My FIRST ever deal posting on here.
Varta D 3000mAh pack of two rechargeable batteries click and collect at Screwfix.Other sizes available.
Couldn't find it cheaper anywhere else.
Hope it helps someone on here...
20 Dec 166#1
Why do first time posters always say " my first post " I've seen some that say " my first post please be gentle" please be kind etc etc " what's to be scared of - the deal speaks for itself surely ?!
Heat added OP'
Because it's your first ever post. :smile:
Flowjo to pennyfarthing88
20 Dec 161#2
Erm...could it be 'cause it's the first ever deal posted here and the uncertainty whether its going a good deal or not maybe!? I don't know really lol
Thanks for the comment :smiley:
IndyS to pennyfarthing88
21 Dec 16#17
Covered the very same topic under Misc couple of weeks back, with the majority thinking I think was perfectly fine!
OP, Heat added these batteries are highly rated..
20 Dec 163#3
you D man
Flowjo to louloul
20 Dec 16#4
20 Dec 16#5
I recently purchased the pencil batteries from screwfix best ever rechargeable's i've used. I have tried all different one's in my camera and these are the only one's that have lasted heat from me xx
Opening post
Varta D 3000mAh pack of two rechargeable batteries click and collect at Screwfix.Other sizes available.
Couldn't find it cheaper anywhere else.
Hope it helps someone on here...
Heat added OP'
Because it's your first ever post. :smile:
Thanks for the comment :smiley:
OP, Heat added these batteries are highly rated..
Good first post pal, first of many we hope (think Penny likes you) :smile: