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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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3 Dec 16
Here's a good deal, £18 per month, with £48 cashback and £11 quidco, makes its £13.08 per month.

This is the advanced sim which includes Feel at Home and tethering.

This deal benefits from £48.00 cashback.

The cashback is claimable by instalments in months 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 and instructions on how to claim will be provided with your order.

I have been with MPD for last 11 months on a EE sim only deal with cash back. It's been hassle free. Always pay quickly. Just enter the dates into your google calendar.

direct from Three
- rodman
Top comments
6 Dec 16 3 #27
Flame deer caught
3 Dec 16 3 #2
Not bad,

Not sure if they still had it but last Sunday I bought the unlimited plan, should have been £24 but they are doing 3 months free if you go direct, that brings it down to 18 and then tcb had £87 cash back on that tariff so just under £11 per month without having to submit bills etc
Latest comments (151)
10 Feb 17 #151
Is this 4g data?
1 Feb 17 #150
i bought it on october..
26 Jan 17 #149

I think this was almost a year ago, unless I'm mistaken?
18 Jan 17 #148
where/how did you get that?
16 Jan 17 #147
How did you get that? :O
14 Jan 17 #146
vodafone 20gb and unlimited for aprox 9.50 was much better for me..
6 Jan 17 #145
Has anyone had experience with the Three refer a friend. E.g. how long does it take to come through?
5 Jan 17 #144
The £13 offer was for 8gb data (maybe) and that offer has expired. The 30gb offer expires 31 January.
4 Jan 17 #143
My local store had leaflets with that same deal at £13 or £14 a week or so ago. I will go in and have another look to see if I was mistaken.
2 Jan 17 #142
Just did this one - £50 Quidco tracked. The sim arrived the following day and today a cute guy in a Three shop ported my old number across. Happy days.
1 Jan 17 #141
I cant say how it is with Three (via MPD) but on EE you submit the relevant bill for the cashback.
30 Dec 16 #140
Did you request for a PAC code before reaching retention? or did you get to retention straight away?
30 Dec 16 #139

So U bought SIM card with TCB do U have to send some bills to them every month to have cash back or it's automatic?
29 Dec 16 1 #138
I have gone for this and just recieved the sim card. Signal is fine for me, TCB has tracked too. Put the dates on the calendar on my phone to claim the cashback too.

I will move my current number next Saturday to this sim (won't have to pay termination fee with my current BT mobile contract)

So far so good, thanks for this.
26 Dec 16 #137
I used 512mb data, 25 mins and 64 texts on a long weekend in Barcelona. Worked great, was only 3G but came in extremely handy :smiley:
26 Dec 16 #136 doing a deal for £13.00
Unlimited texts
8gb internet
Online or store. Offer ends on 31st of jan2017.
20 Dec 16 #135
you can get close to this if you keep an eye on MPD site

before black friday i got 3 sim, 30gb, unl call/sms for £17 after cash back plus £11 quidco (£23 per month before cashback)

just small hassle of doing cash back form every 2 months but i don't mind it, only takes 30 secs to fill.
20 Dec 16 #134
​1 month rolling, 30gb- AYCE T&T for £15 a month. This also includes tethering and feel at home, Retention deal. The plan that your on was £9 on 3 website back in September however that's done n dusted.
18 Dec 16 #133
Yeah it will on the local network and middle mile, but it still gets routed to Three's endpoint. Roaming traffic is always going to have the same or less priority than local traffic, it's already limited to 3G or less anyway.
17 Dec 16 #132
your device has to follow the local network's protocol, roaming devices do not get any priority.
17 Dec 16 #131
No, all traffic is routed to the UK.
17 Dec 16 #130
Only the billing and related stuff gets routed to Three's servers, Network usage specific parameters are handled by the local network. Local networks decide who gets what amount of bandwidth.
17 Dec 16 #129
When you roam you still get directed through three's network. They can, and do throttle roaming connections.
17 Dec 16 #128
Same here, calls kept cutting off and the signal bar was up and down like a blue **** fly
16 Dec 16 #127
Sorry that's not correct. They can stop you from using certain video streaming apps etc but they can't throttle the speed as it's only the local network that can do it.
16 Dec 16 #126
3 have acknowledged they (sometimes) throttle their roaming data.
As a roamer, you'll have low priority on the host network anyway...
16 Dec 16 #125
They don't charge £15 you fool.
Are you living post-Brexit England?
16 Dec 16 #124
I don't think it would make much difference as long as you do it through quidco and fulfill the payment, but if i was you i would double check on quidco's terms and conditions first to be sure.
15 Dec 16 #123
Do you still get the quidco offer for existing customers? My sim only deal is due to expire January but will cancel early to take up this offer if so!

