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Toshiba Exceria N302 128GB SD Memory Card 90 MB/s 4K HD ~ £18.99 @ BTShop (+99p Delivery)
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Toshiba Exceria N302 128GB SD Memory Card 90 MB/s 4K HD ~ £18.99 @ BTShop (+99p Delivery)

£0.99 P&P BT Shop17 Dec 16
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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Opening post
17 Dec 16
Been looking around for a super fast SD card to shoot 4K with my digital camera. This is the best I could find at this time. Available to order. TopCashback 2.3%

Perfect balance for 4K/HD and photo image capture
Made for everyday storage
Perfect for mobile devices
X-ray proof
Class 10 storage card with 90 MB/s max read speed
Top comments
17 Dec 16 7 #16
Or 88,888x 1.44MB floppys. That guy's just saved us time, money and effort! Make him Prime Minister!
WhiteishNoise to neils31
17 Dec 16 3 #15
​Yet in that scenario you are more likely to lose some of your photos. More cards means the chance of one being bad and failing increases. You are also more likely to lose one.

It's better to put all your eggs in one (big) basket and regularly back up to a hard drive, the cloud etc.
17 Dec 16 3 #7
Potentially lose a lot of pictures if this card went corrupt, better off getting 4 x 32 GB, but it is a good price
17 Dec 16 3 #4
no its a full size sd not a micro sd card
All comments (42)
17 Dec 16 #1
Seems to have been discontinued, still a good price but ill give it a miss for my DSLR!
jasee to mcgill322
17 Dec 16 1 #2
Just order it, they will deliver when they have stock
danpetre to mcgill322
17 Dec 16 #26
128GB is too high for a DSLR. Dont keep all eggs in one basket, I carry a few 32GB instead. Swap as needed.
I would like one to keep my MP3 in my car radio. Easy to replace if it fails.
17 Dec 16 1 #3
good for galaxy tab A?
17 Dec 16 3 #4
no its a full size sd not a micro sd card
saint711 to ajmoir36
17 Dec 16 #13
​ooops ......good job I asked.....thanks
17 Dec 16 #5
17 Dec 16 1 #6
really hot, thanks
17 Dec 16 3 #7
Potentially lose a lot of pictures if this card went corrupt, better off getting 4 x 32 GB, but it is a good price
jasee to neils31
17 Dec 16 2 #8
Or 8x16 GB
Or 16x 8 GB etc
lovelybeer to neils31
17 Dec 16 #11
Unless your camera has dual card slots (which plenty of Nikon do and the 7D I think), which negates this issue somewhat.
WhiteishNoise to neils31
17 Dec 16 3 #15
​Yet in that scenario you are more likely to lose some of your photos. More cards means the chance of one being bad and failing increases. You are also more likely to lose one.

It's better to put all your eggs in one (big) basket and regularly back up to a hard drive, the cloud etc.
xfaxfa to neils31
17 Dec 16 #24
My 64GB Sandisk has just become corrupt, only 5 weeks old. Luckily it was at the start of a shooting session! I can imagine the devastation if it happens before you've backed them up. Definitely agree having multiple smaller cards is the way to go. 800-1000 images (roughly) on 32GB.... do we need much more?
17 Dec 16 #9
That's an amazing price for a U3 class card. Everything at this price is usually U1.

17 Dec 16 #10
Ordered, fab price, cheers op
17 Dec 16 #12
Thanx ordered for my dslr. I back up photos on pc so this will be good.
17 Dec 16 #14
Ordered 2, both for my DSLR, 1 in the second slot for backup. Hot.
17 Dec 16 7 #16
Or 88,888x 1.44MB floppys. That guy's just saved us time, money and effort! Make him Prime Minister!
17 Dec 16 #17
good price, but write in speed bit slow for High speed dslr
Picard123 to Samluk
17 Dec 16 2 #18
It all depends what you're doing. Obviously, if you're shooting 20MB RAW in burst mode at 6 shots per second, then sure, there's going to be a problem. But then again, if you're doing that sort of work, you'll already know what you're looking for and you won't be on HUKD looking for cheap SD cards....
17 Dec 16 #19
17 Dec 16 #20
It really does matter for someone who takes his photos seriously
17 Dec 16 #21
Any idea what the write speed is?
Picard123 to Easy2BCheesy
17 Dec 16 1 #22
It's U3, so a minimum of 30MB/s for sequential writes.

