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i7 6700k for £205.00 @ Cex / i7 6800k for £330 / i5 6600k for £150 - twoyr warranty included
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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Opening post
24 Dec 16
Hi all,

Very tempted by this myself but in case it helps anyone else, these prices are near £100 cheaper than anywhere else. The 6700k is cheaper than their listing for a regular 6700! I know its CEX but the processors come with a two year warranty!!

i5 6600k only £150 too - thanks hakamans

Used not new item
- dsided
Top comments
xmaster99 to LittleChimp
24 Dec 16 13 #9
Its only AMD Processors that have pins. This is a Intel CPU :P
24 Dec 16 5 #19
Good deal but I find it hard to buy used computer parts as someone who works in computer repairs/servicing.

If you saw some of the pictures on my phone of the insides of computers of smokers/filthy **** you would be shocked! I've seen maggots,vomit, urine and blood. The wrost is the smokers though. The nictoine infused smoke gets into everything and forms a sticky stinky layer, then all the dust / skin / hair sticks to it and soaks in even more second hand smoke. Often times it can be so deeply embedded in the materials it's nigh on impossible to get out even with specialist cleaning agents and techniques. Unsurprisingly smokers machines are voided of warranty with certain companies, Apple comes to mind.

That said a CPU is usually "ok" and the disgusting computers are maybe 20-30% of the overall quantity but still, it's enough to put me off lol.

Regardless, heat added as most people would never know the difference, although if you suddenly catch a whiff of fags it might very well be your lovely CeX CPU cooking up a nice stink.
25 Dec 16 4 #46

If you buy a CPU from Cex or anywhere for that matter and it turns out to be faulty then you must for EXTREMELY unlucky. As the CPU is the last part to brake if at all on any computer. If it was a hard drive then I would be concerned.
24 Dec 16 4 #17
People usually trade in to CEX because they need the money, not because they attempt to set the world over-voltage record on their chips.
Regards to warranty they will just replace no fuss in my experience.
Latest comments (166)
2 Jan 17 #166
Great info. What was you Overclocking the 6600K ?
1 Jan 17 1 #165
I got it from amazon warehouse in black friday week also got the mouse from there were marked as new other returns etc but were both sealed brand new just got to keep a eye out from time to time
When i first put my parts in that i wanted in november on pc picker it came to over £1100 which was to much but with sacrifice ing the 1070 gpu which i waited to come down in price but never did a few deals a few secound hands and a free keyboard and hdd of a friend i managed to get the price down quite a bit so im very happy just waiting for doom to download to finally test what sort of framerate i can get
1 Jan 17 #164
Can I ask where did you get the Ram from? It's quite a good price...

1 Jan 17 1 #163
GTX 1080 running at 3440x1440 (have an Acer x34 ultrawide monitor) .

I can handle fluctuations between 70-100fps, but when it dips down to 60 for me it's really noticeable and off-putting. It would only happen during intensive scenes, i.e. vehicle explosions or running through the town on the desert map.

After watching 6600k vs 6700k videos on YouTube it seems framerates are roughly the same, but where the 6700k excels is that it doesn't suffer from sudden framerate dips... Haven't noticed one now since switching over :smiley:

60 FPS should be fine on a 1070 at 2560x1440.
1 Jan 17 1 #162
funny my pc just crashed after an hour testing using prime 95 as i recieved your message so i have increased my voltage to1.160 and increased cpu fan to turbo to see if that keeps it stable that hasnt seem to have effected my temps to much max of 76c 10 mins into new test this is my setup
1 Jan 17 #161
Installed my 6700K (looked unused) yesterday alongside a £20 motherboard :wink:

So far, so good...
1 Jan 17 #160
I ordered the 6600K and BF1 is a game I would hope to play silky smooth at 1440p60 max settings. Will be using GTx 1070 and 32gb RAM.

What config did you have with 6600k that still made BF1 stutter ? Gfx ? Overclock ?
1 Jan 17 #159
Just remember Overclock ability is a combination of parts and not necessarily down to the CPU alone. The RAM and Motherboard will also be play part in determining how far you can go. Even the PSU can play a role.

What stress test are you using ?