15 Dec 16 #122
Hey Shirley :wink: Surely the better deal is £15/month for 200min/unlimted txts/30gb with £65 quidco, that works out at £9.58 a month!! Which is £3.50 a month cheaper than this...
If you make more than 200 mins of calls a month you need a change of career :stuck_out_tongue:
PS wtf is £8.58 per month doing in the description, confusing or what???
14 Dec 16 1 #121
Its nothing to do with three and everything to do with the network you were using in France. Three cannot control the local networks.
14 Dec 16 #120
If only they put the price of the One Plan up to £18 and capped the data at 30gb like most people would have settled for and asked for, they would have saved loosing thousands and thousands of customers and now they have to offer £65 back hander to get customers back.
To **** off thousands loyal customers like they did after building such good customer base and push them into the hands of Vodafone was business suicide, the guys in charge at marketing need to take a serious look at thermselves, god knows what Alan Sugar thinks.
12 Dec 16 #119
Better than my home fibre BB.
12 Dec 16 #118
your uploads speeds are crazy!
12 Dec 16 1 #117
That's great. This is mine:

Better than my home broadband, especially the upload.
12 Dec 16 2 #116

Not bad speed considering i was getting 48mbps with Vodafone.
12 Dec 16 #115
Sometimes it takes a couple of minutes,hours,days to track,Quidco/TCB are so random with their tracking times.
12 Dec 16 #114
Existing Three customers also get 2000 Three to Three minutes free by calling 333. Great deal. :smiley:
12 Dec 16 #113
I am unsure whether I will be getting speeds like this with THREE[/quote] You cant compete with EE, I get over 60mbps in my area (speed test), i tried O2 & Voda at my home and it was not more than 18mbps. Unfortunately three coverage is pathetic in my area, I doubt i will be able to use any data service.
11 Dec 16 #112
Damn, so I've cancelled the order as it's not a good deal with no cashback. Took me 30m to get them to cancel though.
11 Dec 16 #111
yeah it tracked within a couple of hours
10 Dec 16 #110
Mine tracked
10 Dec 16 #109
Did your quidco track? Mine hadn't tracked yet after 3/4 days :disappointed:
9 Dec 16 #108
Going three direct via quidco (£65) now makes it £12.58 per month after cashback.

Has to be one best deals around
9 Dec 16 #107
Thats what I did. I cant be dealing with sending bills every 2 months!
9 Dec 16 #106
Hi Nublets, when im in france i never get more than h+ or the basic 3g ( not even the H.. I wish i could find the article but it was a good one from an actual engineer who had the tools to measure the actual speed once u leave th uk an it was pretty much abysmal. he then used a vpn and pretended to be in the uk with it and his speeds shot back up.. if you like ill try and find the article? Im off to france tomorrow with so ill see how it goes!
9 Dec 16 #105
Quidco is doing £65 cashback via Three. So going directly through Quidco is better IMO.
9 Dec 16 #104
​I phone them up but they wouldn't offer anything better. I tried to get it on a monthly basis, but to no avail. This offer is pretty amazing anyway, so took 30GB for £15/month.
8 Dec 16 #103
ROAMING EXPLAINED INCASE SOME PEOPLE ARE CONFUSED. I have just come off live chat and got the following information.

