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SanDisk Clip Sport MP3 Player 4GB - Black (Refurbished), £18.99 delivered from picstop
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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Opening post
16 Dec 16
At a glance
• Super lightweight
• Clip-on action
• Durable
• 8GB* plus card expansion slot1
• Dynamic sound quality
• Large LCD screen for easy navigation
• AAC compatible
Top comments
uni to jasee
16 Dec 16 5 #4
i have a different model and use it as my main player when commuting etc even though i have my iphone. i have it rockboxed with custom firmware that let's me use a 200gb sdxc card and play pretty much all audio formats including 24 bit flac, file order is based on folder and filename rather than tags. so instead of farting about with itunes which doesn't play flac or transfer it to the phone, it just plays from the memory card on the sandisk. it's got 8gb storage internally so i keep some stuff on there and i have a few cards including two 200gb ones, which means that player has more storage than the biggest ipod classic, plus it's easy to swap cards. it also saves the battery on my phone and doesn't really take up much extra space

it's obviously not for everyone, but if you want a lot of storage it's great, and they don't cost much either
Crammage to fire_emblem
16 Dec 16 3 #17

It's almost like different people have different needs. What a crazy concept.
Latest comments (37)
11 Feb 17 #37
Just purchased, still on offer, just what I was looking for, thanks :smile: heat added
7 Feb 17 #36
I bought one of these and, although I wasn't expecting much, I am seriously impressed with this wee music player for the price.

One word of note if you're thinking of ordering one of these - the unit comes with 'REFURB' stamped on the bottom. Personally I am not bothered but it could be an issue if you're looking to buy one to give as a gift, etc
22 Dec 16 #35
I had the original sansa clip which had a long battery life, great audio quality , decent FM tuner and robust build quality but when I purchased the latest one the battery life was unimpressive and it developed a hardware fault after a few months .
16 Dec 16 #34
"A serious fashion saddo" - defending an £19 MP3 player.....thats a fashion statement is it ? :laughing:
Your ideas of fashion etc are topsy turvy and far more deserving of an epithet like "serious" or (what a moronic word) "saddo"
16 Dec 16 #33
AKG K452 White headphones the sound is great and heads often turn around.

I want a player with option to change firmware and not sure if sansa etc is still sold.

I want to be able to select folders and play what's in the folder instead of playlists etc.

Any suggestions please
16 Dec 16 #32
Me LOL....No mate, I own headphones that cost £16.99 years ago Monoprice, look them up on youtube, they kick those piles crap into a cocked hat and yes folks you bought in marketing and your'e a serious fashion saddo. :smiley:
16 Dec 16 #31
loved my old sansa clip and replaced it with one of these when it finally died. As said previously, it's great for the gym! Also used mine in a lengthy labour - saving phone battery for precious pics! never understand the snobishness of people saying a phone is better!
16 Dec 16 #29
Superb battery life but it's not possible to put rockbox on it which is a total showstopper for me. I loved my clip+ with rockbox but recently lost it.

Anyone know what the default firmware is like?

Also does it really only support up to 32GB expansion? Dealbreaker
dgcorp to jeeeeeez
16 Dec 16 1 #30
I have one of the SanDisk Clip Sport devices.
I like it a lot and it's actually survived several months of sweaty running (unlike the Clip+ which died in a few weeks)

However there is 1 BIG issue.
It doesn't matter how big the Ext micro-SD card installed is (I've got a 32GB in mine, can't remember if it will read bigger) the File System will only Catalog the first 2000 files on the SD :-( :-(
Mine ignores about 20GB of files because of this limit which is seriously annoying!

Update: 16/12/2016 16:33
I've actually just re-checked some of the forums and there's a slightly older firmware v1.28 that supports 4000 songs #Whoop
N.B. although there is always a ** risk of breaking your device with firmware changes ** - I've just installed it on my Clip Sport and it worked okay :-)
16 Dec 16 #28
This seems a good buy for out and about/gym/car mp3 player. I remember picking up the sansa clip+ when on deal from here about a year ago. Small little thing with good sound and blue & yellow oled display - supports rockbox as well. Kept giving me problems forgetting the microsd card i had in it when using rockbox firmware. Was good when it worked maybe the sd card to fault. I wanted something with capacity and modded an Ipod classic 5th gen with Tarkan iFlash dual, 2 x 128GB SD card and jumbo 2000mah battery! Its awesome - sound quality, speed and battery life. Noticed he has the iflash quad now 4x uSD. Ultra capacity!
16 Dec 16 #22
Which SanDisk player use to get very Good response on hotukdeals? Was it sansa or something?

I use Sony mp3 player but would like to have an alternative as Sony is great but had it for while now.
seanjames to aj2001
16 Dec 16 #25
sanza fuze?
Adiebear to aj2001
16 Dec 16 #27
I'm sure it was the original sansa clip with blue black/dislplay.
16 Dec 16 #26
Thanks! I was after one of these myself. Heat added.
16 Dec 16 #24
Recently got one of these for the couch to 5k podcasts. Great little thing. Even has a lock button feature (hold the back arrow button for a few seconds until message appears to say locked, same to unlock) which I found I needed after catching a button half way through a session and had to start the podcast again.

