Just a heads up, new cards are coming out next year and the year after and the year after and the year after and then after that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that
Should be much cheaper then..
24 Dec 166#4
Now that is just silly. I'd wait 85 years but not 86 for a decent refresh.
The_Hoff to kamy786rulz
24 Dec 164#40
Changed significantly, there's a few good articles out there recently which dictate how AMD have improved the drivers to such a degree that the 480 has eclipsed the 1060.
Both of these were before the recent 16.12 ReLive driver set which I'd expect will have further improved performance. In addition, with Radeon Chill you can now ensure your card is working as effectively as possible whilst still delivering your frame target (lower power, less heat, less fan).
Any RX480 8GB would be a good deal at this price, but this one is the 'all bells and whistles' model.
24 Dec 16#2
hooooootttttt :smiley:
24 Dec 168#3
Just a heads up, new cards are coming out next year and the year after and the year after and the year after and then after that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that
Should be much cheaper then..
24 Dec 166#4
Now that is just silly. I'd wait 85 years but not 86 for a decent refresh.
24 Dec 161#5
this or gtx970?
D3SI to Narkodrom
24 Dec 162#9
lomax to Narkodrom
24 Dec 161#25
Presuming the gtx 970 is 2nd hand and significantly cheaper the 970. Else this is pretty hard to beat for the money new.
24 Dec 16#6
Is the MSI RX480 any better then this?! Just like satchef1 if nothing else comes alone might get this. Missed out all Black Friday and since happened deals. :neutral_face:
24 Dec 16#7
Tempted, still on a 7850 that is slowly dying.
aseddon130 to tek-monkey
24 Dec 16#34
Or slowly getting old, as mine is too. :sunglasses:
24 Dec 16#8
if this comes with civ6 you can sell the code which reduces the effective cost as well.
harisonwright to droyden
24 Dec 16#10
Where does it say it come with civ6
24 Dec 16#11
Delivery is £11.50?????
tek-monkey to ah_heng
24 Dec 161#14
Just a bit steep!
24 Dec 16#12
What, exactly, are you having a dig at?
24 Dec 16#13
Nowhere! Lol :smiley: I don`t think so it comes with it.
24 Dec 161#15
this a massive upgrade from a 2gb 760? or should I stay on team green and go for 11 hundred series, I heard AMD is bad for drivers and stuff has that improved?
t3hfunk3r to kamy786rulz
24 Dec 162#17
Destroys the 760. Utterly. Nothing in the class at this price compares. 1060 is 30 more expensive and about 2% faster in dx11. Dx12 and vulcan this beats the 1060
The_Hoff to kamy786rulz
24 Dec 164#40
Changed significantly, there's a few good articles out there recently which dictate how AMD have improved the drivers to such a degree that the 480 has eclipsed the 1060.
Both of these were before the recent 16.12 ReLive driver set which I'd expect will have further improved performance. In addition, with Radeon Chill you can now ensure your card is working as effectively as possible whilst still delivering your frame target (lower power, less heat, less fan).
The nVidia fan boys of this site don't like it though... They'll be cold voting.
24 Dec 16#16
This card does get a bit loud when under heavy use, if that bothers you. It's a great price for the performance especially if you want to play DX12 or Vulkan games like Hitman and Doom.
Yes. Like new from aw is basically new. Someone bought it and returned it. 1 year warranty is still there.
Didn't know about the forum posts equal free postage.
Would still buy from amazon over scan though
24 Dec 16#26
None of the coolers on the rx 480 do anything different temp wise that matter except for the msi and ultimately water cooling.
24 Dec 161#27
Best RX480 on the market. My one gets to 1.4 ghz out of the box. Any game 1080 over 60 fps on all maxed out. Max core temp 72C in my shabby HP Elitedesk 800 case. Just love it.
t3hfunk3r to majdzinski1979
24 Dec 16#28
Silicon lottery is ultimately luck. Nice one.
24 Dec 16#29
crap delivery prices, does the 20 forum post thing work for Northern Ireland?
24 Dec 16#30
Is this much better than a R290x?
rev6 to prodigy8
24 Dec 164#36
Not worth an upgrade.
