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8 Dec 16
popped into a virgin kiosk today in a local shopping centre.

picked up the full hoise bundle with a second box for £30 a month all in.

200mb broadband. weekend calls and all channels except movies and sport.
Top comments
grunfos1986 to MoreBeer77
8 Dec 16 11 #3
​sky are awful
8 Dec 16 7 #2
Lol im with Sky reliable broadband and tv u must be one of the few lucky ones. everyone i know with sky inc. myself who just got rid of Virgin n now with Sky are regretting it. Im getting virgin back next week but means im paying for both for another 12 month but cant do with sky Q. Im gonna be 55 however i may phone up n see what they can do.
8 Dec 16 5 #5
Welcome to hukd. It's customary to tell US how WE get the deal.

Current Virgin price for this package is a lot more than that.

Not to mention the activation fee and the line rental and the TIVO box.
8 Dec 16 4 #1
Basic TV, minimum phone and broadband that requires a tech out twice a week? Will stick with sky, full TV package, reliable broadband, Max phone package, hd package etc etc etc for £35 per month. Vermin Media are a rip off.
Latest comments (71)
14 Jan 17 #70
Been with VM for over 10 years, only needed an engineer out once, he changed the media box for a TiVo box.
The only grumbles I have are price in increases and retention deals which don't stick. Am currently mid cancellation having been offered a deal with BT that I couldn't refuse.
Up to VM retentions and outbound team to make me a better offer to keep my continued custom..
draeburn78 to bigdaveplym
30 Jan 17 #71
​what bt deal did u get? my virgin media stops on 8th February
11 Jan 17 1 #69
update on the package no engineer available until the 26th Feb 6 weeks wait for them to give me faster internet and TV!!! after about 8 phone calls I can safley say the customer service is ridiculous!
4 Jan 17 #68
Just got the full house bundle for £35 by phoning them up! had 70mb only(no tv or phone line) and they put the price up to £33 as i was out of contract! they didnt offer me this offer until i asked for it! they offered me 200mb on its own for £37!!!! asked about who this offer is for and was told its for existing customers that dont already have a tv package! had to pay £65 for the v6 box and need an engineer out to fit it!! Cheers op
17 Dec 16 #67
went in store yesterday and was told they don't do it anymore. asked them to call customer service and confirmed they still do the deal. £30 for 100mb and £35 for 200mb. also £14.99 activation fee for new customers. thanks op
8 Dec 16 3 #8
That's strange that you are saying you have the full house bundle as that includes the sport then you say without sport and movies so what have you got?????
Gollywood to gillhoose1888
8 Dec 16 #10
​1 bed flat
dave_mito to gillhoose1888
8 Dec 16 #18
​full house has some sport. but not sky sport
alimuhammad_18 to gillhoose1888
15 Dec 16 #66
Only BT sport & Movies NOT SkySports
11 Dec 16 #65
U should probably just stick with Freeview mate and get some of those Sim cards with free data, sounds perfect for ur needs!
11 Dec 16 #64
When I expain that I have had bad experiences with Sky it means Exactly that...for me they are a bad company, that is My experience! And I dont get it anymore... I was responding to someone elses comment, this is a forum, and its what people do. This is also a deals website you f Idiot, so people tend to talk about the cost of things!
10 Dec 16 #61
waste of space on this website if no one else can get it
NeilGY to cru
10 Dec 16 #63
​tbf it helped me get a better deal than I was on, so heat from me
10 Dec 16 #62
No one is forced to buy it. Don't understand why people moan about the price if you don't want it, don't get it!

Just cuz the line is bad in your area or w/e doesn't mean a company is bad.
10 Dec 16 #60
Also add the £4 + price rise a month at least once during the contract period. VM know that once they have you set up on their cable as a customer it is easy to hit you with rises as it is more difficult to move back to ADSL as you tend to lose benefits having to get the ADSL activated again.
10 Dec 16 #59
1. I'm guessing you dont live in the Bedfordshire area...2. 50% off of their disgustingly inflated yearly contracts...:smile:
10 Dec 16 #58
Been with sky for 5 years, never had any problems whatsoever and always get at least 50% off after the yearly contract
9 Dec 16 #56
Excellent deal !

