competition heats up and people choose other mediums.
29 Jan 17 1 #103
I feel your pain and I hate the fees too. I hope a competitor emerges some day. But I just sold a Nexus 5X on eBay for circa £160. I've just gone to Mazuma and they're offering £80. eBay is a necessary evil.

And I never get these offers either. I've just enabled the promotional emails so will see how it goes.
29 Jan 17 #104
Had a few active auctions up which i've since cancelled and scheduled to start at 1AM tomorrow morning, will that work for getting 50% off?
29 Jan 17 #105
​ except for collectable items....
29 Jan 17 #106
It's not true that if you buy and sell a lot you don't get these , I get them all as far as I can tell and sell a lot, though I don't buy much. I'd shifted to Facebook group selling at one point but it's a bit of a pot luck to actually sell anything. Ebays global shipping thing has been brilliant , had some crazy prices using this. I'll take ebay fees any day over random a coming around my property and haggling.

Any competitor will have same problem - you cannot handle massive amounts of users buying and selling and searching , and dealing with their problems, for free. I guarantee you at some point Facebook is going to charge for marketplace.
29 Jan 17 #107
Hot deal never seems to come around when I'm selling stuff lol
29 Jan 17 #108
I never get these ebay offers that come along on here. Stupid ebay.
29 Jan 17 #109
Every time I hit get deal I get taken to the eBay home page and there is nothing on there regarding it. Any ideas on how I actually get this deal or is it a bump
29 Jan 17 #110
You can no longer sign up for this offer as it has expired, or words to that effect.
29 Jan 17 #111
​There's a link on post 11
29 Jan 17 #112
Can anyone more experienced than me offer some advice? I'm looking to offload an xbox360 with 30+ games, same for a sega dreamcast and a number of very old cds/dvds/pc games. Is it worth attempting to flog these in one lot on ebay or CEX or something else? Any price points to decide yay or neh? Like if a game will go for a fiver, it's best sticking on ebay? I haven't sold much in the past and doing a clearout
29 Jan 17 #113
Excellent. That means another £1 fvf is upcoming :smiley:
29 Jan 17 #114
How much do you spend a month in eBay fees a month if you don't sharing? Would help understand if my theory wrong. Thx
29 Jan 17 #115
The offer a couple of weeks ago, 1p final sale fees, was the same for me. As in I had to use a link from here to get to it, was never contacted about it, didn't show up on my homepage deals, but clicked the link from here and accepted it and it looks to have gone through OK.
Auction finished a couple of days ago and my ebay invoice is showing 1p, so looks like a really good deal.
Point of the post is keep looking on here and click to go to it directly, rather than relying on ebay to send it to you.
29 Jan 17 1 #116
invitation only, fkthat
29 Jan 17 #117
our avin a laugh all the jokers on there are wasters, they try and make silly offers and then never turn up to buy the item, I have given up with that waste of space site!
29 Jan 17 1 #118
Best to do an advanced search on eBay for sold listings and enter the name of each game as some of the rarer ones can fetch a decent amount, especially Dreamcast games, which are getting collectable, most 360 games are still too new to accrue any real value. I would sell any valuable ones separate and perhaps bundle some of the less valuable ones with the system to boost it's value a bit and make it more attractive to buyers.
29 Jan 17 #119
I've just clicked the link provided earlier by a member but it says it's expired unfortunately. It may depend who you are. Thanks for posting anyway.
29 Jan 17 #120
Invitation only :disappointed:
29 Jan 17 #121
I have a £1 FVF offer on one of my accounts at the moment until 3/2 and had one another account a few weeks ago.
29 Jan 17 #122
Shpock is actually pretty good in my experience - nice, polite people (unlike eBay) who are trusting enough not to even check a £65 item. Only ever had one person confirm they were buying and then say they wouldn't be around for two weeks (and then left neg feedback when I relisted!). Other than that, no issues at all.
29 Jan 17 #123
What grates me more, is the Paypal fee........I think the Paypal fee should come out of the fee that eBay take.....Mind you, Paypal have been great with an issue I had / have with Creative on a pair of Creative headphones I bought.......word of warning, DO NOT BUT DIRECTLY FROM CREATIVE LABS!! have been warned! :wink:
30 Jan 17 #124
Unfortunately, you can no longer sign up for this promotional offer because it has expired.
30 Jan 17 2 #125
what's the point, when the buyer doesn't pay.. and you can't leave negative feedback
30 Jan 17 #126
If you are on the desktop version go to My eBay > Selling > All Selling and scroll down right to the bottom to Promotional offers, you will be able to activate from there if it is available on your account.
30 Jan 17 #127
got message

Unfortunately, this promotional offer is by invitation only.