You'll get Feel At Home services in 42 countries
Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus,Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Indonesia, Iceland, Israel, Italy, Jersey, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macau, Malta, New Zealand, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Republic of Ireland, Slovakia, Slovenia,Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland and USA.

You'll be able to use your regular allowance to make calls, send texts or use data without being charged, in the same way you can in the UK, subject to a fair usage limit. If you go over your allowance, standard roaming rates will apply.
You will however be charged if you're calling a number from that country or any other country, except for the UK. For example, if you're in Italy and make a call to Italy or the USA, you'll incur roaming charges.
You won't be able to call personal numbers beginning with 070, premium rate numbers beginning with 09, or the directory services 118 313 or 118 333. That's because these numbers are all blocked in non-UK countries. You can't use your phone as a modem on Feel At Home.
Once you're on Feel At Home, you can roam on to any other network, including Three's sister and other roaming networks.
If you need to talk to us while you're abroad, you can call us on +447782 333 333. These calls will be deducted from your allowance.
Feel At Home service is only for UK residents travelling abroad, and your services could be suspended if the UK allowance is used exclusively abroad for two months within a 12 month period.
Customers can't use Feel At Home when at sea, as they will be latched to a maritime network.
If you have all-you-can-eat allowances, you'll only be able to use a portion of these in Feel At Home destinations each month.

Data: 12GB
SMS: 5,000
Voice: 3,000 minutes

I hope this helps anyone. :smiley:
8 Dec 16 #102
Fair play :smiley:
8 Dec 16 #101

No WhatsApp on my Nokia 7650.
8 Dec 16 #100
People still use mms? Use what's app :smiley:
8 Dec 16 #99
I have more or less the same query as Kallb123 - I'm on a 12 mth contract with THREE - which ends in February - is there a process whereby i sign up to this deal - and I can move my main number at some stage from my soon to finish old Three contract to this new Three contract ? I may have to payoff my old contract but so be it ...... any ideas how this could pan out folks ?
8 Dec 16 #98
Already on a Three rolling SIM and would like to move up to 30GB, but reckon it would be easier just to upgrade to £15/month direct with them rather than try to move my number to a new SIM? £2/month more than using cachback but cuts out hassle of a new sim card and rejected cashback :/
8 Dec 16 #97
AYCE mins, sms and data on 3 for £34 or AYCE min, sms and 20gb of data of EE for £64... it was no brainer, yes the trade is network speed and coverage but when you use somewhere between 1.2-1.5gb a day, 20gb a month wasn't going to cover it!
8 Dec 16 1 #96
No, they are not.
8 Dec 16 #95
Does anyone know if picture messages are included in your allowance?

Thanks in advance
7 Dec 16 #94
Fantastic deal! Heat added I just joined 3 and have no issues with 3 so far
7 Dec 16 #93
How is it. Basically asking what are you people getting on 4g on three. I know different areas will get different speeds but if 30 ppl are getting under 12mbps who all live in different areas than at least I know.

I am currently getting 48mbps download speed on Vodafone 4g.
7 Dec 16 #92
That's like how long is a piece of string.
7 Dec 16 #91
Were you on 4G?
7 Dec 16 1 #90
None, actually. My speed was not throttled as far as I can tell (or, perhaps, to a 3G-like speed from LTE. I did not watch video or similar, just streamed music/podcasts etc. and this was fine).
7 Dec 16 #89
whats the average mbps download speed you get with THREE 4G on a speed test? Need to know before i cancel the recent vodafone sim deal

On Vodafone I am getting 48mbps download speeds.

