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Apple iPhone 7 256GB £629.99 Smartfonestore
3 stars +134

Apple iPhone 7 256GB £629.99 Smartfonestore

£629.99 Smartfonestore12 Jan 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Opening post
12 Jan 17
I think this is a great price for the latest iPhone with massive 256gb memory brand new! This is locked to EE network. This retails nearly £799 I think so great saving.
Top comments
fmo to Proveright
12 Jan 17 16 #2
Going to the Trump school of fake truths?
12 Jan 17 9 #9
Close: £180

It's all part of planned obsolescence.
12 Jan 17 8 #1
As a TV prog showed last year they cost £6 in parts to produce in a Chinese sweat shop.
Apple products are like jewelry or designer clothes , you are paying over the odds for the hype and image and clever marketing.
daBluone to Proveright
12 Jan 17 6 #5
This might win most ridiculous thing I've read today award. Do you believe everything you see on TV? Please provide link.
Latest comments (54)
15 Jan 17 #54
A benefit to many people...
15 Jan 17 #53
Except run iOS and all of its features and security.
15 Jan 17 #52
Agreed. The iPhone doesn't do anything that another phone cannot do.
15 Jan 17 #51
I never said it was a "problem".
12 Jan 17 8 #1
As a TV prog showed last year they cost £6 in parts to produce in a Chinese sweat shop.
Apple products are like jewelry or designer clothes , you are paying over the odds for the hype and image and clever marketing.
fmo to Proveright
12 Jan 17 16 #2
Going to the Trump school of fake truths?
daBluone to Proveright
12 Jan 17 6 #5
This might win most ridiculous thing I've read today award. Do you believe everything you see on TV? Please provide link.
ourdevonfamily to Proveright
12 Jan 17 4 #6
Go get your £6 worth of parts and build yourself one, in fact build me one whilst you're at it I'll even pay you £12.

There is a brand value attached to apple products, no argument there, but there is with everything you buy.

This deal is HOT
thecynicalsaint to Proveright
12 Jan 17 #10
Your saying that the cost of materials to build an iPhone is £6? What have you been smoking?

Parts will be a fraction of the overall cost, as will profit margin, R&D, design costs, labour, transport and so on, but there is no way that the parts cost as little as £6!
zholesale to Proveright
12 Jan 17 #11
No, you are paying for one of the most optimised & reliable mobile OS available with consistent updates, that runs really well even with low internal specs
brendanb581 to Proveright
12 Jan 17 1 #12
£6? Think you've been smoking a bit too much green...
vladdy to Proveright
12 Jan 17 2 #35
You should stop watching tv. It's bad for you, and you might influence others with these kind of stupid comments. Problem with today's social media actually, too much fake news and idiots to believe it.
iancwatkinson to Proveright
14 Jan 17 #50
Ah yes that tv program that aired on I don't know what channel or when...idiot. The battery costs more than £6....
13 Jan 17 #49
Yes really. You quote the same media who have REALLY gone OTT on fake news about Trump, expecting PC drips just to accept their bull - and surprise surprise.......:laughing:
And the same media are trying to downplay car manufactuirers (2 of them at latest count) to about-turn on making theirs cars in Mexico - which they were doing under Obama - and guaranteed by Hilary
Its no coincidence the about turn hapopened after Trumps election - and yet the media says it was nothing to do with Trump - so "OH REALLY ???" is FAR more accurate against those who's every word you accept without checking
13 Jan 17 #48
Depends on the car and the computer...sure you could on a Cray HPC...
13 Jan 17 #47
not true. I've got two 3GS that I still use daily for Spotify. It is just the same. They don't run as well but they still run. Just like a car.
12 Jan 17 #46
​So you agree, a phone needs to be upgraded but a car doesn't. Thanks!
12 Jan 17 #45
Cars and smartphones really aren't comparable - cars have been around for well over a hundred years, smartphones just ten. Computer and smartphone technology evolves and advances exponentially faster than does that of cars. I can still use a 50 year old car to travel to Scotland but you're not going to have much luck browsing HUKD on a 50 year old computer.
12 Jan 17 #44
And even so, all these stupid reports don't consider R&D costs and the fact that even if 'average joe' got all this silicon and metal and assembled it, it wouldn't amount to the same thing.

As much as I wanted to dislike the iPhone and even swapped to Samsung til it broke, the added cost was quickly offset by a better experience - I've never had mysterious battery drain (I don't care what anyone says, Android is notorious for rogue apps and background tasks nuking your battery without warning). I'm sure all the bitterness comes from those who don't or can't have one... I still use a BlackBerry PRIV for business for my Android fix, there's some things that does better too.
12 Jan 17 #43
​What are you waffling about?

The 5C won't receive any updates after some point this year, then software which needs a newer version of iOS won't run on it. That means YOU WILL NEED TO UPGRADE.

That's not the same as a car that might lose a bit of performance, let's say, bit will still run on the same fuel, using the same ECU for 10 or maybe 15 years.
12 Jan 17 #42
If u get one that is locked to 02, how easy is it to unlock
12 Jan 17 #41
Um it's exactly the same with a car? You don't have to upgrade! My wife has been using 5C for since release and it's still fine! After 4 years your car wouldn't perform as well as it did new!
12 Jan 17 #40
​You have to pay labour as well though. At minimum wage it will take this guy a lifetime to build it. So you will receive it at a cost of half a million in 2060 when the rest of are communicating with each other with our neural implants.
12 Jan 17 #39
Thanks op, good site. they have some good offers on, on other phones too.
12 Jan 17 #38
But if it's still in perfect working order, why upgrade? That's the point. Having to upgrade after 3 years should be your choice in that case, not the manufacturer's.

