Also see GeebeeGooners post (#2) below for additional discount with Warhammer game. - unfortunately doesn't work
main link to Scan not showing discounted item, use the following link in the description to item code LN76636
Edit 17:36 28/12/16:
OCUK currently at £649 a further £10 off on the others.
Edit: 00:00 29/12/16
OCUK - Offer Expired
Scan - Offer Expired - Offer Expired (Banner still up but click through to basket full price)
Game - Offer Expired
pc world - Offer Expired
Top comments
26 Dec 163#30
Depending on taste.
Luckys tail (free on oculus)
Bullet sorrow (like time crysis)
The lab (free)
Space pirate trainer
Sports bar VR
Google earth (free)
Accounting (free)
Arizona sunshine
Vanishing realms
Tilt brush
Gnomes and goblins (free)
Ghost town mine ride
Sound boxing
The blu (whale experience free with wevr or what ever it's called this sold the vive to me)
Raw data
Call of starseed
Trials on tatooine (free)
Duckpocalyspe (duck hunt vr cheap and arcadey)
I'd say the killer app is advance settings like I mentioned before.
I'm running a 980ti and can push anywhere form 1.3 to 1.5 depending on the game and the difference is ridiculous.
Also make sure to allow a setting within the steam VR that I can't remember what it's called. It begins with "a" but basically acts like a VSync kinda thing for VR.
It stops stuttering and stuff.
That was a game changer as well when released.
Try and make your boundaries slightly smaller till you get use, as I've seen people killing tellys and monitors.
Or always have someone with you.
Vive site just updated, looks like this is a wider thing
Pixelfill to tonyheugh
25 Dec 16#10
I checked the vive website when I originally posted and no sign, but good spot.
25 Dec 16#11
Typically enough, just ordered on the 23rd. Not even arrived yet.
geebeegooner to Darkeru
25 Dec 16#12
Refuse collection or pi $$ and moan..That's what I'd do.
26 Dec 16#13
Overclockers and HTC Discounts are live
26 Dec 161#14
Wouldn't mind a code if you can PM me if you still have it?
26 Dec 16#15
Game Discount Live
26 Dec 16#16
Scan Discount Live - main description updated
26 Dec 16#17
gonna be equivalent of 50 dollars though. still good to have more off.
26 Dec 16#18
I've tried to use the promo code but it doesn't seem to want to add it to the existing £100 off any ideas?
Dave to wingsofdeath2011
26 Dec 16#19
I think they're saying we're not in the EU
26 Dec 16#20
Damnit leave... They never said they'd be taking our vr away. I wonder how this would have changed the results if the people knew
26 Dec 16#21
Pc World discount live
26 Dec 16#22
If anybody picks one up got some tips.
Download advance settings as you can make the headset super clear by using super sampling but you need a very good card.
Revive is amazing software and let's you play nearly all oculus titles.
Be careful of what games you buy loads are terrible even be careful when reading reviews.
Don't forget the steam sales as many VR titles can't be bought from places like greenmangaming.
I also use razer cortex to halt all my background tasks to free up more cpu resources.
richb3012 to geebeegooner
26 Dec 161#24
What do you think of it?
A mate of mine has one and I got to try it for the first time last night. I must admit I was completely underwhelmed.
The games reminded me of something you'd get on the Nintendo Wii. I was thinking of getting one but having experienced it, I think I'm gonna hold off for a while. Hopefully the games will get better and a bit more life like but at the moment not for me.
26 Dec 16#23
Warhammer code has been confirmed not to work.
26 Dec 161#25
I love mine but I'm a massive vr fan.
Got a psvr pro as well.
They way I look of it is, it's not something I will play every day and it's also something I wouldn't play on a full day session.
It's like an arcade experience atm but I enjoy that aspect of it.
It's one of them if it's being shown to you, if the right games aren't being shown I think I'd be underwhelmed.
Games like arizona sunshine, raw data, the lab, chair in a room, Vanishing realms, the blu showcase it.
But for example every one game that's good maybe there's 20 that are just ok at best.
If i leave it a few days I still get blown away.
What I will say is, it's alot of money and the next generation ones mixed with better gpu will make a huge difference.
26 Dec 16#26
Thanks for your comments.
How does the Hive compare to the PS4 VR? Obviously it's a lot cheaper but I'm now leaning towards the PS4 Pro and VR. That way I can still play 'normal' games too.
I'd love to have a Battlefield type game in VR And I'm hoping that type of technology isn't far away.
26 Dec 16#27
for those of you who've purchased from Scan make sure you check out their facebook page, there's a chance of getting a refund - Free Vive!
26 Dec 161#28
Well I've ordered mine anyway (had the PSVR but had real bad drifting issues so it went back).
I'd be interested to hear what you reckon the top 10 must have/try games are (including rift ones through Revive).
Or top 20 if you can be bothered :smile:
26 Dec 161#29
Vive better, million miles apart.
Room scale, better motion controls and graphically superior.
But a vive and PC costs so much more.
The psvr also has one massive thing going for it.
Sony and games.
Htc recently set up a studio for game but I honestly think they've dropped a clanger relying on indie devs.
Don't get me wrong there have been excellent games from indie devs but it's what drives most sales.
26 Dec 163#30
Depending on taste.
Luckys tail (free on oculus)
Bullet sorrow (like time crysis)
The lab (free)
Space pirate trainer
Sports bar VR
Google earth (free)
Accounting (free)
Arizona sunshine
Vanishing realms
Tilt brush
Gnomes and goblins (free)
Ghost town mine ride
Sound boxing
The blu (whale experience free with wevr or what ever it's called this sold the vive to me)
Raw data
Call of starseed
Trials on tatooine (free)
Duckpocalyspe (duck hunt vr cheap and arcadey)
I'd say the killer app is advance settings like I mentioned before.
I'm running a 980ti and can push anywhere form 1.3 to 1.5 depending on the game and the difference is ridiculous.
Also make sure to allow a setting within the steam VR that I can't remember what it's called. It begins with "a" but basically acts like a VSync kinda thing for VR.
It stops stuttering and stuff.
That was a game changer as well when released.
Try and make your boundaries slightly smaller till you get use, as I've seen people killing tellys and monitors.
Or always have someone with you.
26 Dec 161#31
Nice one
26 Dec 161#32
Went for PC World next day delivery. I'm totally addicted to PSVR but I'm bit annoyed about the drifting issue and only one racing sim available. Driveclub is also quite frequently crashing for me. There seems to be so much more variety for PC VR and it's so damn easy and cheap to purchase games on Steam. Hopefully Revive is easy to use so that I can play Oculus titles too. Now considering whether to eBay my PSVR while it still retains its value and may be buy it later again when price drops.
geebeegooner to mikax7x
27 Dec 16#34
Revive is so easy but don't quote me but not all games are 100% supported or even work.
Play with the free titles first like luckys tale.
There's a wiki page somewhere.
It just adds a tab in steam VR which you have to allow via settings and just load them as you would normal games inside the headset.
27 Dec 162#33
I'm fortunate enough to have access to every VR device on the market, including dev kits for my job.
Whilst the Vive is IMO the best on the market it's also very underwhelming from a visual perspective. If you're used to playing on a 4K or 1440p monitor you will find it pixelated and it does detract from the overall immersion. Once they get 1440p/4K resolution headsets on the market it will change dramatically, but right now I'm not investing in what I see as almost conceptual.
The head tracking and immersion offered by the vive is very satisfying, but the cabling and screen technology detracts.
I'd give it a year. There's already talk of gen 2 devices launching @ CES.
The PSVR is trash though by comparison, playing Drive Club is horrendously pixelated and jaggy, to the point it looks like a PS3 title!
geebeegooner to The_Hoff
27 Dec 161#35
Pixels are a problem but I found using the advanced settings app made it better.
You can manually do it via steamVR ini file but mine kept reseting.
The newer vives come with the 3 in 1 cable which is meant to be better weight wise but still it does hold you back, but there's already a few companies now that have nailed down wireless.
It's a very light box that clips to the headset.
Think they are looking at rrp £200 but they are universal and work on all current vr headsets.
Only got released in Japan and sold out within minutes.
27 Dec 16#36
Interesting, wasn't aware of the wireless tech. I wonder what latency that adds, I imagine the tolerances are very low indeed for nausea.
I'll be in CES so hopefully get a taste of something new!
27 Dec 16#37
From what I've read pretty much none.
Sure HTC has invested with the company so gives a big clue to what's possibly happening.
27 Dec 162#38
Ah, perfect. I'm a big believer in VR and AR for their potential from gaming to education but like everything else it needs time.
The next 12-24mth will be very interesting!
28 Dec 16#39
Does this offer run out tonight? I'm still waiting for a 0% card to turn up with the slow xmas post :disappointed:
Pixelfill to dreamager
28 Dec 16#40
indications are that is was 26th to 28th, so I would think so. However PC World were slow starting so maybe slow to finish too.
Alternatively both Scan and OCUK offer finance, Scan do a buy now pay later with £10 arrangement and £10 settlement with 10% upfront and then if settled within 10 months is 0% interest.
Not that I would advocate finance for such a purchase, but it would be similar to a 0% credit card.
28 Dec 16#41
As a Heads Up, OCUK are currently an additional £10 cheaper,
"HTC confirmed to UploadVR that it will not be announcing a “Vive 2” at this year’s show.
“There is no truth to the rumor of launching Vive 2 at CES 2017,” the official statement from HTC reads. “At Vive, we are laser focused on building out a strong and growing ecosystem for current and future Vive owners so they can experience the best room-scale VR with the most compelling content available.”"