Thanks again for that, it will give me a good reference for tomorrow's calls.
NeilGY to Bingstroller
9 Dec 16 1 #57
​I didn't even have to haggle, just mentioned the offer was in store. He did say it was £35 for the 200mb bb deal & £30 for the 100mb bb deal. Good luck
9 Dec 16 1 #55
​Yes mate, bill shows bundle price of £57 - £41 discount and then £19 line rental so £35 pm total. Just signed the mother in law up (new customer) on 100mb bb, weekend phone, xl TV + 2nd box for £30 pm plus we both get £50 off our bill using recommend a friend
9 Dec 16 #53
I was paying £31 for 100mb broadband & weekend calls but no TV, rang Virgin about this deal & was told new customers only & offered for £68 per month. Rang 'thinking of leaving' option & they managed to do this deal for £35 on a 12 month deal which I was happy enough to accept. Hope this helps someone
Bingstroller to NeilGY
9 Dec 16 #54
Does this include line rental ?

9 Dec 16 #52
From what I was told some existing customers will get them this month for trial purposes. New customers as of January. I've seen mixed answers about costs though, existing customer may have to pay £99.

I posted a link earlier which may work for a new superhub 3.
9 Dec 16 #51
Are the new boxes out yet.If they are i'm going to demand one there sending me the new hub 3 for bb.
9 Dec 16 #50
All the existing TIVO boxes user 10mb only as a seperate internet connection to your own, (if that makes sense). The new TIVO boxes will be using your own internet connection, so in your case they will have access to the 100mb.

The existing TIVO boxes are slow and clunky, the new ones are showing to be quite good. Only time will tell though.
9 Dec 16 #49
I think Sky must be mustering all their staff to try and **** Virgin Broadband. There is no comparison, Sky are only using BT's out of date rubbish.
9 Dec 16 #48
​kioasks in shopping centres or there own shops
9 Dec 16 #47
But, unless I'm missing something, we still don't know WHERE.
9 Dec 16 1 #46
Whats that mate?
9 Dec 16 #44
so over 200 heat and no 1 else can get it ? pretty much sums this site up at xmas
dave_mito to wozukSilencer
9 Dec 16 #45
he signed 2 other people up whilst i was there.

think its just luck of the draw if the store/kiosk needs to get to there targets​
9 Dec 16 #43
Please dont mention Sky broadband, it's actually awful. I had different broadband providers on same line: Talktalk, Orange, etc. They were all find with stable 7mbit/s. Then ive changed my provider to Sky, 4mbit/s max, unstable connection, rarely reaching max speed, often wasnt working at all. And on the top of that Sky was actually ignoring "promotion price" they originally offered me and which i accepted, charging me full price for the package i had. Their customer service was completely deaf for all my complains. Being sky customer is a nightmare.
8 Dec 16 1 #16
I really despise the professional bloggers on here who are obviously getting a kick-back to spout nonsense on different companies behalf. The bottom line and something that is undeniable is that BT have been selling me an INFINITY package knowing that their broadband speed could only manage 30% of what they advertised. Its like selling me 6G knowing that only 3G works. The sooner we all understand that the infrastructure that BT use cannot support the advertised claims that you can receive wifi while hanging 100ft above your house on a helicopter the sooner we can stop debating and being offered Toasters and kick backs to join them....and get a proper service ..ahem apologies rant over.
sonicdeathmonkey to solddowntheriver
9 Dec 16 1 #42
Agree, BT sold my parents a 64 megabit package when fiber to cabinet finally came to their village, despite BT knowing the only way they could get 64 meg would be for their house to be sitting close or next to the cabinet they pushed the highest package when a 32 megabit standard package would have suited their needs as they are over 100m away from the cabinet. I was on the phone with BT for 30 minutes shouting at them to downgrade the package. It was only when i mentioned the word "Mis-selling" when they changed their tune and quickly downgraded it to 32 meg.

BT need to pay now for years of under investment in their infrastructure since they were privatized. Thank god it has now been judged that Openreach must separate from BT. The cheek of the matter is BT said they didn't have the resources to bring high speed broadband to villages, so the government issue grants and tenders out to industry and guess what? BT bid for 95% of the work......
9 Dec 16 #41
​has to sign up in partners name
8 Dec 16 #11
Is this including line rental?
dave_mito to bobtastic
9 Dec 16 #40
​yes it was
9 Dec 16 #39
Dont expect a decent response to your question in this thread - it's just numpties arguing with each other.
If I took a guess, I'd say it's unlikely, unless you can haggle over the phone for it
9 Dec 16 #38
I personally had a terrible experience with Virgin, useless broadband speeds (except for at 0600), the Tivo box was slow and pretty difficult to use (compared to Sky) and the on demand services did not work most of the time.

My area was clearly over subscribed, but I have now moved house and would consider giving this deal a go, just for the broadband. Everything else would be a bonus.

Any more details of how others can get this?
8 Dec 16 1 #7
I would not order virgin until after xmas when the new TiVo v6 comes out officially it's miles better than the old TiVo
den169 to bigack
9 Dec 16 #37
Anything is better than the tivo box its the worst box i have ever seen slow iplayer never works 100mb broadband and it still doesn't work.
9 Dec 16 #36
Yes! are terrible. Greedy little ba**ards. Best thing I ever did getting rid of Sky, always had problems with our broadband! Never again...
9 Dec 16 #35
This deal is terrible to be honest. I got the same PLUS sports and movies with sky for £30 (not 200mb tho - which is overkill anyway)
9 Dec 16 3 #32
Get a zgemma box and cancel the lot
pesser to markbowen07
9 Dec 16 1 #34
VU+2 is better :smiley:
9 Dec 16 #33
9 Dec 16 1 #27
Sky broadband is terrible, you can't even compare
it to Virgin
spruceyb to murdermac
9 Dec 16 #31
I used to have major problems with YouTube buffering on Virgin, not had a single problem with Sky Fibre yet. Plus 10Mbps upload speed compared to 3Mbps (or 5Mbps) on Virgin.

My only criticism of Sky Fibre so far is the Sky Q Hub is pretty weak and only has 2 Ethernet ports.
9 Dec 16 1 #30
We have been with Virgin for over 10 Years. Amazing company, Fastest broadband speeds you can get. We change our packages every year to save and have never had an issue.
9 Dec 16 1 #29
If I could get Virgin I would. No other provider has compatible speeds as they have to use crappy BT infrastructure. What we really need is new fibre cables laid and not by BT so there's real competition.
9 Dec 16 #28
can exsisting customers get this deal ?

im currently with virgin M+ package ther 100MB is flawless for me i use 5ghz frequency wireless hit 11-12mb download off private trackers. will soon be gaming so will wired
8 Dec 16 4 #1
Basic TV, minimum phone and broadband that requires a tech out twice a week? Will stick with sky, full TV package, reliable broadband, Max phone package, hd package etc etc etc for £35 per month. Vermin Media are a rip off.
grunfos1986 to MoreBeer77
8 Dec 16 11 #3
​sky are awful
benjammin316 to MoreBeer77
8 Dec 16 #6
Top kek
snowflake75 to MoreBeer77
8 Dec 16 3 #13
​I've been with Virgini 8 years and have only had to call an engineer out once as I've never otherwise had any problems. Also calling out Virgin engineers is always included. with sky it's only 12 months and then you have to take out insurance.
DAZZ2000 to MoreBeer77
8 Dec 16 1 #15
Had Virgin Media services for 14 years now and have had the engineer out twice in that time. Both times it was to perform a cabling installation to the premises. Never had any other problem that I couldn't resolve without the need for their engineer. Their broadband is streets ahead of Sky - up to 4 times faster I believe?.

This bundle above is not the basic TV either. It's the XL TV package so it wants for nothing.