Peope might find this guide useful:
17 Dec 16 #23
Good deal but how do you get the 99p shipping?
17 Dec 16 #25
LOL I know what i want, but that's nth wrong to do some price check ~ and nth wrong to come here and comment.
17 Dec 16 #27
My Sandisk Ultra card also failed after about using it to record about 40GB worth of video over a period of about 2 months. Permanently locked in read only mode and no amount of formatting or using error fix utilities will get it to accept any sort of writes. No idea if their Pro or Extreme lines are any better, but I'm not impressed by Sandisk cards at all as this is the second Sandisk card which I've had fail on me. Going to be using other brands from now on.
17 Dec 16 #28
Thanks but I'm still unclear what the write speed is. I use the Sandisk Extreme cards usually which can hit 90MB/s but they are very pricey. I'm not expecting the same from this, but I rather suspect it will go a lot faster than 30MB/s.
17 Dec 16 #29
Unless you're talking about the Extreme Pro, the 90MB/s you mention isn't the write speed - that's the read speed. Sequential writes will be alot slower. Of the benchmarks I've seen they've ranged anywhere between 35-50MB/s for the Extreme depending on which benchmarks you look at eg.

For the Toshiba M302, I don't know what the real world sequential write speeds would be. I have the MicroSD version of the M302 so I can't say definitively whether that would perform exactly the same (the MicroSD version gets around 30-35MB/s sequential for what what it's worth). I'm sure there will be benchmarks out there if you have a Google but I doubt it will be as fast as the 2015/16 Extreme. It is alot cheaper though as the 2016 year U3/V30 rated Extreme is currently about £50 from reputable retailers for the 128GB version.
17 Dec 16 #30
Anybody know if this is suitable for game storage for a Wii U?
17 Dec 16 #31
I've just double checked, mine is a Sandisk Ultra.... Silver and red, yes? Think this is the last of these I'll be buying. Mine doesn't grant me any sort of access! I too have tried several methods of recovery and nothing has worked. The first time I saw corrupt card on my DSLR I was able to format and shoot. Won't let me do that this time.
17 Dec 16 #32
been looking for memory card for new lumix that shoots 4k and was just going to get a 64gb one but this is same price as the ones I've been looking at so ordered. no rush for delivery as a have a decent size one I can use in the mean time.
17 Dec 16 #33
I bought the same card (except micro SD) from Amazon and when I tested the speeds the fastest it would do was 25 MB/s which is less than the minimum 30 MB/s for the U3 certification. Should I send it back?
Picard123 to dashforth
17 Dec 16 1 #35
Try a couple of different benchmark tools first and make sure nothing in running in the background.
17 Dec 16 #34
17 Dec 16 #36
i just couldn't escape from this deal. i so wanted not to buy it as i really really not need it but then i just did it i mean i just bought l :neutral_face:
17 Dec 16 #37
I use h2testw. It reports 35 MB/s with my Sandisk card. Which other tools do you recommend?
17 Dec 16 #38
Speed depends on what you were transfering. I expect most computers would transfer a single 4 GB file faster than 1,000 2 MB files (2 GB total).
17 Dec 16 #39
can this be used in a dash cam?
17 Dec 16 #40
Can this be used in a dash cam?
blurb182 to H4mmer
18 Dec 16 #41
Unlikely, you almost definitely need a microsd card. There's the equivalent microsd one on another thread at 23.74.
Also, some devices have a max capacity of card you can use.
Check the manual of your cam.

Edit - Here's the thread -
19 Dec 16 #42
You snooze, you lose - this now seems to have gone up to £35.98 :-(
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