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5 Dec 16
Ok people...

*existing VM customers* (I think)

I just rang up Virgin Media sale's enquiring about my "new" current VM packages & I was asked about mobile phone. Just told him that I was on EE black Friday offer of £16 for 20gb & ulmtd min txt..

So I was offered 20 gb 5000min & unlmt txt for £12.50. The best thing about it is that's is 30 day rolling contract.. can't go wrong with that!!

It's 4G by the way.

I was also offered 300MB data 300min unlmd txt for £3...this is good for light users.

This was not retention deal, just rang VM sale's on 0800 number.

No harm in trying new customers also.

OH yeah... VM have data roll over, so any unused data will be added to next month.
Top comments
5 Dec 16 3 #17
Stop typing in your pin wrong, problem solved. Alternatively, instead of spending 2.5 hours wasting everyone's time, login to your account to retrieve your PUK code yourself.
All comments (120)
5 Dec 16 #1
great for a second line
5 Dec 16 1 #3
That's the best thing 30 day contract, glad you got something
5 Dec 16 #4
last time I spoke to them (a few months back) they didn't offer 4G on any contract. I assume they must have don't a deal to piggyback on another network?
5 Dec 16 #5
Hi Virgin Mobile still work off the back of EE but they've been offering 4G to Pay Monthly customers for a couple of weeks now.
5 Dec 16 #6
This is an awesome deal! I just got a 2 year contract with EE a couple of days ago. It was at a good price (£40+vat for 25gb, unlimited everything else, EU package). With the iPhone 7plus handset being available immediately, I went for it. But this deal bears it for sure. Maybe even tempt me enough to cancel mine and go for this one! Thanks OP! Heat added.
5 Dec 16 1 #7
Good deal but customer service atrocious, took me 2 1/2 hours to get my PUK code after being cut off three times. Moved to EE 30gb unlimited everything +6months free BT sports and Apple Music all for £16.29 as I'm a EE customer, Black Friday deal thoigh
The Bandit to interbanega
5 Dec 16 #9
Is that price only for a certain number of months before it goes up?
5 Dec 16 2 #8
Great deal but their customer service is awful ☹️️
5 Dec 16 1 #10
Thanks OP as a new customer they offer me 6 month rolling contract for £12.50.
by the way I am with three and pac waiting for another provider. I am paying three £13 a month for 8gb with unlimited minutes. three signals are worst than ever now.
5 Dec 16 #11
tethering? i just signed up to bt mobile 20 quid 20gb data but am a virgin broadband customer
salehunt to jameshothothot
5 Dec 16 2 #12
​6 months then £25
5 Dec 16 1 #13
Is anyone currently on VM 4g? What's the 4g speed like? Not got my sim yet
The Bandit
5 Dec 16 #14
Thanks, might change to this.

Currently on 100 Minutes, Unlimited Texts and Unlimited Data for £10 with Virgin, but only on 3G. May just be me being cynical and paranoid but I've noticed a change in my speed since they've made 4G available.
5 Dec 16 #15
This looks fairly good. Was considering the vodafone deal as it includes spotify so would effectively be free, what would you lot do?
5 Dec 16 #16
very hot,
5 Dec 16 3 #17
Stop typing in your pin wrong, problem solved. Alternatively, instead of spending 2.5 hours wasting everyone's time, login to your account to retrieve your PUK code yourself.
garbage456 to oinkylicious
5 Dec 16 1 #21
log on, click on My profile and select TAG manage services your PUK number is there
5 Dec 16 1 #18
Is tethering part of this deal?
RaiKush to happyshopper2
5 Dec 16 #19
i have been told the deal was for Black friday and doesn't exist anymore
5 Dec 16 2 #20
This does look like a good deal and I hope that it works for someone. However, I am moving away from VM now as their customer service is appalling - it's taken me three months of regularly calling to get almost nowhere. All I wanted was to upgrade my contract and each operator promised to sort it out for me, only to let me down. Even getting through to 'managers' didn't fix it and I am relieved to finally be moving away from them. I've had some poor customer service before but theirs takes the biscuit.
5 Dec 16 1 #22
Nope. Virgin Mobile do not permit tethering at this moment in time on any consumer contracts, business may be different, and to save some discussion..

Yes the networks CAN detect tethering, and No I don't know if they will do anything if they do detect you doing so.
5 Dec 16 #23
Signed up earlier on for this deal. 6 months half price than £25 a month line rental.:smile:
Massi9 to szaman81
5 Dec 16 #24
What about the current 3 deal?