I am unsure whether I will be getting speeds like this with THREE
7 Dec 16 #88
Hi Hindsight. Thanks for the reply, do you mind telling me which VPN's you used? cheers
7 Dec 16 #87

Hi Qwerta, thanks for reply. which VPN's did you use? Im trying On a blackberry 10) Ive heard from others that some vpn's do work. Cheers
7 Dec 16 #86
Yes go to quidco an search :wink:
7 Dec 16 #85
apologies if im misunderstanding, but in order for quidco discount to be applied I have to search quidco for "mobile phones direct", and then follow through with the sim order?

is this the cheapest scenario so far?
7 Dec 16 #84
Love my 3 contract
7 Dec 16 #83
You will use data or voice only when you get coverage !! I work in mobile industry and for good throughput you need to have good quality which is proportional to your coverage. 3UK lacks in coverage, they are good in 3G Coverage but 4G will take some time. If you don't believe me then check OFCOM coverage map of 4G for all operators in UK.
7 Dec 16 #82
this company pee me off... Been with them since 2003 but they removed my loyalty discount as they no longer offer them. Now all I see are better deals than the one I have (300mins, unl texts, AYCE data for £20)
7 Dec 16 #81
Yes I think so
7 Dec 16 #80
has their service improved, told myself I'd never go back to them due to poor signal and customer service
7 Dec 16 #79
Thanks for this.

Does anyone mind sharing recent retention deals with 3?

I'm still on their monthly rolling unlimited minutes/texts and 4GB data advanced plan for £13.

I'm still gutted that I had unlimited data until earlier this year for the same price and they automatically switched me to a £20 plan. With the current offers, I feel like I could get the above deal for a couple of Pounds less. To me, price matters, as I don't use that much data outside the house (except for roaming, but 4GB is plenty for that).
7 Dec 16 1 #78
Although this is a good deal;
You can get retention deals from existing contracts, or new contracts where by for 14-18£ a month you can get a phone with the package;

voda phone offered my brother s6 w/ unlimited mins & texts, 5gb data for £17.50 a month
ee offered me (back in feb) galaxy s6 edge w/ unlimtied mins & texts and 4gb data for £17 a month
i sold the phone for £320 so in effect im paying £3.67 a month for unlimited mins and texts and 4gb of data on EE 4GEE + or what ever the extra speed ones called.

so if u dont need a phone, get a phoine contract and sell the phone
7 Dec 16 #77
Thanks for the help
7 Dec 16 #76
These days. Data is worth more than call allowance. You simply cannot compare a sim with 20gb data that costs more then this 3 sim that has 30gb data.

Unless your using the data for home broadband then the slight speed difference isn't going to matter, after all this is mobile internet, for browsing internet in chrome you not going to see much difference 60mb and 30mb speeds for example.

10gb more for £2 less.
7 Dec 16 #75
Will vary for everyone, depends on location , indoors/outdoors etc

I suggest you try find someone you know on a 3 contract and do a speed test
7 Dec 16 #74
How's the data speed?
7 Dec 16 #73
Currently don't seem able to log into 3's website to see if I can get any comparitive deal, don't really fancy the grief of cancelling my current contract with them and getting a new number but considering I'm paying £19 a month for 8GB and 600 minutes I'd be stupid not to cancel that and take this out!

Maybe a call to them tomorrow is in order..
7 Dec 16 #72
Very good deal but coverage is crap really. I have EE SIMO plans (2 lines) - Each line £14.99 with 20GB (4G Max Plan) , unlimited minutes and texts in UK & EU, 8GB of data can be used in EU and free BT Sports. don't want to change this as i get much better coverage from EE and better 4G speeds too !
6 Dec 16 1 #71
Wouldn't touch Three with a barge pole after they completely cocked up my upgrade 3 times recently. Been with them for several years but just canceled due to spending over 6 hours on the phone to customer support over the past 2 weeks. Final call took 1 and a half hours to cancel my contract as they kept begging me to stay and delaying putting me through to cancelations.

