Wallpaper stripper with enhanced base tank stability and secure hose storage. Features 2-in-1 steam plates with small detachable pad for corner working, 3m hose and Strix temperature control switch.
4.5Ltr Capacity
15min Steam-Up Time
80min Usage Time
Clip for Hose Storage
All comments (17)
31 Dec 162#1
Good find PF, nice warranty great price, heat added :smiley:
31 Dec 161#2
Great piece of kit. Had one for 2 years. Paddle attaches to the handle to make it nice and tidy.
31 Dec 161#3
sometimes I'm sad I'm not married, ideal present for the wife.
heat (and steam)
31 Dec 162#4
Great for stripping wallpaper, heat added :innocent:
Gentle_Giant to summerof76
31 Dec 16#5
Also useful for stripping paint, where you dont want to crack the glass using a heat gun, or use chemicals.
31 Dec 16#6
Could have done with this a few feels ago. Ended up using floor steamer on the wall. Did the trick!
31 Dec 16#7
These will also take Artex off if you don't mind a right mess on the floor.
31 Dec 161#8
These do save some hoss werk.... use once a blue moon but glad you have it :smiley:
31 Dec 161#9
Had a whole house of woodchip wallpaper to strip a few months back. After hacking away at one wall for a few house we paid a lot more than this for one. Made the job so so easy. So yourself a favour and get one!
31 Dec 161#10
was holding out for an earlex to be reduced but just gone for this. Hope its as good. Voted hot
31 Dec 161#11
They also take plaster off if you're not very careful! However, I had a nightmare task of trying to remove very stubborn tile cement from a wall and was advised to steam it first to soften it - worked brilliantly and just came off with a simple scraper!
GaryDIY to Besford
1 Jan 17#14
in an old house it can be used to help remove the plaster as well. got the t-shirt :smile:
31 Dec 16#12
2000w is very loud indeed
Gentle_Giant to PAULTRD
1 Jan 17#13
AND it s analogue, the hiss has to be heard to be believed.
1 Jan 171#15
Thanks OP. Have some heat :smiley:
1 Jan 17#16
Do yourself a favour and don't bother with these unless it's a last resort. I bought this and it takes ages to use and will also destroy the plaster underneath unless you're very careful. i find using a bucket of warm soapy water worked far far faster in my house
6 Jan 17#17
Got one yesterday and it worked a treat, no issues whatsoever and cheaper than renting one..
Opening post
£10 off was £29.99
2 year warranty and good reviews.
Happy stripping ...
Wallpaper stripper with enhanced base tank stability and secure hose storage. Features 2-in-1 steam plates with small detachable pad for corner working, 3m hose and Strix temperature control switch.
4.5Ltr Capacity
15min Steam-Up Time
80min Usage Time
Clip for Hose Storage
All comments (17)
heat (and steam)