Anybody else mange to OC there chip successfully ?
31 Dec 16 #158
they are out of stock for 1 or 2 days ,expired
31 Dec 16 #157
Why isn't the delivery option coming up?
31 Dec 16 #156
Finally got power supply so up and running i can only seem to oc my 6600k to 4.2 with 1.140 v any higher volts seems to make my temps rise above 75 when stress testing maybe my h60 cooler to blame it was secound hand for £20. But im still happy with 4.2 to be honest i dont want to put tomuch stress on the cpu anyway
31 Dec 16 #155
Thanks but £30 a bit steep for me. It's a non k chip so won't be over clocking. Had a look on the interweb and the stock cooler for my g3258 is the same as the stock one for the 4790, so I'm just going to swap the chips out. If it runs hot I'll invest in a cooler.
31 Dec 16 #154
31 Dec 16 #153
Ordered a 4790 non k which arrived today. Also just chip in bubble wrap, was expecting a cooler. Can anyone recommend a cheap one?
30 Dec 16 #152
Mine was packaged pretty much the same as everyone else. CPU was pretty clean... although there was some thermal compound on it and a fingerprint but not too bothered as it's working.

Feel a bit daft upgrading from a 6600k but it's stopped the sudden framerate dips in BF1 so I'm happy :smiley:
30 Dec 16 #151
Mine arrived today. A plastic cut out inside a jiffy bag. Not the best packaging but the chip looks clean and free from any damage. Can't wait to get chance to install it.
30 Dec 16 1 #150
I got the RAM after somebody posted on here that it must be a typo but Amazon always honours its mistakes and sure enough they did.

I don't play games at all but at these prices it would be rude to refuse .... :stuck_out_tongue: The card itself is Asus Strix Gaming OC edition which must mean something to someone - is it half decent for £99 ? I've been told it retails for much more ... ?
30 Dec 16 #149
Nice one! :smirk: You into gaming or just want a decent system without the expensive GPU?
30 Dec 16 #148
Wow.. Can I ask where did you get your ram from? Mine is at £90 for 2x8gb from Amazon. Thanks.
30 Dec 16 #147
Mine arrived today, delivered by DX secure inside a rolled plastic bag in turn which was inside a rolled jiffy bag, inside 2 bubble wrap bags and finally inside a cut up envelope !

The chip seems to be in vgc with no scratches or marks and no sign of thermal paste. Going to fit in my new Asus Maximus Hero VIII board (£160) and adding my new NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950 video card (£99) and 16GB DDR4 Corsair Vengeance LPX DDR4 (£55) all bought below their rrp ! Happy Days ! Cracking system for under £550 !
30 Dec 16 #146
Mine arrived today, special delivery before 1pm. Came in a brown paper CEX bag which was then inside a bubblewrap lined envelope, which was then folded and placed inside another. A static bag would've been nice but hey ho

Mine seems ok, all I can see is a slight scratch mark on top, but apart from that no thermal paste from what I can tell. I turned it over and it also seems ok but then I gave it a closer look at noticed this mark in one of the corners, it looks like rust? I can't test it for a few days because I'm still waiting on my motherboard and RAM
( in case link isn't working)
29 Dec 16 #145
Alright... The good news. The i7 6700k chip arrived!!

The bad news. It literally arrives as a chip bubble wrapped and that's it. No box. Just a cex sticker. I guess that's the price of being cheap :smiley:

Chip looks clean. No scratch mark nor sign of any kind of adhesive.
29 Dec 16 #144
Thank you OP! I went with the i7 4770. I would've liked the 4790, but it'll still be a big improvement over my core i3 and it'll be great for the next few years! I'm not a huge fan of CEX: if I do go there it's usually to sell stuff to them, but for 2 years warranty and nearly £100 off the new price it definitely seemed worth a try! Just need to find a good cooler for it before it arrives. :smiley:
29 Dec 16 #143
no longer £205 / £150

please expire
29 Dec 16 #142
Thanks for the link i have a corsair h60 cooler so temp shouldnt be a problem i was going to wait till next week when intels 7th gen comes out but i couldnt resist this deal for the price
29 Dec 16 #141
I followed this guide

If you have a good cooler I wouldn't worry about hitting 1.4v

It's obviously dependent on your chip, but I think most people are getting 4.6ghz with 1.4v.

Good luck :smiley:
29 Dec 16 #140
How high do you think is safe for voltage when overclocking i have never done it before and dont want to damage anything
29 Dec 16 1 #139
I'm getting 4.3ghz at 1.155v. I did get higher but I don't like the voltage to be too high. 4.3 is plenty for me.
29 Dec 16 #138
Sounds the same as mine was. Yeah I have not bought off ebuyer a few times due to the slow delivery, they wait a few days and send it first class anyway, really bugs me lol.
29 Dec 16 #137
I might be wrong but I think some of their goods were obtained directly from retailers, bankrupted small IT shops or even manufacturer who want to sell them in bulk to pay off the Administrator. In the case of cpu, they might just get a large qty of used dekstop and strip them off into parts and sell.