600 minutes
Unlimited Texts
30gb 4g Data

£18 per month
£50 Top Cashback
5 Dec 16 #25
600 minutes not enough for me
with virgin mobile you data rollover - keep unused data
5 Dec 16 1 #26
Your text here
Ammo71 to sparkzilla
5 Dec 16 #27
Virgin never offered nothing.....must be customer specific

I have current sim only with them and Internet phone n tv!
5 Dec 16 1 #28
I can only talk about London, but I find 3 network coverage so bad.
5 Dec 16 #29
Offered me £12.50 on rolling contract
5 Dec 16 #30
Just rang and asked about this deal but got told no, the best that they offered me was a £2 discount which made it £23
5 Dec 16 1 #31
​You can get your PUK code yourself from your online account.
5 Dec 16 1 #32
I called up this morning, and they were not offering any 20gb deal for £12.50, the best they could offer me was £65 credit if I took the 20gb package, so not sure how the op managed to get this deal for £12.50?
5 Dec 16 1 #33
has anyone apart from op managed to get this deal?
5 Dec 16 #34
I did sim is on its way
5 Dec 16 1 #35
I spoke to the "team" and they said that this deal is not available anymore and when it was it was for 6 months anyway it then reverted back to £25 per month
Sparks11 to RicardoFuller
5 Dec 16 #36
Good deal!
5 Dec 16 #37
Is tethering available on Virgin?
5 Dec 16 #38
5 Dec 16 #39
​theres not enough certainty about this deal..basically you might be lucky to get it if you are an existing customer..not good enough really
6 Dec 16 1 #40
The best they could do for me when I rang up was to stay on the old 3G tariff

Virgin Mobile SIM Only 4GB Virgin Any SIM 2500 anytime, any network minutes, Unlimited texts and 4GB data, 30 days, WAS £15 per month, NOW £10 per month.

Just a note or warning. The old 3G tariffs still include 0845, 0870 numbers for free. The New 4G charge 45p access + normal call rate.
6 Dec 16 #41
Hot, nice find
6 Dec 16 #42
thanks OP, got the deal but for only 6 months. I'm an existing home phone & broadband customer
6 Dec 16 1 #43
Virgins Help would suggest otherwise

Am I allowed to tether using my tablet?
No, you cannot use your SIM to tether to another device

And in the T&C

Data usage on some Virgin Media tariffs is for mobile internet services and data consumption actually on your handset. It does not include using your handset as a modem to connect other devices such as laptops and tablets - also known as "Tethering". Please refer to your terms and conditions and other communications from Virgin Media to check whether this applies on your tariff. This applies to all new and upgrading customers since 24 January 2013.
6 Dec 16 #44
I was with Virgin mobile for almost 5 years, and I noticed their 3G signal was very poor, I was on a really good deal unlimited minutes, unlimited texts and unlimited data for only £10 per month, however I was never able to use my internet and I am sure they restricted it because of the unlimited data allowance. I have now decided to leave as they are not offering any good deals for me on the new 4G tariffs, and in any case I am sure the 4G speed will not be as good as EE's as they are still only a virtual mobile network
6 Dec 16 #45
​Cannot say about 4g but i am 3g tariff and always used tethering and ended up all 5gb data in 5 differnt sims from last 6 months and never been stopped or barred.

cannot say about new 4g tariffs
6 Dec 16 #46
joke of a company. their idea is "corner the market and raise their prices". they use this from their virgin media packages to their mobile. they offer introductory offers and they give you a run for your money. no good dervices and network and no 4g. ull barelt get H+ is most areas. go with BT instead
6 Dec 16 1 #47
Errrrm. They have Apple iPhones, 4G from the EE network that is owned by BT.

So they get the same coverage as everyone else who's on BT, EE, Plusnet etc....
6 Dec 16 #48
I agree with you, I am lucky to get H+ let alone 3G, so their is got to be some form of restriction as I get good internet signal on my EE sim?
6 Dec 16 1 #49
I know what you mean they should have the same internet signal and speed as EE as they are supposed to be using the same network, however I have found this not to be the case, I have a Virgin sim and an EE sim, and the EE sim always gives me strong internet either 3G or 4G whereas my virgin sim will be lucky to get H+, I think they have restricted my sim as I had the old unlimited data plan and they don't want me to use much of the data
6 Dec 16 #50
I placed on order at exactly 5.12pm yesterday without any issues. I just told them about this deal and the guy processed it for me.
6 Dec 16 #51
I have this sim package at the moment but 4g would be nice.
6 Dec 16 #52
You may be correct. Priority of nodes is always given to the main carrier. Had the same discussion when I tried out a Three sim & questioned Orange why calls were dropped & signal poor on Three yet perfect on Orange even tho they share network.