28 Dec 16#44
Just been comfirmed it's not !
28 Dec 16#45
Got my lad one for Xmas and it's the nuts, luckily I already had a top end gaming rig to plug it into !
28 Dec 16#46
Who comes up with these Vive 2 rumours like two 4k displays. My GTX 1080 can hardly output to one 2d 4k display :smile:
Purchased this in October. For proper room scale make sure you have a decent sized room. I'm using a GTX 970 GPU with less than the recommended CPU and works fine so far. So minimum specs are probably over what's needed for most games. Will be upgrading my rig soon anyway. Elite Dangerous is more than happy and my most used game on this headset. The content for the Vive is growing exponentially (albeit mostly Indie at the moment but I expect the big fish to join the party in 2017), definitely buy if you have a good PC and the money.
Anyway, hot for the £100 off.
28 Dec 162#49
Thanks OP just bought for delivery tomorrow after trying a PS VR i cannot wait!!
28 Dec 16#50
Nope, that is now showing as unavailable and before it was £632 excluding VAT so would have been much more expensive than this deal.
28 Dec 16#51
Wasn't when I checked last, seems like they been going like hot cakes
28 Dec 16#52
Think the no new vive at CES has probably made people mad dash for them.
As mentioned above even with increased resolution I'd probably have to respec my pc which I wouldn't wanna do.
Seems the people who are not a fan of these things have been trying rather poor games.
I'd dare anybody to say they are bad after playing arizona sunshine or raw data.
28 Dec 16#53
I had a bit of a problem in getting bluetooth driver working. Without that it didn't turn off the lighthouse base stations and they were giving that whining noise even after shutting down my Windows 10 PC. Turned out I had to remove a few copies of bluetooth drivers and then it started working. Then I was able to update firmware to all units: HMD, controllers and base stations.
28 Dec 161#54
Well I checked a few times and it was always excluding VAT as people in the link you posted have also stated. HTC vive is looking great though, cracking price when you consider everything is included, where as with the rift the controllers are another £189 on top.
Cannot wait for tomorrow!
28 Dec 161#55
Ah so you got one then :smiley: welcome to the team.
28 Dec 161#56
So the peeps who bought them let me know what you think and if you have any questions or tips I'll try and help you all.
I'd defo start by installing advance settings app and revive.
Plus a big one COVER THEM MIRRORS! or any really bad reflective areas as you'll get really bad interference (controllers floating and doing weird stuff)
Get the Labs on steam should be your first thing to do, it's free graphically great.
Then try the free oculus touch titles via oculus store and revive.
Then blow your mind with Google earth and it's tours.
If you use reddit there's always devs giving away keys and on twitter as well and last thing is check indiegala as they sometimes have ok titles in bundles.
Don't be disappointed as some games are terrible on steam with good reviews.
Onward is meant to be like a real army sim but I've yet to try multiplayer in any form in VR.
28 Dec 16#57
Got mine in the black friday sale. Not used it for a week now. Please be careful if you wear glasses as I soon scratched mine vive lenses.. It's best to wear frameless glasses or any which sit close to your face. You can also turn two knobs on the side to make the lenses go further outwards. Some good tips here as well;
28 Dec 161#58
I'd also recommend OpenVR Advanced Settings v2.1 for it's ability to use supersampling which lessens the blur and allows you to see things in more detail in the distance. I use 1.5 although I have an 1070 card.
28 Dec 161#59
Oh man it's a pretty good list and nice to lay out for someone. I have to say though you have to have rec room on the lost, surely one of the best experiences currently and free. Smash box arena is a great new addition. As is audioshield, I see you went for soundboxing instead, I need to try that.
For others considering the purchase my view is if you can afford it without it breaking the bank and are interested in the technology then go for it. Everyone I have put into it has loved it, 2 people I know have bought one after trying mine, it has that mind blowing effect which you can't get from any other gaming. Although that effect won't always be the same as your first few weeks with the vive, you'll still get.moment where you play and are just blown away by it.
The graphics are by no means the best, that will come down the line with future generations headsets but it's really not a problem. A lot of games for a good job playing with simple graphics and it's effective and there are also some really polished and nice looking games. I hope they are stillooking bundelling the gallery call of the starseed as this games looks fantastic, anyone who plays has to play to the end to really see the vive thrive!
Damn I didn't want to do a long post but it's hard to not share how good it is. I haven't played the psvr but I've heard it's a fun introduction to vr. It's nowhere near as sophisticated and the tracking and lack of room scale are major draw backs to the cheaper alternative. The plus being it has the big studios making games.
For those who don't know fallout 4 will be coming out next year, there's expected to be some more big news coming from valve early next year too, I don't want to speculate as to what but I would love to see portal 3!
28 Dec 16#60
Great write up :smiley: I get times where I don't play.
It's Not something I will ever feel the need to play all the time, but when I do I just love the pick up and feel aspect of it.