Again, this is a very weird industry... :smiley:

Oh oh.. before someone start commenting this, I'm not complaining :smiley:
29 Dec 16 1 #136
Ordered mine boxing day and Just recieved it very well wraped in bubble wrap and in orignal plastic case and no thermal paste residue looks as good as new very happy will put in new build shame my power supply i ordered from ebuyers last friday morning still isnt here yet
29 Dec 16 #135
I see your point, but £150 on Gumtree and it would sell within the day.

I guess if it's 'hot' that these places are a good way to sell too...
29 Dec 16 #134
CEX and the like are Pawn shops, people who sell to them either can't be bothered listing, waiting, faffing with timewasters etc. on ebay or who need the cash pretty sharpish and don't want to hang around - I have seen gamblers who are buying a Gold Rolex for £20k+ cash one day and selling to cash generators etc. for £5k a couple of days later to get their 'fix'.
29 Dec 16 #133
prices have gone up to £165 and £220. Shame.

What I wonder, is these are fetching more on eBay than this, so why are people selling them for £100 (give or take) to CEX?
29 Dec 16 #132
What you getting out of your 6600K if you don't mind me asking?
28 Dec 16 #131
Not aware I ever denied that.
28 Dec 16 #130
You're the one who took time out of you day to complain about the complaining...
28 Dec 16 #129
Mine said dispatched yesterday but by DX ? The tracking number throws an error message though so guessing it won't be picked up until today as yesterday was a Bank Holiday ...
28 Dec 16 #128
Mine said dispatched yesterday but by DX ? The tracking number throws an error message though so guessing it won't be picked up until today as yesterday was a Bank Holiday ...
28 Dec 16 #127
When it's clearly unjustified, easily.

CeX despatch email says clearly their couriers don't collect on weekends, not hard to realise that Christmas on a weekend moves that forward. Can easily check before complaining.
28 Dec 16 #126
Sometimes I don't really understand why others can be **** off when someone else got **** off :smiley:
28 Dec 16 #125
I wasn't neither. I was annoyed a company misinformed me by stating it was dispatched when it really wasn't. Yeah, I know I'm spoiled by Amazon Prime. Not the end of the world. I can wait until tomorrow (assuming it actually turns up tomorrow, who knows!). :smiley:
28 Dec 16 #124
I wasn't the one getting them "in a twist" as you put it. And CeX state that despatched items await Royal Mail collection.

Amazon's delivery has made expectations too high nowadays.
28 Dec 16 #123
I've just looked and apparently there are were no collections on Boxing Day (despite the fact CEX said it was dispatched on boxing day and I assumed they were correct wrongly obviously). They obviously lied to us and they will be collected today for delivery tomorrow. Don't get your panties in a twist. It was in lieu of Christmas day being on a Sunday...
28 Dec 16 1 #122
What on earth are people complaining about?! Yesterday was in lieu of Boxing Day, Royal Mail have no collections. I mean, seriously...
28 Dec 16 #121
Here it comes... the blame game :smiley:

Mine said dispatched on Monday. I presume RM don't work on Monday and they will come by on Tuesday to pick it up. So if everything goes on smoothly, I guess it should be here by today. But since there isn't any tracking info, someone at CeX or RM might still be digesting their CHristmas turkey and lie with their eyes wide open :smiley:

Let's see how it goes by tomorrow.
28 Dec 16 1 #120
No they stopped using someone else cause deliveries kept going missing but RM SD Guaranteed has always been fine for me for other stuff (rarely shop at CEX tbf). Still no excuse for this lack of comms. RM live chat report they know nothing and said either the barcode is damaged and can't be scanned or it hasn't got to them and to take it up with CEX. Not a happy chappy.
28 Dec 16 #119
Same here. Got a royal mail tracking but the tracking says nothing about where the item is. I thought someone in here (who claimed to work with CeX) don't use Royal mail anymore? Hmmm....
28 Dec 16 #118
So I ordered... dispatched on Boxing Day (before 4pm). Sent via Special Delivery Guaranteed, great I think!

"Latest update: Please come back later
Special Delivery Guaranteed™ items are first tracked when they have reached our mail centre. This may be late in the evening on the day the item was sent.
Information on your Special Delivery Guaranteed™ item is not yet available."