Both Sky and Virgin like to hike their prices. The only way to keep the costs sensible are to either threaten to leave or bounce from one to the other each year. I usually choose the former.
mickrick to MoreBeer77
8 Dec 16 1 #21
Spoken like a true regretter. Our 200mbps gets max'd out every day, no "up to" or speed caps. TV issues are few and far between. And the phone, though very rarely used, always works when it is called into service. Sorry, but you can keep your "totally reliable" blisteringly fast Sky broadband speed (whatever it is as Sky seem to be very cagey about what their connection speeds are, quoting "up to" download and upload speeds, but not connection speeds. Hardly the most trustworthy of companies)
Hendies to MoreBeer77
9 Dec 16 #26
Tech out twice a week? No idea what you're on about. I'm on 200mbps with virgin and it's flawless internet. 225mbps download speeds, no outages - although we did buy a TP-LINK ac router for the garbage superhub to feed through for wireless
9 Dec 16 #25
I too have best of both worlds, Virgin broadband and Sky TV

A shame as nobody does Sky better than Sky and you won't find an Internet faster and better than Virgin Media

I do hate how both companies only ever look after new customers so for this reason I have to vote cold as it isn't a deal I or many others can get.
9 Dec 16 #24
Sky aren't any better on that front...
9 Dec 16 #23
Was has to wonder....are we totally insane....why we bother with any of it :wink:
9 Dec 16 #22
did you have any virgin services before? so is this a whole brand new offer, or an upgrade / deal for existing customers? or do you know if existing customers can get the deal? i have 200mb broadband only and pay more for this, but i've just put my notice in to cancel, in the hope of getting a retention deal like this
8 Dec 16 #20
My Virgin Media is great, no complaints apart from the price. Will ring them up and see if they can do something like this for me as I am reaching £50 a month and that's insane.

Don't care about TV or Phone, mainly just want the Internet (on 100 atm).
8 Dec 16 #19
Virgin is very hit and miss on how well it performs just like any other TV and broadband..

Personally myself I have the best of both Sky for TV and Virgin for broadband..

I would go to Sky for broadband but once you had 100 and 200mb broadband it is impossible to go back to sky fibre.

Admittedly with Virgin in the 18 months I been with them I have had 6 engineer visits and multiple outages lasting over 6 hours
8 Dec 16 #17
​chap had 18 a month for broadband. asked about tv aswell and he offered this no haggling at all
8 Dec 16 1 #14
They are pretty poor I agree :wink:
One engineer in about 17 years, but when they were NTL I also had a call out for a dead modem.
I do have outages now and again but the service us usually rick solid.
Price increases are a regular pain though.
8 Dec 16 #12
I got the same deal last week through retensions, although my TV is XL not full house.
8 Dec 16 7 #2
Lol im with Sky reliable broadband and tv u must be one of the few lucky ones. everyone i know with sky inc. myself who just got rid of Virgin n now with Sky are regretting it. Im getting virgin back next week but means im paying for both for another 12 month but cant do with sky Q. Im gonna be 55 however i may phone up n see what they can do.
MoreBeer77 to mcguire85
8 Dec 16 #9
​what problems do you have? We've had zero, plus got my dad hooked up too. Had around 6 years of continual problems with VM. Around 100+ tech visits, their principal tech practically lived here... Took 6 years for the top guys to turn up with a diagnostics device and say... "you have a kink in your line, you'll need a repull", so for years we had constant drop offs with Internet and TV... All we got was £70 and 6 months free service and we quit after that because we still had nonstop problems with Tivo... Plus they put the price up to well over £200 per month despite half of our bundle being promised as free for life... I could go on for hours over the other problems, like the pay on demand footy not working and the Indian call centre playing birds songs down the line and banging a drum... The repull coming from the wrong house... TV changing channels by itself, 4 new Tivo boxes going BOOM... PLUS there's the problems my dad had and still does because vm trashed his roof aerial cable... Never again.
8 Dec 16 5 #5
Welcome to hukd. It's customary to tell US how WE get the deal.

Current Virgin price for this package is a lot more than that.

Not to mention the activation fee and the line rental and the TIVO box.
8 Dec 16 #4
How is this price possible. :man:
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