24 Dec 161#31
tek-monkey to imcconvey
24 Dec 162#32
Oops, fat fingers. Meant to ask you to elaborate but hit like instead! I'm interested to know what you'd buy at this price point that makes this deal garbage?
24 Dec 16#33
got a evga superclocked gtx1060 on order for £237.00 how will this compare ?
t3hfunk3r to cookied
24 Dec 162#37
1060 is 2% faster in dx11. Rx480 is faster in dx12 by about 5 - 10 %. Same for vulcan.
24 Dec 16#35
Mine has given me random POST failures since new, but any other machine I put it in its been fine. I get the no GFX card beeps, have to wait a few minutes then its fine. It doesn't appear to be the PSU either as I tested a much hungrier card in there, a mate had the exact same problem with this card. Its really odd, once its on it works great, but its now 50/50 if I can turn on my PC!
24 Dec 16#38
Pci slots is probably goosed or the CPU, one of the two most likely. CPU pcI lanes might be on the way out
24 Dec 16#39
I'm on a 280 / 7950. Still eats everything at ultra at 1080p ..... which is annoying.... need an excuse to upgrade...
24 Dec 162#41
I had something similar but I took a hoover to the fans in my pc and that fixed the issue ha, it was basically overheating. To be honest it's not often I use it for games but when I did it failed on me after a few mins and crashed the whole machine.
24 Dec 16#42
Ok cheers didn't think they would be much in it.
24 Dec 161#43
I got one from scan last month for £214.78 including postage and Civilisation VI free download. good price if it's including delivery. heat from me.
24 Dec 16#44
should I wait until 2017/18 for when die sizes shrink by half with AMD vega, I dont game that much even though I have a 4670K and a 760. don't really want to spend more than 200 for a gpu
24 Dec 161#45
If you have a GTX 970 then no the performance isn't worth it. If your thinking of getting either the RX 480 or the GTX 970 you would get a GTX 970 way cheaper.
24 Dec 16#46
If you collect from a UPS point its currently the same price, so guessing its been this price for a while?
24 Dec 161#47
Can I ask where and how to get gtx970 way cheaper than this? Thanks... Merry Christmas...
24 Dec 162#48
I'm assuming the reference is to buying used cards. The target price for a used 970 would be £120-£130 given relative performance parity with the 1060 3GB and 480 4GB. Any more than that and it would make more sense to buy one of the new cards BNIB.
In practice, I've found 970s to be a tad over valued, with most people wanting £150+ for their cards, making them bad buys versus simply buying a new card.
24 Dec 16#49
Ah.. That makes sense. Thanks...
24 Dec 16#50
This, not even a question IMHO unless you can get the 970 at sub 130.
24 Dec 16#51
I got 1070 and 480 and ppl who said 970 is gud then this well keep trolling.
24 Dec 161#52
Personally I wouldn't wait.
Vega cards will be at the very top end competing with the 1070/1080/Titan, it makes no sense in AMD cannibalising 470/480 sales which as my previous post details is more than happy competing with the 1050/1060 respectively.
I'd doubt the 480 will be shaded out for a good 12/18 months given for 1080p its stellar and right now that's where the vast majority of gamers are.
Just me speculating but certainly the first card will be the top end.
25 Dec 161#53
25 Dec 161#54
Have to say; if Ryzen proper competes with Intel as much as people think it will, AMD could actually compete once again with Nvidia and Intel. I haven't got any room at my place so I'm saving up for 3 years to build a 4K beast once I have the room; but this is a phenomenal price for a 1080p card now. Even 1440p would run well if you got a hold of a 1440p Freesync.
25 Dec 161#55
You should be able to get Civilization 6 with this
After months of waiting and looking - this was a deal too good to refuse - ordered and HOT!
25 Dec 16#61
That may be true, but I was just speaking from a sound / heat perspective which is important to people.
25 Dec 161#62
Remember 2-3 months ago nearer to when these launched and the 1060 was assumed to be the faster card at all resolutions compared to the 480? And the media were recommending the 1060?
