I realise these are being posted on-and-off from Laptops Direct, but this is currently the cheapest Nvidia GTX 1060 6gb card I could find.
Price: £224.97 + £2.95 delivery, but save £20 when you subscribe to the good old Which? Magazine trial for £1 (details of the deal on the website), which can be cancelled within the first month.
Top comments
fishmaster to trimax
8y 13d7#7
Well done, but sorry I've run out of medals until the new year.
8y 13d6#17
I hate GPU shopping. Start with a 1050:
"Yeah, but the Ti is a lot more powerful and it's only an extra £25. More than worth the extra."
"But the Ti is only £40 cheaper than the 1060 3GB and is about 50% more powerful. It's a bargain!"
"Ooh the 1060 6GB is on offer..."
8y 13d3#11
So it's actually £228.92 then. Very misleading, I don't want a Which trial thanks.
8y 13d3#4
OK, Let me put this out:
Of course you can get:
* GTX 1060 for £188 BUT that's with 3GB RAM.
* GTX 1050 for £145 BUT that's with 4GB RAM and its not 1060.
Yes, IMO these will be good for a couple of years @ 1080p.
vulcanproject to jamieisking
8y 13d#6
Considerably superior. It is twice as fast in many games and it has three times the memory, important for new titles. Good upgrade
toaster to jamieisking
8y 13d#35
I've just done this same upgrade and honestly haven't noticed a huge improvement yes frame-rates are much higher but they were high anyway and I seem to have some compatibility problems with COD black ops III and Ghosts where the sniper reticle lags when quick scoping, had to stick the old card back in just so that I wasn't humiliated in multiplayer. Maybe I need to upgrade my 4 year old Z77 mobo and Win7.
8y 13d#3
Good price, I would go for the gigabyte mini 1060 tho which is £10 more
8y 13d3#4
OK, Let me put this out:
Of course you can get:
* GTX 1060 for £188 BUT that's with 3GB RAM.
* GTX 1050 for £145 BUT that's with 4GB RAM and its not 1060.
Unless you are dedicating your rig to Doom, there is very little reason to spend 40quid more, apart from already owning a FreeSync monitor.
Not to mention, the 1060 is more power efficient. But that's minor compared to the simple fact the 1060 outperforms the 480 8gb.
8y 13d#5
I bought a EVGA GTX 970 SSC 4GB DDR5 for £130 delivered from eBay
fishmaster to trimax
8y 13d7#7
Well done, but sorry I've run out of medals until the new year.
outlaw_faz to trimax
8y 13d#12
I bought one too but the FTW version, I've now been researching up about them and they say they have a lot of coil whine noise? Does yours have it?
8y 13d1#8
I'll settle for a cookie
8y 13d2#9
I award myself one of those everyday
8y 13d#10
Sharing is caring though
8y 13d3#11
So it's actually £228.92 then. Very misleading, I don't want a Which trial thanks.
cookied to meherenow
8y 13d#14
you don't have to take the trial just go thru the process & get your code then cancel it.
8y 13d#13
ive ordered the EVGA superclocked 6gb one for about £137.00 hopefully will be worth the extra £30 not going to be delivered till later in Jan so if anything comes up in the meantime I can cancel it... was going to post it but no idea how to...
8y 13d#16
Will I be able to play solitaire with this?
8y 13d6#17
I hate GPU shopping. Start with a 1050:
"Yeah, but the Ti is a lot more powerful and it's only an extra £25. More than worth the extra."
"But the Ti is only £40 cheaper than the 1060 3GB and is about 50% more powerful. It's a bargain!"
"Ooh the 1060 6GB is on offer..."
K1LLER HORNET to satchef1
8y 13d#18
For 1080p gaming grab the 1060 6GB or RX 480 8GB.
For 1440p inc ultrawide get a 980ti/1070.
For 4K get a 1080 or better yet wait for the 1080 ti next month.
8y 13d#19
Is there any other bargain cards
Missed out on the r9 the other day
allanbay7 to allanbay7
8y 13d#20
Had a gtx 970 is it much better than that
8y 13d1#21
People saying how good of a deal this is, any laptops out there at moment at a good price that I could upgrade with this and have an excellent laptop at hopefully a cheaper price?
Rom to dsc_thorne
8y 13d#22
Lol these type of cards are for desktop computers
vulcanproject to dsc_thorne
8y 13d#23
This is a graphics card designed to fit in a desktop size computer. It will not fit into any laptop. Most laptop computers with decent graphics have their graphics processor soldered onto the motherboard inside permanently and cannot be upgraded.
