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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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11 Dec 16
Pringles 99p at Tesco from Monday 12th December

Pringles Original 190g 99p (was £1.99)
Pringles Paprika 190g 99p
Pringles Sour Cream And Onion 190g 99p
Pringles Salt And Vinegar 190g 99p
Pringles Texas Bbq 190g 99p
Pringles Prawn Cocktail 190g 99p
Pringles Cheese And Onion 190g 99p
Pringles Seasonal Pigs In Blanket 190g (Christmas Flavour) 99p
Pringles Smokey Bacon 190g 99p
Pringles Paprika 190g 99p
Pringles Flame Grilled Steak 190g 99p

Link To Deal

Update: Pringles may be £1 or 99p prices changed on Tesco website


Pringles Tortilla
Pringles Tortilla Bbq 180g £1.24 (was £1.99)
Pringles Tortilla Chilli 180g £1.24
Pringles Tortilla Sour Cream 180g £1.24
Pringles Tortilla Nacho Cheese 180g £1.24

Link To Deal

Update: Pringles Tortilla may be £1.25 or £1.24 prices changed on Tesco website
Top comments
captainbeaky to Inquisitor
11 Dec 16 18 #39
What does it say?
Mgkhkht to jenny1eccles
11 Dec 16 10 #3
20, wouldn't like to shop where you shop.
fattyuk to jenny1eccles
11 Dec 16 9 #16
Not surprised you only have 37 comments in almost 4 years.
11 Dec 16 7 #44

Taking our country back, 1 crisp at a time.
Latest comments (112)
13 Dec 16 #112
Wow oh deer me just in time for Christmas
13 Dec 16 1 #111
Look, in a moment of folly... okay a day long spell of being in a foul mood... I decided to reply to a comment you made to another poster and thus find myself amongst that annoying set of people who preach, to the happily unconverted, about their health on innocuous threads about crisps, chocolates and the like. I'm in a much better mood now and there is no part of me that wishes to argue the toss. I say processed sugar is a deadly poison of which there is no safe amount. You disagree. Cool. Depending on who is funding it there is research to support either view. So, let's leave it at that and enjoy our Pringles. Merry Christmas and sorry for getting on my soapbox. *hangs head in shame and shuffles off*
13 Dec 16 #110
[citation needed] - a mars bar is more dangerous than weed and tobacco? :confused: Tobacco is a proven carcinogen, sucrose isn't.

Pringles are not a health food, I did not mean to imply that and no one would ever pretend they are but they are certainly not a lethal poison as implied by the original commenter because a few common additives are used. I spout this assumption because E-numbers are some of the most tested substances in the world and they get regularly and spontaneously reviewed should substantial new evidence arise. Any type of evidence will be looked at regardless. Take the most recent safety review of aspartame by the EFSA, I say recent because it has been assessed multiple times due to public concern and new evidence emerging, which looked at over 2000 studies including unpublished ones i.e. not reviewed or accepted etc, just in case.

Glucose, i.e. a sugar, is the preferred source of energy used by the brain and body. And sugar kills brain cells you say? I find this biologically implausible.

Sugar is sugar is sugar. Table/refined sugar is pure sucrose, a sugar consisting of glucose and fructose molecules and is quite easily broken down into those two simple sugars. How exactly is sucrose dangerous? Glucose, fructose and sucrose all occur naturally in varying proportions in fruit, honey etc. It doesn't matter if it's natural or refined, naturally occurring or added, your body doesn't care because there are no differences. Too much sugar is undoubtedly bad but then again so is everything. Moderation and a balanced diet is key, there is no harm in having some pringles or a chocolate bar every now and then.
12 Dec 16 #109
You sir, need help.

Just realised you're trolling, someone who posts as many alcohol esp spirit deals seriously cant be worried about the toxins that go into there body lol

and there was me thinking you was someone who lives a 100% genuine helthy natural lifestyle.

Silly me

12 Dec 16 #108
This site, sometimes hurts my head so much.

I dont understand how this:


can lead into debats/politics/life ethics/cancer.


Merry Xmas.,
12 Dec 16 #107
Actually diseases are a bit more wider in their definition than eating too many Pringles.