Like I said it's like being a kid in an arcade.
Rec room is meant to be amazing but something with me just doesn't sit right with VR and multiplayer.
Just thinks it's my weirdness but I do suffer from certain things which is maybe why I like to keep it a personal thing.
28 Dec 16#61
Need to add pier head arcade is proper ace as well!....
29 Dec 16#62
Last chances people the offers are starting to End.
Scan and OCUK no longer available
29 Dec 16#63 no longer available
PCWorld and Game still at reduced price
29 Dec 16#64
Picked mine up at Black Friday, but only recently set up. I'm struggling with focus, do you have any best practice procedure to ensure it's set up correctly.
In your experience should you start with IPD or should you adjust the eye relief first? I'm wondering whether I'm also actually seeing a weakness in my overall eyesight up close, since I wouldn't say any of the text is perfectly in focus, though it is definitely worse at the edges of the display.
29 Dec 16#65
Game - no longer available
PCWorld is your last chance
29 Dec 16#66
Tbh even with bad eye site it should be good as I hear of stories of people partially blind who can see in VR.
First I'd start with your PID.
Without sounding daft my head massive so I had to have the biggest setting, then make use of both foams as they do make a difference..then check the top strap fitting as well as the face straps to make sure they feel right and are perfect.
There is a sweet spot in VR when you see it when moving the headset feels right and clarity hits that sweet spot make sure every strap is perfect.
Make sure the lenses are clean because I heard people with gel on the hair pull the headset on wrong.
Make sure the lense ain't fogged.
Then install advance settings and crank it up to what your card can handle.
29 Dec 161#67
and we are done
pc world - offer expired.
I hope some of you were able to take advantage of the offers.
29 Dec 161#68
I have never measured my IPD but assume i have an average size head so leave it around 67, i don't think it makes a massive difference personally.
You want to wear the headset so the top strap is pretty loose, the back strap should cup the lumpy bit at the back of your head so that the side straps go over the top of your ears. Then tighten the side straps to a comfortable level so the headset doesn't fall off, make sure it doesn't move when looking down - this tends to be the best way to get the right fit (took me weeks to find the right fit).
Text is never going to be that clear on the edges as its how the lenses are designed, but you should have good focus in the centre. You have to learn to move your head to read rather than just your eyes. Bit of a pain at first but get used to it quickly.
I should also add, with the ear buds, may seem like they are falling out a lot, once you loop them back through the headset then have one ear piece come through each side strap (see pic
Be sure to give your lenses a wipe down with the included black cloth every couple of days.
I would also suggest buying the replacement foam from vrcover, i have tried several different ones and there are crap ones on the site however the 6mm replacement foams i find brilliant, almost as comfy butgives you a better FOV (field of view), also allows you to wipe down if sharing the headset with a sweety person - see link
edit: I've just read someone else above saying this is indeed the one...
Well, I love it, love it, love it. Far superior of course to that Fisher Price nonsense that is the PSVR - as I have mentioned before and elsewhere I took mine back due to extreme drifting that made everything unplayable.
I've tried most of those you mention,Lucky's Tale is pretty good. Going to get my steering wheel out tomorrow that I got the other week to see how I get on with Project Cars.
I've just shoved the lighthouses on top of a couple of bookshelfs at opposite sides of the living room and they work just fine, not tilted down at all, but I have went for 2 of these:
I really need to get the supersampling going, time to do some reading - I have a top range rig so it should manage a bit more pushing.
My floor space is *just* not big enough so I was creative with where my couches are as I see the line is drawn basically so you don't hit the wall with the controllers, so you can always draw the line nearer the back of your couch if this is a concern.
All in all, well chuffed, especially seeing I basically got it for nothing after a good run of football coupons over the festive period :smile:
29 Dec 16#70
Well up and running, lot of trouble getting controllers to connect, eventually got one to connect but not the other. Then after trying every USB on my system managed to get the other to connect, had to connect controller to PC via USB disconnect and it reconnected instantly after disconnecting.
Played PS VR and if i'm honest the VR appeared clearer, still playing with adjusting the headset. Controllers are excellent. Installing Vireio now (similar to Vorpx). Will install revive now. Tired Lab, which was impressive, will just have to wait for some decent games now. Glad I bought it though. Looking for a dance games for the other half, any suggestions? She doesn't like the look of audioshield.
29 Dec 16#71
Its really simple to use that advance settings..think you basically have steam VR running and run the exe. File within the download..then restart steam VR, look at the drop down arrow and go to settings, then apps or something.
You should set a option to allow advance settings on your dashboard.
Tick it..then look on the dashboard within the actual headset, look at the tab.
Load it, crank it up.
1 ss is for games the others for the actual steam enviroment. It's to give lower end cards a slight gain.
Oh and have a look at the downloadable environments.
Simpson one is class.