Hot if you never need to contact them for support or don't mind being messed about when it's upgrade time. But buyer beware.
6 Dec 16 1 #70
I've just got 20gb, unlimited text, unlimited minutes, for £19/mo. Quite satisfied with it!
6 Dec 16 #69
good deal
6 Dec 16 #68
6 Dec 16 #67
I just took this deal out 1 week ago and personally I think the THREE deal is better. You cant beat the extra 10gb data and roaming data is inclusive to your monthly data, while Vodafone is only 4GB Roaming data.
6 Dec 16 #66
And you're paying for it too :smiley:
6 Dec 16 #65
They are using it, turned loads of 800Mhz on in last few weeks, also not having enough masts is NOTHING to do with frequencies it's about not having enough masts
6 Dec 16 #64
Decent deal. But personally think this one is a little better from Vodafone (link below) -

£22.20 a month for - 20gb, unlimited minutes, roaming in most of Europe, Spotify + tethering inc. £85 quidco (I actually got £90 a few days ago)

I usually pay £10 a month for Spotify so for me it works out decent - So effectively £12.20 a month in my head, then sub off quidco - and it's down to £5.12 (£4.70 for me)

I was with Three for a number of years - service was just ok (not great out of towns and cities). So thought I'd take a leap into the unknown......

Vodafone Link Here

Obviously not ideal for everyone, but if you're already paying for Spotify already and need a decent contract with Euro roaming and tethering take the Vodafone deal
6 Dec 16 #63
Anyone go for the 200mins deal before this deal was renamed?

£1 more per month for 400 mins. Not sure whether mobilephonesdirect will amend my deal
6 Dec 16 1 #62
Damn thats good.

Went with BT Mobile £16 a month for 20GB. Little bit more expensive but the coverage where I am makes up for it.

I used MPD cashback before and it worked perfectly.
6 Dec 16 #61
Never had an issue in Germany or Belgium.
6 Dec 16 1 #59
hard work ???
setting a reminder in your calendar in advance and spending what is literally less time than typing one comment (which You've just done) call hard work??
6 Dec 16 #58
Don't trust Three with the quidco payment.
6 Dec 16 1 #57
This is £9 cheaper. Be even more happy :smiley:
6 Dec 16 #56
Guess this deal isn't for everyone

Are you with EE currently?
6 Dec 16 #55
6 Dec 16 #54
Damn I just took out the Vodafone sim deal unlimited min/text 20gb data a week ago and ported my number. I would of loved the 30gb compared to 20gb
6 Dec 16 #53
North Norfolk, and even the coverage map is a bunch of bull. Data coverage is based on a simulation not actual signal measuring so for rural areas it's often make believe.
6 Dec 16 #52
Give it a try although I'm not sure if they will match cashback offers
6 Dec 16 #51
Would I be able to negotiate with my current carrier, EE to get a better deal with them (like on that other hotukdeals post) by using this deal?

I say that I have found a better deal with Three so I would like to receive my PAC code.
6 Dec 16 #50
Try port on the day before you last

Move to giffgaff payg. Easier and all done online
6 Dec 16 #49
I am on a 30 day rolling, if I port today to EE, say, do I have to pay a month's money to 3 even though I'll be leaving them in two days?
6 Dec 16 1 #48
You should post that as a deal.
6 Dec 16 #47
30GB/month shared between handset and tethering. When it runs out you get charged for any additional data you use.
6 Dec 16 #46
Wow! Cheers! Heat added!
6 Dec 16 2 #45
30GB per month
6 Dec 16 #44
Hey folks, I have never used Three before. Can someone please explain the 30 GB thing is it for both handset and tethering? Or unlimited on handset and 30 for tethering? Is the 30 GB for the whole year? And what happens when it runs out? Cheers! and sorry about the long question but help a bro out here please!
6 Dec 16 1 #43
I wouldn't hold my breath. I tried using a VPN while in France and Ireland. Still awful speeds. Tried several VPNs, all same.
6 Dec 16 1 #42
given it hot but anyone looking at this for the 'feel at home' be wary. I've used this in France several times this year and the data is strangled to the extent of almost unusable speeds. Did some research and found this is 'normal' / however if you use a vpn and pretend youre in the Uk with it then apparently this unlocks the speed restrictions..I'm off to Lyon next week and will try this so i'll let you know if it works!
6 Dec 16 1 #41
No, you will have to move to pay as you go to a different provider then port your number back, it takes about 2 days, don't use o2 or Vodafone, they charge you £15, to port your number back.
4 Dec 16 1 #23
Would be great if they had better coverage.
mtuk1 to McHotpoon
4 Dec 16 #24
They do, where are you?
JusticeForThe96 to McHotpoon
6 Dec 16 1 #29
A measly 98% of the UK covered.... :confused:
sm-1991 to McHotpoon
6 Dec 16 #40
Blame EE for buying up spectrum and doing nothing with it.
6 Dec 16 #36
How can I do this if I am already with 3 and want to keep my number, rather than having to get a new contract out with a different number?
JusticeForThe96 to jbenmore
6 Dec 16 #39
I was wondering this too.

