50% off Titanfall 2 with gold. Limited time as detailed in the photo. Best price I have seen for a long time.
Top comments
24 Jan 174#1
£27.50 includes the 50% discount?! Ouch!
Poor console owners. (literally!)
Latest comments (19)
31 Jan 17#19
28 Jan 17#18
4 days left!
27 Jan 17#17
5 days remaining at this price!
26 Jan 17#16
Good to know. Thanks
26 Jan 17#15
Its currently on Sainsburys website for £27.99 Click Here
25 Jan 17#13
I couldn't hold out any longer and bought the disc version last week for £30 . Genuinely great game and the first to catch my undivided attention in a very very long time !
MrNudge to niceblokedave
26 Jan 17#14
That's still a good price. Where did you get it from?
25 Jan 17#11
This game is underrated. Really good stuff.
martyn_3000 to qbert20
25 Jan 17#12
It's actually extremely well rated, most reviews score it very highly.
Sadly it's sales that have let it down. Being released the same time as Battlefield 1 and COD has had a big effect on that.
25 Jan 17#10
If Microsoft allowed weekly interest free payments for games, they would make a fortune of the current generation.
25 Jan 17#9
Showing as $30 on the US Xbox store and you can pay with Paypal.
Do I complete my purchase or leave it? Any issues with using the US store?
25 Jan 17#8
If you gameshare that effectively halves the price :smiley:
25 Jan 17#7
Poor as in having no money because games are so expensive. Makes perfect sense.
25 Jan 171#6
why literally? makes no sense whatsoever
25 Jan 17#5
"Best price I have seen for a long time. " it not been out 3 months yet.. your idea of a long time makes me feel old.. :smiley: good price by the way.
25 Jan 17#4
I had been waiting for a good deal since missing Black Friday.
25 Jan 17#3
good find op, heat added
24 Jan 171#2
Great price, great game. Just finished the campaign, was brilliant and very refreshing. Really enjoyed it
Opening post
Top comments
Poor console owners. (literally!)
Latest comments (19)
Sadly it's sales that have let it down. Being released the same time as Battlefield 1 and COD has had a big effect on that.
Do I complete my purchase or leave it? Any issues with using the US store?
Poor console owners. (literally!)