Sorry forgot to mention if for whatever reason if it's to high you'll notice serious head tracking lag and also have asynchronous reprojection turned on as it stops random frame drops.
29 Dec 161#72
Holodance and soundboxing both excellent though I've not played Holodance due to it not being licenced music.
Try starting on that list and work you way through all free uns.
There's some excellent free ones to try and demo's
Can't recommend Google earth enough.
29 Dec 161#74
Thanks will do! Also thanks for the dance recommendation will check them both out. Looking forward to star trek bridge crew! Cross platform with ps vr too so should be good :-)
30 Dec 16#75
Would you include large flat screen TVs in that category?
I was considering making a clear Perspex shield to allow the TV to be protected from VR accidents whilst still potentially allowing others to watch the action. Sounds like this might lead to reflection problems though.
Sadly the only room I have big enough to properly take advantage of this is the TV room.
I didn't manage to pick up one of these anyway, but will be keeping an eye on any future sales
30 Dec 16#76
I've got a 65" tv and it causes no problems.
My glass pc table right under a base station also causes no problems.
My mirror is quiet big though but a simple fleece blanket covers it up.
I'm the same situation my vive is in the living room and my space is awful but I still manage to play around 90% if not more games due to teleportation.
Regarding the Perspex screen you really do get use to the environment I have my chaperone boundary set to pretty much invisible but I wouldn't recommend letting new users on that setting.
Plus if you're in the living room people will warn when you're about to Hit something.
I've touched my mirror maybe twice but I don't play it swinging around daft.
My cousin on the other hand played raw data and was like a mad man, he got a sweat on and the sweat went in his eyes so it's put him off ha ha ha.
30 Dec 161#77
Accidents will happen with Vive as it is very physical due to being room scale. Yesterday I was playing Gnomes & Goblins. I saw an apple high up in the tree and decided to jump to get it. Crashed Vive controller straight to ceiling lamp that came crashing down.
Luckily my Vive controller survived.
30 Dec 16#78
People need start filming it, best case is youtube fame and £250 from you've been framed :smile:
30 Dec 16#79
Dunno if I'm doing something wrong with the advanced settings - had a play with it and had it down at 1.5 in the supersampling and it's pretty jerky, in game frames and moving the headset feels like I'm having a fit.
I have a i7 6700k @ 4.3 Ghz, 32GB DDR4 2800 RAM and an Asus Strix 1080 OC (ramped up slightly above the base OC). Thought maybe it would've been better, maybe I need to lower the internal resolution, it may be defaulting to 2160p as this is the desktop res on my Sammy 4k tv?
Any tips for supersampling?
30 Dec 16#80
What game did you try? I have the exact same hardware but only 16gb ram including 4k main monitor. Currently oversampling set to 1.7 and all is smooth. Only game that was really horrible is Project cars. Framerate was something between 1-5
31 Dec 16#81
I'm pretty stable at 1.4 but only got a 980ti.
I've heard that the xbox recording software that's turned on automatically with windows 10 causes problems, so Google how to turn it off.
Use razer cortex to shut down background apps as well.
Have asynchronous reprojection turned on but the other 2 options off.
31 Dec 16#82
It was happening with BlazeRush, that's Oculus tho, through Revive, so maybe that was the issue. I'll have another tinker in the next few days, I defo need to turn off that Xbox game recording thing and I was reading (I think) about having the Steam overlay turned off for some extra frames, is that right?
edit: anyone bought from Currys and received the free game codes? It says they will be emailed after purchase but I've had nothing yet.
31 Dec 16#83
Knock it down to 1.3 maybe even 1.2 some games have there own SS within the game.
I have to change mine all the time.
What I will say though is blaze rush in VR is excellent.
Love that game.
Steam overlay shouldn't really cause a hit tbh.
Can always turn it off and put steam in small mode but I honestly don't think you'll notice a major difference.
geebeegooner to geebeegooner
31 Dec 16#84
I VPN the viveport app today and managed to grab American horror stories fearless VR.
It's really really good for a free 5 minutes experience.
Very similar to residents evils the kitchen.
I'm not a big PU "Leather" fan but it does seem that's the best to go for. The 6mm looks the job, but I might ask them if they can put in one of each size (14mm the other one) instead of two of the same size.
Opening post
Currently selling for 759, so expect the price to be 659 tomorrow.
Happy Christmas
Looks to be all HTC retail partners, check out the following alternate suppliers early tomorrow. (Discount Live) (Discount Live)
PC World (Discount Live) (Discount Live)
Scan (Discount Live)
Also see GeebeeGooners post (#2) below for additional discount with Warhammer game. - unfortunately doesn't work
main link to Scan not showing discounted item, use the following link in the description to item code LN76636
Edit 17:36 28/12/16:
OCUK currently at £649 a further £10 off on the others.