Fast forward to now and the 480 is faster in all resolutions and can be had for cheaper, as this deal shows. Check out the benchmarks:
What a 180. Driver improvements and newer games being benched that perform better on the more DX12-capable 480 have lead to the current situation and the gap will only get bigger in favour of the 480 as time passes. Under no circumstances would I buy a 1060 right now if you can get a 8GB 480 for the same price. It even has 2GB more RAM.
25 Dec 16#63
Yet people will stay pay £20/30 more for a worse card. Strange world
25 Dec 16#64
It is a strange world! People follow fashion, adverts and customs, rather then value and in this case performance.
I heard as well that MSI has better cooling in every way than other cards (apart from Strix which is as good as MSI).
25 Dec 16#65
Sure, though you have to take into account out of the box clock speeds and fan curves, all of these can be configured accordingly. I do agree though if acoustics is important I may look to adopt the MSI, if all things are equal...
But, they're not. MSI offers a 24mth warranty, Sapphire offer a 36mth warranty. At this price it's a steal.
25 Dec 161#66
Does not look like it. When you add any GPU from the link you posted, then on checkout under the product it shows "Free Civilization VI download code with RX480", but there is no such thing on checkout when OP product is in the basket.
25 Dec 16#67
Then surely civ6 is not free then :smiley: How could they get away with such false advertising...
Its probably best to send them an e-mail and ask if its an error or this particular model isn't included in the offer
25 Dec 16#70
Bagged one. Thanks
25 Dec 16#71
Can't work out the free delivery so went to the local collection @ a fiver
25 Dec 16#72
It was 20 forum posts and then link forum account. Normally takes a day so maybe worth it to snag at this price as its still easily the best price available
26 Dec 16#73
Errr... your link doesn't show the 480 as faster than the 1060 in all resolutions. It shows the 6GB 1060 ahead of the 8GB 480 in those resolutions benchmarked, and the 3GB 1060 behind the 8GB 480 in those resolutions. Which seems appropriate, as the 3GB 1060 is cheaper than the 8GB 480, and the 6GB 1060 costs a little more. :wink:
(To clarify, for the percentages in your link, a higher percentage means better performance. I guess you're thinking lower is better..?)
A shame the weaker pound has made all of these cards so expensive (would have loved to see them fighting over the £150-160 price point), but they all seem priced appropriately, relative to each other.
26 Dec 16#74
This all day long! The 970 was a great card but it's not worth anywhere near £200 anymore
26 Dec 16#75
Its AMD it's garbage. Have a nice day. Don't cry too hard.
26 Dec 161#76
Thanks for clearing that up, your insight is incredible.
26 Dec 161#77
Only if you don't already own a GTX 970 otherwise not worth the upgrade.
27 Dec 16#78
Have any of you guys who have order had any status updates from Scan? I've had confirmation of my order but I needed to order a 6 to pin PCIe adapter as well - noticed straight away I got 2 status updates for that order but still waiting on one for the GPU.
I have messaged them yesterday about but they don't open up again till tomorrow - fingers crossed its gone through
27 Dec 16#79
I have heard nothing either. Hopefully they have stock
27 Dec 16#80
the 6 pin adapter...will I require one for a new PC build?
27 Dec 16#81
only if your PSU support 6 pin PCIe like mine did. most new PSUs come with an 8 pin as standard these days. had to buy one as my PSU is 4 years old
27 Dec 161#82
thanks for the tip. just checked and I ordered a corsair 550 with 6 pin. will ask to change order to evga 600w as it has 6+2 for newer pcie graphics cards and is same price. bit rusty, it's been a while. BTW I ordered all parts inc the rx480 and not had an order confirmation too.
28 Dec 16#83
yes the msi one is better than this as it is more overclockerable, quieter and not to mention cooler and better looking (in my opinion) although most the time tends to be more expensive. As well as the fact the sapphire one is nearly just as loud as reference. But for this price point at this time get it now.
28 Dec 16#84
out of stock and end of life doubt they will have any more
tek-monkey to iand75
28 Dec 16#87
End of what now?
28 Dec 16#85
Just spoke to customer services, more due in today.
booble to retroeightyfour
29 Dec 16#93
had similar response. they are expecting more stock on 3rd Jan.
