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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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Opening post
27 Dec 16
great case at a great price
great for my new build
Top comments
27 Dec 16 4 #18
I wouldn't go for a CiT PSU with that build one of the main components you should never skimp on is the psu the cheaper units are generally cheap for a reason go for a quaility corsair or other main brand unit some only cost an extra £10 or so, just do the research. I wouldn't trust a £25 psu with any system less so if the cpu costs £160, around £40 will get you an decent PSU where you can add a discrete card later if needed without worrying about overloading the PSU.
27 Dec 16 3 #13
based on your comment...I'll take two - i already have an iphone, iwatch, mac, macbook pro & the new apple book.
CHalligan to oliverhussick
27 Dec 16 3 #9

+ This case. Roughly £500.

A mid level GFX card if you chose to get one later would be roughly £140.
An extra 1tb HDD would be £40.
Only extra you will need is keyboard/mouse and speakers.

You'd have yourself a mighty fine PC!
Latest comments (32)
29 Dec 16 #32
I have one of these, really well built. paid full price for it :disappointed:
28 Dec 16 #30
What does it look like full of components and with cables sticking out of the back?
tom_gov to GDB2222
28 Dec 16 #31
​looks buff
27 Dec 16 #29
Don't feed the troll :smiley:
27 Dec 16 1 #8
pm sent
hitman007 to ohdaesu
27 Dec 16 #28
27 Dec 16 #27
I have the p5 and it excellent. I actually get less dust plus it's easier to clean.
27 Dec 16 #26
To be fair this case would need 3 mechanical drives fitted. Leaving any of the drive bays empty would look odd in such a visual case.
27 Dec 16 #25
Yes but broadly speaking you can't use 'cheap crap' components and make an efficient power supply so an 80 Plus cert does go some way to confirming it's half decent.
27 Dec 16 #24
I agree that it's worthwhile spending a little extra more for a quality PSU. However, what people often forget is that the vast majority of PCs in the world today are run on 'crap' quality PSUs and they last for years.
27 Dec 16 #23
80 plus cert only refers to the power efficiency of the PSU not the quality of the componnents alot of the cheap PSU's watt ratings or either on the limits of the units capabilities or with some way over stated, I would never take a chance on something that could basically take out the whole of your PC if it goes bad which happens but more so with cheaper PSU's jonnyguru is one of my go too sites to check on PSU quality which varies even within main brand units, he does a full battery of tests and teardown showing the quality of the internal components.
27 Dec 16 1 #22
I can tell you what you've not got..any comedic ability!
27 Dec 16 #5
my son has one like new he needs to sell if anyone wants it £45 Bristol area
hitman007 to ohdaesu
27 Dec 16 #7
Yes, interested. Can you pm me
gold3n_dragon to ohdaesu
27 Dec 16 #21
​can you pm me please. I'm interested. thanks
27 Dec 16 #20
It's CiT with an 80 Plus cert, I doubt it will be bad but for about £10-15 more you can get a Corsair CX430 or similar if you want the brand.
27 Dec 16 #19
This is a great looking case for a water-cooled pc. Although I would go for the larger p5 case.

Keep your rooms clutter free and wall mount it and dust won't be such a huge issue.
27 Dec 16 4 #18
I wouldn't go for a CiT PSU with that build one of the main components you should never skimp on is the psu the cheaper units are generally cheap for a reason go for a quaility corsair or other main brand unit some only cost an extra £10 or so, just do the research. I wouldn't trust a £25 psu with any system less so if the cpu costs £160, around £40 will get you an decent PSU where you can add a discrete card later if needed without worrying about overloading the PSU.
27 Dec 16 2 #17
Style over substance, like every apple creation.
27 Dec 16 1 #16
How does that relate? I fail to see the connection?
27 Dec 16 #15
I like quiet cases and then I stick it in an enclosure to hid everything it.
27 Dec 16 2 #14
The photo in the thumbnail looks like one of those pin face things from the 80's , cool
27 Dec 16 3 #13
based on your comment...I'll take two - i already have an iphone, iwatch, mac, macbook pro & the new apple book.
27 Dec 16 #3
I like the look but apparently its no good on the floor due to dust. As there are no dust filters I read using this will require very regular cleaning due to very quick build up of dust in all the heatsinks and fans
Jams80 to stuellis
27 Dec 16 1 #12
It's no good ANYWHERE due to dust! It's a totally open case, so unless you have it a clean room environment and wear a full protection body suit when you are gaming, then all your components are going to be covered in a nice layer of dust in a matter of months. And don't think a can of compressed air will help.You'll accrue a layer of that sticky dust that only a wipe can remove... which you really don't want to be doing. Such a ridiculous case, although I do like the look of it.
27 Dec 16 1 #11
Haha I always forget about the monitor! And you're right, I didn't realise that RAM was only 1 stick.

Here's a slightly different and cheaper build.

A monitor will cost you £100-150 for a decent 24 inch.
27 Dec 16 1 #10
And a monitor! Wouldn't you go for 2 sticks of RAM for dual channel? And maybe downsize the SSD for a smaller disk + big mechanical storage?
27 Dec 16 1 #4
I love this, and I'm a total Mac Fanboy......... I know I could go away and do the deep research in Google, but what would it cost to put some sensible components in here? £500?

Not even really for gaming as such, although I'd be interesting in that if it was at the right price. Just to have a capable Win10 machine up on the wall as "art".
K0YS to oliverhussick
27 Dec 16 #6
​I done a build for 700£ about 5months ago.
Had a cheap case, 970, i5 processor, 8gb ram, 500gb ssd. I could have got it done for nearer 600£ but the guy it was for wanted everything from Amazon which wasn't the cheapest place for the parts.
CHalligan to oliverhussick
27 Dec 16 3 #9

+ This case. Roughly £500.

A mid level GFX card if you chose to get one later would be roughly £140.
An extra 1tb HDD would be £40.
Only extra you will need is keyboard/mouse and speakers.

You'd have yourself a mighty fine PC!
27 Dec 16 #1
Only 2 USB 3 ports?
houston26 to intuder
27 Dec 16 1 #2
​and 2 USB 2 ports. should do fine.

really tempted, heat
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