Simple answer from Orange, We always make sure our own customers get priority of nodes & if there are any left, we lets others use them. If you are travelling and switching between transmitters, we will make a node available for you!

Now this was back in the day when Orange would credit you 1min airtime if a call was dropped, so it was in their interest to keep you connected.

I guess the same principle applied today with data, if a EE/BT customer wants data now, they get it, the others can wait!
6 Dec 16 #53
Just checked, I get 5000 mins!

It's far too many, I don't use 500 but after having unlimited data & sometimes using 4GB's I didn't dare limit my data below 4.
6 Dec 16 #54
Nice! I managed to blag 500mins to 0845 and 0870 numbers on top of that too! Still 30 days contract
6 Dec 16 #55
Yes, same for me. They tried to drop me down to a 2gb package even after telling me my previous 3 months usage was 3.5gb on average. :smirk:
6 Dec 16 #56
6 Dec 16 #57
I recently upgraded my contract with Virgin from 3G to 4G. Kept the same number but HAD to change sim. So yes, I think its quite possible old packages may be restricted to 3G max. The new sim I got came with a sim lock PIN as well. I have to enter that every time I reboot the phone.
6 Dec 16 #58
If its a rolling contract, it means that in 30 days time, the price could shoot up. Obviously you could cancel, no harm done, but if you don't notice or cancel in time, you could end up paying the price
6 Dec 16 1 #59
​ there should be a security setting on your phone to deactivate the SIM pin. I'm on Sony Xperia. took me a while to find it. entering the SIM pin is quite annoying
6 Dec 16 #60
​ when I was on their 1gb 3g deal the speed was very good. that was validated by reading these forums where people agreed by using EE network the speeds and coverage are the best in the UK. however I've now upgraded to virgin 4g the reception has markedly decreased and actually when just doing normal browsing there isn't much difference. slight pang of annoyance now I'm paying for 4g and my old 3g deal is no longer available!
6 Dec 16 #61
This is a fantastic deal but it is NOT given to everyone .
6 Dec 16 #62
Talk about believing rubbish - nodes etc and 3 don't share the same network as Orange.
3/EE share most 3G masts but the underlying networks are still seperate.
Virtual networks do get lower priority but most of speed restrictions will be via the their APN.

6 Dec 16 1 #63
Tried my luck with the operator and it didn't work for me unfortunately :disappointed: She said this package didn't exist on their systems at all.
6 Dec 16 #64
success.. I got same contact. .but for 6 months then 25 per month. But I can cancel by giving one month notice. OK for 6 months. . let's see what happens when calling for cancellation. .
6 Dec 16 #65
Recently had my discount ended so gone from £8 to £12pm unlimited everything. Use about 6GB a month, Spotify on high quality & never had any issues re speed or letting my kids tether on car journeys etc
CC always been excellent too.
This gets my HOT vote
7 Dec 16 #66
"A mobile node is an Internet-connected device whose location and point of attachment to the Internet may frequently be changed. This kind of node is often a cellular telephone or handheld or laptop computer, although a mobile node can also be a router."

"Three operates 3G and 4G services, and maintains a national roaming agreement with Orange to provide 2G services where 3G is unavailable."
7 Dec 16 #67
Virgin do speed restrict, I asked for a new sim as they said they didnt - new sim coming, told them if a new sim does not work I will go to Ofcom for not resolving my complaint, within a hour my H+ was enabled magically by the gods and I never activated the new sim when it arrived.

Virgin admitted such this year

I was a post 2012 customer with a pre 2012 speed restriction after 2GB when my plan had 2+GB
7 Dec 16 1 #68
You should be able to go back..... log into your virgin mobile account and click on 4g plans.

It should give you a list of plans you can up/down grade to...

Keep scrolling & it should give you a list of 3G plans too...... well it does on mine.