8y 13d1#25
Way out of budget.
It's for a budget HTPC build. The rest has come in pretty much on budget (completed at £185). But my original target of spending ~£70 on a used GPU has gone out the window as cards like the 7970 just don't seem like a sensible buy.
I added an extra £50 to the budget, then realised that the 1050 is a dumb buy compared to the Ti (only slightly over budget). In turn, the 1060 3GB absolutely trounces the 1050Ti. It's those two cards I'm really weighing up, with target prices of £125 and £170 respectively.
This is a great deal for a 1060 6GB, but it's overkill for the intended purpose and too far over budget - the total bill would have risen from £250 to £400. I'll probably wind up with a 1050Ti TBH, taking the overall cost to ~£310.
8y 13d#26
It's also not even the same card. Garbage.
I would prefer a full-size card for a few quid more tbh.
8y 13d#27
Is there any negatives with having a mini card over the full sized ones?
Lahn to chrisinit
8y 13d1#28
in theory they're louder since they have fewer/smaller fans, but the 1060 is not that hot, so it's not really a big problem for this wattage
8y 13d#29
Got one of these for 229 from amazon. Amazing card for the price. For performance vs ££
8y 13d#30
Not strictly true but seems pretty impractical. There are cheaper versions that came out a couple of years ago from those Chinese websites.
8y 13d#31
What are the dimensions of this card? And does it need a direct power connection from the PSU?
I've got a Streacom DB4 on order and wondered if it's likely to be compatible? Haven't built a desktop PC in years!
@Picard123 It should fit, it's only a mini. 174mm long. It does need it's own supply from the PSU. It's a 6 pin connector. Your case is 260mm deep so I can't see any problems.
8y 13d#33
@Picard123 It should fit, it's only a mini. 174mm long. It does need it's own supply from the PSU. It's a 6 pin connector. Your case is 260mm deep so I can't see any problems.
8y 13d#34
@Picard123 It's here anyway. Take a look...https://www.zotac.com/us/product/graphics_card/zotac-geforce-gtx-1060-mini#spec
8y 13d#36
please re-read my statement, I never claimed that the amd card was better or faster.
eehhh.... which one?????
8y 13d#37
Here is your statement, again, in case you don't understand the implication.
That is, without much doubt, a strong implication that the card is better.
If you can afford 50 more quid, get this instead....
Perhaps you meant: If you don't want an NVIDIA card... But your wording would lead people to conclude you are endorsing that card over the Nvidia one.
8y 13d#38
You've misunderstood me. I just pointed out that if you like AMD, there's a card which is sub par to this and costs £50 more.
dudedude to rand0m
8y 13d#40
no it doesn't.
8y 13d#39
thats why I spent £30 more & decided on the EVGA gtx 1060 superclocked... its got good reviews too.
8y 13d#41
Which? trial is now £250
dicey100 to luvsadealdealdeal
8y 13d#43
Yeah I just checked this and yeah its 250 so im confused...when you go on aplliances direct its 200... can you use the same code ?
8y 13d#42
what ? could you not be cryptic and type more of your thoughts?
8y 13d#44
Quit trolling Nate and read what he said, the bit he has emphasised by using UPPER CASE. Let me help you:
And, unlike your overbearing partiality for Nvidia, he also suggests another card for people with freesync monitors should they wish to spend extra. People will do their own research and discover the pro/con of each card and nobody in their right mind is going to spend extra cash on a card that has no obvious performance benefit, other than being paired with a freesync monitor, which is perfectly legitimate.
I personally would much rather have the AMD card if my intention was to also buy a g/freesync monitor purely on a cost basis, spending £40 more on the GPU but saving £100-150 on a freesync monitor still leaves me with a better setup (a sync enabled machine) at significantly less cost and a very small performance loss in GPU performance which would safeguard against stutter and frame drops which the 1060 would not be impervious to across the same titles - 40fps on a freesync monitor looks a lot better than 40fps on a standard monitor.
So, back to his post. It's helpful and especially so if people own, or are thinking of upgrading their monitor also.
It's also interesting to see that the 1060 is actually suffering in performance using the most recent driver sets over the launch drivers, for the AMD cards the reverse is true and they're continuing to get better.
For the vast majority of games and ignoring sponsored titles there's literally -/+ 2fps and within the margins of error.
8y 13d#45
I find it useful to check YouTube reviews showing real game fps readings. Somone like digital forge seems quality. The gap shows bigger than you think and a reason 1080gtx tops the table.