Desease has more to do with your families genetic preferences. Some are passed down the family lines.
For instance my dad was colour blind. I wasn't. Any male children I would have had would have had colour blindness.
As for Organic, it even so happens there are very minute traces of chemicals like herbicides in them. Organic does not mean zero contaminants.
Just a good weeze to get money out of you for very little protection.
But can I ask, do you worry about your home environment. Those Tefal pans, dust, gas you cook with. It all adds to the mix. it's just not what you eat that effects you.​
12 Dec 16 #106
Actually a child can't BUY it under 18 but any child above the age of 5 is legally allowed to drink it at home in moderation. ​
12 Dec 16 #105
True. The Internet generation have the whole world's information at their finger tips and are more thicker than thier forebears. ​
12 Dec 16 #104
I just bought 14 packs for 99p each between a normal Tesco And Tesco Extra

Not sure about express or metro stores prices
12 Dec 16 #103
£1.25 in store this morning, booooo
12 Dec 16 #102
​It's your health mate. Before many people in this country know it, they get cancer and diabetes and its too late . Just try to figure out how these two diseases are picking up all around you and it all makes sense.
12 Dec 16 #101
​When you see so many people around you suffering from modern diseases cancer and diabetes, there is connection. That is why some people buy organic food. While organic food is going to the extreme and very expensive, there is no need to eat nasties where alternatives are easily available.
12 Dec 16 #100
​Alcohol comes with warning and not available for children, These are generally given to children and come with no warning or even red, green, yellow traffic markers in British crisps.
12 Dec 16 #99
I bet you're a right laugh at party's.
12 Dec 16 #98
Although Pringles seem moreish for a while, I realised they were disgusting, greasy rubbish. Have a look at the ingredients. Yuk! May be we are paying for the novelty of a cardboard tube.
12 Dec 16 #97
£0.95 for either smokey BBQ, original or sour cream and onion in WILKINSONS
12 Dec 16 #96
We all have our vices! Crisps, alcohol, chocolate!
12 Dec 16 #95
​it's actually happened again lol

a simple deal about something simple has got someone spouting politics again lol

its a crisp mate
12 Dec 16 #94
​I belieave it I used to work at a food factory so much food gets wasted.
12 Dec 16 #93
So was I.
11 Dec 16 1 #92
Personally love the Paprika flavour but they're often hard to find. Happily this year Tesco and Morrisons seem to stock them. Thanks Op.
11 Dec 16 1 #91
Love Pringles
11 Dec 16 1 #90
there's a lot of wastage in the manufacturing process
11 Dec 16 #89
Was going to buy this on wkend and noticed it was £1.24 so was going to go wilkos.. pop in one day this wk
11 Dec 16 1 #88
Imagine the crunch on 3 tubes. ... i see this as a challenge. Challenge accepted
11 Dec 16 1 #87
that's why I missed it - thanks
11 Dec 16 2 #86
Starts Tomorrow Monday 12th December
11 Dec 16 #85
I was in tesco last night and missed this :neutral_face:
11 Dec 16 #84
U really want to try the pigs in blankets! :smiley:
11 Dec 16 #83
must stock up :smile:
11 Dec 16 #82
I know I was just being sarky..
11 Dec 16 #81
yeah 4 flavours Original, Sour Cream, Salt and Vinegar and Texas BBQ at Wilko
11 Dec 16 #80
Wilkos is 95p
11 Dec 16 1 #79
Just tried the pigs in blanket flavor. Very good people
11 Dec 16 #78
Lol. Don't believe everything you read on the internet. The Earth is flat if you believe everything the internet says. So much misinformation on the internet that gullible kids end up believing.
11 Dec 16 1 #77
Guess that's correct but still silly season people think voting hot will make a flamedeer magically appear same every year you can tell this by the amount of low comment or new members on the site this week so i let you off :smirk:
11 Dec 16 #75
Here comes the 40 inch waistline this Christmas!
11 Dec 16 #74
Larger range of pringles flavours at Tesco vs the usual 4 flavours (normally Original, Sour Cream, Salt and Vinegar and Texas BBQ) at the smaller supermarkets, pound shops, discount stores
11 Dec 16 1 #73
The trick is to eat 3 at a time. Really get a good crunch sound. (I don't mean tubes of course :smirk: )
11 Dec 16 #72
For everyone saying '95p in wilko'

is that for all those flavours ? No
11 Dec 16 1 #71
Thanks op always wait for them to drop to a pound wouldnt pay full price for them but then again i wouldnt pay full price for anything! :wink:
11 Dec 16 #70
Stock up for Xmas and try not to eat the before. That's the hard part or the good part. Heat from me xxx
11 Dec 16 #69
Oh hello! You must be new here.
11 Dec 16 1 #68
These are the large packs not the miniatures
11 Dec 16 1 #67
Fab thanks, was looking out for when they drop to £1! I never pay more than that :-)
11 Dec 16 #66
How the heck is this voted so hot ? cheaper elsewhere and this price most of the year silly season on hotdeals :confused:
11 Dec 16 #65
I love these but only seem to ever buy them at Christmas... oh and why do cinemas insist on selling them, try sitting behind someone munching through a tube, it is so annoying.
11 Dec 16 3 #64
Sadly, everything I like ends up bad for you. Salt was demonised over a decade ago. Now it's sugar. Don't get me wrong I accept the science, but this Christmas I am going to enjoy all the stuff including these Pringles. So cheers OP.
11 Dec 16 #63
Always felt wilko, Iceland & SuperDrug are the cheapest in many products.
11 Dec 16 1 #62
Thqanks for posting added to shopping list
11 Dec 16 #61
I was gonna let this lie but you're living in a dream world. Forget all the additives and chemicals that most people would need a dictionary to spell. Exactly how many more studies do you need about the harmful effects of sugar before you are convinced that it is slowly killing you off and will possibly finish your brain cells off before the rest of you? I'm only on this thread because I like eating Pringles this time of year, as much as the next person but I'm under no illusions that it will do my health any good whatsoever; which is why I don't eat them all year round. Eat them by all means but when you spout the assumption that anything bad for your health wouldn't be allowed in the food chain for too long before something gets done about it, then you just sound naive, at best. Refined sugar is more dangerous than marijuana/ tobacco and anyone who argues the point these days presumably does so because they don't want to stop consuming it or they don't want others to. On that note, enjoy your Pringles.
11 Dec 16 #60
The Pigs In Blankets Pringles flavour is pretty good - reminiscent of the Seabrook's Canadian Ham flavour (which I also like). I also tried Tesco's Finest Pigs In Blankets crisps and I reckon the Pringles version of the flavour was better.
11 Dec 16 #59
I nearly always buy these for about a pound. Usually one supermarket will have them on "offer" at a pound.
When they sell them at the inflated price of £2 or so it really annoys me.
Remember the companies are still making a profit when they sell to you at 99p.
11 Dec 16 4 #58
From the man who buys McDonald's! !!​
11 Dec 16 #57
And alcohol yes. Not everyone smokes though, everyone eats food and food and tobacco are not the same thing. :P

If an ingredient had a sudden safety concern such as a carcinogen, activists, experts, charities like CRUK etc would be calling for it to be investigated and it would either be banned or the maximum permitted levels in food would be reduced.
11 Dec 16 #56
11 Dec 16 4 #55
Carcinogens build up over time? Then why are you posting alcohol deals if you're so concerned? :P Most things are carcinogenic

The Internet is full of misinformation and lies though. I prefer evidence, not random blogs telling me Big Food is killing their customers. So which ingredients are carcinogenic and how carcinogenic are they? E numbers have been rigorously tested and are not automatically unhealthy, some are found naturally in your body and include things you need to live.

Yes the evil all powerful food industry can freely sell poison as it controls and lobbies the government. Oh wait, the government has introduced a sugar levy. Oh wait the government has introduced an advertising ban. :wink:
11 Dec 16 #54
You're right; apologies. :disappointed:
11 Dec 16 1 #53
Calm down people you're on a post about crisps for God sake.
11 Dec 16 #52
95p wilko
11 Dec 16 #51
​Just read the e numbers and read their side effects on the Internet. The way the carcinogens work is they build up over time, so one pack may not cause any symptoms but over time it builds up. Look how many people around you will have cancer but the food industry can sell everything including poison due to their friends in the European Parliament and other law making bodies .
11 Dec 16 #50
Thanks op :smiley:
11 Dec 16 #49
What? Like cigarettes are banned?
11 Dec 16 1 #48
11 Dec 16 1 #47
Are you confusing this with Walkers?
11 Dec 16 3 #46
And ready meals. :smile:
11 Dec 16 2 #45
[citations needed] - which ingredients cause cancer? Why aren't these products or ingredients banned if they're so lethal?

Because "real" crisps are a healthy superfood. :smirk:
11 Dec 16 7 #44

Taking our country back, 1 crisp at a time.
11 Dec 16 1 #43
And? Tomatoes and hard cheeses are also high in glutamate. :wink:
11 Dec 16 7 #42
Says the user posting alcohol deals.
11 Dec 16 #41
Also been this price in Morrisons for weeks.
11 Dec 16 4 #40
Eat more, we're delicious.
11 Dec 16 #32
Pringles have Msg in them.
captainbeaky to Inquisitor
11 Dec 16 18 #39
What does it say?
11 Dec 16 1 #38
Once you pop....
11 Dec 16 #37
Forgot to buy this yesterday.
11 Dec 16 #36
Cancer causing Frankestein food full of artificial colours, flavours, preservatives and emulsifiers with hydrogenated fat from Brussels . Read the ingredients. Buy British crisps without any nasties inside.
11 Dec 16 2 #35
11 Dec 16 1 #34
95p in wilko
11 Dec 16 #33
I actually prefer Tesco own version of pringles called Chipz but they only come in 2 flavours unfortunately.
11 Dec 16 #25
Does anyone ever pay more than £1 for Pringles? They always seem to be that price somewhere.
andreocean to LesD
11 Dec 16 1 #31
I tend to find shops with the largest range of Pringles flavours often have them frequently on offer for £1.25 and less often at 99p-£1 (sometimes £1.50) (Morrisons, Tesco, Sainsburys, Asda).

And shops with the smallest range of Pringles (normally Original, Sour Cream, Salt and Vinegar and Texas BBQ) frequently have them on offer at 95p-£1 (sometimes £1.25) (Iceland, Pounland, Poundworld, B&M, Home bargains, Lidl, Wilko And other discount stores).

For me £1 is the maximum I would pay for Pringles Original, Sour Cream, Salt & Vinegar and Texas BBQ. All other flavours and types of Pringles maximum I would pay is £1.25.
11 Dec 16 1 #30
HOT! Thanks for the heads up! Pringles and wine on Christmas eve has to be the norm for us now :smile:
11 Dec 16 #2
Still ridiculously over priced for 20 crisps. It`s the packaging you`re paying for.
Mgkhkht to jenny1eccles
11 Dec 16 10 #3
20, wouldn't like to shop where you shop.
andreocean to jenny1eccles
11 Dec 16 1 #4
To be honest there's a lot more than 20 crisps in a full size Pringles can.
JohnnyRoller to jenny1eccles
11 Dec 16 4 #9
To be fair these are 190g compared against maybe a 6 multipack of walkers at 25g per pack. So effectively 150g in comparison and these taste much better. Just my 10 pence worth.
fattyuk to jenny1eccles
11 Dec 16 9 #16
Not surprised you only have 37 comments in almost 4 years.
kos1c to jenny1eccles
11 Dec 16 1 #29
It's closer to 100 crisps/chips you get from a large can. 25 - 30 in a small 59p can.
11 Dec 16 #28
11 Dec 16 #27
Also a quid in some pound shops. The fact that the supermarkets over charge for these in first place does not make 99p hot. Especially when cheaper elsewhere.
11 Dec 16 #26
My favourite Pringles ingredient? Uniformity! :smile:
11 Dec 16 #24
Thanks op, will stock up for christmas. Good price
11 Dec 16 #21
Cheers op. Showing as 99p for me :smile:
andreocean to barnesy99
11 Dec 16 #23
Thanks just updated post :smiley:
11 Dec 16 #22
just added to my shopping, brilliant thanks :smile:
11 Dec 16 1 #20
Morrisons have them on....u get 4 boxes for £3.00(_;)
11 Dec 16 #19
Thank you op. Love Tortilla ones.
11 Dec 16 #18
missed out on pigs in blankets last year, hopefully i'll be able to pick some up this year
11 Dec 16 #17
love the tortilla ones heat :sunglasses:
11 Dec 16 3 #15
Turkey/Roast Chicken flavours are crap, pigs in blanket flavour is awesome.

Why is it sometimes the salt & vinegar flavour is really bland & others it's like drinking hydrochloric acid?
11 Dec 16 1 #14
Bad but good. :laughing:
11 Dec 16 #13
Also Turkey

Best to wait a few days more ASDA normally drop the price of pringles to £1 for Christmas and New Years every year same with Tesco, Morrisons and Sainsburys. These 4 shops have a larger range of Pringles flavours not just the usual 4 flavours (original, sour cream, salt and vinegar and texas bbq) when on offer at £1 pound shops, discount shops, smaller supermarkets.
11 Dec 16 4 #12
It isn't christmas without some pringles for boxing day buffet! Only ever pay £1 for them, but still not bad for a tube of crisps. If you think they're overpriced don't buy them...
11 Dec 16 2 #10
Pigs in blankets flavour sounds exciting! Got to be worth a try at £1 - thanks for posting :smiley:
marcb4617 to Lee63
11 Dec 16 #11
​They have pizza flavour in ASDA. £1.25
11 Dec 16 2 #8
And if you buy 2 you can rent a movie but disappointed with limited choice of movies on offer, all pretty old titles. Don't think this is clear on promotional packs.
11 Dec 16 1 #7
Thank you op, heat :smiley:
11 Dec 16 3 #6
£1.00 in B&M and 95p in Wilko
11 Dec 16 2 #5
This site dying on its feet when people vote hot for over priced crisps -yes these are crisps !!
11 Dec 16 7 #1
Heat added. Morrisons also £1 if a Tesco isn't handy
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