If not, call up & tell them your not happy with 4g, put me back on 3G.
7 Dec 16 #69
anyone got this as a new customer?
7 Dec 16 #70
I am glad I am not the only one who has experienced this speed restriction problems, its cheeky that they offer everyone internet and restrict certain people. I should have kicked up a complaint about my non existent 3G service, however I decided I could not be bothered with all the hassle and have put in my cancellation
7 Dec 16 #71
​easy to get around this.
8 Dec 16 #72
It can be but that does not mean that the network don't know you are tethering, and as your breaking the T&C may take action against you for doing so. Its down the individual at the end of the day but if you know you want to tether, then you may as well use a network that does permit it, rather than one that says it does not.
8 Dec 16 #73
I'm not giving up my 3G unlimited everything with VIP NUMBERS FOR £19.50 for this. I just called and indeed it is 6 months only then £25. I would like 4G, but so far i can't find a deal that is as good as what i have.
8 Dec 16 #74
​well I know somebody who has been doing this for a long time and many gigs of data and nothing has been done about it.
8 Dec 16 #75
Did anyone else get this deal and if so what number did you ring. Thanks
8 Dec 16 #76
Mine is coming and I'm an existing customer....they have already issued me with a mobile number and billed me £12.50 for this plan. I tried to order another again the following day and they said this deal was not available anymore. The number I called 08000643847
8 Dec 16 #77
Cheers, I'll give them a call tomorrow and see what they can do.
8 Dec 16 #78
I called on this number 08000643836 to take broadband but unfortunately I was out of their coverage but then the guy offered me the same deal, I told him to ring me back in two weeks because I'm still on ee for another 16 days
9 Dec 16 #79
​Yes I do. Went for it 2 days ago. Waiting for the sim
9 Dec 16 #80
On the phone to VM at the moment and this offer is ONLY for new customers..... I'm on hold to disconnections!!
9 Dec 16 #81
you should have taken the offer highly likely you won't get it anymore
9 Dec 16 #82
50mins later and I'm on my 4th person!!!

It seems every time I ask someone about upgrading to this tariff they pass me on.

It is going to be easier to move my number away and come back as a new customer at this rate!!!

I've been to every Indian call centre they have!!
9 Dec 16 #83
Looks like I've done a full circle & back to a retention offer of:

2500 mins
10Gb data
unlimited txts
500 min 0845/0870

Was £18 Now £16/ £15/ £13....... but now they say £13 shouldn't have been offered its £15!

9 Dec 16 #84
After being told the offer is not available online chat with an agent, I called them and voila, I got it. My bill has been generated and its £12.50 and I am a new customer.
9 Dec 16 #85
Just make sure you cancel at month 5 in order to escape the increase to £25
mightychojin to kodivius
18 Dec 16 #108
just got my PAC codes for both my childrens mobiles from virgin, best they offered me on a loyalty deal was £18... so i've got the Three sim only 30gb deal with £65 cashback...
9 Dec 16 #86
Also they are billing you from the day you receive your simcard so try not to pay 2 lines at once during your standard 30 days notice period
9 Dec 16 #87
Got £12.50 for 6 months then £25 30 day rolling contract.
RaiKush to kiddy
9 Dec 16 #88
​Yeah they are billing from order date approx, so basically billed in advance. 5th month I am out
gavin1 to kiddy
10 Dec 16 #89
There are people who regularly do 100MPH on motorway's, they've been doing it a long time and have not been caught.

The fact they have no been caught does not make it legal, and I do not doubt they will be caught one day. Same with tethering, if you intentionally intend to break terms and conditions you would be better looking elsewhere.
10 Dec 16 #90
I cancelled my virgin mobile sim only after being with them for 10 years and didn't get anything near this offered so really must be for new customers only ! I'm not fussy anyway got a great deal with freedom pop (6gb 4G unlimited everything else for £7.99) again monthly sim only . honest guys sim only is the best way to operate your handset , I have no idea why people get ropped into 24 months contracts with the same handset and crazy monthly fees !
10 Dec 16 #91
I am an existing vm mobile customer and I rang the 0800 number for new customers and enquried about the 20gb sim and was given it £12.50 for 6 months then £25 a month on a 30 day rolling contract.
10 Dec 16 1 #92
Not bothered if they stop me from tethering I will just move to another network....I will wait until they contact me
10 Dec 16 #93
​might be true but you can't really compare it to speeding. it's not illegal your just breaking the terms and conditions of the contract. Yhe worst that's going to happen is they will suspend your service and as it's a rolling contract so you just cancel the service.
10 Dec 16 #94
Really!!! I spent 90mins going from one department to another. The only way I could have this deal was to take a new sim!
12 Dec 16 #95
Currently I'm getting unlimited everything 3G
0845/0870 number included for 21.50 pm it was increased last month from 10.50 pm as the v6 discount was removed . Any other cheaper deal I'm on 30 day contract
12 Dec 16 #96
Could anyone who has got the new virgin mobile 4G sim confirm what kind of download speed (Mbps) they are getting when using 4G?
12 Dec 16 #97
I've had my 4G sim few days I'm getting between 14mb to 20mb.. Trying to add screenshot of the results but not able to
12 Dec 16 #98
Thanks for this information, Virgin are supposed to be using the EE network and generally I can get around 60-70 Mbps on EE, I wonder if virgin are also restricting the 4G speed, because with my virgin sim I could barely get a 3G connection and would be lucky to get anywhere near 2-3mbps which I know was being restricted because I was on a unlimited data plan
12 Dec 16 #99
I'm already on the 4g sim, just to let you all know that data carry over is limited to 1gb per month
12 Dec 16 #100
​I live in near central London I'm getting around 16mb - 18mb during peak period upto 25mb during other times at times I can get 27mb