8y 13d#46
480 has surpassed the 1060 with the latest AMD drivers and it will only get faster especially in the latest DX12 games where AMD is king, 2GB more memory is the icing on the cake. Updated review below.
Indeed, it's a shame the babeltech re-review was completed before 16.12 dropped.
Good times for impartial gamers!
8y 13d#48
there are still some of us out there that still game using 3d vision so nvidia cards are the only way to go...
8y 12d#49
how do I cancel the which subscription and it says minimum 250 spend does the discount still work
sio to Rookiereece100
8y 12d#50
Apparently it's just an email to which to say you want to cancel.
I joined the trial and laptops direct didn't send me a valid six didget code (just the number 1 in it's place). They haven't got back to me yet, very unhappy customer.
8y 12d#51
Which trial code is now valid for =>£250 purchases, therefor I mark this as expired. Shame, as I missed out AGAIN!
8y 12d#52
Enough with the personal attacks.
You are also being hypocritcal. You have told me not to posts on AMD threads. This is an Nvidia thread. I'll take that as fair game for either.
Also. Freesync and gsync do not solve frame drops. And freesync monitors tend to have more problems coping with fps slowdown. If you do below 40 fps, you stop the sync tech, while Nvidia does not lose sync as it handles the lower fps better, by doubling frames.
There have been quite a few investigations and comparisons between the two and gsync has come out ahead. It costs more, but does more.
8y 12d#53
Personal attacks? You like to give it out. Quit playing the victim.
Your knowledge of freesync is out of date. Freesync range is irrelevant, LFC (yes, frame doubling) ensures that's the case for the majority of monitors out there. Youll also be well aware of the freesync improvements delivered with the ReLive update (windowed freesync, lower frame response, better compensation across the range) and better performance with much lower overhead with recording versus Shadowplay.
I'll continue to read your comments with great interest. Happy new year to you.
8y 11d#54
Do you honestly not see / read what you type in response as being personal?
And LFC for the majority of FreeSync monitors?
How about we look at the latest deal on HotUKDeals?
Problems. Including with LFC. So, yes, in theory, the Crimson drivers should handle Frame Doubling. But in practice, because of the open ended standard, not all monitors actually support LFC.
So, I guess the saying goes: You get what you pay for.
You *need* to research the FreeSync monitors you buy as they are a hit-and-miss bag. Some are great, some are crap.
I've yet to find a GSync monitor that has faced issues at all like this monitor. But hey, at least it's cheaper, right?
Even the AOC equivalent monitor (which is more expensive, I think it's too much for the price) has no issues, so it's all on FreeSync in my mind.
I have a fairly certain understanding on where you stand here, so there isn't much point debating it.
Yes, you can get the bare minimum setup for FreeSync cheaper, but I am under the impression that the overall benefit from Geforce cards (1070/80) offer a better experience.
I think there is a price point where a 200 quid FreeSync monitor paired with a 150 quid 470 may be desired, but I would be remiss to say that I think any of the sub 300 FreeSync monitors are poor.
If I had to chose between a cheap freesync monitor or a 1070 and keep whatever monitor I had, or get a cheaper (bigger?) monitor that wasn't adaptive sync and upgrade at a later date, I'd choose that route.
Even a frame doubled 25 FPS feels poor compared to a game running at 70 FPS stable. I've tried both, I know this.
The 25 FPS frame double is *better* than non frame doubled, but, in my opinion, stands no where near a 70 FPS machine.
Please, feel free to disagree with that, I would love to hear what you think about the comparison, if you have indeed experienced low end FreeSync monitors with low-mid range graphics cards and know what they look like.
8y 11d#55
It's optional nate, that's the point, you choose your poison and make the decision that best suits YOU and whatever application you have for the machine.
There's 6x as many freesync monitors on the market over gsync, therefore choice is plentiful. The monitor you highlighted is rock bottom and I'm really not here to debate the merits of each monitor, nor was that the point.
The point was that you're much better off buying a 480 and a freesync monitor than you are buying a 1060 and a gsync monitor where VALUE (this is a deals site) is near the top of your priorities. Both cards will be operating in the same ballpark, each card will stutter when presented with approximately the same stresses, freesync helps.
Buying a gsync monitor to pair with a 1060 is in my mind a waste. Better off buying a 1070. However, a 480 and a freesync monitor makes much better sense, price per frame is much lower.
8y 11d#56
Buying a Gsync monitor or a freesync monitor and getting a the 480/1060 is a bad decision.
