The Polar Express has been reduced to £3.99 on iTunes. It's not part of the Christmas countdown so not sure how long it will be this price. This is for the HD version.
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11 Dec 163#4
It's free on itv2. Been on twice in the last few weeks. Just record it
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12 Dec 16#19
Ah no worries. Yeah as a rental price it certainly wouldn't be a great deal.
12 Dec 16#18
It is today's iTunes Christmas deal
11 Dec 161#17
My bad I thought it was rental, why I cannot tell you as it says it no where lol, I'm sorry
11 Dec 16#12
£3.99 is not a deal can be rented else where for no more then £3.49 and even that's a joke as it's now a TV film.
CASFAN73 to te721
11 Dec 161#16
You can't compare a rental cost to a purchase cost though. Also the ideal of owning is that you can always watch it whenever its on. For example I watched National Lampoons Christmas Vacation on Sky last year, but it's not on this year and it's not on the streaming services, so I've bought the Blu Ray. Therefore all you can really compare this deal with, is other purchase deals and to be specific, other digital purchase deals. I admit that you can record it and watch it via a PVR, but there's restrictions with various services as to how you watch it and there's often adverts (especially on ITV).
11 Dec 163#4
It's free on itv2. Been on twice in the last few weeks. Just record it
robjewitt to yespleasesir
11 Dec 16#6
Hard to do that on my ipad
The_Hoff to yespleasesir
11 Dec 16#15
It's made even better by those adverts as well. Thanks for the superb suggestion!
11 Dec 16#14
No it's not........ where's the snow!!!
11 Dec 161#13
11 Dec 16#11
FREE on amazon prime
11 Dec 16#10
It's on ITV2 right now (just started) or grab it on ITV2 + 1. Get your Sky box/Virgin box/Bt box/Freeview or Freesat PVR recording!!!
11 Dec 16#9
I bought it. Nice to have it in the collection and its £7 on blu ray
Yeah, this is the best Christmas film, but I wish it didn't focus (as so many do) on the whole "is Santa real" thing. I'm lying to my kids daily throughout December, so I'd prefer there not be hints which may help the kids realise our great big streaming parent lie. They ain't figured it out yet.. STOP GIVING 'EM CLUES!
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still free on Amazon Prime