Edit: 00:00 29/12/16
OCUK - Offer Expired
Scan - Offer Expired - Offer Expired (Banner still up but click through to basket full price)
Game - Offer Expired
pc world - Offer Expired
Top comments
Luckys tail (free on oculus)
Bullet sorrow (like time crysis)
The lab (free)
Space pirate trainer
Sports bar VR
Google earth (free)
Accounting (free)
Arizona sunshine
Vanishing realms
Tilt brush
Gnomes and goblins (free)
Ghost town mine ride
Sound boxing
The blu (whale experience free with wevr or what ever it's called this sold the vive to me)
Raw data
Call of starseed
Trials on tatooine (free)
Duckpocalyspe (duck hunt vr cheap and arcadey)
I'd say the killer app is advance settings like I mentioned before.
I'm running a 980ti and can push anywhere form 1.3 to 1.5 depending on the game and the difference is ridiculous.
Also make sure to allow a setting within the steam VR that I can't remember what it's called. It begins with "a" but basically acts like a VSync kinda thing for VR.
It stops stuttering and stuff.
That was a game changer as well when released.
Try and make your boundaries slightly smaller till you get use, as I've seen people killing tellys and monitors.
Or always have someone with you.
All comments (85)
As I'd give my code away due to owning it.
EDIT: Also says EU but does that count the UK? :man:
100% for the code just got them and it states it.
Anyway if they offer it I've got x2
Yeah looks like it's live on htc site so it should be store wide
So £609 if you use my codes/vermintide buying
Download advance settings as you can make the headset super clear by using super sampling but you need a very good card.
Revive is amazing software and let's you play nearly all oculus titles.
Be careful of what games you buy loads are terrible even be careful when reading reviews.
Don't forget the steam sales as many VR titles can't be bought from places like greenmangaming.
I also use razer cortex to halt all my background tasks to free up more cpu resources.
A mate of mine has one and I got to try it for the first time last night. I must admit I was completely underwhelmed.
The games reminded me of something you'd get on the Nintendo Wii. I was thinking of getting one but having experienced it, I think I'm gonna hold off for a while. Hopefully the games will get better and a bit more life like but at the moment not for me.
Got a psvr pro as well.
They way I look of it is, it's not something I will play every day and it's also something I wouldn't play on a full day session.
It's like an arcade experience atm but I enjoy that aspect of it.
It's one of them if it's being shown to you, if the right games aren't being shown I think I'd be underwhelmed.
Games like arizona sunshine, raw data, the lab, chair in a room, Vanishing realms, the blu showcase it.
But for example every one game that's good maybe there's 20 that are just ok at best.
If i leave it a few days I still get blown away.
What I will say is, it's alot of money and the next generation ones mixed with better gpu will make a huge difference.
How does the Hive compare to the PS4 VR? Obviously it's a lot cheaper but I'm now leaning towards the PS4 Pro and VR. That way I can still play 'normal' games too.
I'd love to have a Battlefield type game in VR And I'm hoping that type of technology isn't far away.
I'd be interested to hear what you reckon the top 10 must have/try games are (including rift ones through Revive).
Or top 20 if you can be bothered :smile:
Room scale, better motion controls and graphically superior.
But a vive and PC costs so much more.
The psvr also has one massive thing going for it.
Sony and games.
Htc recently set up a studio for game but I honestly think they've dropped a clanger relying on indie devs.
Don't get me wrong there have been excellent games from indie devs but it's what drives most sales.
Luckys tail (free on oculus)
Bullet sorrow (like time crysis)
The lab (free)
Space pirate trainer
Sports bar VR
Google earth (free)
Accounting (free)
Arizona sunshine
Vanishing realms
Tilt brush
Gnomes and goblins (free)
Ghost town mine ride
Sound boxing
The blu (whale experience free with wevr or what ever it's called this sold the vive to me)
Raw data
Call of starseed
Trials on tatooine (free)
Duckpocalyspe (duck hunt vr cheap and arcadey)
I'd say the killer app is advance settings like I mentioned before.
I'm running a 980ti and can push anywhere form 1.3 to 1.5 depending on the game and the difference is ridiculous.
Also make sure to allow a setting within the steam VR that I can't remember what it's called. It begins with "a" but basically acts like a VSync kinda thing for VR.
It stops stuttering and stuff.
That was a game changer as well when released.
Try and make your boundaries slightly smaller till you get use, as I've seen people killing tellys and monitors.
Or always have someone with you.
Play with the free titles first like luckys tale.
There's a wiki page somewhere.
It just adds a tab in steam VR which you have to allow via settings and just load them as you would normal games inside the headset.
Whilst the Vive is IMO the best on the market it's also very underwhelming from a visual perspective. If you're used to playing on a 4K or 1440p monitor you will find it pixelated and it does detract from the overall immersion. Once they get 1440p/4K resolution headsets on the market it will change dramatically, but right now I'm not investing in what I see as almost conceptual.
The head tracking and immersion offered by the vive is very satisfying, but the cabling and screen technology detracts.
