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Sky Store Free DVD + Download worth £13.99 - Existing Customers Check Your Emails
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Sky Store Free DVD + Download worth £13.99 - Existing Customers Check Your Emails

Free Download Sky Digital10 Dec 16
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Opening post
10 Dec 16
Just got an email off sky offering me a free sky store download and DVD in the post to thank me for being a customer. I chose Green Room as it's a great film with a great soundtrack! Not strictly a deal I know but owt for nowt!
Top comments
10 Dec 16 6 #4
the majority of hotdealers wont be getting this, because we don't pay full price for sky, what would you prefer, pay 25 to 40% or a free movie. No one should pay full price for sky just don't do it :smiley:
10 Dec 16 5 #7
Better off with kodi?
Zontes to LesterBoalty
10 Dec 16 3 #10
Pause your brain! Think about it now! Who the feck enables you to access Kodi? No Sky, no Kodi. Got it now?!?! Best keep quiet now.:wink:
Latest comments (73)
9 May 17 #73
yea your probably right but it only appeared in my hotuk feed last week!!!!
8 May 17 #72
Probably because you are 4 months late to the party :disappointed:
8 May 17 #71
[quote=eslick]the majority of hotdealers wont be getting this, because we don't pay full price for sky, what would you prefer, pay 25 to 40% or a free movie. No one should pay full price for sky just don't do it :smiley:[/q

sent my email off sky acknowledged email 7 days ago still no code or anything from sky guess its not for me then what a shame!!!!
1 Jan 17 #69
Very annoyed with myself - just got around to using my voucher and it expired yesterday! :disappointed:
peter1969uk to 70s_kid
1 Jan 17 #70
I think I mentioned earlier about the expiry date. Was it mailed or emailed, if it was snail mail, give them a call, and say its just arrived.
26 Dec 16 #68
I'd rather have £14 off my bill the robbing bar stewards
23 Dec 16 #67
Well I finally got the code working. So I ended up buying two films. The Huntsman: Winters war, and Mission Impossible Rouge Nation. Neither I own already, plus hopefully one or both will come with a voucher. I still have 1p in the account to.

Don't forget to check the expiry date on the voucher, mine was only valid until the 31 Dec to spend it.
23 Dec 16 #66
Ha ha yeah I read that the wrong way.... :smiley:
I'm like that looked through and there's not much we fancy really
23 Dec 16 #65
It wasn't a question on how to use the voucher, it was what should I get get with it.

Though since the code is invalid, maybe I should have wrote how to claim it.
22 Dec 16 #64
I received this offer today and I don't pay anything atm to sky since I reconnected (a few weeks ago) as I have £100 credit and pay £5 for their original bundle. I also got the box sets for 3 months free.
22 Dec 16 #62
I never received an email for this offer, however I have just had this offer sent by post.

I don't pay full price for Sky in fact, I've not paid them for 6 months as the gave me a retention package. Which was a £100 and a reduction when that £100 expired.

I've only had two titles from the store, one was the free Ice age, the other was The Martian which cost me £5.49 as it was on sale and Ice Age came with a £5 voucher. So it only really cost me 49p.

What to do with this new voucher though? Pay for a new movie or buy two older ones, and hope they come with vouchers?
stefromuk to peter1969uk
22 Dec 16 #63
it tells you in the letter what to do on the back
22 Dec 16 #61
I made that mistake yesterday. I got the £13.99 credited to my account so purchased a movie on the sky q box only to notice it never used the credit. I done some digging and it mentioned in the small print you must purchase using the website... A bit sly, I wonder how many people are giving Sky £13.99 making the same mistake.
20 Dec 16 #59
Has anyone tried this for pre-orders?
martindodd77 to mizzy1985
21 Dec 16 #60
I was wondering the same. I don't think you can as it looks like pre-orders
are done through your sky box and the T&Cs on my letter say that "the voucher cannot be used in conjunction with purchases made in a sky+hd sky Q box"
20 Dec 16 #58
Was that this offer or the Christmas present one, two different offers :smiley:
10 Dec 16 6 #4
the majority of hotdealers wont be getting this, because we don't pay full price for sky, what would you prefer, pay 25 to 40% or a free movie. No one should pay full price for sky just don't do it :smiley:
cruisecars to eslick
10 Dec 16 1 #22
I would rather have 75% off my bill anyone that pays full price is a mug...
Gozer to eslick
20 Dec 16 #57
I'm on a 75% price plan and I still got this offer today.