So I have no idea where the bloody thing is, I get it not coming yesterday as it was a bank holiday but not here today or even in RM's system? It's not here and it's past 1pm... grrrrr. The ram and mobo I bought on Amazon yesterday came today! :disappointed:
28 Dec 16 #117
agreed, too good to pass on. Gone for 6700k, if it oc's better than my current 6600k then I'll keep the upgrade.
Thanks OP :smiley:
27 Dec 16 #116
Using a Be Quiet! BK009 Pure Rock. Temps hit max 59 under load so still has potential

Not tinkered with RAM yet, it's Corsair Vengeance 3000...I'll have a go at that tomorrow
27 Dec 16 #115
wow 4.9 gb you won the silicon lottery. what cooler did you use to get those readings. is ddr4 2400 ram good to go with the motherboard, is it a good 1?
27 Dec 16 #114
Call me crazy, I never thought I'd catch myself buying something from the likes of these places, but brand new right now is about £305 from Amazon (can get it for about £270ish from places like Gumtree, eBay if you find the right deal at the right time), but taking the gamble seems worth it right now to save roughly £70-£100, which if it works fine, can go to something like a nicer GPU upgrade sometime, though I'm already rocking an MSI 980 so I'll probably hold fire for a bit

Will report back when I get it and have tested it, hopefully won't be too long
27 Dec 16 1 #113
Bought, thanks. Cheapest price around and a 2 year warranty, can't see any downsides.
27 Dec 16 #112
Not entirely related but I ordered an SSD from CEX and received it 2 days later. On checking it was under 4 months old with under 4 hours use.

As for the 6600K as a chip...I've overclocked mine this morning to 4.9ghz using air tower cooling and is now stable
26 Dec 16 #111
​I think they send the orders to different stores to process... I've obviously had mine sent to one that's a bit lax :disappointed:
26 Dec 16 1 #110
Pay them no mind, you were only trying to help :smiley: This is the reason I don't touch second hand stuff, it's gross beyond belief.
26 Dec 16 #109
Oh... I presume you are upgrading to the 6700k and I ordered that one too. Not sure why yours are not ready for dispatch. Maybe send them an email to confirm.
26 Dec 16 #108
Ordered mine before this was even posted and still awaiting dispatch :disappointed:

Upgrading from a 6600k I only bought a few months ago. Fed up of the framerate dips with my GTX 1080 so hoping it rectifies it!
26 Dec 16 #107
I am getting the 6700K, the price is too good to pass by.

About a year ago I got the 4790K from CEX for £200 and the chip was still boxed and looked new. Worth the risk.
26 Dec 16 1 #106
Mine said dispatched.. Yay... Now I need a psu, case, ram and hdd.. Boxing day not helping yet :smiley:
26 Dec 16 #105
Actually this is a good point... As a precaution if you do by this may be a good idea to stress test to make sure it's fully working
26 Dec 16 #104
Lol :man:
26 Dec 16 #103
people are stupid enough to sell their 6700k to cex for £96. **** hell
26 Dec 16 #102
Only a limited overclock on those boards.
For any unlocked processors you'd need to go for Z170/Z170a boards to make the most out of them.
25 Dec 16 #100
Yeah, I do agree - was just considering it in terms of the CEX pricing structure, where for those who aren't going to overclock, the 6700K can still be the best option.
25 Dec 16 #99
I did say main, not only. I'd be surprised if many people were buying K chips for the higher factory clock speed with no interest in overclocking beyond that, especially considering the fact you have to buy your own cooler and OC'ing is so easy.
25 Dec 16 #98
​Actually yes. you notice correctly
25 Dec 16 #97
Not entirely the main reason to get a 6700K, as default clock is 4.0 as opposed to 3.4.
25 Dec 16 #96
That'll do. Where do I submit the blood sacrifice? :smile:
25 Dec 16 1 #95
I'd be surprised if it did, it doesn't come with a cooler when it's new.