Can you port a number between two different sims from the same provider nowadays?
6 Dec 16 #34
I already have a three chip but I used to purchase addons with 1-month duration each. Can I somehow keep my chip number and use this plan? Or only if I purchase a new chip/new number?

TelicVet to fgielow
6 Dec 16 #38
​Ive just been on the phone for ages with them. They only offered me the same as on the website, or ult'd everything for £20 without feel at home. Got my PAC code and I'll find a 30-day deal.
6 Dec 16 #37
Good deal. I'm looking for something like this right now!
6 Dec 16 #35
Check out the HUKD Facebook and Twitter follow the links.
6 Dec 16 #33
Go direct with three using quidco? £65 cashback at the moment.
6 Dec 16 #32
I'm only 1 off a iPhone7 already whoop
6 Dec 16 2 #28
Woot woot. Flame deer caught
liamgareth to eclcford
6 Dec 16 #31
6 Dec 16 #30
Voted hot
6 Dec 16 3 #27
Flame deer caught
4 Dec 16 #26
Tempted by this. My BT deal expires in Feb. Does anyone know when this deal expires?

Might be worth paying the cancelation charges on my deal early for this perhaps? £16 a month for 20gb is what I pay at the moment.
3 Dec 16 #16
Awesome deal!
I would go direct to Three and get £50 cashback from Quidco...
While I have nothing against Mobile Phones Direct, their cashback system is a pain up the a**!
You have to ensure claims for cashback are put in by a certain date, otherwise you miss it.
They argued with me on some occasions I had sent them the wrong bill for the wrong period. Then when I sent them the bill they requested, they would then ask for a copy of the bill I sent in the first place.
It's two much like hard work, especially in this scenario where you will only be claiming £12 every quarter!
bigup to gilesrdavies
4 Dec 16 #17
The Ts and Cs say

So you have plenty of time to submit them. Like I said in the OP. Never had an issue with the cash back personally
mtuk1 to gilesrdavies
4 Dec 16 1 #18
IIRC you have around 6 weeks after the relevant bill to claim cashback. It's not that hard!
nublets2k to gilesrdavies
4 Dec 16 1 #25
I agree, 60 days is a incredibly short time limit for the demanding 2 minute task of opening a web page and uploading a small pdf file...
4 Dec 16 #22
Deary me. I think you need a sense of humour transplant. I bet Christmas is a blast in your house!
4 Dec 16 #21
Come on guys. Let's keep it on topic plesse
4 Dec 16 #20
Getting better, why have a laugh at spelling?
4 Dec 16 #19
Ouch. You sassy girlfriend. You might want to giggle spellings in future.
3 Dec 16 1 #15
Nice come back there, sorry for the predictive text but then I bet no one comes after you for not posting a deal in 9 years and only 200 and odd comments wow the site is luck to have you.
3 Dec 16 #14
Giggle three refer a friend and refer your self with 2 emails.