Rather this than my phone when it threatens rain, much lighter and less bulkier too.

Did get some cheapo ear hook headphones to ensure they didn't come loose during the running, without earbuds as I don't like them anyway.
16 Dec 16 #23
I have the sansa clip+ which is the earlier version without colour screen. I love the thing, it has survived the washing machine twice. Sadly after 4/5 years it is not holding a fantastic charge - but it is still going strong and gives several hours playback. The volume is also decent when the 'worldwide' option is selected.

I have a decent Android phone, but it is too large/cumbersome for when I want to listen to music and I don't really want to damage it when I am gardening etc. Word has it that santa is bringing me a XDUOO X3 but the Sandisk will still be my go to outdoor player.
16 Dec 16 #21
I have had a couple of these devices and they are fantastic (but don't survive being put through a wash cycle).

I use mine mainly for running
16 Dec 16 #20
Good price, sound quality is much better than most phones on the market too. Wish they still made the Clip Zip, was my favourite small player too :smile:
16 Dec 16 #19
I'm assuming this doesn't have bluetooth... it's been years since I bought one, so I don't know if they all have them now hah... what's the cheapest price I'd be looking at for a decent one that works with the wireless headphones?
16 Dec 16 #18
Have a sansa zip clip (different model) but these are perfect for running, combined with a GPS watch will relieve you from having to carry a bulky phone all over the place.

If you run 10km+ per run this is essential.

If GP is sufficient for you why do you go to see specialist consultants in a hospital?

Heat added.
16 Dec 16 2 #14
People here: I have expensive smartphones, I don't need compact music players with physical keys, why does this thing exist?

Dude, this device isn't meant for you if you don't know what is it useful for, why are you commenting about it...
Crammage to fire_emblem
16 Dec 16 3 #17

It's almost like different people have different needs. What a crazy concept.
16 Dec 16 #3
anyway can`t see if anything can beat sound quality of *FLACs on s7 with good headphones and poweramp on board.
heat added anyway, reliable brand and as mentioned above its good for running etc.
pablozzzzz to mike28uk
16 Dec 16 #16
​got sansa clip plus rockboxed and its blow away s7 in any aspect. it is louder nore accurate and can play music on my beyerdynamic headphones .... patetic comment
16 Dec 16 #15
Why does it say 8gb expansion slot? Could I put a 16gb micro SD card in it?
16 Dec 16 1 #13
These are great. Bought for my child to use with cabled speaker. He loves it. Battery lasts forever*

*Does not last forever, just a very long time :smiley:
16 Dec 16 1 #12
Ah ! You'll be one of those with the Beats headphones - looking around as you get on a bus making sure people noticed the "b" -, taking the iPhone 6 or the LG or Samsung phone out and deliberately playing with the screen "selecting" then ? Last thing you want is player hidden away, eh ? :wink::laughing:
16 Dec 16 2 #11
Just incase you might need an old mp3 player whilst horseback riding? :stuck_out_tongue:
Heat added just for fun.
16 Dec 16 #1
Can`t see the point of this nowadays, most people have phones with better (larger) players on them.
Wodja to jasee
16 Dec 16 2 #2
​A lot smaller if your out running, battery would last longer as well.
uni to jasee
16 Dec 16 5 #4
i have a different model and use it as my main player when commuting etc even though i have my iphone. i have it rockboxed with custom firmware that let's me use a 200gb sdxc card and play pretty much all audio formats including 24 bit flac, file order is based on folder and filename rather than tags. so instead of farting about with itunes which doesn't play flac or transfer it to the phone, it just plays from the memory card on the sandisk. it's got 8gb storage internally so i keep some stuff on there and i have a few cards including two 200gb ones, which means that player has more storage than the biggest ipod classic, plus it's easy to swap cards. it also saves the battery on my phone and doesn't really take up much extra space

it's obviously not for everyone, but if you want a lot of storage it's great, and they don't cost much either
jayok to jasee
16 Dec 16 2 #7
Can't see the point of carrying a much bigger device just to listen to music
PhilK to jasee
16 Dec 16 #10
Better and louder playback than most phones
16 Dec 16 #9
Good spot, needed one for my Daughters skating routines. However went for the Yellow 4gb new one.
16 Dec 16 1 #8
Each to their own I guess.
Battery lasts for ever on these, they are light as a feather and great for walking, commuting, running or gym.
Screen size and resolution is better than previous Clips too.
And with a good pair of headphones, they will give a run for their money to any fancy mobile (maybe not an LG V20 or other 32bit DACs if you have golden ears).
16 Dec 16 #6
If this is the same model I have then it can't be Rockboxed, but I found the standard firmware fine. It's great for clipping to your shorts during those long runs so your phone battery doesn't die while you're logging the route. I barely noticed it was there
16 Dec 16 #5
Perfect for the gym and running.
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