Take a car, for example. After 3 years it will still run. The manufacturer doesn't make the software cause the car to run slow after 3 years. It might not have the latest toys, but it can still drive just as well as it did (to an extent, given wear-and-tear, etc) when it was built.

You just don't get that with phones. The software is constantly updated and at some point the device becomes obsolete because the hardware can't run the software adequately, so you have to upgrade. You're completely at the mercy of the manufacturer.
12 Jan 17 1 #3
I think this is the 1st iPhone deal I've seen that has got heatoO
rodman to devlino
12 Jan 17 #37
Still going and will be hotter then bottom of your laptop
12 Jan 17 #36
Will the Aerial fall off or Explode? I really like these added value products ;-)

p.s. Sarcasm. :wink:
Mr Punch
12 Jan 17 #34
And that's a problem? Supply and demand. They'd all do it if they could.
12 Jan 17 #33
Great price, great phone.

Regret staying android
12 Jan 17 #32
Don't doubt you're right, but three years seems a pretty reasonable time span for a phone to me.
12 Jan 17 #31
12 Jan 17 2 #30
It's also well documented that the max Google support a phone including the Pixel is 3 years! Even if Apple devices run worst there are people who have only just stopped getting updates for 7 year old phones with Apple! I've also found they even patch none supported products if an issue is found. Most none Nexus/Pixel devices are lucky to see more then 1-2years of support...including flagships! I'm both an android and Apple user but to have a go at Apple for older devices slowing down is just stupid! Other arguments about price or specs might be valid but you're using one of the strengths of buying any Apple product as a weakness! I've got a white MacBook 2009 I bought from eBay for £200 and have updated with SSD and 4GB RAM and it runs really smoothly on 2nd but current OS! Find me a laptop running a relevant OS that wasn't 3 times the price of a Mac that does the'll struggle! I even get about 3 hours battery!
12 Jan 17 2 #29
It's also well documented that the max Google support a phone including the Pixel is 3 years! Even if Apple devices run worst there are people who have only just stopped getting updates for 7 year old phones with Apple! I've also found they even patch none supported products if an issue is found. Most none Nexus/Pixel devices are lucky to see more then 1-2years of support...including flagships! I'm both an android and Apple user but to have a go at Apple for older devices slowing down is just stupid! Other arguments about price or specs might be valid but you're using one of the strengths of buying any Apple product as a weakness! I've got a white MacBook 2009 I bought from eBay for £200 and have updated with SSD and 4GB RAM and it runs really smoothly on 2nd but current OS! Find me a laptop running a relevant OS that wasn't 3 times the price of a Mac that does the'll struggle! I even get about 3 hours battery!
12 Jan 17 #28
How if I posted evidence that countered that 'fact'?
12 Jan 17 #27
My original post was in response to the guy that said £6 so I thought you responding to support his assertion.
12 Jan 17 #26
I never said they cost £6. I stated £180.
12 Jan 17 #25
Like I said there is a profit element in the cost of the unit, which you are saying is 38%. Fine, sounds about right but how does that show £6 for materials?
12 Jan 17 #24
Well without trying to deviate much from the thread itself, washing machine logic boards fail quite often, especially on the cheaper stuff (Hotpoints, BEKOs and the like...).
12 Jan 17 #23
No I wasn't really talking from an electronic perspective. I was getting at software support on hardware really. A washing machine, for example, doesn't really run any CPU-intensive apps, for example, so the embedded PC/electronics should reasonably be expected to run firmware for a much longer period of time, usually longer than the mechanical life-expectancy of the product, one would argue.
12 Jan 17 #22
Well maybe not from a electronic perspective, but there are still a few manufacturers that do provide genuine long-life products, such as Miele.

It's just a little ironic that Apple#s devices tend to fail soon after the warranty period has ceased.
12 Jan 17 #21
Yep, agreed.

If manufacturers produced devices that could run software for 10 years they'd never make anything on new models. Simple concept really, but people will always argue that it's not really happening. :smiley:
12 Jan 17 #20
Even after all those associated costs you have mentioned, they're still making $250 profit per unit.
12 Jan 17 3 #19
OK, let's suppose it is £180 for just construction.
You've got initial research & development and design costs. Most likely done in California and the associated wages there. Once constructed you've got distribution costs. You've got cost of their own stores. You've got costs of replacements/repairs under warranty. Marketing is a huge costs as well. That Brand halo doesn't come cheap.

After all that they've then got to turn a significant profit for tax :smirk: , shareholder dividends and then reinvest the same as above again for next year's model. Most is just sitting in reserves as cash or other liquid assets.
12 Jan 17 #18
12 Jan 17 #17
That is factually incorrect.
12 Jan 17 #16
Its hardly a new thing. EVERY western designed item is made in China or far east - ironically something Trump is trying to reverse a bit - and getting attacked for it ! As for the cost, yes up to you if you believe or not - and up to YOU if you want to convince yourself it isn't happening - theres far MORE of that happening.
12 Jan 17 #15
Indeed - as I said, it's planned obsolecence.

This was a very good BBC documentary (which is probably available through certain client indexing sites) that says as much...
12 Jan 17 #14
Apple's gross margin on iPhones has been ~38%
12 Jan 17 #13
Well I agree with everything apart from "even with low internal specs".

It's well documented that after 2-3 years, Apple devices running iOS don't perform too well with the latest version installed.
12 Jan 17 9 #9
Close: £180

It's all part of planned obsolescence.
12 Jan 17 #8
Out of Stock:/
12 Jan 17 #7
Even if the parts alone were £6 cost to Apple, that's a fraction of the price of the phone. I reckon one of these probably runs Apple of the region of £400
12 Jan 17 #4
Great price if you are on EE...but +6 month wait to unlock from day of activation if not
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