I'd give it a year. There's already talk of gen 2 devices launching @ CES.
The PSVR is trash though by comparison, playing Drive Club is horrendously pixelated and jaggy, to the point it looks like a PS3 title!
You can manually do it via steamVR ini file but mine kept reseting.
The newer vives come with the 3 in 1 cable which is meant to be better weight wise but still it does hold you back, but there's already a few companies now that have nailed down wireless.
It's a very light box that clips to the headset.
Think they are looking at rrp £200 but they are universal and work on all current vr headsets.
Only got released in Japan and sold out within minutes.
I'll be in CES so hopefully get a taste of something new!
Sure HTC has invested with the company so gives a big clue to what's possibly happening.
The next 12-24mth will be very interesting!
Alternatively both Scan and OCUK offer finance, Scan do a buy now pay later with £10 arrangement and £10 settlement with 10% upfront and then if settled within 10 months is 0% interest.
Not that I would advocate finance for such a purchase, but it would be similar to a 0% credit card.
£649.99 -
"HTC confirmed to UploadVR that it will not be announcing a “Vive 2” at this year’s show.
“There is no truth to the rumor of launching Vive 2 at CES 2017,” the official statement from HTC reads. “At Vive, we are laser focused on building out a strong and growing ecosystem for current and future Vive owners so they can experience the best room-scale VR with the most compelling content available.”"
Anyway, hot for the £100 off.
As mentioned above even with increased resolution I'd probably have to respec my pc which I wouldn't wanna do.
Seems the people who are not a fan of these things have been trying rather poor games.
I'd dare anybody to say they are bad after playing arizona sunshine or raw data.
Cannot wait for tomorrow!
I'd defo start by installing advance settings app and revive.
Plus a big one COVER THEM MIRRORS! or any really bad reflective areas as you'll get really bad interference (controllers floating and doing weird stuff)
Get the Labs on steam should be your first thing to do, it's free graphically great.
Then try the free oculus touch titles via oculus store and revive.
Then blow your mind with Google earth and it's tours.
If you use reddit there's always devs giving away keys and on twitter as well and last thing is check indiegala as they sometimes have ok titles in bundles.
Don't be disappointed as some games are terrible on steam with good reviews.
Onward is meant to be like a real army sim but I've yet to try multiplayer in any form in VR.
For others considering the purchase my view is if you can afford it without it breaking the bank and are interested in the technology then go for it. Everyone I have put into it has loved it, 2 people I know have bought one after trying mine, it has that mind blowing effect which you can't get from any other gaming. Although that effect won't always be the same as your first few weeks with the vive, you'll still get.moment where you play and are just blown away by it.
The graphics are by no means the best, that will come down the line with future generations headsets but it's really not a problem. A lot of games for a good job playing with simple graphics and it's effective and there are also some really polished and nice looking games. I hope they are stillooking bundelling the gallery call of the starseed as this games looks fantastic, anyone who plays has to play to the end to really see the vive thrive!
Damn I didn't want to do a long post but it's hard to not share how good it is. I haven't played the psvr but I've heard it's a fun introduction to vr. It's nowhere near as sophisticated and the tracking and lack of room scale are major draw backs to the cheaper alternative. The plus being it has the big studios making games.
For those who don't know fallout 4 will be coming out next year, there's expected to be some more big news coming from valve early next year too, I don't want to speculate as to what but I would love to see portal 3!
It's Not something I will ever feel the need to play all the time, but when I do I just love the pick up and feel aspect of it.
Like I said it's like being a kid in an arcade.
Rec room is meant to be amazing but something with me just doesn't sit right with VR and multiplayer.
Just thinks it's my weirdness but I do suffer from certain things which is maybe why I like to keep it a personal thing.
Scan and OCUK no longer available
PCWorld and Game still at reduced price
In your experience should you start with IPD or should you adjust the eye relief first? I'm wondering whether I'm also actually seeing a weakness in my overall eyesight up close, since I wouldn't say any of the text is perfectly in focus, though it is definitely worse at the edges of the display.
PCWorld is your last chance
First I'd start with your PID.
Without sounding daft my head massive so I had to have the biggest setting, then make use of both foams as they do make a difference..then check the top strap fitting as well as the face straps to make sure they feel right and are perfect.
There is a sweet spot in VR when you see it when moving the headset feels right and clarity hits that sweet spot make sure every strap is perfect.
Make sure the lenses are clean because I heard people with gel on the hair pull the headset on wrong.
Make sure the lense ain't fogged.
Then install advance settings and crank it up to what your card can handle.
pc world - offer expired.
I hope some of you were able to take advantage of the offers.
You want to wear the headset so the top strap is pretty loose, the back strap should cup the lumpy bit at the back of your head so that the side straps go over the top of your ears. Then tighten the side straps to a comfortable level so the headset doesn't fall off, make sure it doesn't move when looking down - this tends to be the best way to get the right fit (took me weeks to find the right fit).