28 Dec 16#86
Since when is an RX 480 end of life?!
28 Dec 16#88
End of the world as he probably didn't bag one :smile:
28 Dec 16#89
page was stating end of life when i checked this morning
29 Dec 16#90
Back to £250.
29 Dec 16#91
Spoke to Scan - they was not expecting the large number of orders for this item. I've been told I will not get my order to at least the 4th of Jan :disappointed:
29 Dec 16#92
Had a similar response from them; I gather that they had a very high number of orders over the holiday period. On the positive side Scan are honouring the price but I can't help but feel that their online ordering and stock-control system shouldn't accept orders (and charge credit cards) for stock they don't have.
computerbitz to phoenix198
30 Dec 161#94
I ordered one never seen it on here i was just on them looking at what was on offer on Tuesday, seen the card and thought oh i will have that one. When i spoke said they should have them in next week and might be looking at Wednesday for delivery. Not in a rush for it but shouldnt have shown in stock when not in and should have been as it is now a Pre-Order item.
3 Jan 17#95
I have had confirmation it has been shipped folks
4 Jan 17#96
No problem. Glad you think so.
4 Jan 171#97
Oh well i am a happy bunny my arrived earlier today
5 Jan 171#98
Received my card yesterday. Emailed Scan asking if this card was still eligible for the Civ 6 promotion, they sent me the code shortly after :smiley:
21 Jan 17#99
How come this is not marked as expired yet? Page gives 404 as well.
21 Jan 17#100
It's a month old, always expect month old deals to be expired, hell there are year old deals that aren't expired
Opening post
Top comments
Should be much cheaper then..
Both of these were before the recent 16.12 ReLive driver set which I'd expect will have further improved performance. In addition, with Radeon Chill you can now ensure your card is working as effectively as possible whilst still delivering your frame target (lower power, less heat, less fan).
ReLive overview:
The nVidia fan boys of this site don't like it though... They'll be cold voting.
All comments (100)
Stonking deal. Depending on what Santa delivers tomorrow, I might order one (if there are any left).
An up to date review for anyone considering one:
Any RX480 8GB would be a good deal at this price, but this one is the 'all bells and whistles' model.
Should be much cheaper then..
What, exactly, are you having a dig at?
Both of these were before the recent 16.12 ReLive driver set which I'd expect will have further improved performance. In addition, with Radeon Chill you can now ensure your card is working as effectively as possible whilst still delivering your frame target (lower power, less heat, less fan).
ReLive overview:
The nVidia fan boys of this site don't like it though... They'll be cold voting.
Also like new is 211 not 222
The same one on Amazon is 239.99
Didn't know about the forum posts equal free postage.
Would still buy from amazon over scan though
In practice, I've found 970s to be a tad over valued, with most people wanting £150+ for their cards, making them bad buys versus simply buying a new card.
Vega cards will be at the very top end competing with the 1070/1080/Titan, it makes no sense in AMD cannibalising 470/480 sales which as my previous post details is more than happy competing with the 1050/1060 respectively.
I'd doubt the 480 will be shaded out for a good 12/18 months given for 1080p its stellar and right now that's where the vast majority of gamers are.
Just me speculating but certainly the first card will be the top end.
Fast forward to now and the 480 is faster in all resolutions and can be had for cheaper, as this deal shows. Check out the benchmarks:
What a 180. Driver improvements and newer games being benched that perform better on the more DX12-capable 480 have lead to the current situation and the gap will only get bigger in favour of the 480 as time passes. Under no circumstances would I buy a 1060 right now if you can get a 8GB 480 for the same price. It even has 2GB more RAM.
I heard as well that MSI has better cooling in every way than other cards (apart from Strix which is as good as MSI).
But, they're not. MSI offers a 24mth warranty, Sapphire offer a 36mth warranty. At this price it's a steal.
(To clarify, for the percentages in your link, a higher percentage means better performance. I guess you're thinking lower is better..?)
A shame the weaker pound has made all of these cards so expensive (would have loved to see them fighting over the £150-160 price point), but they all seem priced appropriately, relative to each other.
I have messaged them yesterday about but they don't open up again till tomorrow - fingers crossed its gone through