I read the 200 minutes comments didn't realise this one was the 600 minutes deal. :smiley: but same stands, as long as you shop at Amazon.
3 Dec 16 #13
thats f hot. i thought my 8gb for 9/m is hot. i dont think ill use as much data though. but three is awesome.
3 Dec 16 #12
How does this pan out if you're already with Three? I'm still stuck on the hateful 30pcm One plan waiting for something sane to move to. Any ideas?
3 Dec 16 #11
With an English translation too.
3 Dec 16 #10
Cos it's £18 direct from three :smiley:
3 Dec 16 #9
Can you explain that further please mate?
3 Dec 16 1 #8
Still added heat!!
3 Dec 16 #7
Why not go for the three same deal, sure it's is only £15 and you can get £50 of Amazon vouchers by referring a friend trick.
3 Dec 16 2 #6
£11.50 cashback via TCB:

50p cheaper for the year, woohoo.
3 Dec 16 #4
Would it not be simpler to go to Three direct and get £50 quidco cashback? Rather than use a third party
bigup to Crem0
3 Dec 16 1 #5
£166 for the year direct with Three (after quidco)
£157 for the year with this deal (after quidco and cashback)

Make your choice :smiley:
3 Dec 16 #3
Only 200 mins but can't remember the last time I used more than 20 in a month, only 30gb tethering but unlimited data on the handset which is decent :smiley:
3 Dec 16 3 #2
Not bad,

Not sure if they still had it but last Sunday I bought the unlimited plan, should have been £24 but they are doing 3 months free if you go direct, that brings it down to 18 and then tcb had £87 cash back on that tariff so just under £11 per month without having to submit bills etc
3 Dec 16 1 #1

Ensure you choose the correct sim size for you phone

Check your there coverage:

Feel at home info :
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Sherwoods Curry Sauces. Various Flavours
3 stars +115

Sherwoods Curry Sauces. Various Flavours

£0.87 Tesco10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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XCOM 2 for the PC
3 stars +199

XCOM 2 for the PC

£11.20 Greenman Gaming10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Google PIXEL XL 32 GB Sim Free - Black @ Currys Pc World & Carphone Warehouse
3 stars +187

Google PIXEL XL 32 GB Sim Free - Black @ Currys Pc World & Carphone Warehouse

£399.99 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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The Firm (game) now FREE
3 stars +168

The Firm (game) now FREE

£0.84 Google Play10 Oct 17
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Original Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum - LDS SLAM / Intelligent Route / Planning App w/code
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Bedsheets - King Size/Doubles/Single for kids
3 stars +122

Bedsheets - King Size/Doubles/Single for kids

£2 Poundland10 Oct 17
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Apple Airpods to £129
3 stars +188

Apple Airpods to £129

£129 £159 BT Shop10 Oct 17
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3 stars +150


Instore Home Bargains10 Oct 17
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National Curry Week M&S Indian Takeaway Deal - with decent veggie options too
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Resident evil origins collection (PS4)
3 stars +128

Resident evil origins collection (PS4)

£13.85 Base.com10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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TSB credit card 0% on balance transfers for 28 months, fee-free, plus potential cashback
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3.5 stars +281


£6 £24 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
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JPEG Optimizer PRO with PDF Support now FREE
3 stars +143

JPEG Optimizer PRO with PDF Support now FREE

£1.79 Google Play10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE
3.5 stars +207

PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE

£0.89 Google Play10 Oct 17
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[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold
3 stars +101

[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold

£2 Microsoft Store10 Oct 17
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Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C
3 stars +182

Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C

£4 £7 The Works10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda
3 stars +159

Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda

£0.10 George (Asda George)10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code
3 stars +141

Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code

£0.68 GearBest10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm
3 stars +170

Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm

Instore Morrisons10 Oct 17
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
3.5 stars +210

Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
3.5 stars +294

Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
4 stars +361

ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
3.5 stars +218

iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
3 stars +168

Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Double LEGO VIP Points
3 stars +179

Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
3 stars +106

Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
3 stars +129

Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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