30 Jan 17 #128
If you are on the desktop version go to My eBay > Selling > All Selling and scroll down right to the bottom to Promotional offers, you will be able to activate from there if it is available on your account.
30 Jan 17 #129
nonsense,, seem to be every other month since start of last year,, some £1 listings actually taking over other £1 deals
30 Jan 17 #130
Any one have any recommendations for couriers? Sold a gfx card and few other bits that I need to get posted today
30 Jan 17 #131
you must live in a nice area with no outlying awful areas

The app near me gets some right scroats offering pennies for decent stuff

Low value bulk items and its clearly a winner given ebay fees / postal costs
30 Jan 17 #132
Drives me mad.. I only accept instant payment on fixed items but if you send an offer they can still buy without paying.. Ebay don't care.. would be simple to only allow them to accept an offer if they pay instantly
30 Jan 17 #133
Am I right in saying that even tho the offer expires tonight anything that has been listed within the offer time but sells after ie tomorrow or next day will still qualify?
30 Jan 17 #134
Thanks but it wasn't on my account :smiley:
30 Jan 17 1 #135
It's tomorrow night it ends and yes anything you have listed between 12.00am 29/01/17 and 11.59pm 31/01/17 no matter when it ends (upto 30 days not good til cancelled as that relists itself after 30 days) will have a 50% reduction of the final fee.
30 Jan 17 #136
READ THE Ts & Cs. Listings for multiple quantities DO NOT qualify!!! Just been caught out by that one! Crafty ****! Including listings originally listed as multiple quantities (even if you are down to your last one - end and relist as single quantity to qualify). Fuming!
30 Jan 17 #137
Pretty sure it's not every other month. But there we go.
30 Jan 17 #138
30 Jan 17 #139
​Personally for best price I use myhermes that is if its over 2kg otherwise stick with royal mail if under.
30 Jan 17 #140
I get "Unfortunately, this promotional offer is by invitation only. " when I click the link and sign in.
30 Jan 17 #141
Straight from the horses mouth

"Kindly consider that the said promotion is a system generated, (My Name)
Liza21:11 PM
Meaning, we don't have control over who will receive the said promotion when the system randomly send the promotional offer."
31 Jan 17 #142
didnt work
31 Jan 17 #143
why dont it work?
31 Jan 17 #144
Royal Mail is,easiest?
31 Jan 17 #145
I tend to use Hermes all the time now. no queues at post office - there's never any delay dropping off. and they are cheaper than RM, even for small lightweight items.
31 Jan 17 #146
HAhahhahaha. Please tell me people don't still sell on eBay? eBay+PayPal fees are the biggest rip off known to man. Facebook selling groups + Gumtree have never let me down yet... (oh and they're FREE Mr Ebay. Suck it!)
31 Jan 17 #147
Can you tell anywhere how many listings you have done or doing that still eligible for the promo as it says 100 and i relisted 71 last night and i know about 10 sold prior to that and a few i relisted etc just wondered if you can tell each time you list if it shows up its under the promo or not.
31 Jan 17 1 #148
If you are on the desktop version go to My eBay > Selling > All Selling and scroll down right to the bottom to Promotional offers, there it tells you how many you have used & have left.
31 Jan 17 #149
I find the only good thing about ebay over Gumtree is that I get fewer timewasters. I get hundreds emails/texts "is this still available?" followed by utter silence. Then you have the people who say they are coming and then don't show up and don't even have the courtesy to let you know. I know ebay has a few non payers but generally regular users will not mess around because at least they have some rules that they have to follow otherwise you'll get an unpaid item strike. On Gumtree you can do whatever the hell you want anonymously with zero consequences.
31 Jan 17 #150
Stop moaning, Gumtree is free. When you start paying ebay 10% on everything (including shipping which is just a downright scandal) + paypal fees, then come on here complaining.
1 Feb 17 #151
Awesome reply, thank you very much for taking the time to help out an internet stranger!
2 Feb 17 #152
Gumtree is owned by?????? And why is eBay a Mr? Do no women use it?
2 Feb 17 #153
"Stop moaning" - said the timewaster.

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Original Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum - LDS SLAM / Intelligent Route / Planning App w/code
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Bedsheets - King Size/Doubles/Single for kids
3 stars +122

Bedsheets - King Size/Doubles/Single for kids

£2 Poundland10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Apple Airpods to £129
3 stars +188

Apple Airpods to £129

£129 £159 BT Shop10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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3 stars +150


Instore Home Bargains10 Oct 17
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National Curry Week M&S Indian Takeaway Deal - with decent veggie options too
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Resident evil origins collection (PS4)
3 stars +128

Resident evil origins collection (PS4)

£13.85 Base.com10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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TSB credit card 0% on balance transfers for 28 months, fee-free, plus potential cashback
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3.5 stars +281


£6 £24 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
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JPEG Optimizer PRO with PDF Support now FREE
3 stars +143

JPEG Optimizer PRO with PDF Support now FREE

£1.79 Google Play10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE
3.5 stars +207

PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE

£0.89 Google Play10 Oct 17
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[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold
3 stars +101

[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold

£2 Microsoft Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C
3 stars +182

Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C

£4 £7 The Works10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda
3 stars +159

Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda

£0.10 George (Asda George)10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code
3 stars +141

Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code

£0.68 GearBest10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm
3 stars +170

Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm

Instore Morrisons10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
3.5 stars +210

Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
3.5 stars +294

Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
4 stars +361

ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
3.5 stars +218

iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
3 stars +168

Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Double LEGO VIP Points
3 stars +179

Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
3 stars +106

Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
3 stars +129

Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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