If you want to overclock (which is really the main reason to buy a K chip), you'll need something more substantial than the Intel cooler anyway, so it's no great loss that the 6600k and 6700k weren't supplied with one.
25 Dec 16 #94
Went for the 6600k.. does anyone know if this comes with cooler from CEX? And is it worth upgrading anyway if thinking of overclocking? Thanks.
25 Dec 16 #93
Does your store have a mandatory employee stereotype; that is, the metalesque looking teen? No offence intended here, it's just a stereotype I see perpetuated in every store.
25 Dec 16 #92
I have a Thor figurine at home. I wonder if that is sufficient. Might need loki too :smiley:
25 Dec 16 1 #91
Thanks OP. Took the risk... now to do a rain dance to the demi-gods.
25 Dec 16 1 #90
25 Dec 16 #89
Could you post some on here lol?
25 Dec 16 #88
fWIW INTEL DO A FANTASTIC gtee on their CPU's . I recently got a completely free replacement CPU (with fan) from intel (i5 4460) . They queried how it got damaged (unknown(_;) ) but no problems .. I think they either give a five or three year warranty. I would have no problem buying a 2nhd hand CPU despite the vomit maggots smoking the place up ...
25 Dec 16 #87
this is tempting but having brought and returned a WD Green 2TB for bad sectors I'd be cautious when buying from Cex. when returning I was told I could only have credit
25 Dec 16 #86
I think that's why their margin is more than 100%. :smiley:
25 Dec 16 #85
​I have no idea but it was faulty after I put a brand new CPU in and had to RMA the memory to find out one stick had been corrupted
25 Dec 16 #84
A business not caring about profit and the validity of returns (for the scrap heap, there are no refurbished processors)?

I think the best approach is to read and understand the terms of their warranty, £200 returns should and will raise eyebrows.
25 Dec 16 #83
Agree, the Z board on ebuyer for £98 is an excellent choice as it uses DDR3 which you may already have and therefore negates having to buy the more expensive DDR4 memory.

CEX have a 2 Year warranty on computer parts which is often better than the 1 year (required by law) provided by manufacturers. All items are tested before they are put up for sale and if ordered online, also covered by the distance selling regulations Act which states that you can send back for refund if not satisfied.
25 Dec 16 #82
Frankly I don't know for sure but based on such companys modus operandi I am quite sure they don't really care.
25 Dec 16 #81
Can you quote your source? I suspect there's a good chance you are guessing and falsely assuring people.

"Some guy on the Internet said you'd replace it no questions asked?"
25 Dec 16 #80
Chances are CeX doesn't have time to bother what fried the chip. As long as the chip doesn't comes back in 2 pieces they would just find another one and replace for you.
25 Dec 16 #79
The conditions are crucial because what is to stop CEX from claiming you killed the chip through overvolting it?

I haven't read it as I've no interest but definitely worth a chat with them. A warranty is only as good as the words within it.
25 Dec 16 #78
I'd agree with this, non-K chips are likely fine and I'd be happy enough with buying one from CEX with their 2 year warranty. However, K chips have almost certainly been overclocked at some point in their life (why buy one otherwise?), but you don't by how much, or more specifically how much voltage has been shoved through it and what kind of cooling it's had.
25 Dec 16 #77
You could get a good "B" (business) board for £80 but you will not get the benefit of being able to tinker with overclocking that "K" chip.

ebuyer do a good "Z" gigabyte board for £98 (delivered), I hope santa has given you the extra £20!
25 Dec 16 #76
I'd check the conditions of the warranty.

Buying 'K' processors that could have been OCed to within an inch of their life doesn't fill me with confidence.

I'd rather buy a non 'K' second hand to be honest.
25 Dec 16 3 #75
I currently work for CeX, I'm going to clear up some misconceptions I've been reading.

The price is based on how many of the said item that CeX has in stock.

Warrenty as mentioned is 2 years. if you buy it online it's almost as easy to get a refund as it is on Amazon. You will also be refunded for delivery. if you buy it in store, it's store policy to test the item and confirm there is a fault and once done they will be happy to refund it as long as there is a fault.

Someone also mentioned that you don't get a fan. This will be true most of the time because you are buying exactly what it says, the processor. Not the fan. If you bought a GTX 660 for example, you could receive one with a better cooling fan which is actually worth more, or less. But what you're paying for is the actual card not the fans.

All items are check to see if they have been stolen, it's part of the process when the company buys it. They have a check which cross matches it as long as it was reported stolen.

CeX ( or the one I work in) no longer uses royal mail, it uses UPS since royal mail seems to lose items.

Though I agree sometimes the packaging could be better. The store I work in will make sure something like this is put into a bubble wrap sleeve, then put into a jiffy bag at the minimum.

