Couple of good price drops from Boomerang. Just as a note, Ratchet and Clank currently is £14 trade from CeX which equates £15 credit from GAME. :smiley:
Republique is a really good game, well worth the money. Heat.
23 Dec 161#11
The ratchet and clank is OSS mate, regardless of the method you use to search for it.
23 Dec 16#10
Glad you're no one of those mate. I've got your point now but hey even if you call this game half complete it still was very well received. I think it will put you through the minority who think it was incomplete. Another example is metal gear, although you hear here and there people saying the game was incomplete but public classes it as a well received game. I guess life has changed, games are being released on a basis of instalments, incomplete (somehow) and complete but locked to contents for further purchases. It's just a new business model and we either have to accept it or ignore it. :smiley:
23 Dec 16#9
Using that link I get a 'No matching games found, please try another criteria.' message.
No 'buy ex-rental now' button in sight.
I don't know how Boomerang gets any business. Their website is a right shambles.
23 Dec 161#8
Sounds about right tbh
23 Dec 161#7
that's a very abstract way of interpreting my thoughts on one game.
I think that one game remade on the ps4 was literally only half of the game it was based on, I don't mean they did a bad job in making it, I mean they physically missed out half the game, I am in no way comparing the way the game actually plays just it's content which as a remake I had thought it would feature at least as much as what it first had to offer, not a fraction, most remakes have additional features without skipping a lot of the original content, which this game does. That is my entire issue with it.
it's not nostalgia if you don't like a reprint of a book because the 2nd half of the story is missing.
obviously most ps4 games are bigger than ps1 titles, I mean I know you were being facetious but since it wasn't relevant to what I was saying I thought I should emphasize I wasn't in any way referring to nostalgia, since this is the original game I can't say it is better or worse for it's story. my entire point is that half of the game is missing - just this one example of a ps2 game the remade level for level on ps4 with half the levels missing. this is in no way a reflection of any other game on any sony console.
I don't know if I can make the point any clearer but I am worried you may still be confused and think I am generalizing as you somehow did with my original comment, I promise I am just comparing these two games, the other systems or video games on sony systems have nothing to do with it, nor do their release dates, if they were both released this year and one only had half the levels I would still say dont bother buying that game, get the full version.
23 Dec 16#5
Used games nonetheless.
mixmixi to Spasho
23 Dec 16#6
Thought title was clear enough, nonetheless!
23 Dec 161#4
Go through this page, click 'buy ex-rental now' then checkout and follow instructions. Screen should look like this:
Note the game will be ratchet and clank not AC
23 Dec 16#3
Looks like Ratchet and Clank is OOS already :disappointed:
23 Dec 16#1
I wouldn't bother with R&C, It's only half the original game... literally they cut half the levels out, I wouldn't bother with it unless you like disappointment. get the HD trilogy on ps3, or play it on psnow. the originals are better in all kinds of content. The way the game plays I suspect they got about 50-60% through remaking the game's levels then they were pushed to finish it and had to add an extra level to finish.
mixmixi to phil36
23 Dec 162#2
*I wouldn't bother with PS4 tbh, all with PS4 games were disappointment so far. With all half-cooked games here and there. I suggest buying a PS1 and live in 90s when the games were good. :smiley:
Opening post
Republique £8.97
One Piece £14.29
No 'buy ex-rental now' button in sight.
I don't know how Boomerang gets any business. Their website is a right shambles.
I think that one game remade on the ps4 was literally only half of the game it was based on, I don't mean they did a bad job in making it, I mean they physically missed out half the game, I am in no way comparing the way the game actually plays just it's content which as a remake I had thought it would feature at least as much as what it first had to offer, not a fraction, most remakes have additional features without skipping a lot of the original content, which this game does. That is my entire issue with it.
it's not nostalgia if you don't like a reprint of a book because the 2nd half of the story is missing.
obviously most ps4 games are bigger than ps1 titles, I mean I know you were being facetious but since it wasn't relevant to what I was saying I thought I should emphasize I wasn't in any way referring to nostalgia, since this is the original game I can't say it is better or worse for it's story. my entire point is that half of the game is missing - just this one example of a ps2 game the remade level for level on ps4 with half the levels missing. this is in no way a reflection of any other game on any sony console.
I don't know if I can make the point any clearer but I am worried you may still be confused and think I am generalizing as you somehow did with my original comment, I promise I am just comparing these two games, the other systems or video games on sony systems have nothing to do with it, nor do their release dates, if they were both released this year and one only had half the levels I would still say dont bother buying that game, get the full version.
Note the game will be ratchet and clank not AC
*Same logic. :smiley: