When will the madness end haha, I wouldn't mind having one... but when you need to spend half of your months wage on a phone I think I will wait for the price to come down. Not made of gold like a lot of the world seems to be :o (Crys a little)
All comments (34)
8 Dec 163#1
Welcome to the year 2018 Iphone 12 Only £999.99
When will the madness end haha, I wouldn't mind having one... but when you need to spend half of your months wage on a phone I think I will wait for the price to come down. Not made of gold like a lot of the world seems to be :o (Crys a little)
argosextra to NightmareEng
8 Dec 16#3
Half a months saving on a iPhone 7 will last you 5 years so think of it as a investment and you can always sell the phone as iPhone prices don't go down
W1zz to NightmareEng
8 Dec 16#15
Apple iPhone 7 128gb = £699
Android Google Pixel 128gb = £699
Welcome to 2016
8 Dec 161#2
Harambe approves of this deal! :laughing:
8 Dec 161#4
Erm 5 years later the phone will be just how an Iphone 4 is now, will sell for most £100 then.
8 Dec 16#5
It doesn't have to be 5 years could be 6 months or 3 years
8 Dec 16#6
not a bad but not a great.
£599 for the phone, so after cashback looking at £6.50 p/m for 3gb for data (155.50 over 24 months).
half months saving? yes if you don't have a mortgage, children, household bills and don't eat food.
8 Dec 16#7
I think it should be looked at in a different perspective.
For example. Just ended my contact sold my old iPhone on eBay for £275 before eBay fees.
I got the very deal 10% off totalling it to £540 after cash back.
£540 -£245 = £295
Sim only deal
Unlimited calls & texts plus 15gb data for £15
Total cost over 24months is £655
grajac123 to Akaptel94
8 Dec 16#10
can I ask who you got that sim offer off
8 Dec 161#8
Amazing deal on the iPhone 7! £32 for 3GB of data! Can't find anything close to this on comparison websites.
Can't imagine this deal will be available for long!!
hurricane_haramabe to mint_macaroon
8 Dec 16#9
Fingers crossed it lasts longer than I did! :confused:
8 Dec 16#11
Yeah EE but was passed over to there "loyalty department" to get that deal
8 Dec 16#12
Kind of wish I had held out instead of getting an s7 now. Ahhhh well.
8 Dec 16#13
I cannot find this for £32 per month on the site, even after putting in the code : (
Siddas to supermarlon
8 Dec 161#18
First off choose vodafone as the operator. Then choose the drop down for data for the 1gb to 3gb option. Then choose the slider for monthly cost £25 to £35. Should be the second optionfor a £125 handset. Choose Buy Now and then on the next page put the code in. Works a treat.
8 Dec 16#14
Good deal
8 Dec 16#16
If that's the case, I'll buy one now, sim free and in 5 years time you can buy it from me for the same price I paid. Agreed?
8 Dec 16#17
I got an iPhone 7 plus from EE for £36.49 10GB
8 Dec 16#19
better deals out there from buymobiles.net
dunkertruck to SJ01
8 Dec 161#23
prove it.
8 Dec 16#20
If we live for next 5 years then I'll buy it you never know tomorrow never comes
8 Dec 16#21
Thats £100 more than any other phone
8 Dec 161#22
If your wages are £64 a month you probably have bigger issues.
8 Dec 16#24
Get a 5s - does all the essential things a 7 does.
thevman2k3 to foes4you
8 Dec 161#25
Buy a skoda...it does all the essential things a ferrari does
9 Dec 16#26
I wonder when we will get the first £1000 iPhone?
9 Dec 16#27
5 Years? So you are saying the iPhone 4s is still worth the £600 you would have paid for it?
9 Dec 16#28
I'm not saying anything you are saying it
10 Dec 16#29
Just gonna put this out there, I've upgraded from a Samsung galaxy S6 edge to an iPhone 7plus. And I couldn't be happier. My last iPhone was a 5 and I was adamant I'd never go back. I'm so glad I did! Everything is better now!! As a music player, which the original device was meant to be, it sh!it's all-over android. I'm hearing things I never heard before. Yes, same headphones. Don't know why. I figure Iphone must output it better? Even on Bluetooth. Get one! At least if you decide you don't like it, you'll get most of your money back.
10 Dec 16#30
Having bought the iPhone 6 Plus & 6s Plus and now looking at the 7, your phone value halves from the date you buy it to the following September for the next phone launch. So whilst they appear to 'hold their value', it's only because they're priced way more than their Android rivals who have similar depreciation. The days of iPhones truly holding their value has gone.
16 Dec 16#31
Does anyone have experience of dealing with this company? Are the phones new or refurbished? TIA.
The_Warns to birdy72
16 Dec 16#32
I do. Very good. New phones. It's a Carphonewarehouse company.
26 Dec 16#33
Hi, Has this deal finished? Cant find on website or anybody know of a similar or better deal. Many Thaks
Opening post
£32per month + £25 upfront = £793
Quidco £38.50
Total if you get cashback £754.50
Not a bad deal
Top comments
When will the madness end haha, I wouldn't mind having one... but when you need to spend half of your months wage on a phone I think I will wait for the price to come down. Not made of gold like a lot of the world seems to be :o (Crys a little)
All comments (34)
When will the madness end haha, I wouldn't mind having one... but when you need to spend half of your months wage on a phone I think I will wait for the price to come down. Not made of gold like a lot of the world seems to be :o (Crys a little)
Android Google Pixel 128gb = £699
Welcome to 2016
£599 for the phone, so after cashback looking at £6.50 p/m for 3gb for data (155.50 over 24 months).
half months saving? yes if you don't have a mortgage, children, household bills and don't eat food.
For example. Just ended my contact sold my old iPhone on eBay for £275 before eBay fees.
I got the very deal 10% off totalling it to £540 after cash back.
£540 -£245 = £295
Sim only deal
Unlimited calls & texts plus 15gb data for £15
Total cost over 24months is £655
Can't imagine this deal will be available for long!!