Text is never going to be that clear on the edges as its how the lenses are designed, but you should have good focus in the centre. You have to learn to move your head to read rather than just your eyes. Bit of a pain at first but get used to it quickly.
I should also add, with the ear buds, may seem like they are falling out a lot, once you loop them back through the headset then have one ear piece come through each side strap (see pic
Be sure to give your lenses a wipe down with the included black cloth every couple of days.
I would also suggest buying the replacement foam from vrcover, i have tried several different ones and there are crap ones on the site however the 6mm replacement foams i find brilliant, almost as comfy butgives you a better FOV (field of view), also allows you to wipe down if sharing the headset with a sweety person - see link
OpenVR Advanced Settings v2.1
edit: I've just read someone else above saying this is indeed the one...
Well, I love it, love it, love it. Far superior of course to that Fisher Price nonsense that is the PSVR - as I have mentioned before and elsewhere I took mine back due to extreme drifting that made everything unplayable.
I've tried most of those you mention,Lucky's Tale is pretty good. Going to get my steering wheel out tomorrow that I got the other week to see how I get on with Project Cars.
I've just shoved the lighthouses on top of a couple of bookshelfs at opposite sides of the living room and they work just fine, not tilted down at all, but I have went for 2 of these:
after seeing a reddit about it, guy has pics linked as well
I really need to get the supersampling going, time to do some reading - I have a top range rig so it should manage a bit more pushing.
My floor space is *just* not big enough so I was creative with where my couches are as I see the line is drawn basically so you don't hit the wall with the controllers, so you can always draw the line nearer the back of your couch if this is a concern.
All in all, well chuffed, especially seeing I basically got it for nothing after a good run of football coupons over the festive period :smile:
Played PS VR and if i'm honest the VR appeared clearer, still playing with adjusting the headset. Controllers are excellent. Installing Vireio now (similar to Vorpx). Will install revive now. Tired Lab, which was impressive, will just have to wait for some decent games now. Glad I bought it though. Looking for a dance games for the other half, any suggestions? She doesn't like the look of audioshield.
You should set a option to allow advance settings on your dashboard.
Tick it..then look on the dashboard within the actual headset, look at the tab.
Load it, crank it up.
1 ss is for games the others for the actual steam enviroment. It's to give lower end cards a slight gain.
Oh and have a look at the downloadable environments.
Simpson one is class.
Sorry forgot to mention if for whatever reason if it's to high you'll notice serious head tracking lag and also have asynchronous reprojection turned on as it stops random frame drops.
Try starting on that list and work you way through all free uns.
There's some excellent free ones to try and demo's
Can't recommend Google earth enough.
I was considering making a clear Perspex shield to allow the TV to be protected from VR accidents whilst still potentially allowing others to watch the action. Sounds like this might lead to reflection problems though.
Sadly the only room I have big enough to properly take advantage of this is the TV room.
I didn't manage to pick up one of these anyway, but will be keeping an eye on any future sales
My glass pc table right under a base station also causes no problems.
My mirror is quiet big though but a simple fleece blanket covers it up.
I'm the same situation my vive is in the living room and my space is awful but I still manage to play around 90% if not more games due to teleportation.
Regarding the Perspex screen you really do get use to the environment I have my chaperone boundary set to pretty much invisible but I wouldn't recommend letting new users on that setting.
Plus if you're in the living room people will warn when you're about to Hit something.
I've touched my mirror maybe twice but I don't play it swinging around daft.
My cousin on the other hand played raw data and was like a mad man, he got a sweat on and the sweat went in his eyes so it's put him off ha ha ha.
Luckily my Vive controller survived.
I have a i7 6700k @ 4.3 Ghz, 32GB DDR4 2800 RAM and an Asus Strix 1080 OC (ramped up slightly above the base OC). Thought maybe it would've been better, maybe I need to lower the internal resolution, it may be defaulting to 2160p as this is the desktop res on my Sammy 4k tv?
Any tips for supersampling?
I've heard that the xbox recording software that's turned on automatically with windows 10 causes problems, so Google how to turn it off.
Use razer cortex to shut down background apps as well.
Have asynchronous reprojection turned on but the other 2 options off.
edit: anyone bought from Currys and received the free game codes? It says they will be emailed after purchase but I've had nothing yet.
I have to change mine all the time.
What I will say though is blaze rush in VR is excellent.
Love that game.
Steam overlay shouldn't really cause a hit tbh.
Can always turn it off and put steam in small mode but I honestly don't think you'll notice a major difference.
It's really really good for a free 5 minutes experience.
Very similar to residents evils the kitchen.
I'm not a big PU "Leather" fan but it does seem that's the best to go for. The 6mm looks the job, but I might ask them if they can put in one of each size (14mm the other one) instead of two of the same size.