If you want to know anything else I'll try my best to answer.
25 Dec 16 1 #74
Care to explain how a CPU killed your ram? Papping too much voltage at your ram can kill it when oc'ing, but never heard of a cpu ram killer.
25 Dec 16 1 #73
They don't even clean up the thermal paste before displaying the things, let alone pack them sufficiently in anti-static bags.
25 Dec 16 1 #72
Heat added :smiley:. Just got myself the i7 to replace my current i3.
Merry Christmas all
25 Dec 16 #71
no such thing fella
25 Dec 16 1 #70
​Well You could be shocked what state they send their processors at sometimes. Filthy, damaged, even 3-4 thrown in to envelope with no protection, breaking each other.
25 Dec 16 #69
I have ordered one the chip works great price.
I would not order again.
Nobody could tell me where my package was 4 days late. £210 and nobody new where it was. They kept pawning it off on the Royal Mail. Nobody would take responsibility. I was told the manager was driving and he would be able to help me when he got here, I waited an hour as I was asked to, they then informed me "sorry he's in a meeting now" then why the hell am I waiting.
There was no customer service number, "oh you can email us"
And wait several days for a reply.
£210 and nobody knows where my money is.
Honestly not worth the stress.
£20 game, I wouldn't be stressed but £210 CPU ?
25 Dec 16 1 #68
How did CPU manage to destroy your memory ? How is that possible ?
25 Dec 16 1 #67
I bought a 6600k from CeX as it was only £150 and the cheapest I had found for a while so I jumped at the chance to get it. came pretty quickly and wrapped in bubble wrap in a padded envelope. worked for a few days and then ruined my brand new memory which I was angry about. Took CPU back and got full refund and after RMA'ing the rest of my parts I'm finally back up and running. Moral of the story is, buy Brand New! Don't trust the low prices for faulty goods!!!!
25 Dec 16 #66
I wanted up update to from i5 to i7 :disappointed:
25 Dec 16 #65
can anyone suggest a good value motherboard to pair with this for a half decent overclock?
25 Dec 16 #64
Dont worry. You are not missing out on much.
25 Dec 16 #63
I'm Still on haswell
annoying skylake is cheaper than haswell
25 Dec 16 2 #62
I got my 6700k from CEX and its been great, overclocks to 4.7ghz @ 1.384V and sits in the low 60's running Realbench, under custom watercooling.
This is a bargain, its even cheaper than the 6700 non k!
25 Dec 16 #61
Do the 6700k and 68 overclock as easily as the 66?
25 Dec 16 #60
I know you can see on their website - I've used it. I'm not suggesting they're not legit I'm suggesting they're taking the mick with the level of mark-up on most items. I think last time I checked they pay about 90p for the 10 dvd Matrix box set, for example. And even if I'm mistaken on that, for the level of content you get with that item alone it's appalling. Most dvd's they pay 1p for so it's more worthwhile giving them to a charity shop than virtually giving them away to Cex to sell where on charity will benefit.
25 Dec 16 #59
I have done load of research recently as I'm in process of building after good few years.

If you want to do Overclocking - no point getting 6600k otherwise - best solution that's super quite and excellent for cooling is the Scythe Kotetsu - Amazon £35.

Few more than Evo but in another league in every way.
25 Dec 16 #58
You're right my bad, all that present wrapping confusing me!
25 Dec 16 #57
Great price for i5 6600k.
Just in time as I have been compiling parts for a new build
- the new i3 I had is going back for sale.

The 24 month warranty was enough to swing it.
25 Dec 16 #56
could some1 suggest a good £80 motherboard to go with a i7 6700k.
25 Dec 16 #55
​I have a 6600k and am currently using a stock Intel cooler I had from my previous build (as am too lazy to install my hyper 212)
Temps are fine, noise is okay (I say okay as I find fan noises annoying)
Honestly if you're on a budget, the hyper 212 is great, depending on size of the case, otherwise something fancier with a bigger heatsink and better fan for a quieter system.
25 Dec 16 #54
You might want to wait for the new i7 7700k to come out...
25 Dec 16 #53
​What are you talking about 6700k is still latest and greatest for lga1151. 6800k is different socket and platform, lga2011 v3.
25 Dec 16 #52
​What are you talking about 6700k is still latest and greatest for lga1151. 6800k is different socket and platform, lga2011 v3.
25 Dec 16 1 #51
Or the fact AMD are due to release their new CPU's soon.
25 Dec 16 #50
Pretty sure you'll be fine mate. Maybe CeX are just clearing stock as the 6800k is out now and prices will come down a bit
25 Dec 16 #49
I just bought the 6600k so heres hoping its ok.
25 Dec 16 #48
Dodgy or abused would be my guess, you'd have to be a mug to sell a 6700k for £90. You can get £200 on ebay/gumtree all day long!

Even stolen ones would go for more, and bare in mind CeX require ID etc. so that does reduce the likelyhood of stolen kit.

Either way at this price if you are willing to risk CeX its worth a punt.
25 Dec 16 #47
I agree. Plus any one with half a brain in computing would know not to get ripped off by cex and just sell on ebay ? Thats what confuses me. I wonder where they come from... Surely someone with enough intelligence to build a pc ? But on the other hand not intelligent enough to not sell it to cex for half the price :/ Tbf the only thing I can assume is that they are dodgy... because if you sell on ebay the buyer will know... But sell to cex and you are out the door with the money... do they test them ?
25 Dec 16 4 #46

If you buy a CPU from Cex or anywhere for that matter and it turns out to be faulty then you must for EXTREMELY unlucky. As the CPU is the last part to brake if at all on any computer. If it was a hard drive then I would be concerned.
24 Dec 16 #45
​Bought everything new on my build apart from the cpu (i5 6600k). Been running like an absolute treat and due to buying vouchers with a 20% discount I managed to get one for 130 quid. This was all about 6 months ago... Go figure
24 Dec 16 #44
I was tempted to do the same. But at this cost you really cant beat it for price to performance. The new I5 7600k is apparently around 10% better than the 6600k... This deal puts at around 25% cheaper ( Thats even with the generous 200 pound predicted valuation which I doubt it will be ) I still actually havnt gone and bought this deal yet though.... dont know what to do.
24 Dec 16 #43
I've used CEX for tech plenty of times, no problem on the items or the warranty. Good find OP.
24 Dec 16 #42
Got an i5-2500k. I'll wait for the next gen to come out in the new year. Hopefully the I5 K is only around 200.
24 Dec 16 #41
I knew this was too good to be true. After reading all the comments I have made up my mind, I wont be placing an order.
I dont want to buy a used cpu considering I have already bought everything else new. If I was going to buy used then I would've went to ebay first.
The title should be changed for this. Even on the listing it doesn't mention used. Just relying on what everyone is saying here and judging by the price it must be used.
24 Dec 16 2 #40
Really should have used in the title.
24 Dec 16 3 #39
No need to get snarky, I've seen "refurbished" items from much more reputable outlets arrive in a less than desirable state. Sorry if my post upset you, Merry Christmas!
24 Dec 16 5 #19
Good deal but I find it hard to buy used computer parts as someone who works in computer repairs/servicing.

If you saw some of the pictures on my phone of the insides of computers of smokers/filthy **** you would be shocked! I've seen maggots,vomit, urine and blood. The wrost is the smokers though. The nictoine infused smoke gets into everything and forms a sticky stinky layer, then all the dust / skin / hair sticks to it and soaks in even more second hand smoke. Often times it can be so deeply embedded in the materials it's nigh on impossible to get out even with specialist cleaning agents and techniques. Unsurprisingly smokers machines are voided of warranty with certain companies, Apple comes to mind.

That said a CPU is usually "ok" and the disgusting computers are maybe 20-30% of the overall quantity but still, it's enough to put me off lol.

Regardless, heat added as most people would never know the difference, although if you suddenly catch a whiff of fags it might very well be your lovely CeX CPU cooking up a nice stink.
fattyuk to jextwah
24 Dec 16 1 #26
Well your a happy bunny,
danjames922 to jextwah
24 Dec 16 #38
Yes except for the fact they will clean it before they put it on sale... forget our brain today did we?
24 Dec 16 #37
very good deal indeed, even better if you have CEX voucher. Last time i bought a £200 voucher for £165 cash on collection, it can be used online or instore.
24 Dec 16 #36
Actually, you can see on their website exactly what they will buy any item in for. This one is £96 for cash, or £136 for a store voucher. Can't get more transparent than that.

No worse markup than many store make on goods.
24 Dec 16 1 #34
I tend to avoid CEX since I bought an external drive that arrived with more disk errors than valid sectors... because it could be written to when "tested" by the returns staff I had to argue with lots of sceenshots from Crystal disk etc to get a refund.

not willing to take the risk with this value of item from these con merchants
hitman2411 to richardwardrop1
24 Dec 16 #35
Must depend on shop, any drives I've traded in they've always ran HD testing software on them before accepting
24 Dec 16 1 #33
CEX have always been pretty good with warranty in my experience. Have bought many items from there and had to return two, both of them being phones. An iPhone 4s with a faulty battery 2 months after purchase, swapped with no questions asked, and an iPhone 5c with a dead screen a year after purchase, swapped with no questions asked again. They are good to due to the fact that you can buy items online but then if need be,they can be returned to a store and there seems to be more of them popping up around the place all the time.
24 Dec 16 #32
Possibly selling stolen, stripped down and desirable PC hardware?
A personalised build on the counter may arouse suspicion, but a fancy CPU turning up in a jiffy bag is obviously legit :smile:
24 Dec 16 #31
Really, so they just bought a £250 quid processor and sold it to CEX for £95? CPU's are specialist items, you would rarely buy one out of curiosity I wouldn't imagine, then the MOBO, ram etc etc.

Each to their own AND yes there is a decent saving to be had.
24 Dec 16 #30
They're a pawn shop, what do you expect?
24 Dec 16 1 #29
Dam... boxing day came early :smiley:
24 Dec 16 #28
How can any Intel chip have bent pins? They don't have ANY they're all on the motherboard. Besides if they sent you an AMD chip with vent pins they know they'd get it straight back so hardly likely to happen.

I agree with the disgusting state of some people's computers especially smokers but I've never come across a problem involving a CPU
24 Dec 16 #27
I got an AMD processor from CEX and it was brand spanking new with heat sink and fan in its original box. CEX are ok for some things.
24 Dec 16 2 #25
They sent me a cracked processor which was nice. They send no processor with a heat sink, I know K don't have one anyway. They were fast at swapping out problem ones though. The packaging is hilariously bad. Just a brown paper bag, seriously.

Worked though and got a bargain
24 Dec 16 2 #24
I bet Cex pay all of £60 for your unwanted one. :smirk: They have outrageous mark-ups on tech. I do realise they have to make a profit. But they push it to extremes.
24 Dec 16 1 #20
Any thoughts on a suitable HSF for this at stock?
catbeans to Ashe
24 Dec 16 #22
Any heat sink at stock is fine, depends on the space in your case

Cooler master Hyper 212 is a good go to all round, but any will do.
hitman2411 to Ashe
24 Dec 16 #23
Hyper 212 is a decent cooler
24 Dec 16 #21
Oh my! Must resist! Need need mobo then ram if I get one of these but i7 6700k I want as more future proof
24 Dec 16 #18
Plenty of positive reviews also with 'verified order' on there.
24 Dec 16 4 #17
People usually trade in to CEX because they need the money, not because they attempt to set the world over-voltage record on their chips.
Regards to warranty they will just replace no fuss in my experience.
24 Dec 16 #16
The 6700 and 6600 have been out for a year and a half, people may have traded them in against other gear?? Hence again why I mentioned two year warranty...
24 Dec 16 #14
I've never used CEX before. What's their warrenty like? Some aren't worth the paper there written on and company's use any excuse to weasel out of giving a replacement/refund.
Graham1979 to mikem1989
24 Dec 16 1 #15
You managed to answer your own question in the statement above. I would imagine they will sit their flailing and waving their arms demanding you to prove that you didn't overclock etc.

Why would anybody trade these in? Very new tech and i suspect that might have been OCed already and damaged.
24 Dec 16 #13
Purchased. Heat added!
24 Dec 16 #12
Yup 2 year warranty is icing on the cake, thanks again :smiley:
24 Dec 16 #11
well most of stuff they buy from people already fekd I Wil pay little extra to get new end of the day it's core i7 6700k
24 Dec 16 4 #10
​intel chips have the pins on the motherboard not on the CPU itself
24 Dec 16 #6
Could be a massive faff if they don't bother to check them could be bent pins galore.
hitman2411 to LittleChimp
24 Dec 16 3 #8
Hence why I mentioned two year warranty and you can return to store for refund if not happy, also better than buying from random person on ebay
xmaster99 to LittleChimp
24 Dec 16 13 #9
Its only AMD Processors that have pins. This is a Intel CPU :P
24 Dec 16 1 #7
Thanks, Purchased :smile: can sell my i5 6600k for £180 so a nice little upgrade :smiley:
24 Dec 16 #5
dnt trust them, and if u luking for delivery ther postage packing is rubbish
24 Dec 16 1 #3
i5 6600k for £150 there too, plus £2.50 delivery, beats the Amazon Warehouse price from earlier this week. Very tempted to upgrade from a i3 6100.
hitman2411 to hakamans
24 Dec 16 1 #4
Added this to thread title, thanks
24 Dec 16 #1
Can you still claim on the warranty if purchased from CEX?
hitman2411 to hitman007
24 Dec 16 3 #2
cex provide a two year warranty on pc parts, so you can return it to them
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