Does anything know if we wait until the 31st December will there be any more films to chose from?
20 Dec 16 1 #56
A real no strings attached freebie from Sky.
Merry Xmas to one and all.
20 Dec 16 #55
Got one today and i have 60% off deal.

Cant see me using it, its probably easier to use kodi.
20 Dec 16 #54
Heat added :laughing: my girls wanted the BFG and the DVD for free
19 Dec 16 #53
Got this today. My sub is all tv package for 7.99pm. Been down the streaming route was awful.. Nowhere near SD and I get 120MB dl...SKY all the way...
19 Dec 16 #52
Has anyone got their dvd copy yet?
12 Dec 16 #51
Hmmm. I've received no email, only blooming survey's all the time !
But I got £25 cashback, with sky box set channels, phone line and standard broadband for £17 so pleased with that , but never refuse freebie :smiley:
12 Dec 16 #50
No email for us.
12 Dec 16 #49
Not everyone will receive one. Only `selected random customers' will.
12 Dec 16 1 #48
Again, I never actually mentioned stealing anything, that was you! Kodi is one of MANY streaming services! Am I ok to say netflix? Is that OK with you? Will you accuse me of something else?
What you fail to see is that if you continue to pay a ridiculous amount for poor quality content that's constantly repeated as filler, have the same garbage adverts shoved down your throat every 6 or 7 minutes, that you don't pay for on any other terrestrial channels?? Then you'll continue to get ripped off and "some people" will always look to use the likes of kodi, Netflix, plex and so on as a more affordable alternative!
And don't make out you're squeaky clean and you've never stolen anything! Paper clips or the odd pen or photocopying your own documents at work! The air you breath! It's still stealing!
Get over yourself!
12 Dec 16 1 #47
Ok. You never answered my question though. Basically just because technology has moved on ppl think it's acceptable to steal films, tv series etc. It's not just big corporations it's costs either, think how many DVD rental outlets/cinemas have shut in recent years. That's a lot of jobs gone due to ppl who are streaming their own digital content.
11 Dec 16 #46
No email for me - and I'm the mug still paying full price (although I intend to change that soon)
11 Dec 16 #45
You either can't read or haven't read my reply, either way your wrong!
11 Dec 16 #44
So would you go into a shop an steal a TV because the company charges too much for it ?
11 Dec 16 #43
Yes because you obviously know what your talking about? Best be quite yourself!
11 Dec 16 #42
I never mentioned stealing anything? Kodi if your unsure can be used for streaming your own digital content without as you put it "stealing" but yes, your right! Lets all continue to allow big corporations like sky over charge for really poor content and constant repeats!
I'm not surprised they get away charging what they do when "clever people" like yourself continue to pay well over the odds for crap tv! Good luck with that.
10 Dec 16 5 #7
Better off with kodi?
Zontes to LesterBoalty
10 Dec 16 3 #10
Pause your brain! Think about it now! Who the feck enables you to access Kodi? No Sky, no Kodi. Got it now?!?! Best keep quiet now.:wink:
stevetheman to LesterBoalty
11 Dec 16 2 #41
Yes most things are cheaper if you steal it.
11 Dec 16 #40
also when the DVD turns up you get a £5 credit voucher with it so ordered another DVD
11 Dec 16 #39
I received a letter offering me 60% off to stay but I binned it. It's there a chance I will be offered 75% off
11 Dec 16 #38
I never got an email.
11 Dec 16 #37
So, besides people talking about what package they pay for. How many people actually received this email?
10 Dec 16 #36
I got the email and I'm in the notice period for cancellation!! Must be a leaving gift lol
10 Dec 16 #35
My sister got one today too! Very good of sky.......
10 Dec 16 #34
got mine.
10 Dec 16 #33
Whats Kodi ? :stuck_out_tongue: keep it quiet people .
10 Dec 16 #25
Thanks. Is this to the account holder email address or the sky email address?
j69 to smiffypro
10 Dec 16 #32
It came to my hotmail account
10 Dec 16 #31
Your problem is the multiscreen, you have to have a sky subscription so technically even though your man contract is up you may be stuck. Try it and see, I remember I had to say I would pay the mulitscreen cost but that was only a month then I made it up with bigger discount and account credit.
10 Dec 16 #30
Great stuff...I checked and I got the email. I got the full package for £30 via moneysupermarket so check your junk mail folks as clearly you don't have to be in the 1% who pay full price for sky...
10 Dec 16 #29
It's not that easy and you may have to keep on at them. I recently tried and it took 2x online chats and 2 calls inside my 31 day notice period. In the end I still only got 60% off and £50 credit, rolling contract
Stevie Badman
10 Dec 16 1 #28
cold - no email
10 Dec 16 #27
I got variety package contract finishes in February 20th 2017, I have also signed up to sky multiscreen in July 10th 2016. I pay £16.00 for variety getting 50% off and £6.00 for multiscreen 50% off as well so total I pay is £22.00 a month.