You would be best off upgrading to the 1070 and forgoing the monitor. Or seeing what the 490 does.
Buying a budget monitor and a budget card that ends up costing 450 quid isn't very good, imho.
8y 11d#57
A bad decision, for you. Agreed.
8y 11d#58
A bad decision, for you. Agreed.[/quote]
I mean, what's the point of that type of post? You are just attempting to antagonize.
Do you recommend buying a 250-300 pound FreeSync 24 inch TN panel with an AMD 470/480?
That's anywhere from 400 to 500 pounds, right?
Compare that to spending that extra money you would on a FreeSync monitor for a better GPU, what do you think would be a better end user experience? FreeSync+Mid Range graphics, or a high end graphics card?
I think for many people, it's hands down the 1070.
Opening post
Price: £224.97 + £2.95 delivery, but save £20 when you subscribe to the good old Which? Magazine trial for £1 (details of the deal on the website), which can be cancelled within the first month.
Top comments
"Yeah, but the Ti is a lot more powerful and it's only an extra £25. More than worth the extra."
"But the Ti is only £40 cheaper than the 1060 3GB and is about 50% more powerful. It's a bargain!"
"Ooh the 1060 6GB is on offer..."
Of course you can get:
* GTX 1060 for £188 BUT that's with 3GB RAM.
* GTX 1050 for £145 BUT that's with 4GB RAM and its not 1060.
At this price and specs This card is a steal.
If you can spare £50 more, and would love to have AMD, get this instead: https://www.amazon.co.uk/MSI-RX-480-GAMING-8G/dp/B01JGQBMB4/ref=sr_1_2?s=computers&ie=UTF8&qid=1482323281&sr=1-2&keywords=RX
All comments (58)
Of course you can get:
* GTX 1060 for £188 BUT that's with 3GB RAM.
* GTX 1050 for £145 BUT that's with 4GB RAM and its not 1060.
At this price and specs This card is a steal.
If you can spare £50 more, and would love to have AMD, get this instead: https://www.amazon.co.uk/MSI-RX-480-GAMING-8G/dp/B01JGQBMB4/ref=sr_1_2?s=computers&ie=UTF8&qid=1482323281&sr=1-2&keywords=RX
Unless you are dedicating your rig to Doom, there is very little reason to spend 40quid more, apart from already owning a FreeSync monitor.
Not to mention, the 1060 is more power efficient. But that's minor compared to the simple fact the 1060 outperforms the 480 8gb.
"Yeah, but the Ti is a lot more powerful and it's only an extra £25. More than worth the extra."
"But the Ti is only £40 cheaper than the 1060 3GB and is about 50% more powerful. It's a bargain!"
"Ooh the 1060 6GB is on offer..."
For 1440p inc ultrawide get a 980ti/1070.
For 4K get a 1080 or better yet wait for the 1080 ti next month.
Missed out on the r9 the other day
It's for a budget HTPC build. The rest has come in pretty much on budget (completed at £185). But my original target of spending ~£70 on a used GPU has gone out the window as cards like the 7970 just don't seem like a sensible buy.
I added an extra £50 to the budget, then realised that the 1050 is a dumb buy compared to the Ti (only slightly over budget). In turn, the 1060 3GB absolutely trounces the 1050Ti. It's those two cards I'm really weighing up, with target prices of £125 and £170 respectively.
This is a great deal for a 1060 6GB, but it's overkill for the intended purpose and too far over budget - the total bill would have risen from £250 to £400. I'll probably wind up with a 1050Ti TBH, taking the overall cost to ~£310.
I would prefer a full-size card for a few quid more tbh.
I've got a Streacom DB4 on order and wondered if it's likely to be compatible? Haven't built a desktop PC in years!
eehhh.... which one?????
That is, without much doubt, a strong implication that the card is better.
If you can afford 50 more quid, get this instead....
Perhaps you meant: If you don't want an NVIDIA card... But your wording would lead people to conclude you are endorsing that card over the Nvidia one.
And, unlike your overbearing partiality for Nvidia, he also suggests another card for people with freesync monitors should they wish to spend extra. People will do their own research and discover the pro/con of each card and nobody in their right mind is going to spend extra cash on a card that has no obvious performance benefit, other than being paired with a freesync monitor, which is perfectly legitimate.
I personally would much rather have the AMD card if my intention was to also buy a g/freesync monitor purely on a cost basis, spending £40 more on the GPU but saving £100-150 on a freesync monitor still leaves me with a better setup (a sync enabled machine) at significantly less cost and a very small performance loss in GPU performance which would safeguard against stutter and frame drops which the 1060 would not be impervious to across the same titles - 40fps on a freesync monitor looks a lot better than 40fps on a standard monitor.