I'm happy with the service can't go wrong for £12.50
13 Dec 16 #101
What's the worst they can do if you thether with this deal. I'd like to use it for my tablet as well as my mobile. OR does anyone know of any 20 gig data sims that dont restrict tethering. Thanks in advance for any help. Heat added OP
14 Dec 16 #102
Virginia mobile throttle data after 4gb used, so having any more than 4gb is pointless.
14 Dec 16 #103
​I don't know where you got this from.....not true

if you're talking about 3g plan this is does not apply on 4g plan

any references....links......?
14 Dec 16 #105
nope...not on 4g.....they used to do this on 3g network and I moved network because of this back than.
look at the date of the article it's going back to April 2016. virgin was on 3g in April
15 Dec 16 #106
Good luck, hopefully things will be different with the new 4G tariff
16 Dec 16 #107
I've managed to bag this deal aswell. I was with 3 previously and they offered rubbish deals to keep me on so I came across this thread and chanced my luck and it was easy peasy to get. Cheers OP
19 Dec 16 #109
It depends who you speak to when you ask for the deal. I've been with them for 15 years and I use to pay £8 a month for unlimited everything. A year ago my bill rose to £11, 6 months after, they pumped it up again to £14.50 and then before you know it, I got a letter 3 weeks ago saying that my discount is being removed and I will have to pay 21.50 within 7 days. best deal they could offer me was 4gb data for £12. They are unreliable with their discounts so bear this in mind. They can alter prices whenever they want with minimal notice!
19 Dec 16 #110
Ok.. 2.30pm on 19th December 2016 right now.
Just called Virgin and said I'm trying to sign up online but couldn't get the £12.50

She said not to worry and would sign me up for the offer but only for first 6months and then revert to £25.

GREAT !! Thanks OP. 20GB, 5000mins and Unlimited Text for £12.50. GREAT DEAL>>>>

..Oh yeah... and its on 30 day contract so not tied down. Whoopee... !
softcom73 to Kaizen105
29 Dec 16 #120
i have just secured two connections for £11/month (20GB 4G , 5000 mins and unltd text) with 30 days rolling contract and price would remain same.
thanks for a great lead.
19 Dec 16 1 #111
Phoned about this, was offered it as a existing customer under the basis of I can not keep my number at all.Glad to see their bad customer services haven't changed.
20 Dec 16 #112
Speed is excellent .
20 Dec 16 #113
​excellent speed...
20 Dec 16 #114
Please don't get it unless you are GPRS FANS, it's not 4g. The reception is crap. O2 has the same deal full price, retentions offer it half price these days.
22 Dec 16 #115
​Not sure what you mean but I'm getting around 23mb now. I've done speed check 2-3 different locations.
22 Dec 16 #116
It seems most people who have the virgin media 4G service are getting around 20-25mb, even though virgin are using the EE network, the speed on virgin is certainly restricted as with EE you can get on average around 40-50mb which is double the speed
sonofaah to netjunkie
22 Dec 16 #117
Great deal
24 Dec 16 #118
Am tempted would I get a discount for having a VM landline
26 Dec 16 #119
Just tried to order deal gone
jackr95 to zee744
5 Dec 16 1 #2
Just phoned up as a new customer (currently on three) I said I get unlimited internet, 200 mins and unlimited texts. They then offered me this for 6months half price. Then it would go back to £25 or I could cancel as only 30 day!
Thanks Opp!
Decision now??!
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[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold
3 stars +101

[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold

£2 Microsoft Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C
3 stars +182

Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C

£4 £7 The Works10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda
3 stars +159

Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda

£0.10 George (Asda George)10 Oct 17
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code

£0.68 GearBest10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm
3 stars +170

Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm

Instore Morrisons10 Oct 17
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
3.5 stars +210

Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
3.5 stars +218

iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
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Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Double LEGO VIP Points
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Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
3 stars +106

Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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