My contract finishes in February so I need to give them 31 days notice to cancel can some one help me?

1. If I cancel the variety package in February do I still have to pay for multiscreen because it finishes in mid July or can I cancel both by giving my notice in by January.

2. If I was to cancel in January and gave them 31 days notice will I get the 75% off and £100.00 credit straightaway or do I have to haggle with them.

3. If I carry on with sky what is the best way for me to get the best deal on both the packages or just the Sky package, forget the multiscreen don't even need that.

Can someone be generous enough to help me out as I'm not sure what and where I should start.

What are my options and what is going to be the best way to contact Sky by phoning Sky, going to sky chat or emailing them please share your thoughts thanks
10 Dec 16 2 #26
eh? What has Kodi got to do with Sky?
10 Dec 16 1 #24
so we are in agreement then :smiley:
10 Dec 16 #23
I cancelled my full TV package way back in April. Am I unlucky as I have had no email or phone or app offers so I got a Zgemma box and use that. The daft thing is if I did get a 60% off offer I would have it back
10 Dec 16 #21
What email address is it from? Sky store or sky customer services ?
10 Dec 16 1 #20
I've currently got full package 50% off for 7 years - and 2 multirooms for £5 each no contract :wink: no email though
10 Dec 16 #19
I had one a few months ago "we would like to offer you a 25% discount for 5 years" you can imagine what happened to the letter :smiley:
10 Dec 16 1 #18
Good going. I received an email a month ago offering my current package, no contract, for 5 years.. £8 a month for sky isn't half bad
10 Dec 16 #17
No email for me unfortunately.
10 Dec 16 #16
I don't pay full price and got the email...
10 Dec 16 #15
follow the advice in this thread, you have to put in a full cancelation request, once that happens you will be offered 50% off in minutes on mysky or the app. Then go online and negotiate up to 75% and £100 credit, 60% plus credit is easily achieved. In the last 14 years we have paid full price for about 6 months, had 75%, 75% 50%, 60% for 3 weeks, and then 75% plus up to £100 credit each time. In the early days it was difficult you had to wait until the full cancelation took effect and Sky was switched off but now as soon as you cancel its a massive discount.
10 Dec 16 1 #8
Nothing for me but 75% off and credit I suppose asking for another £14 is cheeky,

Op have you purchased from sky store before ?? Wondering what the criteria was
argosextra to gyro85
10 Dec 16 #9
How did you get 75% off
daisyb212 to gyro85
10 Dec 16 1 #13
we got it and on reflection we have never bought from sky store (except the freebies like king fu panda and ice age) so maybe that's what it is? Hmmm we also don't pay anywhere close to full price for sky x
10 Dec 16 1 #12
we got it and we definitely don't pay full price - we cancelled in spring, went without sky for a month and ended up getting the full lot for £20 a month plus £100 credited so didn't even pay for it for 5 months. Also no contact! so it's possible anyone can get this x
10 Dec 16 2 #11
thanks just checked and had same
10 Dec 16 #6
Do you only get it if you pay full price?
10 Dec 16 1 #5
Nothing for me :disappointed:
10 Dec 16 #3
How did you order it, was it within your sky account?
10 Dec 16 #2
we got the same today! fab!!
10 Dec 16 #1
I got one too - good freebie - probably go for a pre-release.
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