And not to mention lots of people can't afford to drop £600 on a phone in one hit. Lots of people use 'phone contracts' as a method of financing the product.
mtuk1 to sim11
6 Dec 163#4
1gb? No point in having an iPhone lol.
Latest comments (25)
29 Dec 16#25
Just search the website for iPhone 7, 32gb, filter by O2 then keep scrolling down through the tariffs. It's still available.
29 Dec 16#24
Do you have a link? That is a great deal!
7 Dec 16#17
1gb of data is criminal now days. May as well not bother.
MaddiesDaddy to thfcpaul
7 Dec 16#18
1.1gb I'm on so far 3 weeks into my monthly bill and I'm always browsing etc so I'm sure some people could make use of it maybe
SalmanOrange to thfcpaul
8 Dec 162#23
Since when is internet an issue nowadays, there's free wifi nearly everywhere
8 Dec 161#22
Great post if you use little to no internet. However if you're doing this on the cheap and are buying for a teenage son or daughter, don't bother because it's going to cost you so much more in the long run. I've just gone with the same company but opted for the £100 upfront cost but reduced it to £85 with the ELF15 code - £31 a month,unlimited texts and calls with 5gb data.
7 Dec 161#21
thanks op, hot
7 Dec 16#20
Be ba :confused:
7 Dec 161#19
hot offer
7 Dec 16#15
There was a Vodafone iPhone 7 deal with 6gb for £2 less overall only a week ago. Also, there have been 2gb EE deals for the 128gb iPhone 7 for not much more (e.g. £800ish) recently.
More than £750 for a 32gb iPhone with only 1gb does not seem like a particularly good deal to me. I'll never understand hot/cold votes on this website.
MaddiesDaddy to kkcc
7 Dec 16#16
I'm not too sure there were any with a cheaper monthly and upfront cost to be honest but cheers for the info
And not to mention lots of people can't afford to drop £600 on a phone in one hit. Lots of people use 'phone contracts' as a method of financing the product.
7 Dec 162#12
True. Before the emergency services got Airwave they used both Vodafone & Orange to ensure 98% 2G coverage.
It's only the massive demand for data that's put a strain on the networks.
Why they can't all just club together & build more & share existing I don't know.
Nationalisation on the mobile network masts!!
7 Dec 162#5
Why not just buy iPhone 7 for £599 and get sim for £8.99 unlimited mins unlimited texts and 4gb data for £791.00
naturelover to argosextra
7 Dec 161#6
Which network is the SIM you mentioned with?
£8.98 for Unlimited Minutes & Texts + 4gb Data is flaming hot!!!
MaddiesDaddy to argosextra
7 Dec 16#11
Ermm because I'd rather deal with just one company pay them £32 a month and have done with it ... And its cheaper
7 Dec 162#10
Funny I've been with them 10 years never had one problem ever guess its just luck of the draw ..pretty certain vodaphone were one of the first major networks in the UK so they must have some idea about what there doing though
7 Dec 161#9
Plusnet offering that for £10 on 30 day rolling right now.
7 Dec 16#8
Good price, but could use more data.
7 Dec 161#7
It does'nt matter how good a deal is i would never go near Vodafone again. Very bad customer services.
6 Dec 161#3
thats a hell of a price if you can live with the data.
mtuk1 to sim11
6 Dec 163#4
1gb? No point in having an iPhone lol.
6 Dec 161#1
Great deal! I need at least 3gb tho
harryg001 to sooziebabes
6 Dec 161#2
Have you tried £175 - £10 code (elf10) + £26.50 per month. It was £135 upfront but now gone up a little. 3gb on O2.
Opening post
- rodman
Top comments
Latest comments (25)
More than £750 for a 32gb iPhone with only 1gb does not seem like a particularly good deal to me. I'll never understand hot/cold votes on this website.
It's only the massive demand for data that's put a strain on the networks.
Why they can't all just club together & build more & share existing I don't know.
Nationalisation on the mobile network masts!!
£8.98 for Unlimited Minutes & Texts + 4gb Data is flaming hot!!!