So, back to his post. It's helpful and especially so if people own, or are thinking of upgrading their monitor also.
It's also interesting to see that the 1060 is actually suffering in performance using the most recent driver sets over the launch drivers, for the AMD cards the reverse is true and they're continuing to get better.
For the vast majority of games and ignoring sponsored titles there's literally -/+ 2fps and within the margins of error.
Good times for impartial gamers!
I joined the trial and laptops direct didn't send me a valid six didget code (just the number 1 in it's place). They haven't got back to me yet, very unhappy customer.
You are also being hypocritcal. You have told me not to posts on AMD threads. This is an Nvidia thread. I'll take that as fair game for either.
Also. Freesync and gsync do not solve frame drops. And freesync monitors tend to have more problems coping with fps slowdown. If you do below 40 fps, you stop the sync tech, while Nvidia does not lose sync as it handles the lower fps better, by doubling frames.
There have been quite a few investigations and comparisons between the two and gsync has come out ahead. It costs more, but does more.
Your knowledge of freesync is out of date. Freesync range is irrelevant, LFC (yes, frame doubling) ensures that's the case for the majority of monitors out there. Youll also be well aware of the freesync improvements delivered with the ReLive update (windowed freesync, lower frame response, better compensation across the range) and better performance with much lower overhead with recording versus Shadowplay.
I'll continue to read your comments with great interest. Happy new year to you.
And LFC for the majority of FreeSync monitors?
How about we look at the latest deal on HotUKDeals?
Problems. Including with LFC. So, yes, in theory, the Crimson drivers should handle Frame Doubling. But in practice, because of the open ended standard, not all monitors actually support LFC.
So, I guess the saying goes: You get what you pay for.
You *need* to research the FreeSync monitors you buy as they are a hit-and-miss bag. Some are great, some are crap.
I've yet to find a GSync monitor that has faced issues at all like this monitor. But hey, at least it's cheaper, right?
Even the AOC equivalent monitor (which is more expensive, I think it's too much for the price) has no issues, so it's all on FreeSync in my mind.
I have a fairly certain understanding on where you stand here, so there isn't much point debating it.
Yes, you can get the bare minimum setup for FreeSync cheaper, but I am under the impression that the overall benefit from Geforce cards (1070/80) offer a better experience.
I think there is a price point where a 200 quid FreeSync monitor paired with a 150 quid 470 may be desired, but I would be remiss to say that I think any of the sub 300 FreeSync monitors are poor.
If I had to chose between a cheap freesync monitor or a 1070 and keep whatever monitor I had, or get a cheaper (bigger?) monitor that wasn't adaptive sync and upgrade at a later date, I'd choose that route.
Even a frame doubled 25 FPS feels poor compared to a game running at 70 FPS stable. I've tried both, I know this.
The 25 FPS frame double is *better* than non frame doubled, but, in my opinion, stands no where near a 70 FPS machine.
Please, feel free to disagree with that, I would love to hear what you think about the comparison, if you have indeed experienced low end FreeSync monitors with low-mid range graphics cards and know what they look like.
There's 6x as many freesync monitors on the market over gsync, therefore choice is plentiful. The monitor you highlighted is rock bottom and I'm really not here to debate the merits of each monitor, nor was that the point.
The point was that you're much better off buying a 480 and a freesync monitor than you are buying a 1060 and a gsync monitor where VALUE (this is a deals site) is near the top of your priorities. Both cards will be operating in the same ballpark, each card will stutter when presented with approximately the same stresses, freesync helps.
Buying a gsync monitor to pair with a 1060 is in my mind a waste. Better off buying a 1070. However, a 480 and a freesync monitor makes much better sense, price per frame is much lower.
You would be best off upgrading to the 1070 and forgoing the monitor. Or seeing what the 490 does.
Buying a budget monitor and a budget card that ends up costing 450 quid isn't very good, imho.
I mean, what's the point of that type of post? You are just attempting to antagonize.
Do you recommend buying a 250-300 pound FreeSync 24 inch TN panel with an AMD 470/480?
That's anywhere from 400 to 500 pounds, right?
Compare that to spending that extra money you would on a FreeSync monitor for a better GPU, what do you think would be a better end user experience? FreeSync+Mid Range graphics, or a high end graphics card?
I think for many people, it's hands down the 1070.